  • Report:  #209012

Complaint Review: Axia University Of Phoenix - Internet Nationwide

Reported By:
- Rineyville, Kentucky,

Axia University Of Phoenix
Axiacollege.com/about-axia.asp Internet, Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am a student of Axia online and I have found a school that covers what I what to major in so i am trying to transfer. I have ran into a brick wall. I was told by several individuals at Axia UOP that if I drop out that they will send me a bill for all the classes that I have already taken, even though I have financial aid. Go figure. They will be getting paid twice for my classes. I was told by one person NOT to attend classes and then the university (as they call themselves) will have to put me out so I am forced to take that avenue. I don't know how to force them to release my financial aid obligation from their school so the other school can pick it up. I could sure use some help here. I have waited several years to get back into school and the first school I pick has to be a rip off. If you are considering goig to Axia UOP DON'T waist your time or they will waist your money.


Rineyville, Kentucky

10 Updates & Rebuttals


Check Your Facts

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, May 29, 2008

As someone who has dealt with student financial aid issues throughout the course of my life, I can tell you that you need to get some facts straight before you start trashing an institution. You have done nothing but show your own ignorance with your post. ANY school in the United States is required by Federal law to return ALL financial aid funds to the lender in the event that a student drops out of school prior to the completion of the current semester or quarter. If you are currently enrolled with UOP and you are trying to drop out prior to the end of the current block of classes, then you will receive a "withdrawn" or "incomplete" mark from the University (because you did indeed withdraw and fail to complete the current block of courses), and the University will have to return your Title IV funds to the bank that made your student loan. If you have attended your classes up to this point, the University has fully earned the tuition, and they have every right to bill you for the classes. All of this information was present in the Promissory Note you signed when you applied for your student loan, and it will also be present in any financial aid disclosures you received and signed at the time you registered for classes at the school. You would not have been able to attend the school or receive your financial aid funds if you didn't read and sign these papers...so either you lied and didn't read them, or you didn't understand what you read and signed anyway without getting clarification on the subject. It doesn't matter if you attend University of Phoenix or Harvard...if you drop out, the school has to send your financial funds back to the bank, and they will bill you for the classes. They are not getting paid twice, and you need to read your paperwork a little more closely before you decide to borrow money for school and then drop out before your classes are finished. This is your fault, not the school's fault, and the University is not getting paid twice. In fact, since you feel like you don't owe the money, it sounds to me like they won't even get paid once!!


San Diego,
For the UOP Shill from Queen Creek...

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, August 17, 2007

You are no doubt a product of UOP education. Know the difference between "there" and "their?" Next, Revolutionary nonsense? Did you know the United States invented this brand of revolutionary philosophy, unconventional warfare and insurgency? Of course not... You work for UOP. Where ignorance is not only bliss, but the opiate for your masses. Get real, and get a real job.


Queen Creek,
Wrong + wrong =?

#4UPDATE Employee

Thu, August 16, 2007

Wow, so we're in a battle of survival at all costs against UOP, are we? With all the conspiracy theories you must read, I doubt that you're able to make it into the real world very often, but UOP hasn't quite taken over the world yet, so you can ditch the revolutionary nonsense! Let me get this straight, UOP has done something that you think is wrong, so, in an effort to get back at the organization as a whole, you target someone who is affiliated with the organization. You instruct others to propagate vicious lies, lies that might destroy careers and ruin reputations of people who you do not know, and this as a means to an end? What end? Worst case, the teacher gets fired, new protection policies are implemented, another teacher is hired, and business proceeds as usual. UOP hasn't been hurt in the slightest, an innocent individual has been smeared without thought for the short and long term repercussions, not to mention the fact that this individual may have been completely unaware of the the controversy for which he was targeted as retribution. There's a whole group of people out their who espouse that sort of maniacal philosophy, they're called terrorists, or in other words, criminals looking for an excuse.


San Diego,
Christian Response: NOT!

#5Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 12, 2007

Ever read the writings of Che Guevara? I see your heart is in the right place, but these corporate pigs are robbing the people so they can get bigger and put their names on things. This is hegemony at its worst. This is a huge problem but what you suggest takes a long time. In the meantime, we need to cut them off now. If you want to get them in trouble with the government and they golf with government officials, how quickly do you think that will happen. Just remember, the CIA executed Che! Phase I: Communicate with the people. Get their support. Help them understand the problems and the possible solutions. Phase II: Escalating attacks on the government and their closest allies the corporations... the aristocrats & boursoisie. Phase III: Full out war. If you want justice you can't wait for it, or it will be denied ultimately for the entire time you wait. UOP cannot dispense its injustices if they have no instructors to dispense it, right? It is a strategy and frankly it makes more sense than your "wait and get screwed more" attitude. Mark my words, before the government ever does anything, you will see the media pick up on this and the more it affects the lives of instructors and students the more you will hear about it.


St. Louis,

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, July 30, 2007

Now that's a heck of a way to begin a message! Respectfully Bill, I'm no UOP supporter, please check out my other postings, you will see what I mean. That said, I believe you are wrong in targeting UOP employees for retribution. If you've looked over the postings here, you'll find references to lots of evidence from news outlets, the US Department of Education, the endless consumer complaints, a massive lawsuit which was recently allowed to proceed by the US Supreme Court. This information, taken as whole, paints the picture of a Company which uses questionable business tactics and is being taken to task by the government and news media for their deeds. I can understand your anger, but do you really think all the junk that has come out on the UOP came from some overworked part-time IT professor, who works fulltime somewhere esle and is making, well, a laughable sum for teaching students? Or an enrollment counselor who needs to pay the electric bill? Perhaps the UOP wants consumers to believe "disgruntled employees" are to blame for the bad press, but do a little research. Read the US Dept of Education report (google UOP DOE), do you think a couple of bad employees could cause that fiasco?


St. Louis,

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, July 30, 2007

Now that's a heck of a way to begin a message! Respectfully Bill, I'm no UOP supporter, please check out my other postings, you will see what I mean. That said, I believe you are wrong in targeting UOP employees for retribution. If you've looked over the postings here, you'll find references to lots of evidence from news outlets, the US Department of Education, the endless consumer complaints, a massive lawsuit which was recently allowed to proceed by the US Supreme Court. This information, taken as whole, paints the picture of a Company which uses questionable business tactics and is being taken to task by the government and news media for their deeds. I can understand your anger, but do you really think all the junk that has come out on the UOP came from some overworked part-time IT professor, who works fulltime somewhere esle and is making, well, a laughable sum for teaching students? Or an enrollment counselor who needs to pay the electric bill? Perhaps the UOP wants consumers to believe "disgruntled employees" are to blame for the bad press, but do a little research. Read the US Dept of Education report (google UOP DOE), do you think a couple of bad employees could cause that fiasco?


San Diego,
All's fair in love and war... and this ain't love!

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, July 28, 2007

Christian, Is that your name or your self-proclaimed moniker? I have learned that those who are usually quick to announce their religion only do so to use it like a sledge hammer. You obviously have no idea of the issues. The faculty are just cannon fodder in this battle. If you are lied to by their recruiter, their financial aid people, their counselors and then they threaten you and use every trick in the book to screw your life over, you tell me what you would do... and I am not going to accept "turn the other cheek" unless it is so they can kiss my *&*. This is a matter of survival. This company is out to get your money. Their CSS courses teach about computer security and then they use phishing and spam to market their diploma mill. In a war of attrition you need to cut off the enemy's ability to resupply. So, this plan makes perfect sense. This is what I have learned... the ends DO justify the means ...and that education came OUTside the classroom


St Louis,

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, July 23, 2007

this thread is how old, and we are forced to view it again.....? Wow, giving advice about getting people fired....Would you want someone to treat you this way? Obviously you're not to concerned about the morality of what you advise.... We don't need to role around in the mud folks....


St. Louis,
Their time has come

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, July 20, 2007

Revene is yours = follow this plan - get teachers fired accuse sexual misconduct


How to get revenge on the instructors: Follow this detailed plan

#11UPDATE Employee

Sat, September 09, 2006

How to get revenge on the instructors

Here is how to get revenge on instructors. I promise you can get them fired and they will never teach at UOP again. If you follow this program, it will not fail.

1. Be sure to give the instructor a negative evaluation in the SEOCS. Be sure to mention things in the comment blocks. Be sure the stuff you make up makes sense. You can mention any but not all of these things:
a. Instructor did not teach to the objectives each night.
b. Instructor made points that made no sense
c. The entire class was confused.
d. The class was a mess.
e. Instructor demeaned students.
f. Expectations for each night were not explained.
g. Instructor contradicted the text
h. Instructor bad-mouthed UOP, the administration and student services to the class, which was demoralizing.

2. Also file a letter to the College head complaining about the instructor. In the letter be sure to mention any number, but not all of these:
a. Confusion about the syllabus; explanations in class did not match what was written.
b. Accuse the instructor of sexual harassment. It does not have to be about you. It can be something that was observed, such as rubbing the back of another student of the opposite sex.
c. Accuse the instructor of exposing the class to sexually explicit material. Be vague. Say you walked in and there were naked people on the overhead.
d. Accuse the instructor of bias. The instructor can be rascist or demeans those who express a different political orientation.
e. Accuse the instructor of not getting papers back to the students.
f. Accuse the instructor of not giving proper instruction. If you can use a concrete example, this helps. Such as marking grammar wrong that is correct.
g. Tell them that the instructor offered to tutor you for additional fees.
h. Tell them that the instructor is having sex with one of the students.
i. Tell them what grade you think you should have received.
j. Mention that you are simultaneously filing a complaint to the Securities Exchange Commission, Federal Trade Commission and the state's Attorney General.

Send a copy to Academic Affairs, the Corporate Offices and John Sperling. I guarantee, you will get the grade you want and revenge on the teacher.

The SEOCS is not tracked so you can do this to as many instructors as you want. Save the letter for the instructor you REALLY want to get in trouble.

Come back to this site and let us know your results.
Good luck getting back at UOP.

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