  • Report:  #44878

Complaint Review: Aylon Technolgies - Norcross Georgia

Reported By:
- Norway, Maine,

Aylon Technolgies
www.alyon.net Norcross, 30010-3299 Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Recieved this billing invoice out of the blue for $30 then tried to call them at the 800 number. You know, the one that is just a recording telling you this guy is a "crook" just by the way you are left hanging unable to talk to a real person. What I bet he winds up doing is selling his "delinquent" accounts, our information with it, to unspecting and legitimate "collection agencies" for twenty-five cents on the dollar and disappearing leaving us to have to fight with the agencies and strugle to clear our credit reports of his little scam.


Norway, Maine

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