  • Report:  #47358

Complaint Review: Babc - Bay Area Business Council - Largo Florida

Reported By:
- newark, New Jersey,

Babc - Bay Area Business Council
801 West Bay Drive 2nd Fl Largo,florida Largo, 33770 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
hello, this babc call one day like oct,00,2001 telling me how to get an card and win a free trip to orlando florida for 4 days and 3 nights that's a lie i have been calling and calling sine for 2yr's now. 9010222652 is the purchase id## they got me for $184.90 + $15.00 an mail i also did,i also call the bank with not nice things to say to them i'm sorry to the bank but my money is gone now so how can i get it back plz help me i miss my $199.90 for 2yr's i'm so mad about this you just don't now how mad i am i also called,727-518-7750 and727-584-2329 no luck.

first union was my bank not no more they close my acct be coz the babc dog's came back in my acct and debit more money out of my acct someone plz help me get my $184.90 and $15.00 back.. marquis scott.


newark, New Jersey

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