  • Report:  #68648

Complaint Review: Baker Bros. - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
- phoenix, Arizona,

Baker Bros.
3719 Bell Road Phoenix, 85032 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
When we bought our house last June, we trusted that Baker Bros. would do a good job both laying our tile in our master bath and hardwood in our dining area. Unfortunately, they breached their contract twice over. No where in the contract did they mentioned that they would NOT move furniture back to its original location after installation.

The contract stated though that they would "come in, move furniture," etc. We did not find to be the case. Not only did they not move furniture, but they also managed to track hardwood glue all over our brand new carpet we had installed by another company.

Finally, Baker Bros. stated in their contract that it would take 2 days to complete the job -- it took 2 extra days because their "professionals" were booked solid and couldn't make it out to our home on the agreed upon start date and when they sent out their "professional" to measure our home they did not realize that area the hardwood was to be installed wasn't totally level so we had to pay a grinder additional monies to level our floor prior to install.


phoenix, Arizona

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