  • Report:  #149509

Complaint Review: Bank Of America - Seattle Washington

Reported By:
- Seattle, Washington,

Bank Of America
bankofamerica.com Seattle, 98122 Washington, U.S.A.
206-568 5864
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I Have been a bank of america customer on and off since it was Seafirst Bank.

In the month of july on the 6th I had a positive balance of $43. and I know that on the 7th I was going to be charged by progressive for the amount of 140.00, knowing this I assumed that I was going into overdraft 97 dollars and would be charged the $22.00 overdraft fee. .

On the 7th i checked my NEW and impoved ONLINE BANKING - IN REAL TIME - as advirtised by our trusted bank of america.

I saw exactly what I had expected to see and that was that my account was negative $97 dollars, interstingly enough though you dont see the $22.00 Overdraft Online.

Bank of america keeps this totaly inane and worthless department (at least to the client) called ODP, and because it takes them 24 to 48 hours to process overdraft requests you dont see the the -$22.00 dollars Online at the same time you see the negative amount from the overdrafted purchace, in this case $97.

Now they say you dont see it because it takes 24 to 48 hours to process but if it is the bank policy to charge an overdraft for each item that goes to overdraft why cant they show it at the same time Online so you know were you stand and why does somthing that should take minutes take so long - 24 to 48 hours ?

On the 8th I called the bank to see if anything extra was posting to my account so that I could square away any money owed to the bank, in checking my account online to my suprise I noticed that the $40 dollars had re-appeard as availiable ballance.

I asked BOB FOX from the call center why this was, he stated that the banks ODP department decided not to pay the 97 dollars into overdraft and instead placed an insufuciant fund penalty on my account that was not going to clear untill 12pm midnight, I had made the call about 1pm.

Now guess what the FEE for Insufuciant Funds is $32 dollars vs 22.00 for overdraft.

Now im sure you all remeber the last time you made 8 small purchaces under $10.00 dollars and the bank payed each item and charged you $211.00 dollars in fees over the total 80 dollars you spent and then told you that they payed those items as a coutesy to you.

Thanks so f**klng much!

And your like BULL-SHIZNIT courtesy my a**, I dont have any money how is that a couertesy. ? But none the less thats a courtesy.

So now im asking BOB FOX - "bob as a courtesy to the customer you usually cover up to $100 dollars do you not, you have done it in the past ? Why did you not here - and bob says well its a courtesy to the client but at the discretion of ODP and ODP decided not to pay the 97, this has caused an insuficiant funds fee that has not hit your account and wont untill tonight for $32 instead of the 22 we would have charged..

Ok so bob is basicly telling me that on the 7th the bank made vanish my $40 dollars availiable ballance because they were going to pay that bill into overdraft but decided not to, and the reason one pays overdraft is for borrawing money from the banks fdic insured funds , so why the hell did you borrow my money for a day while making that decision, what happeded to real time and were is my $22.00 dollars for you having taken my money for a day only to give it back - Funk this bob you had better put my 32 dollars back.

Ok so they did not pay my insurance, but why is it that if I would have used debit on 9 separate charges under $11 equaling = $90 dollars they would and have paid each item into overdraft and charged me $22.00 dollars each item leaving me in the negative 190.00 plus the price of the items and then called it a courtesy.


If I only have $43.00 and one debit charge of $140.00 hits leaving me negative $97.00 EQUALING THE SAME TOTAL AS SCENARIO ABOVE and you have the option to pay that, and then charge me $22.00, knowing the client is a broke a*s, why would you choose not to pay the insurance and chage $32 instead of paying it and then charging the client $22.00


Here is what even a moron cant understand and that is why would bank o AMERICA take advantage of your " Low Income " customers like this instead of offering a solution ?, well when asked this question we get a few answers.

You are charged the overdrafts because you are taking a loan without our permission and because we are insured by the FDIC we have to charge these fees.

But these so called loans are only offered at the banks discrestion, so baiscly as we know that descretion is not based on courtesy but based on what is going to cost your already broke a*s or "Stupid Moron Customer" as AMY from texas calls them - The most money possible.

But if it is for multiple fees its a courtesy even though your totaly screwed - but if it will help you like say your insurance comes through then they wont pay it even though it would be more of a courtesy and cost the already broke client less overall money, NO WAY instead they are courteous to only themself, whatever brings them up and you down is whats going down in the bak of america HOOD, Just like MAFIA.

Your also told we have improved with real time online banking, so im asking now why is it that on the 8th you showed me all day a negative ballance of 97 and no overdraft just to tell me a day later that you never paid a thing and your going to charge me 10 dollars more than if you had paid it in the first place.

Were is the real time online banking ? - it does not exist is were it is.

So im telling BOB FOX he is fill of s**t at this point and that I am mad because this is supposed to be real time online banking, you showed me it was paid into overdraft and now I have a positive balance of $43.00 dollars again, I said remove the insufuciant funds fee, of coarse they said no.

OK SO I AM WRONG I EAT IT, butI still believe that this was a predatory measure, so i figure untill I have deposited all my expected funds, im taking my availiable $40 so I can eat and this is were it gets even worse.

I pull the money out 10 minutes after speaking to BOB FOX - and that night at 12pm like I was told would occour the $32 insuficiant funds fee hits the account and what do they go and do, they charge me $22.00 dollars overdraft fee as if ODP is some separate entity.

YOU CANT OVERDRAFT ME BECAUSE OF A FEE THAT YOU ISSUED FOR NOT PAYING AN ITEM, but they dont tell me they have done this untill the day after I deposit 370 dollars and pay my bills.

I am heated now so I call the bank, and they claim that even though the online banking showed a positive balance and the fee had not posted that the fee had been issued and the money was not realy availiable.

I said no, ONLINE banking is supposed to be in real time for all withdrawls and if ODP takes 24 to 48 hours to decide how to best f**k me out of the money they know I dont have thats not my problem that your bank has not integrated the system in such a way that your own fees dont post to online banking in real time is not my problem.

A bank fee is the same as a debit in terms of processing time or it would be if someone did not have to sit down and do the math on how to provide the least benificial courtesy to its client.

And if ODP is not doing somthing for me and it is a bank department that is charging me then they have no excuses for not posting thier own fees in real time, what the hell good is it to see the transaction in real time if not a god dam thing the bank does internaly is reported in real time.

Well here is the bank of america standard responce now that I have brought this to thier attention, " appearently the commercial states in fine print at the botton that the real time is not offered in washington and portland, But they can not legaly bind anyone to those terms unless the announcer states this and they dont, why because they intend to attract new clients either with this false adivtisment.

The bank rep I spoke with on the 9th tells me that the add was aired in error throughout washington and potland and if this is the case I deserve compensation for this in any way wich the commercial contradicts actual policy in my state.

Forget about it though, you cant hold the greater population responcible for a corporate so-called mistake.

ENRON = bank of america


Seattle, Washington

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1 Updates & Rebuttals


Shank of America

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 31, 2005

There seems to be no end to the terrible Bank of America's practices. I to have many problems with bank of america which can be read under the title of Ripped Off $29.915.65 my life savings gone. I was just wondering if your still with Bank of America? I have looked at the rule books of other banks and it seems there all in the same racket. It appears that Bank of America's competition has to stoop to there level to compete in todays market. So I am looking for options and would like anyone to share there ideas on how to deal with banks and not become a victim again and again. We live in a time when you seem to have to have a bank account with employeer's using direct deposit more and more. We seem to live in the times that ID theft and fraud are out of control and the banks do not want to take any responsibility. I think what some of us need right now are alternatives to this flawed system. I just had my brother in-law call me and say he was notified his identity was stolen in the computer hacking of the Visa processing company a few weeks ago. I am looking for a better way to manage money in the future and not have to deal with The Shanks of America and there competitor. I read on guys idea and I bet there more to be shared out there so please share. This guys idea and he claims it works fine for him was. I been watching the news and it doesnt seem a day goes by with a story on ID theft etc. and it seems to be getting worse everyday. People work half there lives to have there credit destroyed by theives.... Close all current accounts. Open just a savings account. Dont use debit or credit cards. Use your savings account to cash checks only with no bank fees. Pay with cash or buy money orders for bill paying by mail. Big business is trying to make us all addicted on checks, plastic and unreal fees. I will have nothing to do with these lie anymore and please share any other ideas you might have. If I have to much money to carry safely I will get a safe deposit book.

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