  • Report:  #69331

Complaint Review: Bank One - First USA Credit Card - Wilmington Delaware

Reported By:
- Barker, New York,

Bank One - First USA Credit Card
PO Box 8650 Wilmington, 19886 Delaware, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
As I looked at my credit card statement from Bank One I see that my rate that used to be in the single digits (8.99) is now a whopping 19.99%.

So, I called to inquire- I was told that a letter was sent, (I never saw this letter) and due to a random check of my credit after all these years,they have decided I am a risk (mind you I have not been late for any payments to them or any other creditor that they can report to me so why?

Well, no one call tell me. I asked to speak to a supervisor who told me the same thing, the letter that was sent (I did not receive ) gave me an option to opt out, since I didnt, I supposedly 'agreed' to the new rate of 19.99. There must be some kind of law or regulation about this sort of thing. If not, there should be.


Barker, New York

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Ripped off in Ohio by Bank One Visa

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, December 04, 2003

I too was supposedly sent the same letter in August about the raise in my interest rate and the ability to "Opt out". I never got it. My original rate was 9.99 percent 5 years ago and now it is 24.99%. I have an excellent credit rating and have only paid late 2 times in five years (not over 10 days at that). They ran my credit and even though it is awesome, my balances are too high and I am considered high risk. My interest alone on this card is $410.00 per month. I can't afford to pay them anymore but don't want to ruin my credit. What should I do? It will be hard to transfer balances to another card. I have a $20,000 Platinum card. I called the company several times to no avail. Isn't there something we can do? I would love to file bankruptcy and tell them to stick it but hate doing that to my credit. Help!!!!!!

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