  • Report:  #67819

Complaint Review: Bank One - Wilmington Delaware

Reported By:
- Las Vegas, Nevada,

Bank One
P.O. Box 8650 Wilmington, 19899-8650 Delaware, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In August of 2003 I sent in a payment of $2,782.50. I left by mistake a thirty cent balance. I then received a statement for $36.30, due on Oct. 3, 2003. I called the company and asked why I was receiving an interest charge of $36.00, on .30 cents. They were rude and said I needed to pay it.

I also sent an e-mail, and a letter by express mail. As of this date I still have not received a reply. I sent in a check for $36.30. As I know if I did not, they would of charged me a late fee.

This company also kept increasing my interest rate, until it was 24.99%. This is why I decided to pay them off. Like I stated I know I owed them thirty cents, but the finance charge is crazy.


Las Vegas, Nevada

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