  • Report:  #402050

Complaint Review: Barbara Back = Pets Rescue - Hampton New Jersey

Reported By:
- Freehold, New Jersey,

Barbara Back = Pets Rescue
petsrescue.org Hampton, 08827 New Jersey, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My 13 year old German shephard husky mix just passed away in my arms on 11/24/08. So my partner went on line to find me another pup. I was so upset I said you will never find one with two blue eyes. Well, she did on petsrescue.com. She spoke with Ted and Barbara and they had one pup they uploaded a pix to the website and she was adorable we said we'll take her. We filled out the adoption agreement sent them a deposit and they said that they will be coming up from Alabama to New Jersey by Dec. 15, 2008. We said we will be in the Bahamas until Dec. 15, 2008. Ted said it sounds like its meant to be we will hold her for you he also went on the website and marked her adopted by us with her new name "Skye".

All weekend while away we checked phone and email but heard nothing from Ted or Barbara. We got home yesterday emailed them and called them never returned our call. Today we received an email from Barbara that they came back Sunday and gave the puppy to a place in Washington, NJ. We can try and call them. Well we had no number, name or anything. Tried to call Barbara gee her number temporarily out of service her cell full.

Through the internet we found the place in Washington NJ and yes they received Skye and adopted her out. So now my Holiday is destroyed, I'm even more upset from being scammed, I'm out a puppy and money. How can someone do this??

I then went to the Yahoo message boards looked up Barbara Black and she has scammed many people and she was even indicted. I'm not satisfied though I would like her to be behind bars for a very long time. She is a scam artist and does not care about the repercussions or how upset she has made people. Please help!!!! Thank you all


Freehold, New Jersey


3 Updates & Rebuttals

Shelter Director

New Jersey,
This is Ellie CSA Manager

#2UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 02, 2009

This is Ellie, the Manager at CSA, referenced in above complaint. I spoke with you several times myself on the phone. While I understood and sypmathized with your situation concerning the husky puppy I was following our protocol by protecting the legal owners privacy. I explained to you that we never would have taken the puppy in for adoption had we known that it was spoken for. I feel that your discrepencies should have been only with Barbara and not with us, as we were innocent victims much like yourself. Your implication regarding our attorney was unreasonable at best. He was indeed in the building at the time that you called and it was indeed Conrad Blease, not Dr. Robert Blease, that you spoke with. As for him having no compassion, that is not true, I listened to his end of the conversation and he was polite and professional at all times. I truly hope that you have resolved your emotional pain caused by Barbara Bach. Please accept our sympathy and know that we are no longer affiliated with her, nor were we ever in conspiracy with her to make money. We have found wonderful and loving homes for thousands of dogs and our reputation means a lot to us. Anyone who would like to speak to me directly regarding this situation may email me at [email protected] as I would like to dispell any myths. Sincerely, Ellie Zukoski CSA Manager

Shelter Director

New Jersey,
Common Sense for Animals is ALSO a VICTIM of Barbara Bach, and CSA did NO wrong!

#3UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 02, 2009

When we met Barbara Bach she pretended to be something that clearly she is not. She told us she was a puppy rescue from the South and that she needed our help to save unwanted puppies, which we commonly do. She said all the things that a shelter would want to hear in order for us to open our doors to her unsold (and sometimes sold) puppy mill offspring. Unfortunately, we did not realize what situation we were getting into until after it had happened, and we did not realize the true nature of her operations. We will never again allow her to bring her animals here and we are in no way affiliated with her (although her website claims we are her vet and shows our video... she maintains this information without our permission and we are in contact with her demanding removal from her website). We do NOT support puppy mills and we do NOT support Barbara Bach. The situation with Skye is a terrible story which we are sad to be a part of. We FULLY agree with the customer that Barbara should have NEVER brought that particular puppy to our shelter and that the puppy should have been delivered as promised, or at least the deposit returned. Barbara is crooked in that way and this is only part of the reason we will never assist her again. Had we known her ways since the beginnning we would have never let her set foot on our property. When Barbara brought that particular group of puppies in to our shelter, we had no information at all from the person Barbara took the deposit from, as they did not know we had the puppy and obviously Barbara never told us it was already on hold. Had we known that in advance, we would have NEVER adopted the puppy into our shelter. Given that the puppy was available for adoption in our eyes, with the information we had at the time, we placed it for adoption and it found a home immediately. When Barbara's original adopter found this information out from Barbara, she contacted our shelter in hopes of finding her puppy. Our policy, across the board and in all situations, is to protect our clients privacy. We never give out the names, addresses, phone numbers, etc of any of our clients, which is a good practice and is widely supported. When she wanted the information to contact this person, we told her we could not provide that to her. Our lawyer is Dr.Blease's son, Conrad Blease, who frequents the premesis. He was truly on site that day and she truly did speak to our lawyer, who "just happened to be there". He is not always here, that was truly a coincidence, much like the rest of this unhappy tale. Our adoption out agreement is a legal binding form which relinquishes rights of ownership to the new adoptor. We have copies signed by all parties here on file. The truth of this situation, is that Barbara Back made us BOTH VICTIMS... her orginal adopter is a victim of scam and deceipt, and our shelter is a victim of scam and deceipt. We acknowlege and understand the pain that you have experienced from this situation and we are never helping Barbara Bach again. You have our word. After all of this happened, we found out that one of our longtime friends and volunteers was also scammed by Barbara Bach and bought an $800 chihuahua puppy that was sick, under age, and had urine burns along her underside from poor hygeine while at the puppy mill. When this friend of ours found out what happened she went red with anger and began researching Barbara. What she found shocked our shelter and angered us all. Barbara is a horrible person, a puppy mill, a liar, a scammer, and she does NOT care about anything or anyone, except herself and her money. Our shelter has truly helped hundreds of puppies from the south in need and will continue to do this in the future, although we have learned to be more discriminating. Sincerely, anonymous employee and friend of CSA


New Jersey,
Common Sense Rescue = Washington New Jersey

#4Author of original report

Wed, December 17, 2008

We called them to see where Skye is, they said she was adopted yesterday. I asked Ellie the Director there if she could call whomever adopted her and explain the situation. I told her to go on line to petsrescue and see that the pup has already been adopted by me its posted with my name. She did go online and was speechless. She asked me to hold to get their attorney on the phone (he just happened to be there yeah right). Well he had no compassion what so ever and could care less, I actually believe it was the Vet on the line Dr. Blease. He said that he could not call the other people because it was a private adoption hmmm. He also said there is a signed agreement I said like the one I have. I truly believe that PETSRESCUE.ORG Barbara Back and Common Sense Rescue are in this together to scam people and make money. They DO NOT CARE ABOUT THESE ANIMALS!!! Please buyers beware!!!

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