  • Report:  #20256

Complaint Review: BBB The Better Business Bureau - Metairie Louisiana

Reported By:
- Destrehan, LA,

BBB The Better Business Bureau
2231 Veterans Boulevard, Suite 211 Metairie, 70062 Louisiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am the owner of Smith Construction & Remodeling, Inc. located in Destrehan, Louisiana and I was a member of the Better Business Bureau up until about a year ago. After droping my membership with the BBB I have been harassed by them almost every month to become a member again. These calls keep comming from a Ruth Swanson at 504-464-4137 and 504-616-3235. First off they pull the old bate and switch trick to start with. They call and leave a message on my answering machine asking me to give them a call back as it is real important that they hear from me. When I get these messages I always think that someone has reported my company to the BBB, so being a good company owner I call them back to try and fix whatever problems they may have with my company. Now here comes the bate and switch. When I contact them they always tell me that no one has complained about my company. They go on to tell me that someone has contacted them about my company and that they have no information on my company to give to these people. They go on and tell me that if I were to pay The BBB $250.00 and reinstate my membership they would have information on my company to give to these people who are inquiring about me. I keep telling them that I don't want to reinstate my membership and would they please take me off of there contact list and to please remove my phone number from there files. They go on and insure me that I won't receive these calls from them again. But the next month the calls start again with the same message and the same bate and switch. I get tired of telling them that no one is contacting them about my company. I try and tell them that I know my customer base better then they do and I know for a fact no one is inquiring about my company. You see, every bit of work I have completed in the last five years has been repeat customers. I haven't bid on new work in over five years because my customers keep me very busy without having to look for new work. I go on and tell them that I don't do any advertising nor do I pass out my business cards as I have a full customer base to work from. I ask them how does someone inquire about my company when I don't advertise for new customers and I only do repeat work. They can't explain it to me other then someone is inquiring about my company and if I were to reinstate my membership they would have information to give out. I am sick and tired of the bate and switch, I am sick and tired of the slamming, I am sick and tired of the harassment and I am sick and tired of the miss leading messages they keep leaving on my answering machine. Who do I call to report the Better Business Bureau to I ask them? Do I report the BBB to the BBB? Do you think they would do something about what they are doing to me? I doubt it as the phone calls keep comming in. I try and explain to them that when they start calling me to become a member of the BBB I am no longer a company to them, but a consumer. And as a consumer they should treat me as they treat other people who have complaints against companies who bate and switch their customers. The bottom line is the Better Business Bureau wants my $250.00 and it looks like they will stop at nothing to get it. The Better Business Bureaus actions are misleading and deceiful by concealing the truth about why they are calling me. They need to practice what they preach and stop the harassing phone calls. Michael Destrehan, Louisiana

EDitor's Note:

This courageous businessman reports a trend reported on the Rip-off Report about the Better Business Bureau. Hopefully other business people will come forward and the BBB will be revealed for the unethical practices incorporated by this racket.

STOP! ..before you think about using the Better Business Bureau (BBB)... CLICK HERE to see how other consumers were victimized by the BBB's false or misleading information. Don't be fooled! It has been reported, when there are thousands of complaints and other investigations underway by authorities, the BBB has no choice but to finally give an UNsatisfactory rating to a BBB member business that is paying the BBB big membership fees every year. When a business is reported that is NOT a BBB member, BBB files WILL more likely show an UNsatisfactory rating, then reportedly shake down that company to become a member of the BBB. One positive thing about the BBB is, either way, if a business has an unsatisfactory rating with the BBB, you can be sure, the business is bad. But what about all those BBB member businesses that had complaints filed against them? Consumers never get to hear about them. What about the BBB advertising to the public? Is this a false and misleading perception they are giving about consumer confidence when dealing with a business? Click here to understand more of what consumers and business alike are saying about the BBB. You decide. ..Remember. The BBB membership is not earned, it's paid for!

6 Updates & Rebuttals


I can help you!!! ..BBB taking bribes from scam companies and harass owners for money

#2Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 07, 2002

I am not a business owner, but most of my family is. I filed a report about the BBB on this site you may find useful to read. The BBB and CBBB's practice is NOT to notify concumers as to work practices, but to take bribes from scam companies and harass owners for money (as you've stated above). I have been in contact with the BBB's and CBBB over the last month. My husband was working for a scam company and reported them. The local BBB would not do anything. So I filed with the CBBB, again nothing would be done. This company is a nation wide scam, so I filed a complaint with each and every BBB as to their specifics of their scam. A man named Ron Berry at the CBBB sent a response e-mail behind mine, he had no idea that I would recieve a copy by mistake. I did. He tells the BBB's basically to ignore me, that my husband is just a disgruntal employee, etc. (The exact e-mails are listed on my report). I got tired of this when I relooked up the division of the company he had worked for and found that they were now NEW BBB MEMBERS. Funny huh? So, I know alot of high up people and filed filed complaints on this company, the BBB's , and the CBBB. I filed with the US Chamber of Commerce, the Justice Dept's Consumer Division, the American Chamber of Commerce, The AG of Maryland, the AG of Virginia, the FTC, just to name a few. Needless to say, at this point, the American Chamber of Commerce, the AG of Virginia, and the AG of Maryland are now investigating the above. They have also contacted us as to formal meetings about the situations. I can help you stop their harassment! File a complaint with the American Chamber of Commerce. It's easy, go onto their website and go to contact. Highlight the file a complaint form and press enter, then all you have to do is tell them what you've told us. They need to hear more people coming forward with how the BBB really is working. Thank you for the time to respond and I only how they stop harassing you. Also, be sure to file your experience with the BBB, right here on the Rip-off Report.


new orleans,,
michael read report on Mfh enterprises dba -hilberts

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, June 06, 2002

I really do not know if the local BBB is crocked but what I do know factually is the very owner mentioned sereval times in these rip off reports was and probably still is an abirtratior to hear customers complaints for the BBB TO RENDER JUdgements agianst or for the business owner or the compliantant-whereas as my sister worked there it was a known favor he would call in to companies that where being complained against to barter out deals to rule in their favor or visa-versa. The BBB allows scum like that on their board and better yet people have complained to them about him while such memberships where trying to soiliticed-just a day in the life of who you know in new orleans!!!!!

The Fraud Chick

The Rip-off report is an open forum..unlike the BBB where you must pay to play

#4Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 15, 2002

Michael, Thank you for bringing your experience with the Better Business Bureau to light. It isn't a Bait and Switch, though. If what you've told us is accurate, I would classify it as soft extortion. I hope the readers understand what I mean by that. The Better Business Bureau places a good light on businesses who shell out money for their barnacle to be placed somewhere in its shop window. However, what does that mean? It doesn't mean the business is a good business, it means the business paid a membership fee. Fraudsters who run pyramids, ponzis or other sleazy schemes are quick to pay the Better Business Bureau a membership fee so they can tell prospective victims they are in good standing with the BBB. However, all it means is that they've paid a feeBig deal. The BBB has its good points, but the fee the businesses pay to them to be listed discourages me. Its because of this that I do not rely solely on the BBB; I prefer D&B or check through public records in the state where the business is. Want to check out a business free on the web? Go to www.fosson.com. An example of things you will find there are sites like Californias fictitious business page. The BBB may post who has had complaints, but the fact they list a business name and address because they paid a membership fee is useless. The only thing that interests me is a negative database. It's shameful of the BBB to cajole a business by hinting that there have been multiple queries on his business. How do they know that since there could be hundreds of AAA Auto Body's or hundreds of Smith Dry Cleaners--it's misleading. The business owner feels pressured to pay the BBB because the hidden message is: "Hey, you aren't listed on our site therefore consumers who cant find you on our site assume you must be a fraud." Now how ethical is that? Now, Andrea, aren't you ashamed of yourself for assuming so many things yourself? Don't let your arrogance overwhelm your compassion and humanity for others. Let Michael state his case whether it is true or notthis is a public forum. Even your response was posted even though the Editor realized that it could be hurtful to the author of the original postthats an open forum. I respond to each posting based on the assumption that the alleged complaint is accurate and true. I understand there may be a hidden agenda in some cases, but what about you. You're pro BBB, so you have an agenda as well. Dont we all? Mine is to eliminate fraud, but I doubt Ill realize that in my lifetime. The Rip-off Report only wants to air complaints to warn consumers of potential problems. It is up to the consumers to decipher and weigh the issue and decide for themselves. Michael, go to your states attorney general web page and make an online complaint about the BBBs sales tactics. Its only right they should be held to the same standards as the rest of us. Maybe some folks at the BBB dont know the sales department is using that tactic. Why not go to the BBB web page and make a complaint onlineyou may just be doing them a favor. Good Luck,


New York,
Haven't laughed so hard in a while...

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, May 14, 2002

The rebuttal before mine (obviously a BBB shill) wrote: "If all Michael has is 'repeat customers' and no new business, he is doing something wrong. If he were doing the jobs right the first time, he wouldn't need to 'repeat' so much." I haven't laughed so hard in a long time... Honey, "repeat" business doesn't mean you did the job wrong the first time. It means you did a good job & the customer comes back the next time he or she needs work done. For example, if I hired a contractor to re-do my kitchen, and he did a good job, I might hire him to build a new deck for me, becoming a "repeat" customer. If I hired a contractor who did a lousy job on my kitchen, however, I wouldn't even hire him to fix it, never mind to do another job for me. It's all common sense. Sure, he misspelled "bait"...but at least he knew what he was talking about...


new orleans,
Michael in Destrehan is incorrect about the BBB and their alleged bait-and-switch tactics.

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, May 13, 2002

If all Michael has is "repeat customers" and no new business, he is doing something wrong. If he were doing the jobs right the first time, he wouldn't need to "repeat" so much. Additionally, how does he know that no one is inquiring about his business with the BBB? Can he read the minds of everyone in the entire metro region of New Orleans? I use the BBB service frequently, and the info, while not complete, helps me in determining what businesses to avoid. The only way that the BBB can give out info on a business is if the business is a BBB member. And the BBB will not go under if they don't get his $250 membership fee. The BBB exists in part to provide a service to consumers who want to find out about a business before contracting with that business. Michael also needs to learn the difference between "bate" and "bait"; a true "bait-and-switch" is to advertise a particular item for sale at one price, then when customers come in, to switch that item and charge a higher price. Michael also needs to learn the definition of "slamming," an illegal tactic used by phone companies to switch carriers without the customers' consent. If he doesn't want to be a member of the BBB, no big deal. Send them a letter and ask to be taken off their "call list." That should solve his problem quickly. And the rebuttal advice from the person who advised him to contact the local D.A.'s office to complain about the BBB is erroneous. The D.A.'s office handles only criminal matters, not a petty complaint from a businessman about being "harassed" to join the BBB. Her advice to get caller ID was good, however, if he is that upset at being contacted by this organization. It surprises me that this web site automatically assumes that the complainant is right. While you may provide a means by which people can vent their frustrations, you mislead others into assuming that the truth has been told. Shame on you.


just a suggestion

#7Consumer Suggestion

Sun, May 12, 2002

the only suggestion i can think of for you would be to contact a lawyer and have that layer give the BBB a phone call to tell them to stop. also, most phone companys have a code you can put into your phone to reject certain phone calls, you can reject as many phone numbers as you want and its usually free. last of all, the person you report the BBB to is your district atorney, they will send you a comlaint form to fill out, then they will contact the BBB. i home this helps a little. Good luck!!

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