  • Report:  #1068269

Complaint Review: Bedford Forrest Management-John Schultz - North Hollywood California

Reported By:
JULES - California,

Bedford Forrest Management-John Schultz
11109 Otsego St. #202 North Hollywood, CA 91601 North Hollywood, 91601 California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

John Schultz is a sexual predator and young actresses in LA need to be aware!!!! First off, He is a money hungry loser who CHARGES YOU to sit down with him for a meeting where he "consults" you about the dos and donts of the industry.

He is about 450 pounds, ugly, so there's no way the guy knows anything about the business. One search on IMDB will show you that he "represents" ALL GIRLS. He spends copious amounts of time starring at your breasts and then proceeds to hit on you to make you a client. 

He is a cheap loser about collecting your money and commissions, any job you book he will hound you down for every last cent!! He is 42 years old and still lives with 4 roomates, he is always broke and asking his clients for money, and he will constantly pressure you to do nudity and sexually simulated scenes even when you say no. Last time I checked this wasn't acting. 

IF you want to leave him he will threaten to take away your agent and everything you have worked for, and he HAS done that to past clients, A LOT of them. He is a drama queen and will talk badly about his clients to everyone. His favorite client, Kim, is someone he used to f**k and still does and she is about 50. He is such a hollywood d****ebag it's not even funny.

STAY AWAY FROM THIS PREDATOR!! you'll thank me later, there are better managers in LA who are credible and with reputable companies. He deserves all the bad karma and lack of success in the world. He is manipulative and sociopathic. 

9 Updates & Rebuttals


North Hollywood,
2nd Rebuttal

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, May 20, 2018

I have NEVER EVER bullied or made sexual advances to ANY of my clients.  I am outspoken in my defense of women and how they are treated in this business and you can ask any of my clients or view my Facebook posts calling out my experiences.  To say this about me is slander in the highest degree, all because I got her a job on a big movie and she dropped me a month later several years ago.  She appeared at a luncheon I was at looking for management and I told all of them managers the story about why she dropped me.  This is why she is trying to slander me, saying all of this, which is not true. These lies are ridiculous and now I know the person who wrote them and my attorney will be involved. 


North Hollywood,
Another Rebuttal

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, May 20, 2018

Oh, brother. This is the third time this particular person has created another account blasting me, pretending to be a different person. This is the same woman creating different accounts blasting me publicly.  She also wrote the exact same thing on another page. 

Since this appeared today, I think I know who this is. I went to a TMFA luncheon yesterday and she was there, looking for representation. I told all of the other managers how she fired me after I got her a job several years ago and how she got a big ego and fired me. The agent I got her decided to let her go as well. After that, the managers did not want to rep her; we are all in solidarity. This actress wrote on the page how karma will get me and how God would take care of me. I told that to the head of the association and she was blocked. You cannot publicly threaten a manager like that. She probably figured it was me who told the head of the association and decided to continue her childish posts on walls like this. (By the way, she hasn't booked a job in several years.)

I have 60 clients currently. One is a series regular on "Legion", one is a recurring on "L.A. to Vegas", one is a recurring on a soap, one is a recurring on "We the People" for ABC. I am sorry, after seven years, this actor continues to feel upset and has trouble finding new representation, but she needs to stop attacking me on here. It is unprofessional and slanderous. I feel like I will need to get my attorney involved if this continues. 

If prospective clients are reading this and want to ask me questions, I am an open book. But I am fed up with this untrue attacks on my character!

Ex Client

Los Angeles,
Sleeze bag John Schultz

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, May 20, 2018

Don't Be Managed By John Schultz

Yup, everything you read is true ladies. John Schultz is a creep, manipulative, intense and weird. Reminds you of the kind of person who is 50 and lives in his mom's basement collecting her social security checks while she goes hungry upstairs. A complete sleeze bag. He feels like he's a powerful big shot for the fact that he is a "Hollywood Manager". Not all Hollywood managers are good people. Some of them are scum. I was a client and friends with many of the other beautiful and talented young actresses that he represented, and they ALL SAID THE SAME THING. When i mentioned to a few of them that I was parting ways with him, I was told by EVERY SINGLE ONE that he had made them feel uncomfortable, bullied them, or made inappropriate comments or sexual advances. He tries to pressure you to do projects you don't feel comfortable with, asks you for rides because he doesn't have a car, and tries to bully you into attending asinine events because he wants you to pick him up and take him there. He crosses the line between professional & personal. His energy is super creepy and lecherous. He threatens and attempts to manipulate you if you don't do what he asks of you. He is a sick man. Like mentally. He should not be a manager in this industry, especially during this #MeTOO Movement era. Don't even consider dealing with him. It will be a waste of your time. And you don't need him as much as he needs you. Trust me, you will find new representation that works with you as a team and respects you. I did just that and was SOOOOOOOO much happier.


Lost Angeles,
Uncalled For

#5General Comment

Mon, June 09, 2014

This original report was clearly written in anger and the accusations are out of hand. There are a couple of good rebuttals here but I think a few things still need to be said.

As someone who has known John for some time:

- I've never known him to be a "sexual predator" and of the dozen or more clients of his I've met I've never heard any call him that or anything like it.

- Asking if you'll do nudity and sexual situations is a legitimate casting question. Sorry you had to refuse more than once because he was trying to find you work.

- You really didn't need to drag another of his clients into this by name, or state what you think her age is.

- To my knowledge John doesn't charge his clients anything other than a commission. The consultations you refer to are separate and to people new to the industry maybe quite a bargain.

- He hounds people down for money owed to him? How patient would you be with him if he owed you money?

- John may only work with women who are physically marketable but he would never make any remarks about their attractiveness the way you have about him, here in a public forum.

It sounds as though you had a falling out with John and got carried away with your accusations.



North Hollywood,
My Rebuttal

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, September 17, 2013

I was not even going to comment on the ridiculous things I read here, but I feel now my hand has been forced.

1.) There are former clients of every agency and management company in town that may have had a bad experience with their reps, but to go out and slander like this is ridiculous. If you believe everything you read on the web, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn you might want to buy. They might have been upset, but instead of approaching the manager in question to discuss it like a mature professional adult, they choose to slander them publicly on sites such as these.

2.) The three rebuttals on this page have all come from my clients, whom I work very hard for.  I have about 40 clients and they are all happy.  I could not stay in business for over 10 years if any of this was true.  If you wonder if a manager is good or not, ask the current client roster.

3.) This reads more like a personal attack then a professional one. If you want to say I was unprofessional in the way I deal with business, give specific examples.  But this person doesn't.  She mentions that I am 450 pounds, (which is insane). I live with 4 roommates (which I do not). I am money hungry (yeah, show me ANYONE in this busines who isn't.  It is Standard Operating Procedure that any agent or manager accept a commission from any and all jobs, whether or not they book it or the client books it.  Ask any agent or manager. If you don't know that, you are clearly naive.)  I seperate myself from that insomuch I don't ask for commission on commercials if the client already has a commercial agent that I had nothing to do with; the majority of managers ask for that money regardless.  Also, to say I am a "broke loser" and a "sexual predator" is libel of the highest degree and deeply hurtful.  Whoever wrote this clearly has a personal vendetta against me for whatever reason.  I have published three articles in Actors Access and my picture and quote was published recently in the print version of Backstage West.  Also, whoever wrote this clearly can't spell or use proper grammar or punctuation.  If you are going to trash someone publicly, write with intelligence and basic understanding of English.

4.) My client roster contains strong, talented women from 15-60 of all types.  I don't prey on ANY client because it is WRONG and UNPROFESSIONAL!  Too many managers in our business do this and I find it morally repugnant. I go out of my way to say that and you can ask any of my clients. I rep women because I have a strong feminine side, was raised by my mother and grandmother, and I am terrible at repping men.  I have repped male actors in the past and I don't want to waste anybody's time if I can't do something for someone.  I also feel female actors are better at their craft than male actors and they also get the short end of the stick.  I am a FEMINIST and believe in working with strong, talented women with credits.

5.)  The nature of the business is that clients come and go. I work hard to be the best manager I can be to everybody, but sometimes it doesn't work out.  When a client fires me, I am fine with it except when a client owes me money or keeps the agent I found them.  That is stealing, in my opinion, because it's hard to get an agent in this town and if it wasn't for me and my connections, they wouldn't have the agent.

My client roster, my articles on the business and my facebook page with all my clients' bookings are easy to find. It seems like actors want to slander reps in order to feel better about themselves.  We are not faceless people.  We are human beings with feelings who work very hard for the people who hire us. if reps went out and slander their clients for not paying them or screwing them over, you bet actors would complain about that! My advice is don't believe stranges who blast professionals on the web, especially those who refuse to give their real names.  Seek out those reps, ask questions to them and to their current client rosters and make up your own mind.  Don't be a lemming.  Be independent and make up your own mind.


west hollywood,
Once there is a rumor the truth is not far behind

#7General Comment

Sat, September 14, 2013

A few points to consider:

1. Who takes the time to write a fitting description if they do not know the party in question? 

2. The rebuttals following the original post all sound like they were written by the same person, i.e., this John Schultz guy defending himself through multiple accounts. You don't have to be a sanitation engineer to know when you smell garbage.

3. Some of the things being said sound personal. Which leads the consumer to believe that the original poster had a working relationship with John. She mentions he is fat (she must have met him or seen him in person), she mentions he lives with 4 roommates, (again this is something that only first hand knowledge gets you, probably been to his place and met his roommates), she mentions he is money hungry, (which leads me to believe he has done business with her and probably asked to be paid for work he had NO hand in), he is a broke loser (again probably does a poor job of looking the part of a successful manager, most likely has very little money and shops at 2nd hand stores, most likely a slob) and finally he is a sexual predator,( to make this claim would require first hand knowledge or character witness). All this can be taken with a grain of salt, but do we want to run the risk?

4. My personal opinion as an actress on this matter is, if I was seeking representation I would not hire him. A real talent manager takes on all comers, not just young girls he can prey on. I would not be surprised if he asks to be Facebook friends with his clients for the sole purpose of going through their personal photos. Looking for those insidious photos that he can manipulate his pathetic little pecker to. Sorry, that had to be said.

And finally, if we as consumers can take to Yelp to write about hair salons and restaurants, actors should be able to warn each other about poor service they receive from agents and managers. At the end we are the ones working office jobs, waiting tables, oe anything else we do in order to fund our pursuit of a career in film. When it doesn't work out, we get tossed out like bad salami for the next batch of pretty faces. Lets face it, your manager is suppose to look out for you, and in this case it sounds like he DID NOT. The rebuttals want US to believe that original poster was refused representation. I beg the differ. It sounds like this person had John’s representation and did not get the proper managerial treatment she had been promised. A manager has a moral obligation to the persons he/she represents. So they don’t end up like Terry muttering "I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let's face it". Protect yourselves.

Happy Bedford Forrest Management Client

As a Bedford Forrest Management Client...this is ridiculous

#8General Comment

Tue, September 03, 2013

 The report above is just insane. I've been a happy Bedford Forrest Management client for a year now and I am thrilled about the strides we've made with my career. I am so grateful to be represented by Bedford Forrest Management and I know that my recent successes would not have happened without John's assistance. John has been professional, encouraging and in general, a kind person. I know tons of Bedford Forrest Management clients and they are just as happy. There is always going to be a sour apple in the bunch, but I'd say once you meet John, you'll feel the same as his other clients and I do.

Erin O

Los Angeles,
Fantastic Manager and Genuine person

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, August 23, 2013

I am so sad to hear these offensive and hurtful comments directed toward John and his management company.  He is not only a dear friend of mine, but is also working as my manager.  I have never had anyone work as hard to help me in my career endeavors as John.  I am constantly impressed with his hard work and professionalism.  He truly cares about the success of the actors he works with.  Besides his work ethic, knowledge of the business, and dedication to his actors, he is a genuine person. I am thankful to have him as a personal manager and friend. 


Beverly Hills,
Clearly A Hoax

#10UPDATE Employee

Fri, August 16, 2013

The above person who made the original complaint violates RipOff Report's 'Terms of Service' by making statements that she could NOT validate in a court of law. Accusing someone of felony crimes that aren't true is SERIOUS. Also, one would not call someone "a looser," "ugly" or fat if they were a sexual predator. What a disrespectful/shameful thing to just "throw out there." I have been a client of this management company for YEARS. I have spent both personal and professional time with the owner of the company and these accusations are clearly FALSE. If these things really happened, she would be contacting the state to make a complaint, as he is a talent manager and we can do that as actors. But clearly this was a case that sounds like she was denied representation and she pouted online. Actors, this management company is fine, really. I also want actors to know that the manager in question can actually sue the person who posted this LEGALLY because again, there's not one drop of evidence that can be presented to prove that any of this happened. Also, as far as the charging thing goes, yes, EVERY manager in town does paid hourly consultations with NON clients. That's industry standard! Thanks.

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