  • Report:  #67552

Complaint Review: Bernard Haldane And Associates - Oklahoma City Oklahoma

Reported By:
- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,

Bernard Haldane And Associates
3030 NW Expressway Suite 727 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have read over off all of the complaints for Bernard Haldane and Associates and I am so grateful for all of the postings.

I too went through their "interview" process and today I was to decide whether or not to fork over $2750 for "career counseling services." I talked it over with my parents and even checked the Better Business Bureau website and everything I found was a go. It turns out that it's very easy to remain a member in good standing. All you have to do is respond to complaints generated through the Better Business Bureau, this doesn't mean it was resolved to the customer's satisfaction, but only that they responded to the complaint with a letter.

However, I decided to do a little more research because my mom had an uneasy feeling about the whole thing. Like someone else that had posted, I noticed that my search result returned lots of satisfied customers, but strangely they all led to Bernard Haldane's own website. I kept scrolling as well and was led to badbusinessbureau.com. I am so glad I found this site!

They made me promises about having all these contacts and access to the "hidden job market." I was a recruiter for a private company and should have known better, but I was so discouraged with the job search and looking for an easy way out. Thanks to this site, I will not be paying their high priced fee, which is money I can use for a real job search.

I only hope that more consumers will come to this site and read the postings BEFORE they pay out all that money. Thank you badbusinessbureau.com!!!!!


Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

CLICK HERE, You must read this!! ..Financial Post Article LINK - Haldane not up to the job ..exposing this company for what it really is - a huge scam

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