  • Report:  #450665

Complaint Review: BestBuy - Garland Texas

Reported By:
- Rowlett, Texas,

Firewheel Center Garland, 75040 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On January 6, I took my wife's laptop to the Geek Squad desk at the BestBuy at Firewheel in Garland, TX. The magic memory stick was inserted by agent Pat and it said there were numerous Malware/viruses onboard. Told we needed virus protection, back-up and cleansing, I paid $502.25 with a promise of completion in "3-5 days".

On the fifth day, I returned to ask for an update. "Oh, sorry, that's going to take a couple more days."

On the seventh day, I returned. "Oh, there were 240 viruses and we were not able to remove 2 of them. We'll continue to work on it, but maybe you should have us erase the hard drive. Then you can reload your programs at home." No, thank you. Do what I paid for. "It'll be a couple more days."

I returned on the ninth day. "There were 31 viruses; we just keep finding them; it'll be a couple more days."

Please understand, this is my wife's work computer. At this time, she was the Regional Vice-President for a national non-profit. Hundreds of sick and dying patients depended on her work for services. On the 10th day, she was flying to California because her mother's cancer recurred and she is now terminally ill. While traveling, this computer allowed my wife to keep the work of the Foundation running smoothly. We had to incur unnecessary inconvenience and expense because "3-5 days" was marketing, not truth.

I did attempt to deal with this by phone at 1-866-BestBuy, but after 5 1/2 minutes and 3 phone trees, the recording said that my call could not be answered and hung up on me.

After more days passed, I tried the 866 number again, spoke to a service rep who then, evidently, talked to the local store. At that point I received my first phone call from the store. I picked up the computer.

Now we find that the Internet access doesn't work and the sound system doesn't work. They both worked when we took the computer in.

We've had to spend another $200 to have someone who knows what they're doing fix it - overnight, by the way. BestBuy's people don't want to talk about it and the only decent person, whom I met through our Chamber of Commerce, has come to his senses and left the company.


Rowlett, Texas


6 Updates & Rebuttals

Cell phone purgatory

United States of America
Is "Geek" latin for liar?

#2General Comment

Sat, November 07, 2009

I have been trolling through the threads regarding the Geek Squad and the employee responses for the most part reinforce my disdain for their company.   The all too familiar long waits on hold, the promised return phone calls that never happen, the total lack of customer service. 

As a business owner myself, if you can't do the job don't say that you can.  If you have an upset customer, if they have a legitimate complaint or even a marginal complaint, bend over backwards to satisfy them.  

It is sad to see apparent employees of the Geek Squad further disparaging the customer.   Yes, Best Buy is huge, but then again so was General Motors.  Keep putting out a lousy product and a competitor will jump up and take your customers.  

If you have computer problems, it would seem best to take it to a local technician.  They know that their reputation is on the line and want a satisfied customer.   

Geek Squad, have you no shame?

solid snake

bay shore,
New York,
whats wrong with you?

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, October 05, 2009

for the amount you spent you could of bought a new laptop. their expidite service was a rip off.  What I would of done is taken them to small claims court dont take any of their hush $$ or gift cards. and recoup that $$ back.  Reason best buy people dont wanna talk about it cause they are dumb and dont want their dirty secrets  out in the public as well as rumors of bust buy paying off the BBB and consumer affairs. Usually bad press from a tv station or a law suit well pubilicized usually gets things straight. Atty generals have gone after them that I will tell you.  so go get your $$ back if you can with a small claims law suit.  by the way alot of them scam squad agents cant fix a pc even if their lives depended on it. most of them are tweakers who dont know the difference between DDR, ECC or NV RAM.


national city,
all i hear is excuses


Tue, August 18, 2009

quite frankly, after reading a lot of these geek squad reports and reading responses from employees, all i hear are excuses. lots of "well you should have" and "you are supposed to read" and all this red tape bs. well in the REAL world, what matters (or should matter) is customer service and most importantly, what is told to the customer should be done, not just said to make the customer feel great at first then screw them over. granted some customers are genuinely stupid, in a lot of these cases, im noticing a royal genuine screw job.

first off, $500 bucks to remove some viruses? wow, ida done it for less than $100 and be done in a few hours, not weeks. then 2 viruses turn in into 35 more? then pushing back the completion date? c'mon now...welll, actually, after reading a sample from the test these "agents" go through, im not surprised. what i read about the training also shocked me and would shock you too...geeksquad for computer stuff is pretty much a scam and a lot of them (notice i didnt say most because i dont have any numbers, but there are a lot of them) dont really know whats up with computers and just run through a script management gives them which is usually meant to try to maximize profits as opposed to following the right steps to correct the issues with no BS.

the key is customer service, if you know you jacked up, make it right even if it goes against store policy. thousands of companies do it and are able to. saying "oh the computer wont let me" or "store policy is XYZ" is an excuse and honestly, what does the company gain by being a p***k? nothing. what it does by being stingy is lose out on the possibility of several thousand dollars. think about it, you may have lost a customer that would have bought tvs, game consoles, entertainment units, games, movies, computers, laptops, peripherals, washers, stoves, car stereos etc...etc. all that ads up. so again think about it, is giving back something that would theoretically cost $260 be worth losing several thousand bucks? i know its easy to say "Well its just one customer." but its not, every day, crap like this probably turns away hundreds of customers and that can add up to millions over a few years

im done. get your heads out your butts employees


150$ Expedite fee? Are you serious?

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, July 25, 2009

If a person brings in a device and its told for $XX.XX dollars you will get the computer back in X-X days, then they should do it. Being busy is not an excuse. and if it is a nationwide problem, then the Geek Squad employee should be authorized to say something to the effect of, "The typical turn around is 3-5 days but it may take longer depending on workload." That way the customer can make the decision to either wait the time required or take it to another shop. Then they can up-sell the, "expedition service," and make Best Buy more money. But I know if I agree on a good or service to be provided, I stick to it. In the 1st paragraph, "Walt," stated that, "..I paid $502.25 with a promise of completion in '3-5' days." and if that is true then Best Buy is liable for their failure to provide the service for compensation rendered. Any technician, salesman, foreman, etc. anywhere knows you NEVER PROMISE ANYTHING!


Geek Squad, USA,
Should pay if you need it

#6UPDATE Employee

Sun, June 28, 2009

There is a reason they offer a $150 expedition service (in addition to whatever else you pay): it guarantees you a completed computer by 5pm the next business day or you get a refund. If it's that important to you, you should pay the extra cash. And don't try to butter us up with the whole "lives depend on this computer" line when you're too cheap to have it fixed quickly. Now, the times you have been reported are a problem nationwide. Thing is, we're used to 3-5 day times, but often we'll get so slammed with computers that it can quickly turn into 2 week turnarounds. That's unavoidable, we can't please all of the people all of the time. It seems to me that you went there and picked up the computer, but didn't bother to check if it worked first. If you had, they could have gotten someone on those issues right away.


Need a plan B

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, May 12, 2009

If everything you say is correct, it sounds like a pretty incompetent outfit. However, if the computer is as crucial to you as said, you need some type of backup plan. Maybe a second computer that you can load your backup files from the first one on. I'm certain you have it completely backed up if the data is that crucial. I've worked on computers of various types for many years and I know they will fail you when you least expect it and when you need them the most. You have to always have a plan B.

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