  • Report:  #370850

Complaint Review: BetterTrades BetterTrades.com Freddie Rick Long Term - Short Term Inc. - Suwanee, Georgia Internet

Reported By:
- Las Vegas, Nevada,

BetterTrades BetterTrades.com Freddie Rick Long Term - Short Term Inc.
BetterTrades.com Suwanee, Georgia, 30024 Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I went to one of these so called "Financial Freedom Expo's" that they have. I have called and pleaded and tried to get my money back after realizing how badly i was duped into buying these products. After researching i found out that most of these so called teachers are nobody's and the only thing that they know how to do is MARKET. If you look closely at their structure everything they do stems from MLM (Multi Level Marketing) procedures.

They so called Financial Freedom Expo is not that, it's simply a marketing venue aimed to dupe stupid people into spending thousands and i mean THOUSANDS of dollars on worthless software and tools that can be found FREE through the internet. BetterTrades should be called RipOffTrades because it suckers less knowledgeable people in and sucks what little money they have away so CEO Freddie Rick (if that is indeed his real name) can squander their money on what he sees fit. The man seems like a money hungry grub that only cares about the amount of $$$ in his pocket, and not about his customers, not about the people's money he steals, not about his employees (unless they're the ones bringing in that dirty money) or anything else except his own well-being.

His cult-like company is nothing but a sham and once people realize that all this stuff can easily be found FREE via internet tools everything will fall apart for his so-called "company". He preys on less fortunate, less intelligent people for one reason... MONEY! If he and his teachers are so smart and so good at trading the stock market... why in God's name are they working for this sham of a company and not sitting on their asses as home in front of their laptops trading 5 hours a day (as they say) and making a bagillion dollars a year???? Think about that? Maybe they say its for the "greater good", well i say maybe it is too. For the greater good of Freddie Rick's pockets that is. I don't care about the money i used because i hope that it funds the people who are going to stand up to this bullshit, and say enough is enough.

Enough of him siphoning our money from us, enough of him only sharing the money with himself, ENOUGH is ENOUGH! I hope that this thread can help people realize that BetterTrades and all of their websites and marketing ploys is nothing but a joke, a marketing method to steal less intelligent people's money.

Anybody working for this bum should be ashamed of themselves and go find a job where they can actually help people and not help one man STEAL money from unintelligent people. BetterTrades is the LION and the the common person is the gazelle. Think about it, come to the realization that most intelligent people who know something about anything can come to, that this company's interest is making themselves, and one man's pockets fat, and NOT YOURS! There is a reason their money-back guarantee has SO MANY STIPULATIONS! Read the fine print people, if they really were going to give your money back, they wouldn't have a million conditions for it!

Stand up to these MARKETERS because that's all they are. Research them! Research how they are mostly former WADE COOK employees, who have had MANY lawsuits. It's all out there, welcome to the age of the internet where information is very readily available. Why is their company based in Las Vegas? But, they don't do ANY busy in Las Vegas? For the tax breaks maybe? Because they can't legitimately do business like a normal company, they have to try and backdoor EVERYTHING including their customers.

I HOPE BetterTrades falls just as WADE COOK did, because all it is the same company re-invented by a more sneaky man who thought of a more sneaky way to steal your money! Open your eyes, research everything, use the FREE tools out there and say NO to BetterTrades!


Las Vegas, Nevada


2 Updates & Rebuttals

-Santa Cruz (CA)

United States of America
I Satisfactorily Received A Refund From BetterTrades (Long-Term Short-Term)

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, February 16, 2010

I just wanted to report my personal experience with BetterTrades.  I was a customer of BettterTrades and their Market Essentials (6-Month Introductory) options trading education program.  I signed up in April, 2009.  That month, I attended the same type of Financial Freedom Expo that most people attend.  I financed the program through the financing program they offered that night (At 18% interest I believe). 

When I attended the Market Essentials 2-day workshop (The closest was about 90 minutes away from me in Oakland, CA).  It was held at a hotel ballroom.  At the workshop I met other students of BetterTrades who had attended the workshop several times.  Some of them really enjoyed the program and were making money in trading.

To make a long story short, after the 6 months I had placed 36+ real money options trades and overall I had lost a little bit of money.  Per their Iron Clad guarantee, I opted to get my refund from BetterTrades.  So, I went through the headache of getting all my brokerage statements notarized (They require this in order to get your refund).  After they acknowledged that I was eligible for the refund (After reviewing my statements), they gave me the address to send the rest of the program materials (DVD's, CD's & Workbooks) to.  I sent them, and waited.  This entire refund process took more than a month, but in the end they refunded about 70%+ of my total investment into their program (Not including my actual trading losses - those are a trader's responsibility).  They don't refund the interest you pay when you finance the program. 

They never verbally hassled me throughout the refund process (In case you may be wondering).  It just took a while and had a few bothersome steps (notarizing statements, two trips to the post office for me etc, and considerable time in waiting to hear that they reviewed my refund package.  Then another waiting period for them to finally sent me my refund check).

All in all, I believe my experience was fair.  I have no complaints or regrets.  I didn't expect to get rich from their program.  However, I did get a pretty good education from it, and I continue to learn about trading.

I hope this helps a prospective customer of bettertrades.  I don't think they are a bad company, but their sales tactics can be slightly misleading.  To me, the most important thing is that they gave me a fair refund per their guarantee. 

Dan C.

the infomercial is an even bigger scam

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, October 24, 2009

they claim that no charges will be made to your credit card during the 30 day trial period, which is a flat out lie.. i got charged over $400 in the first month, 3 SEPERATE TIMES!!! i had to eventually cancel my credit card to stop them from charging me even more money.. when i tried to collect a refund or even an explanation, they ignored me, my calls, my emails, EVERYTHING!!

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