  • Report:  #225496

Complaint Review: BETTERTRADES - Internet

Reported By:
- Longmont, Colorado,

Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I signed up to attend the BetterTrades stock seminar at the Radission Hotel, Longmont CO on 12/14/06 at PM. Steve Hanks(from California) was the speaker and he was trying to convince the audience that the $2995 charge was a great value.

None of us(about 12 people) signed up. The seminar lasted about an hour. I was walking out of the conference room when Steve called out at me to "get my butt in here". He told me that I should sign up, but I told him that I cannot afford $2995. He tried to do a hard-sell, but when he found out that I would not buy it, he just turned abusive. He told me that I'm a f***ing looser who cannot even decide the color of my pant. He told me that I'm a ba***, and a f*** waste of time. In his own words "If I see you in another Better trade event I'll f*** you".

At that point, I got up from the seat and I told him to control his f** language. He threatened me, further used the b** word and called up his event organizer Don Sykes to call the security to throw me out. I spoke up to my fellow attendees, told them to see for themselves how he treats people when they refuse to sign up and told them not to signup with the fraud.

Don Sykes came close to me with a threatening posture, asked me to get out or he would call the cops. I told them that I would call the cops myself and took out my cell phone to dial 911. I was scared and confused that these people would abuse me for a simple mistake of signing up to attend a "free" event. Don Sykes walked me out of the building.

I think they are trying to target immigrants and older people because we are soft targets with very little knowledge of the local rules.

I was so frustrated I called up their 1-800-676-4410 and the lady did identify Steve Hanks as one of their speakers. She apologized on their behalf. The company has promised to follow-up with me tomorrow morning.

Should I file a police complaint? They have my home address and number and I'm worried that they will harm my family.

I wanted to make sure that no other attendee would face the humiliation and frustration that I had to endure at the hands of these rowdy individuals representing BetterTrades.com.


Longmont, Colorado

14 Updates & Rebuttals


An Honest Account of Better Trades

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, March 02, 2009

So Ive been reading a bunch of negative stories about Better Trades. Only after I bought the program of course. I myself was sitting at home, I work nights, so Im up, and found this infomercial on Better Trades. So I watched the 30 minute special on it and decided to go check it out. The Seminar was being held in Phoenix, AZ. Once I got there, there was about 80 people that attended. The attendes were primarily older, probably retired people and single mothers and about 20 younger people like myself. Im 32 as of this writing. Ive been to many seminars that are get rich quick schemes but all wanted me to sell something. Better Trades was a bit different, they are selling education. If anyone has ever paid for college they know its not cheap and most never really learn anything, its just to get a job. Well what Better Trades teaches is how to trade stocks and options. And only stocks and options. Ive traded stocks for over 10 years with minimal success because I didnt know the secrets of the business. So why not give Better Trades a shot and see what they say. I brought $1,000 with me hoping that would be enough for whatever they were selling, I didnt know the cost at the time. The presentation was done very well of course. Im sure they are trained professinal motivational speakers. Within the first 30 minutes I learned more about stocks and options then I did over the past ten years trying to understand what articles were talking about on the Internet. When they explained the price was $4,000, at first your like "d**n thats expensive" but at the same time I felt the price was fair if I can learn what I need to learn. I was the second one to rush to the back of the room to sign up. Now comes the 2 day workshop a few weeks later with our instructor, Lars Jacobson. Lars didnt look rich at all but most rich people you wouldn't know their rich because they dont walk around in $5k suits. He was very geniune in giving his presentation. He noted many of times, you will not get rich overnight. He also stated that they have put specific rules and guidelines to follow in order to be successful at the program. You have a workbook that outlines everything being taught in the two days. The workbooks are over simplified with pictures, large texts, and colors like red and green. Very easy to understand for anyone! Lars also states not to be greedy. If you only made $100 a day, thats a profit, thats a winning day. I agree with him fully! The older I have gotten the more I understand that, unless you win the lottery, you will not become wealthy overnight. He preached 50 cents about a million times! Its good methodology to get in the habit of because he also preached that if you dont practice trading with paper money first you could lose everything. He noted many risk factors and everyone should know and understand the risk of trading stocks and options before they even sign up anyway, in my opinion! So people know whats at stake here. Lars also said that every trade will not be a winner. Very good man in my opinion and I throughly enjoyed the 2 day seminar. So the bad stuff, or my real thoughts of what I was expecting for my $4,000. I expected to get all the software they preached about or the "tools". They didnt mention those prices until th end of the 2 day seminar. Others and I were very disappointed because how are you expected to follow the rules if you dont have the proper tools? Almost a catch 22. Next, the weatlh of information Lars threw at us was overwhemling! I was a bit lost at times finding myself trying to catch up asking others beside me. There was an extreme push to get you to buy the tools. It was tool this and tool that until you see the price....another $6000! Breakdown of the tool package, The Dedicated Trader ($3995.00) and Extreme Charts and Real-Time Markets($1,995.00). Oh dont let me forget, they teach you about taxes and incorporating a business. They want you to buy that package too. Its like a starter kit to get you going so you can do it yourself with lawyer assistance. Thats another $3,495 for a grand total for everything is $13,500 thats including the program cost. So now it gets you thinking that you possibly have made a mistake. Last, I thought that you were gonna get to see the picks that "the pros" were doing but you cannot. Thats part of the Dedicated Trader. They dont tell you that. I found that out myself when they were explaining features of the Dedicated Trader, bummer :( Well this is a rebuttal and it looks like I have nothing good to say but I will give you a bit of information on me and where I have taken this program too and what I have noticed. Im 32 years old, recently laid off of a huge Semiconductor company where I was an Engineer. I have a degree in Computer Science. I have no kids nor wife. Im a risk taker. I have noticed from my college degree that you only get what you want to get out of something. If you dont apply yourself how do you expect to learn and get better? So I have paid so far, $1,000 out of my pocket. Im making payments since I have no job right right now, so pretty risky spending money when im not making any, but Im hoping to. I have all the time to sit in front of my laptop and watch the stock market. In that same time I have the DVD's they give you, like 15 of them, playing on the tv. I have the workbook beside me using it as a refrence guide. I did not buy the extra tools by the way. I just dont have that money, but Im sure the retiree's do. So being the engineer I thought there had to be a different way around buying the tools. And there is! If you go to the Better Trades site, if your a member, they give you recommed online broker firms. One is Options Xpress. The other is the one you pay for, so only two offered, but you can use whoever you want. They have done the research and found their recommended brokers are top notch. So I opt for the Options Xpress route since I really only wanted to learn about options trading in the first place. I found that after spending hours using Options Xpress's features, you can do everything that the Extreme Charts and Real-Time Markets does. Just like any new piece of software you have to get to know how to navigate around and find what your looking for and I found eveything I possibly needed that they used in the Better Trades presentation. I will tell you, that Dedicated Trader program is a very handy tool because they have put that thing together to make it very simple to make money in the market if you had the money. They take everything thats in the workbook and have done the math and homework for you. And if you dont know what your doing still you can just pick the plays that the pros do and get their favorite stocks. Not bad, just too bad I didnt have another $4,000 laying around because I found that to be nice little tool. But if you just take what they showed you, reference the workbook, watch the DVD and apply yourself, your going to see you dont even need the Dedicated Trader. Its specifically designed for people who dont catch on quick. But I do catch on quick. I signed up for the Options Xpress fake money trading. Since there is no risk involved I played by the rules and guidelines and by not following the rules and guidelines on purpose. I didn't follow rules or bent them a little bit and lost about $1,700.00 in a day. The next day, used Lars favorite stock Apple Inc. and made about $2,500 the next day playing by the rules, so the rules actually work. I would research companies the night before, do the equations on paper, use option calculators and then place trades in the morning and watch the charts and look for patterns that Better Trades tells you to watch. I still have a ton to learn but Im at it eager and willing everyday studying everynight to the point where Im treating it as a job and like school at the same time. I have full confidence in myself and the Better Trades program. They taught me what I needed to learn and have been wanting to know. I still dont have real money involved but I will soon. I never intended to learn everything about the stock market in 2 days. Better Trades has a niche that they are good at and good at teaching it. People who slam people because they thought of the idea of selling education obviously havent given it their all. They worried more about paying the $4,000 then what the program had to offer. They offer a vast amount of great information that should get you going in a postive direction towards financial freedom. I get no benefit to signing people up and make no money off of what they trade. Theres no pyramid scheme going on here. Your buying education not products to sell. As for the whole Incorporating a business package, you can just go hire a lawyer for less Im sure. Why pay for lawyer assistance when you can just pay the lawyer to do it for you? Makes sense to me and should make sense to everyone else. I would not recommend anyone to do this part time. This is a full time program and the stock market requires your full attention. So all in all, spending $4,000 for the Better Trades program is well worth every penny. People spend $50,000 on college and go on to do nothing with their lives. I hope this has broaden peoples minds instead of hearing a bunch of negative things about Better Trades. And everyone should know that even if Freddie Rick never trades a single share in his life, he stills makes the real money from this, just suck it up and deal with it. If I owned a business I had better be the highest paid or don't do it at all. So thats the ins and outs of Better Trades and the most honest way of explaining it. Dont blame the company, blame yourself for not trying.


An Honest Account of Better Trades

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, March 02, 2009

So Ive been reading a bunch of negative stories about Better Trades. Only after I bought the program of course. I myself was sitting at home, I work nights, so Im up, and found this infomercial on Better Trades. So I watched the 30 minute special on it and decided to go check it out. The Seminar was being held in Phoenix, AZ. Once I got there, there was about 80 people that attended. The attendes were primarily older, probably retired people and single mothers and about 20 younger people like myself. Im 32 as of this writing. Ive been to many seminars that are get rich quick schemes but all wanted me to sell something. Better Trades was a bit different, they are selling education. If anyone has ever paid for college they know its not cheap and most never really learn anything, its just to get a job. Well what Better Trades teaches is how to trade stocks and options. And only stocks and options. Ive traded stocks for over 10 years with minimal success because I didnt know the secrets of the business. So why not give Better Trades a shot and see what they say. I brought $1,000 with me hoping that would be enough for whatever they were selling, I didnt know the cost at the time. The presentation was done very well of course. Im sure they are trained professinal motivational speakers. Within the first 30 minutes I learned more about stocks and options then I did over the past ten years trying to understand what articles were talking about on the Internet. When they explained the price was $4,000, at first your like "d**n thats expensive" but at the same time I felt the price was fair if I can learn what I need to learn. I was the second one to rush to the back of the room to sign up. Now comes the 2 day workshop a few weeks later with our instructor, Lars Jacobson. Lars didnt look rich at all but most rich people you wouldn't know their rich because they dont walk around in $5k suits. He was very geniune in giving his presentation. He noted many of times, you will not get rich overnight. He also stated that they have put specific rules and guidelines to follow in order to be successful at the program. You have a workbook that outlines everything being taught in the two days. The workbooks are over simplified with pictures, large texts, and colors like red and green. Very easy to understand for anyone! Lars also states not to be greedy. If you only made $100 a day, thats a profit, thats a winning day. I agree with him fully! The older I have gotten the more I understand that, unless you win the lottery, you will not become wealthy overnight. He preached 50 cents about a million times! Its good methodology to get in the habit of because he also preached that if you dont practice trading with paper money first you could lose everything. He noted many risk factors and everyone should know and understand the risk of trading stocks and options before they even sign up anyway, in my opinion! So people know whats at stake here. Lars also said that every trade will not be a winner. Very good man in my opinion and I throughly enjoyed the 2 day seminar. So the bad stuff, or my real thoughts of what I was expecting for my $4,000. I expected to get all the software they preached about or the "tools". They didnt mention those prices until th end of the 2 day seminar. Others and I were very disappointed because how are you expected to follow the rules if you dont have the proper tools? Almost a catch 22. Next, the weatlh of information Lars threw at us was overwhemling! I was a bit lost at times finding myself trying to catch up asking others beside me. There was an extreme push to get you to buy the tools. It was tool this and tool that until you see the price....another $6000! Breakdown of the tool package, The Dedicated Trader ($3995.00) and Extreme Charts and Real-Time Markets($1,995.00). Oh dont let me forget, they teach you about taxes and incorporating a business. They want you to buy that package too. Its like a starter kit to get you going so you can do it yourself with lawyer assistance. Thats another $3,495 for a grand total for everything is $13,500 thats including the program cost. So now it gets you thinking that you possibly have made a mistake. Last, I thought that you were gonna get to see the picks that "the pros" were doing but you cannot. Thats part of the Dedicated Trader. They dont tell you that. I found that out myself when they were explaining features of the Dedicated Trader, bummer :( Well this is a rebuttal and it looks like I have nothing good to say but I will give you a bit of information on me and where I have taken this program too and what I have noticed. Im 32 years old, recently laid off of a huge Semiconductor company where I was an Engineer. I have a degree in Computer Science. I have no kids nor wife. Im a risk taker. I have noticed from my college degree that you only get what you want to get out of something. If you dont apply yourself how do you expect to learn and get better? So I have paid so far, $1,000 out of my pocket. Im making payments since I have no job right right now, so pretty risky spending money when im not making any, but Im hoping to. I have all the time to sit in front of my laptop and watch the stock market. In that same time I have the DVD's they give you, like 15 of them, playing on the tv. I have the workbook beside me using it as a refrence guide. I did not buy the extra tools by the way. I just dont have that money, but Im sure the retiree's do. So being the engineer I thought there had to be a different way around buying the tools. And there is! If you go to the Better Trades site, if your a member, they give you recommed online broker firms. One is Options Xpress. The other is the one you pay for, so only two offered, but you can use whoever you want. They have done the research and found their recommended brokers are top notch. So I opt for the Options Xpress route since I really only wanted to learn about options trading in the first place. I found that after spending hours using Options Xpress's features, you can do everything that the Extreme Charts and Real-Time Markets does. Just like any new piece of software you have to get to know how to navigate around and find what your looking for and I found eveything I possibly needed that they used in the Better Trades presentation. I will tell you, that Dedicated Trader program is a very handy tool because they have put that thing together to make it very simple to make money in the market if you had the money. They take everything thats in the workbook and have done the math and homework for you. And if you dont know what your doing still you can just pick the plays that the pros do and get their favorite stocks. Not bad, just too bad I didnt have another $4,000 laying around because I found that to be nice little tool. But if you just take what they showed you, reference the workbook, watch the DVD and apply yourself, your going to see you dont even need the Dedicated Trader. Its specifically designed for people who dont catch on quick. But I do catch on quick. I signed up for the Options Xpress fake money trading. Since there is no risk involved I played by the rules and guidelines and by not following the rules and guidelines on purpose. I didn't follow rules or bent them a little bit and lost about $1,700.00 in a day. The next day, used Lars favorite stock Apple Inc. and made about $2,500 the next day playing by the rules, so the rules actually work. I would research companies the night before, do the equations on paper, use option calculators and then place trades in the morning and watch the charts and look for patterns that Better Trades tells you to watch. I still have a ton to learn but Im at it eager and willing everyday studying everynight to the point where Im treating it as a job and like school at the same time. I have full confidence in myself and the Better Trades program. They taught me what I needed to learn and have been wanting to know. I still dont have real money involved but I will soon. I never intended to learn everything about the stock market in 2 days. Better Trades has a niche that they are good at and good at teaching it. People who slam people because they thought of the idea of selling education obviously havent given it their all. They worried more about paying the $4,000 then what the program had to offer. They offer a vast amount of great information that should get you going in a postive direction towards financial freedom. I get no benefit to signing people up and make no money off of what they trade. Theres no pyramid scheme going on here. Your buying education not products to sell. As for the whole Incorporating a business package, you can just go hire a lawyer for less Im sure. Why pay for lawyer assistance when you can just pay the lawyer to do it for you? Makes sense to me and should make sense to everyone else. I would not recommend anyone to do this part time. This is a full time program and the stock market requires your full attention. So all in all, spending $4,000 for the Better Trades program is well worth every penny. People spend $50,000 on college and go on to do nothing with their lives. I hope this has broaden peoples minds instead of hearing a bunch of negative things about Better Trades. And everyone should know that even if Freddie Rick never trades a single share in his life, he stills makes the real money from this, just suck it up and deal with it. If I owned a business I had better be the highest paid or don't do it at all. So thats the ins and outs of Better Trades and the most honest way of explaining it. Dont blame the company, blame yourself for not trying.


An Honest Account of Better Trades

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, March 02, 2009

So Ive been reading a bunch of negative stories about Better Trades. Only after I bought the program of course. I myself was sitting at home, I work nights, so Im up, and found this infomercial on Better Trades. So I watched the 30 minute special on it and decided to go check it out. The Seminar was being held in Phoenix, AZ. Once I got there, there was about 80 people that attended. The attendes were primarily older, probably retired people and single mothers and about 20 younger people like myself. Im 32 as of this writing. Ive been to many seminars that are get rich quick schemes but all wanted me to sell something. Better Trades was a bit different, they are selling education. If anyone has ever paid for college they know its not cheap and most never really learn anything, its just to get a job. Well what Better Trades teaches is how to trade stocks and options. And only stocks and options. Ive traded stocks for over 10 years with minimal success because I didnt know the secrets of the business. So why not give Better Trades a shot and see what they say. I brought $1,000 with me hoping that would be enough for whatever they were selling, I didnt know the cost at the time. The presentation was done very well of course. Im sure they are trained professinal motivational speakers. Within the first 30 minutes I learned more about stocks and options then I did over the past ten years trying to understand what articles were talking about on the Internet. When they explained the price was $4,000, at first your like "d**n thats expensive" but at the same time I felt the price was fair if I can learn what I need to learn. I was the second one to rush to the back of the room to sign up. Now comes the 2 day workshop a few weeks later with our instructor, Lars Jacobson. Lars didnt look rich at all but most rich people you wouldn't know their rich because they dont walk around in $5k suits. He was very geniune in giving his presentation. He noted many of times, you will not get rich overnight. He also stated that they have put specific rules and guidelines to follow in order to be successful at the program. You have a workbook that outlines everything being taught in the two days. The workbooks are over simplified with pictures, large texts, and colors like red and green. Very easy to understand for anyone! Lars also states not to be greedy. If you only made $100 a day, thats a profit, thats a winning day. I agree with him fully! The older I have gotten the more I understand that, unless you win the lottery, you will not become wealthy overnight. He preached 50 cents about a million times! Its good methodology to get in the habit of because he also preached that if you dont practice trading with paper money first you could lose everything. He noted many risk factors and everyone should know and understand the risk of trading stocks and options before they even sign up anyway, in my opinion! So people know whats at stake here. Lars also said that every trade will not be a winner. Very good man in my opinion and I throughly enjoyed the 2 day seminar. So the bad stuff, or my real thoughts of what I was expecting for my $4,000. I expected to get all the software they preached about or the "tools". They didnt mention those prices until th end of the 2 day seminar. Others and I were very disappointed because how are you expected to follow the rules if you dont have the proper tools? Almost a catch 22. Next, the weatlh of information Lars threw at us was overwhemling! I was a bit lost at times finding myself trying to catch up asking others beside me. There was an extreme push to get you to buy the tools. It was tool this and tool that until you see the price....another $6000! Breakdown of the tool package, The Dedicated Trader ($3995.00) and Extreme Charts and Real-Time Markets($1,995.00). Oh dont let me forget, they teach you about taxes and incorporating a business. They want you to buy that package too. Its like a starter kit to get you going so you can do it yourself with lawyer assistance. Thats another $3,495 for a grand total for everything is $13,500 thats including the program cost. So now it gets you thinking that you possibly have made a mistake. Last, I thought that you were gonna get to see the picks that "the pros" were doing but you cannot. Thats part of the Dedicated Trader. They dont tell you that. I found that out myself when they were explaining features of the Dedicated Trader, bummer :( Well this is a rebuttal and it looks like I have nothing good to say but I will give you a bit of information on me and where I have taken this program too and what I have noticed. Im 32 years old, recently laid off of a huge Semiconductor company where I was an Engineer. I have a degree in Computer Science. I have no kids nor wife. Im a risk taker. I have noticed from my college degree that you only get what you want to get out of something. If you dont apply yourself how do you expect to learn and get better? So I have paid so far, $1,000 out of my pocket. Im making payments since I have no job right right now, so pretty risky spending money when im not making any, but Im hoping to. I have all the time to sit in front of my laptop and watch the stock market. In that same time I have the DVD's they give you, like 15 of them, playing on the tv. I have the workbook beside me using it as a refrence guide. I did not buy the extra tools by the way. I just dont have that money, but Im sure the retiree's do. So being the engineer I thought there had to be a different way around buying the tools. And there is! If you go to the Better Trades site, if your a member, they give you recommed online broker firms. One is Options Xpress. The other is the one you pay for, so only two offered, but you can use whoever you want. They have done the research and found their recommended brokers are top notch. So I opt for the Options Xpress route since I really only wanted to learn about options trading in the first place. I found that after spending hours using Options Xpress's features, you can do everything that the Extreme Charts and Real-Time Markets does. Just like any new piece of software you have to get to know how to navigate around and find what your looking for and I found eveything I possibly needed that they used in the Better Trades presentation. I will tell you, that Dedicated Trader program is a very handy tool because they have put that thing together to make it very simple to make money in the market if you had the money. They take everything thats in the workbook and have done the math and homework for you. And if you dont know what your doing still you can just pick the plays that the pros do and get their favorite stocks. Not bad, just too bad I didnt have another $4,000 laying around because I found that to be nice little tool. But if you just take what they showed you, reference the workbook, watch the DVD and apply yourself, your going to see you dont even need the Dedicated Trader. Its specifically designed for people who dont catch on quick. But I do catch on quick. I signed up for the Options Xpress fake money trading. Since there is no risk involved I played by the rules and guidelines and by not following the rules and guidelines on purpose. I didn't follow rules or bent them a little bit and lost about $1,700.00 in a day. The next day, used Lars favorite stock Apple Inc. and made about $2,500 the next day playing by the rules, so the rules actually work. I would research companies the night before, do the equations on paper, use option calculators and then place trades in the morning and watch the charts and look for patterns that Better Trades tells you to watch. I still have a ton to learn but Im at it eager and willing everyday studying everynight to the point where Im treating it as a job and like school at the same time. I have full confidence in myself and the Better Trades program. They taught me what I needed to learn and have been wanting to know. I still dont have real money involved but I will soon. I never intended to learn everything about the stock market in 2 days. Better Trades has a niche that they are good at and good at teaching it. People who slam people because they thought of the idea of selling education obviously havent given it their all. They worried more about paying the $4,000 then what the program had to offer. They offer a vast amount of great information that should get you going in a postive direction towards financial freedom. I get no benefit to signing people up and make no money off of what they trade. Theres no pyramid scheme going on here. Your buying education not products to sell. As for the whole Incorporating a business package, you can just go hire a lawyer for less Im sure. Why pay for lawyer assistance when you can just pay the lawyer to do it for you? Makes sense to me and should make sense to everyone else. I would not recommend anyone to do this part time. This is a full time program and the stock market requires your full attention. So all in all, spending $4,000 for the Better Trades program is well worth every penny. People spend $50,000 on college and go on to do nothing with their lives. I hope this has broaden peoples minds instead of hearing a bunch of negative things about Better Trades. And everyone should know that even if Freddie Rick never trades a single share in his life, he stills makes the real money from this, just suck it up and deal with it. If I owned a business I had better be the highest paid or don't do it at all. So thats the ins and outs of Better Trades and the most honest way of explaining it. Dont blame the company, blame yourself for not trying.


Why I do not attend Yuppie oriented trader seminars in ballrooms

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, January 12, 2009

Word about what these so-called seminars are like have gotten out around here and so not too many people are signing up for them except some homeless folks who want a warm place to go and are tired of the usual public libraries, bus rides to nowhere, the 24 hour restaurants because there are only so many cups of coffee you can drink and the other usual hang outs, and people who don't know any better and the yuppie con artists who think they are smarter than G*d and that the world owes them everything and the people who are trying to figure out a way to con people out of money... (The homeless people sign up on the public access computers in the public library, another reason that you don't really know who is on the other end of that computer!) When you sign up for something like this, you are giving all sorts of people permission to contact you because a lot of these seminar businesses make extra cash by SELLING their MAILING LISTS AND CLIENT CONTACTS to WHO KNOWS WHO! Did you ever stop to ask why these people have to rent a room in a hotel for their presentations WHY AREN'T THEY OUT DOING THIS STUFF THAT ALLEGEDLY MAKES THEM SO MUCH MONEY instead of these huckster clowns trying to foist it off on the people who attend the seminars in search of quick, easy money. Doesn't THAT sound good, a gut appeal to the GREED that got our financial system in this mess to start with!!! Common sense would tell you that they would rather be raking in these untold billions with their magic system than trying to sell something in a dreary ballroom selling to the usual cast of characters Sounds like those hucksters and scamsters who verbally abused might have exceeded their dose of aggressiveness dope for the morning because their alleged verbal and implied ABUSE was WAY OUT OF LINE! THERE WAS NO EXCUSE FOR THEIR RUDENESS AND IF THERE WAS A SURVEILLANCE CAMERA IN THERE, YOU WOULD HAVE HARD EVIDENCE TO TAKE TO COURT AND SUE THESE CREEPS! Thank you for reminding me why I do NOT and NEVER intend to attend one of these get rich quick seminars.


Why I do not attend Yuppie oriented trader seminars in ballrooms

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, January 12, 2009

Word about what these so-called seminars are like have gotten out around here and so not too many people are signing up for them except some homeless folks who want a warm place to go and are tired of the usual public libraries, bus rides to nowhere, the 24 hour restaurants because there are only so many cups of coffee you can drink and the other usual hang outs, and people who don't know any better and the yuppie con artists who think they are smarter than G*d and that the world owes them everything and the people who are trying to figure out a way to con people out of money... (The homeless people sign up on the public access computers in the public library, another reason that you don't really know who is on the other end of that computer!) When you sign up for something like this, you are giving all sorts of people permission to contact you because a lot of these seminar businesses make extra cash by SELLING their MAILING LISTS AND CLIENT CONTACTS to WHO KNOWS WHO! Did you ever stop to ask why these people have to rent a room in a hotel for their presentations WHY AREN'T THEY OUT DOING THIS STUFF THAT ALLEGEDLY MAKES THEM SO MUCH MONEY instead of these huckster clowns trying to foist it off on the people who attend the seminars in search of quick, easy money. Doesn't THAT sound good, a gut appeal to the GREED that got our financial system in this mess to start with!!! Common sense would tell you that they would rather be raking in these untold billions with their magic system than trying to sell something in a dreary ballroom selling to the usual cast of characters Sounds like those hucksters and scamsters who verbally abused might have exceeded their dose of aggressiveness dope for the morning because their alleged verbal and implied ABUSE was WAY OUT OF LINE! THERE WAS NO EXCUSE FOR THEIR RUDENESS AND IF THERE WAS A SURVEILLANCE CAMERA IN THERE, YOU WOULD HAVE HARD EVIDENCE TO TAKE TO COURT AND SUE THESE CREEPS! Thank you for reminding me why I do NOT and NEVER intend to attend one of these get rich quick seminars.


Why I do not attend Yuppie oriented trader seminars in ballrooms

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, January 12, 2009

Word about what these so-called seminars are like have gotten out around here and so not too many people are signing up for them except some homeless folks who want a warm place to go and are tired of the usual public libraries, bus rides to nowhere, the 24 hour restaurants because there are only so many cups of coffee you can drink and the other usual hang outs, and people who don't know any better and the yuppie con artists who think they are smarter than G*d and that the world owes them everything and the people who are trying to figure out a way to con people out of money... (The homeless people sign up on the public access computers in the public library, another reason that you don't really know who is on the other end of that computer!) When you sign up for something like this, you are giving all sorts of people permission to contact you because a lot of these seminar businesses make extra cash by SELLING their MAILING LISTS AND CLIENT CONTACTS to WHO KNOWS WHO! Did you ever stop to ask why these people have to rent a room in a hotel for their presentations WHY AREN'T THEY OUT DOING THIS STUFF THAT ALLEGEDLY MAKES THEM SO MUCH MONEY instead of these huckster clowns trying to foist it off on the people who attend the seminars in search of quick, easy money. Doesn't THAT sound good, a gut appeal to the GREED that got our financial system in this mess to start with!!! Common sense would tell you that they would rather be raking in these untold billions with their magic system than trying to sell something in a dreary ballroom selling to the usual cast of characters Sounds like those hucksters and scamsters who verbally abused might have exceeded their dose of aggressiveness dope for the morning because their alleged verbal and implied ABUSE was WAY OUT OF LINE! THERE WAS NO EXCUSE FOR THEIR RUDENESS AND IF THERE WAS A SURVEILLANCE CAMERA IN THERE, YOU WOULD HAVE HARD EVIDENCE TO TAKE TO COURT AND SUE THESE CREEPS! Thank you for reminding me why I do NOT and NEVER intend to attend one of these get rich quick seminars.


Why I do not attend Yuppie oriented trader seminars in ballrooms

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, January 12, 2009

Word about what these so-called seminars are like have gotten out around here and so not too many people are signing up for them except some homeless folks who want a warm place to go and are tired of the usual public libraries, bus rides to nowhere, the 24 hour restaurants because there are only so many cups of coffee you can drink and the other usual hang outs, and people who don't know any better and the yuppie con artists who think they are smarter than G*d and that the world owes them everything and the people who are trying to figure out a way to con people out of money... (The homeless people sign up on the public access computers in the public library, another reason that you don't really know who is on the other end of that computer!) When you sign up for something like this, you are giving all sorts of people permission to contact you because a lot of these seminar businesses make extra cash by SELLING their MAILING LISTS AND CLIENT CONTACTS to WHO KNOWS WHO! Did you ever stop to ask why these people have to rent a room in a hotel for their presentations WHY AREN'T THEY OUT DOING THIS STUFF THAT ALLEGEDLY MAKES THEM SO MUCH MONEY instead of these huckster clowns trying to foist it off on the people who attend the seminars in search of quick, easy money. Doesn't THAT sound good, a gut appeal to the GREED that got our financial system in this mess to start with!!! Common sense would tell you that they would rather be raking in these untold billions with their magic system than trying to sell something in a dreary ballroom selling to the usual cast of characters Sounds like those hucksters and scamsters who verbally abused might have exceeded their dose of aggressiveness dope for the morning because their alleged verbal and implied ABUSE was WAY OUT OF LINE! THERE WAS NO EXCUSE FOR THEIR RUDENESS AND IF THERE WAS A SURVEILLANCE CAMERA IN THERE, YOU WOULD HAVE HARD EVIDENCE TO TAKE TO COURT AND SUE THESE CREEPS! Thank you for reminding me why I do NOT and NEVER intend to attend one of these get rich quick seminars.

Aero Racing

Better Trades

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, January 12, 2009

I am sorry to hear of your issue with them. I attended a seminar last Wednesday evening and sat through the entire seminar and did not do anything but take some notes. At the end, I did not have the funds to buy into the two day event they were selling. I figured I would get a hard sell but truth be known, I walked out after the seminar and did not say a word to anyone. Nor, did they say anything to me. What I did find was some good information and a desire to think about investing a little differently than I did prior to that meeting. What I could not tell by your complaint was exactly who started it all. I know they did do audience participation with a few in the front of the room. My experience is that you do not want to publicly try to humiliate a speaker during a seminar like this. You will be escorted out quickly. With all of the seminars like this I have been to, the only time I see them act the way you describe, it was provoked by someone in the audience who thinks they know more than the speaker in the front of the room. If you dont want to buy their product, you have the right to walk.


Thanx Steve!

#10Author of original report

Wed, December 27, 2006

Thanks Steve for your comments. I guess I didn't want to get in trouble with the law, but atleast now I know the rules.

Steve [Not A Lawyer]

Libu, he had no right to walk you out of the building!

#11Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 23, 2006

This is the Radisson Hotel we are talking about. All these losers did was rent a conference room because their broke *&*& cannot afford office space! Do they think they own the hotel? Who do they think they are? Why would you let this guy "walk you out" of the hotel? I would have just waited for him to touch me in any way, then he would have gotten an attitude adjustment right there in front of everyone. Then after he got out of the hospital, he would have gone to jail. You should have filed a complaint with the hotel, and made sure security took a written report. In some states, the actions those losers took can be considered criminal. It can be considered assault. Every state is different, but for example, in NV I saw a person actually leave in handcuffs for screaming obscenities at a person. And, if he made vebal threats against you, that can be criminal too.


CEO talked to me personally and promised action

#12Author of original report

Fri, December 22, 2006

Just to give a quick update. The CEO of BetterTrades talked to me and apologized for the incident. He told me that the two individuals were suspended from further road events and even offered me a free subscription to their upcoming seminar. I want to thank this website for helping us voice our opinions and let everybody know that there is justice for everyone.


CEO talked to me personally and promised action

#13Author of original report

Fri, December 22, 2006

Just to give a quick update. The CEO of BetterTrades talked to me and apologized for the incident. He told me that the two individuals were suspended from further road events and even offered me a free subscription to their upcoming seminar. I want to thank this website for helping us voice our opinions and let everybody know that there is justice for everyone.


CEO talked to me personally and promised action

#14Author of original report

Fri, December 22, 2006

Just to give a quick update. The CEO of BetterTrades talked to me and apologized for the incident. He told me that the two individuals were suspended from further road events and even offered me a free subscription to their upcoming seminar. I want to thank this website for helping us voice our opinions and let everybody know that there is justice for everyone.


CEO talked to me personally and promised action

#15Author of original report

Fri, December 22, 2006

Just to give a quick update. The CEO of BetterTrades talked to me and apologized for the incident. He told me that the two individuals were suspended from further road events and even offered me a free subscription to their upcoming seminar. I want to thank this website for helping us voice our opinions and let everybody know that there is justice for everyone.

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