  • Report:  #154609

Complaint Review: Brandy Hogan - Tupper Lake New York

Reported By:
- north las vegas, Nevada,

Brandy Hogan
Main Street Tupper Lake, 12986 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
How can any mother do cocaine and drink heavily while pregnant with total disregard to the child she carries? Brandy did just that --- not once, but twice. Her second child shows extreme fetal alcohol syndrome and cocaine addiction. She is known all around town at the bars for her drunken behavior including stripping while pregnant. After having the second child she continues to drink and do drugs. The biggest drug dealer in town is at her house 2-3 times a week. Brandy has been arrested four times in one year: three for DWI (lost her license) and one for bouncing checks all over town. Her home is a pig sty. She leaves the children with anyone that will take them so she can party. They are often seen filthy, in dirty diapers, and look like they are starving. Both children are by different fathers. The second is a drug addict, like her, and has recently moved in with her because he lost his apartment. He could not pay the rent because he was out on administrative leave from Sunmount, without pay. SHe is under investigation for wrongdoing. She went after him for child support like she did the first father. The first one is paying out. The second decided to go back with her to avoid it. He is no father, either. Just a drug addict. How sad is it that these poor children have to live in such a horrible place with these uncaring people. Why doesn't Social Services or the Child Support Unit do something about it before its too late?

Why is she able to continue working at Sunmount when they have a policy that you must have a current driver's license to work there?


north las vegas, Nevada

8 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
United States of America
Is Brandy single now?

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, August 02, 2011

I'm planning on coming up again to Tupper Lake now that I've found this site.  There are so many potential babes to choose from.. Do I want Christy, Katie (the crazy girl), Channelle the baby tosser, or any other of these diseased welfare cases?  Let me know the dirt folks.  I want a nice classy superclean Tupper babe like the ones I read about here!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Finally charged with 4th dwi

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 23, 2009

Its true almost 2 years later she was charged with the 4th dwi. Still has the job at sunmount though. How do they not know? Why dont thye follow the regulations like they would for anyone else? Brandy still has no license its been 4 years and has managed to continue working for the state. Her mommy drives her all over with the kids you think she would put and end to it and teach her a lesson once and for all. Im sure she will never drive again!!!!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Still no jail???????

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, October 17, 2008

I would like to know why this piece of s**t has not went to jail yet? Apperently she got away with her 4th DWI and the felony charges. She has been put up for termination twice now and still has her job. She was never even put out on leave with out pay durning the termination process. And for 3 1/2 years did not have a drivers license now supposedly she got a permit. Sunmount made her file for one and the dmv gave it to her. There are so many people in this wolrd even celebrities that have one offense and do jail time why hasnt she?? Its not fair and she is never going to learn her lesson. The fathers need to get full custody of those children. Brandy is high on perscription meds all the time she takes double doses so she can get the high. She will go to work all messed up. She is at the VFW steady what a loser. How bout you quit drinking and doing drugs get your self some help. i hope you read this you need someone to tell you the truth.

Honest Sam

Bay Area,
How come the networks haven't picked up on this yet?

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, May 15, 2007

With all the postings on here about life in Tupper Lake you'd think a network would send a crew down there to get some footage. This could be the next Dynasty or Melrose Place (although likely to be more skanky.)


Tupper Lake,
New York,
4th DWI In 10 Years For Brandy

#6UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 15, 2007

Here is a copy of the police log. FELONY ARREST IN TUPPER LAKE: 5/12/07 A women crashed a car off Mclaughlin Avenue at 4:05am saturday while she was allegedly intoxicated. Brandy L. Hogan 29 of Tupper Lake was charged with a felony driving while intoxicated after she crashed her friends 1993 buick regal, a car she allegedly did not have permission to drive. Hogan was charged with a felony because of a prior DWI conviction. She was additionally charged with unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and third degree aggrivated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, both misdemeanors as well as speed not reasonable and prudent. She was arraigned in village of Tupper Lake court and released.- Press Republican News Paper.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
I also know Brandy and she is a drug addict, alcoholic, and a horrible mother.

#7UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 07, 2007

I am an employee at Sunmount DDSO. However I do know Brandy very well. When she was younger she burnt down an apartment trying to kill the people inside beacuse she wanted the girls boyfriend and he wanted nothing to do with her. So she got completely intoxicated put lighter fluid under the couples door and lit it on fire then proceeded to pass out drunk in the hallway. Why do you wonder why she is not in prison for this because mommy Diana hired a very good lawyer. That is also why Diana still has that dump of a house but yet she makes a ton of money but she spends it all trying to bail all of her drug addicted children out of jail. I also witnessed Brandy at the bars copletely intoxed on several occassions when she was pregnant with both of her children. I know many people who have witnessed her using crack cocaine durning both of her pregnancies aswell. Not to mention her home is unsanitarty for her children. The fire department had to go there because her furnice was smoking and they declared her home a fired hazzard because of how filfthy it was. She was told that she had to clean it immediatly. Does it stay clean no. Her mothers home was the same way when those kids were growing up. All she cares about is herself adn she uses her kids as an excuse to get child support from both of the fathers who aslo work at Sunmount. She has had 3 DWI's within 10 years. She will probably never get her license back but yet she continues to work at Sunmount when they have a policy stating that it is required to have one. Not to mention she misses more work than she there. She is either calling in at least once every two weeks or being not even calling at all. She has went to work drunk and high on several occasions everyone that works with her knows all this. So Jeremy you are a liar. She also is no longer able to give out medication to the consumers because she was taking the ridelin from one of them. She was bringing in money and cd's for this consumer as long as he gave her his meds. How sick is that? The nurses will refuse to recertify her. But yet seh still has her job anyone else would of lost it. The higher ups have had a couple of meetings with her the last few weeks because Alabny finally was stepping in but some how everything got taken out of her folder and she now has a clean slate. Brandy will never learn unfortunatel something bad is going to happen before her retarted mother wakes up. I feel bad for the children.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
what does it matter to any of u...

#8UPDATE Employee

Tue, October 10, 2006

i work with brandy and her ex and i think they are splendid people. i find both of them to be very easy to work with and they do not come to work under the influence of any substances. i like them both and i find the weak people in the world post things on here because they cant say something to that persons face. so for all of those who posted this and agreed... you are all weak and i think u have no life. much like myself. you need to ask urselves how is this affecting my life... well las vegas nevada i am doubting its tearing urs apart so plz shut up. i repeat i said plz. go to the corner right now. hurry go by 3:15am and pick me up. u know what for dont toy with me. (ur profession silly) now move along now. and im sure ull be walking too! hahaha i rule


Tupper Lake,
New York,
I know Brandy Hogan, she is a druggie and drunk! mommy Dianna LaDue is a big wig, in the LIT, she is the treatment team leader

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, August 23, 2005

I will tell you exactly why Brandy keeps her job without a drivers license, because her mommy Dianna LaDue is a big wig, in the LIT, she is the treatment team leader. The good people get thrown out and the druggies stay there, thats funny, society in Tupper Lake or at least Sunmount is meaningless. I say Brandys a*s needs to be sent to a house and she should be dropped to a grade 9 like another female was I know. Brandy is not above the law!

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