  • Report:  #640084

Complaint Review: Bruce Baldinger Esq. - Mount Vernon New Jersey

Reported By:
Federal Investigators - Morristown, New York, United States of America

Bruce Baldinger Esq.
14 Meadow Lane Mount Vernon, 07976 New Jersey, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Mr. Baldinger has a knack for convicing people he is honest. He uses the fact that he is licensed as a lawyer in 3 states (NJ, NJ, FL) as a way of overpowering people and impressing them with his vast wisdom and knowledge.

Once people learn that Mr. Baldinger is licensed in "3 states" they immediately assume he is smart, honest, hard working and a good lawyer. Nothing could be further from the truth, because he is dishonest, criminally motivated and hurts people mentally and financially. There are MANY documented cases of this.

Almost every single complaint we have investigated in connection with Mr. Baldinger reveals that he flaunts his 3 licenses as a way of getting special favors, attention from courts, and an authoritative advantage over others who do not have his level of intellect or legal skill.

Make no mistake, while every legal, court and complaint document we have studied does in fact reveal that Mr. Baldinger is intelligent and sophisticated the common theme that Mr. Baldinger uses to destroy his opponents is his fantastic ability to lie and deceive others into beleiving what he is saying is true.  This is the work of a hardened pathological liar with no further ability to use reason, logic to resolve his disputes. Bruce Baldinger is a terminator lawyer with no real respect for the law or the courts unless it suits his selfish needs (money).

Individuals are no longer afraid of Bruce Baldinger. Society is no longer afraid.

And now for another complaint against the dangerous Bruce Baldinger:

Acting as a fiduciary for Amanda Rinkleur and Assoc Bruce Baldinger received a check for $65,000. He wasn't supposed to touch this money. Instead he put it into his business account and paid his personal bills with it (embezzlement & tax evasion).

For this theft and crime alone Bruce Baldinger was supposed to be permanently disbarred in the state of NJ but he wasn't.  There is so much corruption in NJ that the new Governor, Chris Christie, was successful in eliminating approximately 133 corrupt government officials in NJ alone over the last 18 months. This is a huge accomplishment but corruption in the legal system (and negligence) is still rampant, to wit: Baldinger. See the Press Release by the NJ Governor's Office a few weeks ago on their site re gov't corruption.

In Jan 2009, the Office of Attorney Ethics, receives a new Director, Charles Centinaro but his office is so upside down that disiplining lawyers is like taming lions with jelly beans - it can't happen - and in the process people are still being hurt.  Lawyers who are sophisticated like Bruce Baldinger know how to beat the system so they stay in business longer, ruining more people's lives and ripping off as many people as possible while they are still licensed to practice law. But we digress.

One more digression before we continue with the complaint: Baldinger has a knack for demanding that courts "conceal" evidence or "hide" the truth.  We discovered a pattern with Bruce Baldinger that he tries to alarm judges with his articulately prepared, "EMERGENCY MOTION TO SEAL DAMAGING EVIDENCE ABOUT ME".  Anything that has to do with revealing Bruce Baldinger's secrets, motives, machinations, behavior, intentions, unethical or illegal conduct, threats to others he will try to have "SEALED" and he will insist on getting "GAG" orders. He likes to have people who know the truth about him "gagged".  Well, now Bruce Baldinger can feel what it is like to be gagged because public opinion alone will leave him desolate and isolated from any rational or same person and he will only be left to deal with the criminal community who will accept him (until he is disbarred).  The next time Bruce Baldinger has a psychotic episode and lashes out mentally or physically against any one of his family, friends, clients or enemies he is liable to get arrested or committed to a mental hospital to restrain him from committing further harm to society. Nearly every one of his victims is now aware of his past, present and explosive, psychotic behavior and he is now on watch. 

Bruce Baldinger should have never abused the women in his life that was helping him and supportive of him who he stole from.  Now he is going to die a slow and painful public opinion death to his reputation for the sins and crimes he caused upon so many.  That is his fate (unless of course he starts giving back ALL the money he stole and makes amends for all the damage he caused because only HE can change his life for the better. Only he can stop doing wrong and start doing right by becoming honest bit by bit until he is once again accepted in society as a trustworthy member. Until then, only he can destroy himself and noone else.

Ok, so back to the complaint:

After Bruce Baldinger lost the $65,000 judgment against him he swore that he was broke and he shut down his business "Baldinger and Levine, LLC" and he quickly opened up "Levine and Baldinger, LLC". He swore up and down to the gods, the courts, his victims that "no money was transferred from the prior to the latter".

There is so much more to expose to the community here but we will end off for now.

Bruce Baldinger is a sick man. He has committed so many crimes that he needs to be placed in a mental institution or prison, away and safe from society or alot of other people are going to get hurt by him.

Many more complaints to follow.

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