  • Report:  #338072

Complaint Review: Brumani Marketing - brumanimarketing.com - Nicole Brumfield - Elaine Marks Nikki Brumfield - New Port Richey Florida

Reported By:
- New Port Richey, Florida,

Brumani Marketing - brumanimarketing.com - Nicole Brumfield - Elaine Marks Nikki Brumfield
8303 Matthew Dr. New Port Richey, 34653 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
brumanileads.com http://www.brumanimarketing.com This report is meant to tell you the truth about 2 horrid characters who play the game of dress up business and their tactics to seduce and attack customers, employees and competitors. These 2 crooks are 1 of a kind. Please pay close attention to the facts before making your decision to get envolved with Nicole Brumfield and Elaine Marks of Brumani Marketing in any way shape or form. www.brumanileads.com


Brumani Marketing and owners Nicole Brumfield and Elaine Marks have been in business for about 1 yr at the most. Nicole Brumfield and Elaine Marks worked for a company called Carisa Sanders Marketing and lied to the owner as pretended she was working and instead she was starting her own telemarketing business. Once she was up and running she began to go after Carisa Sanders Marketing clients and took 2 accounts Oral Image and Strategic Marketing now known as Results TM owner Nick McCallion who is a crook all on his own a and has his own rip off report and changed his names as well because he was ripping off honey baked ham and his employee. Anyway, Nicole Brumfield and Elaine Marks never even called all the hours Nick purchased for his accounts. Nicole Brumfield and Elaine Marks had a actual conversation one day about how they needed to generate so many leads in a shorter amount of hours than he ordered so they could make money. Now Nicole Brumfield and Elaine Marks are currently working with a broker and plotting to take his money and not perform all the hours. www.brumanileads.comhttp://www.brumanimarketing.com

If that is not enough here are some more details for those who need more and for those she has ripped off so far. www.brumanileads.com http://www.brumanimarketing.com

Her lack boyfriend's name is Chudy and is from Nigeria he beats her up all the time and they live in a house they just moved into in Holiday , Florida and have the business listed as New Port Richey, FL.

Nicole Brumfield moved from PA to FL so noone would know where she lives. She collects welfare and government assistance while she owns her business and works from her tiny office in her house. She used a virtual follow me # to appear larger than she is. She is trying to currently steal from a broker and lied to him and said she has about 30 callers and she has only about 10 and she does not have enough accounts to take care of us and we often have no hours and Nicole Brumfield plays games with paying us. www.brumanileads.com


Nicole and Elaine want to open up a actual building or call center and Nicole Brumfield and Elaine Marks are doing it by stealing from prospective investors because Elaine use to work for the stock market and is very familiar with how to wheel and deal with them. BEWARE of this team.

Elaine Marks is the wicked with of the east, Elaine Marks comes across our skype all the time with Attention Everyone and then is rude and abusive all the time. She gets a kick out of being the boss. Elaine Marks frequently went to Carisa Sanders Marketing, now known as Superior Telemarketing web site to fill out quote request forms all the time to find out the prices etc. Elaine Marks is part owner of Brumani Marketing this business you can reach her at 618-344-0159

Nicole has a rule when a employee makes her mad she cuts the hours to almost nothing and then makes then quite. She often does not have hours anyway. Her former poor friend (whos name I wont mention because Nikki likes to bully people) had a major falling out because Nikki promised her she would put her in charge of the callers but instead hired Patty Wallace who went to Brumani Marketing from Carisa Sanders Marketing. Then Patti branched off and created her own company and then quit and then Nicole Brumfield was left in the dust with Juanita (an idiot) and Elaine (Nikki's do girl).



Dose of your own medicine!

A closer friend than you think!

Inside Scoop

New Port Richey, Florida


9 Updates & Rebuttals

Fed Up

Fed Up

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 10, 2008

Why is it people cannot stop there childish attacks, I am a past employee of Brumani and yes i did always get paid on time, And also in response to Nicole and Elaines updates that they are not partners they are and I was told on several occasions that they were, Also this bad mouthing about peoples living conditions is completely rude. It is not business like to post things like that. I feel so sorry for Nicole that she has to go thru what she does with Chudi and my heart breaks that a man thinks he has that right to lay his hands on a person, but that does not mean that it needs to be broadcasted and also your sexual gender does not make or break you as a business owner. So why don't people just grow up and post truths about how they run there business instead of there personal lives. I am the person posted in the first blog about being her long time friend and being done wrong. yes we were friends for over 15 years and yes she did me very wrong and she knows that and has to live with that for the rest of her life but with that being said the personal attacks are getting way out of hand and athough I love my job it is getting to the point where I am affraid to look from day to day and see all this hatred and I am about to call it all quits. I think everyone needs to grow up and move on and just call enough enough. There are innocent people being drug into all of this and it is totally uncalled for. We are all in this for the same thing and that is to make a better life for our families and that cannot be done when there is all this negativity being passed around because no one will be in business if it keeps up because no one will wan't to do business with people who are constantly at war with others, so everyone just needs to move on and focus on there own businesses.I do wish everyone the best in there futures and we all just need to focus on that ( our futures).


Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina,

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 10, 2008

I wasn't going to respond to all of this as it just gives this site more and more power over people. But after reading the lies that were posted and the accusations that this was me that posted this in the first place I decided it was time to respond myself. I am going to try to enclose what has transpired since this report has been filed, I am going to enclose emails that were sent but edit them slightly because innocent people's names are in them. I hope that the editor allows it all. After this was posted my sister who this company placed on my Rip Off Report received this Skype Message: [6/7/2008 11:27:00 PM] Kim says: [9:41:44 PM] Nikki says: OH yeah, Nice Msg, let your sis know that we ELAINE wrote this nice thing last night on Rip off takin up for you all after CS slandered you ......But, I see you all want to play dirty, Well, Im not DIRTY and will not play, just say my mind....Here is what is in process of being posted. [9:41:45 PM] Nikki says: The posting about Patricia Wallace, Patti Wallace, Grapevine Telemarketing is done by Carisa Sanders the so called BANKRUPT owner or should I say SCAMMER of Superior Telemarketing. She is playin her REVENGE games again and is trying to get everyone in her path at no matter what the cost. She is posting this because these are ex-employees of a year ago! She is totally jealous of anyone that left and went on to open their own business. Grapevine Telemarketing is an ordinary, reputible business that markets for businesses. They are not a scam in no way, shape or form. Be prepared to read more slandering postings from CARISA SANDERS about other marketing companies and other people...she's already made the threat to them. There will be more people posted about before this is over. DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING POSTED BY CARISA SANDERS. She's mentally challenged, BiPolar and probably off her meds 90% of the time. Businesses have had very bad experiences with her services. She has been threatened with lawsuits. She displays the actions of a 10 year old. She lives to threaten anyone who she thinks might be better than her. She is totally unprofessional as a business owner and business woman. She claims to have no business now......check out the #1-800-879-4176 for yourself....and read the posts that are right here on RIPOFF about her and see for yourself that this woman will stop at nothing. She needs to be run out of the business. THE ENFORCER [9:41:59 PM] Nikki says: Now, She really has something to come back and say! This was sent to my sister after reading a message on my sister's skype about a practical joke my niece (who this company also put in my rip off report) backfired and NB is a nickname that she had been called for years. I won't say what NB stands for because by being on the rip off report my niece has been embarrassed enough and has already had to deal with things that she shouldn't have to deal with because of this. As you can see Nikki(Nicole Brumfield Owner of Brumani Marketing) stated that we wanted to play dirty etc. It upset me that she went to my sister and so I emailed them with this. (Again names have been removed to protect people who don't need to be involved.) From: Patti Wallace Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 12:15 AM To: 'Brumani Marketing' Cc: 'Elaine Marks' Subject: OVERDONE Importance: High Ok here's the deal, No I never wanted to play dirty at all. Fact is that posting on Rip Off Report being CS is IMPOSSIBLE because only a very select few people knew that we moved and knew that the apartment was tiny and knew that we used to live with a child molester, we didn't live with him until AFTER I left CS, which says to me that whoever posted it wanted to make it look like CS had posted it but was TOO STUPID to know the timeframe and know what CS would know and what she wouldn't know. Kinda funny to me that you all knew that, you all also know how CS posts things, you also came to me and accused me of posting something about CS from your area of Florida which BY THE WAYWas (Edited to protect the Innocent) who used to work for CS, then I got into a fight with Elaine that said you all were DONE with me and MY GAMES?? then POOF there is a rip off report on Grapevine, then from my understanding you emailed CS about what THE OTHER TELEMARKETING company is doing to her. Isn't that just the funniest thing?? You seem to forget that I have people that I speak with that still speak with Carisa. You are not as smart as you think you are Nicole and you have to get up really early in the day to pull the wool over my eyes. Am I mad OH YES MA'AM I am. All I wanted to do was start on my own and make sure my family and friends were provided for. I wanted to be left alone but you all just couldn't do that. I know it was you or someone from your company that was posting using my company's name, I have the IP Addresses. Maybe you should remember to use your IP Hider. Interesting how I figured it all out and made you all think it was my former room mate isn't it? Valiant effort on both your parts. Leave me alone, my family alone and anyone else that you decide you want to harass. I am past done with this. Take care of your own business and I will mine. Sincerely, Patti Wallace Yes I do have proof that they went to the company who is now sadly out of business live chat and posted and off line message that my company was now in business and signed it P,S and K. I do have proof that they posted on that same company's blogs etc using my company's name I have the IP addresses of them both which I will NOT post in here because I am not going to open them up to any external interference of any kind. I then received this reply to my email again I have edited it this time to make sure that there is no chance this post will not occur due to vulgar language. From: Elaine Marks Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 12:54 PM To: Patti Wallace Cc: Brumani Marketing Subject: YOUR TYPICAL DRAMA OK HERE'S THE DEAL TO YOU TOO... Believe what you want! We had no part in that posting on RipOff about Grapevine...go ahead and be stupid and don't believe us. Carisa has been back to harrassing us over the past week BEFORE the ripoff report about Grapevine. She started with us when the posting from BARBIE, NEW PORT RICHEY appeared...we got proof...but frankly after your email here, I don't care if you believe that are not. I was posting a rebuttal in your defense on Friday night regardless if I am mad at you or not....I wouldn't let someone tear you down when you didn't deserve it..., yes we approached you on Skype....and NIKKI WAS THERE TOO! so don't go saying you got into a fight with me only....she was the ANTHONY that was added to the conversation she was there and saw every word. You've already did your damage by posting this pure CRAP AND S*** about Brumani. You say we did postings???? You got IP addresses????? We don't care because we did not post anything about any of you. You are a mirror image of CS right now by your posting about Brumani, it doesn't show any intellegence it shows pure revenge, pure childish manner, pure ignorance. Oh, and by the way.....the thing about your room mate......HELLLOOOOO....I didn't know he was a child molester and in fact until towards the end of your connection with us, did I even realize you had a third room mate. Thanks for telling me, like I really care to know that. Think what you want.....do we care? no.....but we did not post anything against anyone on RipOff. And also....it's not smart to post Nick McCallion's name and Honey Baked Ham.....he won't be real happy with this, he jumps this stuff legally real fast, he did with Carisa. So to wrap this up in one simple phrase.......F*** OFF. The part of the response that I find the most amusing is that it states that Nikki was the ANTHONY that was pulled into a Skype chat that Elaine and I had that was again full of more of the same vulgar language. I have been accused of posting the original Report in this report. After everything that I have been through since then I wish now I was the one that posted it. Elaine Marks may not have been the person who posted the rip off report and may not have known about my former room mate but I will tell you that Nicole Brumfield did know it and it was known after I worked for CS. They were also the only people that knew that we moved into a tiny apartment just big enough for my partner and our animals. The posting that happened on my company came just after I had that argument with them in Skype. I don't believe in Coincidences. I did not post this original post or the post on the company that is now out of business from Barbie in New Port Richey. I started my company because my family needed guaranteed income and not the hours that we were getting from Brumani. I lied to Elaine Marks and Nicole Brumfield about my company for fear that something just like this would happen. I also apologized to them both for lying. NONE of my family members worked for me until AFTER they left Brumani Marketing. I in fact encouraged them to stay with Brumani Marketing for as long as they wanted to and it wasn't until they ran their mouth about my Brother In Laws mother being ill to another caller something they had no right to share with anyone and that caller started trouble that they finally all were gone from Brumani Marketing. They left 1 by 1 not in a mass exodus as has been implied. Believe what you want to about this company. I know I am not perfect but I have never done anything like this to try to ruin a company. There is more than enough business out there for everyone. Nicole and Elaine, NOW I have posted on your company.

Reality Sucks

New Port Richy,
Brumani Marketing is a Fake and A Fraud Hilarious Responses http://www.brumanimarketing.com

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 10, 2008

I read this report and could not stop laughing. I am waiting for http://www.brumanimarketing.com to force more of her employees to come here and post good things about http://www.brumanimarketing.com. It is about time someone gave Elaine and Nikki of brumani marketing a taste of their own medicine, brumani marketing http://www.brumanimarketing.com are nothing but barracudas who need to be taught a lesson. brumani marketing http://www.brumanimarketing.com owe's many people money AND including employees LIKE ME! brumani marketing http://www.brumanimarketing.com lie's and say they have like 40 telemarketers http://www.brumanimarketing.com has like maybe 5 working at the most the rest are on stand by for her next victim from guru.com I am complaining to Guru right now in hopes to get http://www.brumanimarketing.com account canceled of her fraud and preying on their web site visitors. I will be digging more into this company to reveal truths, such as the fake person we all learned about Anthony Harrington. I knew that after I was at brumani marketing for a while, but IM glad someone else pointed it out. Well Nikki and Elaine http://www.brumanimarketing.com, sleep tight. More to come....


New Port Richey,
To Whom This May Concern

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, June 09, 2008

This is Nicole Brumfield, (Sole Owner of Brumani Marketing) This is only a few of my concerns about the childish acts from my competitors. I will not write a novel on here like some has. It just takes up too much of my time to respond to people that has nothing better to do than sit on message boards and DOWN a business to make them look good. As far as the previous report from Ms. Sanders, I did not steal business from you. This is free enterprise and should a business want service from Brumani, I will not refuse, Unless I know that we would not be capable of producing for that client. For the EX EMPLOYEE: How come it takes you and your family over 5 months to post something on here about Brumani. Is it because you have your own business and looking for a way to make yourself and your business look good? I do believe that you were getting paid from Brumani while making calls for your OWN BUSINESS. There is not a single person out here that can accuse me of not paying them. I pay everyone even before the end of their shift each and every Friday. There is so much to say about these these 2 hateful competitors, but I will not stoop to their level and slander their business. I will continue to concentrate on running a successful business. If you have any questions at all, Please contact me (Nicole Brumfield) at 888-233-1646 ext. 701 and I will be happy to answer any questions that you have.

The Enforcer


#6UPDATE Employee

Mon, June 09, 2008

Thank you for coming to our defense! As I stated in my rebuttal Brumani DOES NOT post slander on a company, even if we are being attacked by a disgruntled ex-Independent Contractor or Contractors who have not been with our company since January as we are witnessing here. I want to point out that I stated OVER 9 YEARS of experience....the poster might want to learn attention to detail in reading more closely next time before jumping all over a statement. And as I previously stated in my last post....the facts they state are very far from correct, they do not know the business level management and ownership. This company was originated before Patti Wallace, Kim Parks and Sandra McDonald left Carisa Sanders Marketing and later hired by our company. They do not know the roots of the company. So saying that Anthony doesn't exist is a totally false speculation. And also, the statement they make that we are using the exact calling site as Carisa Sanders is absolutely false. We have our own server for the callers and the site used in the calls is produced by Intuit which is a commercial business product to anyone and everyone. This again only mirrors the other uneducated remarks made about our company. We only hope that anyone reading these postings realize these are very unprofessional even by a competitor. We uphold our service to our customers and to bring up client names and accusing Brumani of delivering bad service is totally unprofessional of this competitor. If anyone has any questions or concerns please contact us at 1-888-233-1646 Ext 701 or 702. We would be happy to answer any questions. This is our Business Line to our offices to reach live assistance unless we are on the other line helping clients, then we will return your call as soon as we are available. This is NOT a "follow me" number.


New Jersey,
What a joke of a report

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, June 09, 2008

As a ex employee of Nikki's and Brumani's I in no way agree to the postings left. Nikki and her contractors are hard working that do their darndest to meet and exceed the expectations of each and every one of their clients. In my time with them they in fact did do this to the point where accounts were suspended due to their overwhelming success in appointment setting. Who ever is responsible for these slanderous posts about Brumani need to concentrate on whatever their business endeavors are and leave this company. Nikki and Brumani has a bright future and should be left alone to do what they do best.

Insider 2

New Port Richey,
brumanimarketing.com Brumani Marketing is a Liar and a Scam

#8UPDATE Employee

Mon, June 09, 2008

YES they are liars, In fact Nicole has a 2nd rule, we have to get more leads on an account in less time. So she can bill the clients less hours, I think someone should go through their billing records if she keeps any. Another fact is there is no such person as Anthony Harington as stated here on her web site. She often lies about that and he is not even a person. Unless it is her black boyfriend "chudy" lying about his name. She is a huge fraud. BEWARE REGARDLESS OF HER DEVIOUS SIDE KICKS REBUTTAL. Please feel free to contact us by Web or Phone 1-888-233-1646 (Toll Free) 9am-5pm EST Mon-Fri We look forward to hearing from YOU! Email Contacts President Nicole Brumfield [email protected] Vice President Anthony Harrington [email protected] Sales Director Elaine Marks [email protected] HR Director Elaine Marks [email protected] Marketing Aaron Ford [email protected] Careers [email protected] Information [email protected] another lie: Elane Marks put in her rebuttal they have 9 years experience WHY then does it say on the site 10 years. JUST ANOTHER LIE! See for yourself. Brumani Marketing "Welcomes You" to the Professional Services of Telemarketing! This was taken off page 1 of her site http://www.brumanimarketing.com see it posted below. Offering over 10 years of experience. WE PROVIDE: Professional Outbound B2B B2C Telemarketing Lead Generation Appointment Setting Telesales Market Research Programs WHY CHOOSE BRUMANI MARKETING? Trained and Professional Representative Competitive Pricing No Start Up Or Set Up Fees Producing Results Not Promises Driving Business To You We here at Brumani Marketing give 100% to each and every client. Whether you are a new client, or have been doing business with us for years. "YOUR SUCCESS IS OUR GOAL" AGAIN THIS TEAM IS A FRAUD AND A SCAM, DO YOUR GRUNT WORK GET REAL REFERENCES, AND BEWARE THEY PASS OUT FAKE #'S TO THEIR FRIENDS AS REFERENCES. How does Brumani work, just like CSM and I worked fro BOTH. She copied Carisa Sanders to the t she has the same exact callers site and does alls he can to digg into CSM to find out as much as she can she is a thief a liar and a cheating business person, if you can call her that. IF what you see here is not enough, you deserve to be taken from, others just walk away and stay safe!

The Enforcer


#9UPDATE Employee

Sun, June 08, 2008

I, Elaine Marks would like to take a moment to clarify what we believe is happening here. Firstly, I am NOT part owner of Brumani Marketing, I happen to be the Sales Director and Hr Director. Nicole the owner of Brumani did not move from PA for the company, she moved back to FL where she originally lived before Brumani. She is NOT on welfare and has a very nice home where her office is located. We are NOT planning on opening a 'brick and mortar' call center as this person indicates. We do NOT work with a broker. And the comment about my past work history of a Financial and Investment background indicating that I know how to swindle people is a total slanderous remark to the entire industry. This entire posting is falsely stated. There is no reason for this posting other than the fact that this person or persons involved were ex Independent Contractors with our company and did not like authority. "She gets a kick out of being the boss" as this person quotes...yes I guess I do get a kick out of it...I am the HR Director over the callers that's my job which is not being abusive. And my "Attention Everyone" on the Skype messenger in order to do the announcement necessary was due to the fact of overposting the excessive chat that we witnessed during calling times. So it became a normal announcement but obviously some people couldn't handle it. We had a few other callers actually complain to us about the disturbance during their work shift. So being rude and abusive?...I think not, I do my job and that's where it ends. This poster or posters happens to be a competitor and an ex-independent contractor....simply put....it's all about competition obviously and false accusation. Brumani Marketing does not posts slander against companies, it's not professional. We have a professional business and have been in sales, marketing and recruiting for over 9 years. We are a business with strong backgrounds and experience and intend to keep it that way and deliver the service our customers purchase....no short cuts here!

Karen X Employee Superior Telemarketing

For Me To Know And You To Find Out,
North Carolina,
This report is so typical of Carisa Sanders, of Carisa Sanders Marketing and/or Superior Telemarketing, it is pathetic..............

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, June 08, 2008

And the spelling really gives it away. For Carisa to come on here and file a report like this is totally absurd. At least I do not see anywhere that Brumani does not pay the people that worked for them with bounced checks that also come back as non negotiable. But there again, that is about your speed, Carisa. You cannot email people back or phone them back, but you can rip them off of their money and you can come on ripoff to report other companies. Why do you not take care of your own company, instead of trying to get in other people's business? But, there again, you are about as low as low gets. We should expect nothing else from you. And just you wait and see, you will get what is coming to you.

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