  • Report:  #1062717

Complaint Review: Burnstein and Burnstein - Largo Florida

Reported By:
Angry&Disgusted - Florida,

Burnstein and Burnstein
14100 Walsingham Road #20 Largo, Florida, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I am a former employee for the Burnstein and Burnstein "firm". I have never in my life worked for a slimeball low life like Mr. Joey Dima. Joey, also known as Sid, Sy, and Isreal Burnstein (all fake names) opened this crap company out of the basement of his home 11 years ago. His website states he (Sid) inherited the company from his father, who inherited it from his father many many years ago. First lie. "Sid" never went to college, his picture is photoshopped, he can barely function without his staff typing his EVERY email (not to mention dirty texts to various females). 

This man only hires 20 something females he thinks he can "get". He has made passes at every female, even going as far as forcing himself onto some. His "family run company" consists of strippers and phone sex opperators whom he gives the last name Burnstein and says they are all his neices. Lies.

Worst of all!!! He embezzles THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of client's money!!! He collects the debts and doesnt pay the clients their 75%!!!! He says he does "remittance" once a month, and pays any monies collected on or around the 15th of every month. I'll put it this way, the company brings in hundreds of accounts A DAY and he pays around 150 clients a month. You can do the math. He banks thousands every week into his own personal bank accounts. Not including the one bank account his ex-wife (currently going through divorce for domestic battery) actually KNOWS about.**side note** His violence comes out on employees as well**  

When a client calls inquiring about a payment that they were told was made, he plays dumb and "looks into it personally" and magically the check is cut. Majority of his accounts that he holds payments to himself, he keeps and hopes the company doesnt call to ask for it!! Also, when new accounts are sent in, he tells his admin to let them know they "have already been entered into the system and the collectors have already began the process"-- LIES!!!! There are PILES all over the office of accounts that havent been entered in from MONTHS ago because he can't keep staff long enough to catch up!! If we don't put out, he fires. This is a daily thing. Girls don't last anymore than a couple of weeks there.

There is no filing system!!! Everything is notecards and pieces of paper piled into old boxes. Current clients: have you ever called and been put on hold for 10 minutes to be told everything has been taken care of? It's because Joey had every employee drop everything they were doing to dig through piles to find the account, ended up not finding it and, wrote a note on a post it for a reminder to keep looking after we hang up.

When we receive a check in the mail? And can't find the account after digging through pile after pile for an hour? Joey deposits the check anyway and if we don't find it.... oh well... the client doesn't get paid.

This company is foul. I am disgusted I was there for the few weeks I was, but I feel I was put there to bring justice to this piece of crap excuse for a man.

Run! Report! Current clients PULL YOUR ACCOUNTS and call a lawyer A.S.A.P.!!!

9 Updates & Rebuttals


Denial Must Be Rough...

#2Author of original report

Thu, November 21, 2013

Joey. This is not your ex-wife, though it would make perfect sense for her to want you to be shown for what you really are. Unfortunately, you've negatively affected many more people than just her. You've had dozens upon dozens of young females come in and out of your office. Some you've "had", some you never got a chance to. You have NEVER had an all male staff, your filing system WAS atrocious (I can only assume you had everything filed in a panic that this honest press would trigger an unexpected audit) and every other word I have spoken is 100% truth. The WORST part is that you STILL haven't accepted it. Denial.. is a sickness.

At first, I wanted you exposed so horribly bad so everyone, including prospective clients, could hopefully waste their money in a more fruitful way. Strangly enough, I have already found my peace. Finding my peace does not mean I don't still want you to be brought to justice, it just means I have allowed this one POWERFUL thread to be seen and you keep pulling the string. I know for a fact that it is impossible to have posts removed here. People have tried time and time again and the simple fact is that this will be here until the internet dies. 

You need to accept responsiblity for the horrible things you have done. You are a bad man, a bad person, a bad business owner (how DARE you call yourself an honest business owner!), not to mention a bad COMMUNITY MEMBER. You have bumper stickers that speak of peace and love, but those of us that have been exposed to you for more than a week long period know exactly who you are and the things you do. Justice will be served, and hopefully enough current clients see this and take you to court. They say Karma is a .... She's going to love you!


wesley chapel,
Valid Demand to Remove Article Post

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, November 19, 2013


  Establishing the author of the post:

  • How does the author claim to know so much about the company owner?

 The author claims to have documented the owner’s personal life and businessroutine as if he/she had been closely examining (stalking) the owner.

 The author mentions invalid statements regarding the owner’s personal life and   marriage. How would a client or employee know this information? They wouldn’t.


  • The author complains about multiple bizarre and irrelevant issues which  do not relate to the actual “rip off” of the product or service a company provides.

       The author mentions a divorce because of domestic battery between the   owner and the ex-wife. This is irrelevant, and highly personal.



The owner’s ex-significant other is highly suspected of writing this rip off report.

He/she threatened to destroy the Burnstein business if he/she

didn’t receive a sum of money.





Ripoffreport Report Image


The author makes many accusations regarding many things:

As provided above, the accusations are false.



The author wrote 8 paragraphs of text. Among all the statements:

The only serious claim was that Burnstein & Burnstein “steals money from clients”.


This accusation is false, inaccurate, and damaging to the small business.The company experiences unnecessary deficits when future customers see the rip off report online.

 The owner has been licensed since 1976.His status of financial responsibility has been perfect in FL, and NJ.

 There was never any record of malfeasance.The owner of Burnstein & Burnsteinwill provide remittance checks upon request.


The owner of this company (Joey)

can be reached at his cellphone: (727) 517-7601

 Kindly provide the date you will remove the false rip off report.



#4Author of original report

Fri, September 06, 2013

If this is who I think it is, I'm proud of you! But either way, you did the right thing and if he really is even a fraction as religious as he likes to make himself seem, only God can judge him. This company needs to be shut down. I have tried to go to the BBB, IRS, attorneys etc. and Joey has taken very careful steps to make sure he's untouchable. Karma is coming for you Joey Dima. 


Every Word Is True

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, September 06, 2013

 I am also a former employee of Joey Dima aka Sid, Sy and Israel Burnstein and every single word in the original report is MOST CERTAINLY TRUE. He is a lying, disgusting dirt bag of a thief. He has sexually harassed every single female that has come through the office. If you don't accept it, your fired! This man is the one that really needs the Prayers. He acts like he is Religous but leads the most non-religous life of anybody that i have ever met. Joey Dima....... You deserve the worst for all the people that you have had such a negative effect on...... It's a negative effect that stays with you for a while too. The job i got after leaving Burnstein & Burnstein is so amazing but because i was always so scared to lose my job with Joey that fear followed me to the next company. It took many many months for me to get over it enough to be able to actually relax at my new job. Best thing i ever did with Burnstein and Burnstein was LEAVE.


Cease and Desist

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, July 10, 2013

This is infact the only post in this thread, or anywhere for that matter to to come from me, Tiffany Camp. I was made aware of this post by the author. I am not the author if this thread, and have nothing to do with this company since I resigned. I could not care less what happens with this company, and wouldnt waste my energy to write this post. I am now asking that everyone cease and desist attching my name to this, as i have no involvement with matter . Any problems with this post and the information contained in it should be addressed with Brittany and not blamed on me.  I do not wish to be caught in the middle of this dispute.


Other Questions

#7Author of original report

Wed, July 10, 2013

Please answer honestly:

Are Sid, Sy, and Isreal real people? No.

Is this a family run company? No.

Are ANY of your staff really related? No.

Do you sexually harass your staff on a daily basis? Yes.

Do you steal money from your clients? Yes.

Is your real name Joseph Dima? Yes.

Do you pay 100% of payments received? Most definitely not.

Do you delete any bad reviews that ex-clients have posted? YES.

Should you come clean and accept the fact that you lie, steal, cheat? Yes.

Will God be able to accept the horrible things you do and say daily? I don't know.

You cannot change the things you have done, nor can you continue to lie to your clients and expect to be successful. Lies and theft can only continue so long until your clients decide to contact the proper athorities and HOPEFULLY get back their rightfully owed monies. You are blaming your faults on everyone but yourself. Take responsibility for your actions, own what you have done, and move on. You've been caught. I'm sorry to all people affected by this man, and I pray you humor me and look into this company. You will find EVERY WORD I have said to be 100% truth. I am in fact an honest, hard working, extremely upset person who would HOPE that someone like myself would have given them a heads up on my money being stolen. The only thing this man has stolen from me was my time and dedication that should have been spent at a worthwhile job.

Again, Joey, I'm sorry that I am not sorry.

Burnstein & Burnstein, Trustee

Disgruntled Employee Requires Prayer and Compassion

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, July 10, 2013

 Dear Friends, Clients, Customers, Vendors, Prospects, and Nationwide Legal Team,

I apologize from the bottom of my heart. Ms. Tiffany Camp was obviously a disgruntled employee. She may be best served by counseling and prayer. Many of you know that we are a faith based and family managed collection firm. We have collected for the most of our core client base since approximately 1980.

With much regret, felony charges are pending against Ms. Camp with the Largo Police Depatment. They are located at 201 Highland Avenue, Largo, FL 33770. Our case number is 2013-6187.

The official Largo Police Department Statement Form reads "Tiffany Camp deleted our Burnstein & Burnstein templates, including our collection letters, demand letters and payment letters. She also deleted all of the files from our server and documents including our emails and favorites. Our Quicken 2013 was also deleted which included our client information, payroll data, and vendor information."

Thankfully our Internet Tech was able to restore a great majority of our data. We are greatful that we maintained paper records as well.

Please feel free to call or visit our office at anytime. Thank you for your understanding and my GOD continue to bless you, your family, and staff.



Joseph Dima, You truly don't quit do you??

#9Author of original report

Wed, July 10, 2013

Its funny that you think this is a different person, Joey. You just proved my point that you are a horrible boss, if there is another person upset with you. I find it sad that instead of sucking it up that you finally found a website that you can't delete negative comments about your fraud, you feel the need to continue the lies. You arethe furthest from spiritual, you are NOT jewish, your hold music is Christian music streamed from Pandora, and you aren't sorry for anything! This is not the person you aparently think it is, but I'll be da**ed if you think you can keep lying to customers and get away with it. Sorry I'm not sorry, but justice will be served. And speaking of criminals, that poor girl has never done a single ILLEGAL thing in her life, you're the one who tried to strangle someone. Having your mugshot removed doesn't mean people wont find out. May God bless YOUR heart because clearly, you need it.

Burnstein & Burnstein, Trustee

Discrental Employee Requires Prayer and Compassion

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, July 09, 2013

Dear Friends, Clients, Customers, Vendors, Prospects, and Nationwide Legal Team,

I apologize from the bottom of my heart. Ms. Tiffany Camp was obviously a disgruntled employee. She may be best served by counseling and prayer. Many of you know that we are a faith based and a family managed firm. We have collected for most of our core client base since approximately 1980.

With much regret, felony charges are pending against Ms. Camp with the Largo Police Department. They are located at 201 Highland Avenue, Largo, FL 33770. Our case number is 2013-6187.

The official Largo Police Department Statement Form reads "Tiffany Camp deleted our Burnstein & Burnstein templates, including our collection letters, demand letter and payment letters. She also has deleted all the files from our server and documents including our emails and favorites. Our Quicken 2013 was also deleted which included our client information, payroll data, and vendor information.

Thank fully our Internet Tech was able to restore a great majority of our data. Thank you for understanding and may GOD continue to bless you, your family, and staff.

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