  • Report:  #66614

Complaint Review: Buslink - Baldwin Park California

Reported By:
- Lake Forest, California,

434 Cloverleaf Drive Baldwin Park, 91076 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
As others have experienced, I, too, am a victim of Buslinks' ripoff policy concerning rebates for their products.

I submitted my rebate, with the necessary forms on February 24, 2003. Nothing happened. I went online June 15 and filled out the Rebate Status Form. Nothing happened. I again filled out the Rebate Status Form on August 18. Nothing happened. A couple of days later I emailed Buslink and informed them I did not wish to wait the proscribed 8 weeks for a reply. Nothing happened.

As an aside, the Rebate Status Form states that a reply will be received in 2-3 business days, but also indicates that it may take 6-8 weeks for a reply. Which is it? Obviously, neither one!

This rebate was for their 52x CD-RW drive, model #RW-5252.

Although it may be futile, I'm going to contact the California State Attorney Generals' office.

If enough people do, out of staters included, perhaps they'll pay attention.


Lake Forest, California

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Lake Forest,
The wait is over!

#2Author of original report

Tue, October 21, 2003

On 10/18/03 there was an envelope in my mailbox with my name and address handwritten. The imprinted return address was Buslink USA, Inc. Inside was a money order, with my name and the purchasers name, handwriiten, in the amount of $30.00. I want to draw your attention to the HANDWRITTEN parts. Since when does a multimillion dollar corporation handwrite anything! Call me suspicious, but it seemed like just after I contacted the California State Attorney General, I get a rebuttal to my complaint on this website. So, I received a bank money order instead of an official company check. Seems like someone took a few bucks out of petty cash and went to the bank for a money order. Riddle me this: Did Buslink, the corporation, have anything to do with this, or, is this the work of the unknown Consumer Service Representative acting on his or her own? It's the handwritten bits that have me wondering. What say you, anonymous Buslink representative?


Lake Forest,
Now I wait!

#3Author of original report

Wed, October 08, 2003

I will be mailing, (by snail mail), the information requested by the anonymous Buslink Consumer Service Representative. I have included a copy of the original rebate form as well. Now I wait!


Baldwin Park,
Rebate Representative

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, October 03, 2003

In order for us to resolve this matter we request the following information to resolve the customer complaint. 1. Customers first and last name. 2. Address provided on the rebate form. 3. Telepone number with area code. 4. Department or Promotion number the rebate inquestion was mailed to. Once the above information is received we will search our records and to verify the information is true and valid. If the information provided is invalid Buslink is not held liable for all invalid submissions received. Thank You Consumer Service Representative

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