  • Report:  #47449

Complaint Review: BuyLoud.com - San Francisco California

Reported By:
- Winton, California,

www.BuyLoud.com San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In October of last year I purchased an Kicker KX800 4 channel amplifier from the company and they're policy assured me that it was quality merchandise. They said that they were different than other web sites inside of this policy.

They said they were different because unlike any other site they were authorized retailers, so if I got my amp professionally installed then I would have the factory warranty which in my case was a three year warranty. So seeing all of these guarantees I purchased the amplifier in September and it took about three weeks to recieve it.

So I got the amp in the begining of October. I needed a speaker box so I didn't get it installed right away, so I waited for a couple of weeks. My father sufferd a stroke and past away, but on the day that this happened he had went and bought me a speaker box so I could get everything installed. I got the amp installed in the begining of November and at first the amp worked ok but after about a half of an hour or so the sound started shorting out.

I couldn't get back to get my system checked out until Christmas day, because i had it off. They checked my system and informed me that the amp was no good to take it back to where ever I got it from and bring it back and the would install it again.

I contacted the website that day and they never sent me anything. So I e-mailed them again and nothing. I kept mailing them and finally they e-mailed me back and told me that there department was under some kind of construction, and that they were sorry for the inconvenience and that they would contact me when they where through.

I still continued to e-mail them but nothing. It has been over 2 months now and now they're site doesn't even show up anymore, so they just ripped me off for $340.00. Now I am trying anything I can to get an address or anything so that I can get my money back or my amp fixed.

I appreciate any help that can be offered.


Winton, California

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