  • Report:  #67892

Complaint Review: Camco - Rockford Illinois

Reported By:
- Rockford, Illinois,

303 N. Main St. Rockford, 61101 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I recently started as a collector at camco. I needed a job fast, and if you can breathe, camco will hire you. I wish I would of read Ripoffreport.com first. Anyway, it's a horrible job and horrible people for the most part work there. I hope to be gainfully employed soon, but in the meantime I need some money. I actually follow the rules of the FDCPA. Trust me, I'm the only one there that does and I'll probably be fired for not being aggressive enough. Keep on reporting and taping, and hopefully before to long these creeps will be out of business. Oh yeah, they also have figured out a way to cheat employees that they can, out of collecting unemployment.


Rockford, Illinois

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