  • Report:  #1183571

Complaint Review: CandaLee Parker - queen creek Arizona

Reported By:
annettekaye - LIND, Washington,

CandaLee Parker
PO BOX 1101 queen creek, 85142 Arizona, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

CandaLee Parker borrowed $5000 in April 2010 from Johnny Reynolds with the promise to pay back in 60 days Now 10/2014 still no payment made.. 

33 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, July 22, 2018


According to court documents and blog written by AnnetteKaye Casady Bedwell, she professed to her loss of children in a custody battle due to mental issues. I have not been married 5 times. As usual, AnnetteKaye Casady Bedwell exaggerates to make people pity her and convenient leaves out facts unique to her. There is no need to defend lies if a person does not lie. She has had affairs and from reputable source is still having one with a man in Washington State. I have been married more than 20 years to one man caring for him, even at this time and for more than three years because of a devastating illness, sole support of my family with two employments, and not living off of the government, I pay for private health/dental/vision insurance, and not accepting food stamps. She cannot make this claim. The court has documents of her professing her love even during the year living with her current husband and in the months after. She admitted to such in Google Plus posts that were given to our attorney. She even claimed to be married to this man when she was not. These documents are in public court record. We have names of person that she stole from. There is a permanent injunction against her which is public record and we are moving forward in violations. The court has not received 350, 000 documents of harassment against and the the court threw out her claims of such. Her identity has not been stolen. She has not proved financial or emotional loss. She has forwarded private information such as HIPPA reports, social security numbers, addresses, employment information all over the United States. These violations have been forwarded to legal entities in the past week. She lists all legal authorities in different jurisdictions but failed to add she is listed in those jurisdictions as well. She had children born outside of marriage yet condemns my son. Children were never removed from me; I never lost custody, and I have relationships with all of them. Her property owners contacted us as well as a sister in regards to her lawsuit and settlement. She and God knows what she has done. We are grateful for her harassment in our lives as it has made us strong, courageous, and careful in negotiations with other persons. She owes $25, 000 to us that I am sure we will never collect yet is so concerned about collecting monies from us on others' behalf, even if they are not valid debts. She owes our attorney $21, 000K. She does not consider that there are two sides to a story. But misery loves company and she needs an army to help her accomplish her evil. She cannot prove facts (she she has written) yet lists all over the internet as fact making her a cyber bully, a stalker, and if she looks really hard, I am sure she will find the properties she is searching for. After all, we have movement forward from her and our lives are real. She may not have been in prison but she has been arrested and has been found guilty by a court of law for her unlawful actions. Of course, as a licensed minister she is "allowed" to make sure all other persons' sins are listed all over the internet. It must be convenient to have such a license. We are allowed to respond; it is our right and freedom.

According to court documents and blog written by AnnetteKaye Bedwell, she professed to her loss of children in a custody battle due to mental issues.

I have not been married 5 times.

She has had affairs and from reputable source is still having one with a man in Washington State

I have been married more than 20 years to one man caring for him,

The court has documents of her professing her love even during the year living with her current husband and in the months after.

She is alleged to have stolen 1000s of dollars from an elderly man in her care by forging his checks on his accounts.

She is not employed and she is not enrolled in pre-law courses as her websites profess.

We receive no state aid I pay for private health/dental/vision insurance, and not accepting food stamps. She cannot make this claim.

The court has documents of her professing her love even during the year living with her current husband and in the months after.

AnnetteKaye Casady Bedwell and Brandon M Bedwell are now in the process of getting a divorce. At this time, AnnetteKaye Bedwell has purjured herself with the court in stating that she no longer lives in Idaho but is residing at her former residence in Lind, WA. These facts have been provided to the court and collection companies in attempting to collect the judgment court ordered against her.

She even claimed to be married to this man when she was not.

These documents are in public court record.

There is a permanent injunction against her which is public record and we are moving forward in violations.

The court has not received 350, 000 documents of harassment against

Her identity has not been stolen.

She has forwarded private information such as HIPPA reports, social security numbers, addresses, employment information all over the United States.

She lists all legal authorities in different jurisdictions but failed to add she is listed in those jurisdictions as well.

She had children born outside of marriage

Children were never removed from me; I never lost custody, and I have relationships with all of them

Her property owners contacted us as well as a sister in regards to her lawsuit and settlement.

yet is so concerned about collecting monies from us on others' behalf, even if they are not valid debts.

But misery loves company and she needs an army to help her accomplish her evil.

She cannot prove facts (she she has written)

she has been arrested and has been found guilty by a court

Of course, as a licensed minister she is "allowed" to make sure all other persons' sins are listed all over the internet.

She claims to own 6 homes in 3 states in public posts and yet admitted to our attorney to she owns very little.

She made fun of me for paying child support to my ex-husband and claims that she has no debt, yet owes $42, 000 in child support that is taken out of her medical disability.

As on 07/21/2018, no monies have been paid on judgments owed the plaintiffs and these sites have not been taken down as ordered by the court.


United States
New Posts .. No Monies Received

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, June 25, 2018

Basin .. I thought she lived in Idaho! As usual, here it is! Great stuff!  My sins will be page one written by her until such time as this site and others are deleted from the internet as a judge told her to do in our court case!  Do I care!  No longer!  This shows her motives and not mine as a person who harasses and degrades others on a daily basis!

AnnetteKaye Bedwell


Jun 24, 9:59 PM

THANK YOU FOR PUBLISHING the 7 year thing again and NOW ALL EVIDENCE IS BACK IN BOOOOHAY great day in the basin

AnnetteKaye Bedwell



I'm not happy that your sins are on page 1 I AM HAPPY THAT YOU CONTINUE TO POST ON YOUR SINS AND THEY POP UP BEFORE YOUR BLOGS ABOUT ME so keep posting just like today I get email from Reputation about you posting more so page 1 is what you want CONGRATS your sins are on page 1 and it is you doing it GOOD JOB your right hard work pays off

Shared publicly

AnnetteKaye Bedwell's profile photo

AnnetteKaye Bedwell

not reputation scam report

AnnetteKaye Bedwell



Like YOU ASKED (3 times) I sent your DR that is not a dr the book you asked me to send 605 pages YOU have written so far... my publisher checked all the references and they are all right and legal so good to go Christine has a copy like you asked. The part where you asked is page 525-573


United States

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, June 24, 2018

7-year anniversary of a horrid harassment case that she started and we ended with a legal court battle. It is amazing how she thinks that the world is still about her. Johnny cheated on her with Beth, Bambi, and others. She wrote about it and told about and we have signed statements about it. Johnny was cheating on Julie long before I or her was ever in the picture. She is divorced from her current husband and yet wrote of being with Johnny during her marriage. I post to the boards that she was directed to remove by the court and still hasn't. We still have NOT received payments on our judgment ordered by a court judge and our attorney has not received payments for the monies the court awarded to him. Who is really cheating! Reality is living, working, taking care of, and not cheating the government with lies about where one is living and income that is not reported. If that makes a better person, I am very happy for her. My crimes are no different from her. At least I admit mine! This MAKES ME SMILE!

AnnetteKaye Bedwell



Well yesterday was 7 years of hell I let the anniversary go because who in their right mind wants to celebrate HORROR in their lives... But the entire mess just keeps going Blogging about me...Posting about me...Threats... Lies... and then today 3 EMAILS WTH is wrong with you? Are you so sad and lonely that you can't find something more productive to do? But here blog about this POST till your heart is content. Threaten till... well... what ever BULLIES threaten... YES YOU ARE A BULLY and a Coward... but here is some news for you... I'm great... my life is good... I am COMPLETE... Johnny still loves me but more than that he respects me... Our time together doesn't include you... and still to date he has never cheated on me... and I have never cheated on him julie your husband or mine... BECAUSE I AM BETTER THAN YOU in all areas of life... all of them I am better than a bully that can't live in reality... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY thanks for the email ALL 3 of them... keep posting to complaint board and reputation your posts are keeping it on page 1... and I do love that... I do love your crimes popping up before your own blogs... THAT MAKES ME SMILE

Shared publicly


United States

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, June 05, 2018

As of this date, this profile has not been deleted as per court order against ANNETTEKAYE CASADY BEDWELL.  No payments have been made against the judgment ordered against her.  She perjured herself with the courts stating that she has moved back to LIND WA but has not.  Her claims that it is I that continues in her victimology and yet she is the one that continues in her harassment.  Today, (4) entities have received telephone calls claiming to be me but when they questioned the person further, they found an imposter.  It is through her words and rants that truth is revealed.  Counts on her case were dismissed to focus on the defamation and it worked.  What she writes about the case is false.  There is a permanent injunction in effect, a call has been made to her county in regards to physical and death threats, and she lies about where she lives.  She is using my name over and over in violation by not removing the sites that she was instructed to remove.


United States

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, April 29, 2018

As of this date, this profile has not been deleted as per court order against ANNETTEKAYE CASADY BEDWELL.  No payments have been made against the judgment ordered against her.  She perjured herself with the courts stating that she has moved back to LIND WA but has not.  Her claims that it is I that continues in her victimology and yet she is the one that continues in her harassment.  Today, (4) entities have received telephone calls claiming to be me but when they questioned the person further, they found an imposter.  It is through her words and rants that truth is revealed.  Counts on her case were dismissed to focus on the defamation and it worked.  What she writes about the case is false.  There is a permanent injunction in effect, a call has been made to her county in regards to physical and death threats, and she lies about where she lives.  She is using my name over and over in violation by not removing the sites that she was instructed to remove.

AnnetteKaye Bedwell

You can lead a criminal to LEGAL....Show them the laws...Judges can tell them no over and over...Attorneys can le to DISMISS...Employments can refuse to le suit... Supporters can turn their backs...Judges can convict for parole violations...Prison terms can be SAT... Books can be published... or not...  you can show a NARCISSIST her attacks on other people...Bosses can FIRE... Husbands can leave... ...You can explain and explain how negative makes it to page 1 in a search engine....BUT THE MIND of someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder will continue to boggle even the greatest of Psychiatrist. The NPD takes over the lives of themselves and everyone in their way....You can post a post and have it copied and pasted and pasted and pasted only pushing it to PAGE 1....WITH ONLY HER NAME as the publisher...  The funny part the part that makes me giggle is SHE IS THE ONE DOING IT ALL... A PRELIMINARY injunction clearly stating the complaint and the limits set forth and she over and over uses the internet to reach page 1. I have not tagged, used her name, tweeted, posted, spoke of her and yet she insists on PAGE 1 for HER negative life. She can not help herself she can not stop the bad behavior she wants the last word...she wants the love and respect of a man that hates her more and more each time she posts or copies and posts... She keeps asking on the internet for a judge to punish me but her attorney has not led one violation NOT ONE VIOLATION...because I have followed all court orders perfectly.... I am not allowed to speak of her criminal past or her wrongdoings...AND I HAVE NOT... In fact it looks like she is stir crazy cuz I refuse to speak her name... My Bible says PITY HER when it talks of how Satan runs peoples lives... SHUN her and her name is never said...SHUNNED it is... 2:46 pm PST 11-12-2017 Her attack will begin in minutes..... She will ASSUME THIS POST IS ABOUT HER (even though her name is not in it) and she will republish it over and over....GOOD JOB.... Johnny still tells me thank you for saving him and his farm...he still hugs me hello and good bye and kisses my cheek.... he still tells me how happy he is that I returned home to my pine trees that even when my home was next to his I lay beside him with tearful eyes at being homesick.... He still calls just to see how my day is going and we chat for hours about life... The deep SOUL connection is real...It is TRUSTED....and I do believe it is eternal.... On the anniversary of Indy's death it was true friends that said hello but it was Johnny that took me and Whisper to lunch and wrapped his arms around me... When I arrived home it was Jake that cuddled me into the night as prayers were said and tears fell.... And with no empathy for another human being it was a woman with NPD that strives to be on page 1 that took my words added to them and placed them for the world to see...OVER and OVER and OVER... Who does this effect negatively...ONLY HER because whether in THE BASIN or ON TOP MY MOUNTAIN my peeps love and respect me. And each time she posts the bad behavior reported by others (not me) reaches number 1 on PAGE 1....You can lead a horse to water....but ya can't teach a sick mind to think things through.  


United States

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, February 24, 2018

Attorney fees in the amount of $20,000 and $285 in legal costs have been awarded to the Parkers.


United States

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, February 17, 2018

RipOff Report and Google.com should take notice of these words pubicly written by the author of this report Dated 02/15/2018.  We have reported her to legal authorities and ones that are associated with her should take note .. To date $25,00 in monies damages and $20,000 in attorney fees have been awarded to us by the court.  This should prove that we are not the guilty party here!

" So I got another email from Complaints Board..... A mentally ill person??? It is time to use that to benefit me.... If all the claims out there MADE BY ONE PERSON were true; I would be committed….and I would have solved this problem long ago.... In a very violent END to all this craziness online... BUT because I am not mentally ill I have tried to be patient, use the justice system, and now it is time to let the BROTHERS LOOSE... I am at the end of you lying online about me....My BROTHERS offered at the Dr Phil show airing to solve my problems with you....I told them to have pity because you are so twisted that you don't even realize what you do...You know from the newspaper articles that I host BIKER Rallies... You might not know that my father road as an ANGEL...yes the motorcycle club that makes the news for the REDEMPTION OF SOULS or maybe a reckoning with souls.... Some say ONCE A BROTHER ALWAYS A BROTHER.... Your post on Complaint Board and the lies in your blog created me to do 2 things... I CALLED MY BROTHERS...and with tear filled eyes I said "I NEED SOME HELP" and I looked up assessor information for your brothers last name , and your last name, (by the way you still don't own a house or property)  the reason to look this up was to find  your churches. The Judge REMINDED me that geographical is how you know where to worship. YEP I HAVE BROTHERS IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD... Now thru your writing about me I know your husband is home alone during the day (4 school days were approved in the minutes) and graveyard shift, You state that your son is there but My Brothers walk silently throughout the community.. some are tattooed, some ride really loud bikes, some are Dr. and Lawyers, some carry 35 mm and some carry 9mm, Some are loud and proud on Facebook and wear their patches on their backs (look up what “PATCHES” means). Some are more reserved and quietly mix in for the perfect RECKONING... I spoke to the President of Idaho Falls tonight....a very nice man with a very deep voice, he said the Idaho Falls Chapter is 590 of the 500,000+ across the US. but remember women can't be members so that 590 is probably closer to 1500. I ride with them but am not aloud a patch. but you do drive to and from work, You show your ponies, and my Brothers seen and copied the picture of your new SUV along with the car you keep in your driveway, and the pickup you farm with, I don't know what GEO tags are but it seems your phone adds this to your pictures....(even the pictures of Tobias)  Some of my BROTHERS are computer geeks, and accordingly your PO Box on your new web sight is different than this GEO Tag thing when you use your phone....

Now my BROTHERS are in a holding pattern, they have watched you for the last 7 years torment me, lie about me, get on TV and lie, they have watched their LIL' SISTER go to court and beg for The Constitutional Rights America has given me, they know your name, your church, your work, your family, they have looked through the web sight and the court folders, AND THEY HAVE OFFERED TO HELP, I am giving you one more chance...STOP YOUR SELF from following me, lying about me, speaking of me, telling your sad and twisted stories online and in court papers. One Brother (that is a lawyer) read your affidavit.... and that alone PISSED HIM OFF.... As you know I am a proud supporter of the Militia... even the group that is less than 1/2 a mile from my home....(ask yourself why I moved to REDNECK North Idaho) I have Brothers so angry with the court case that the names and address of those involved were written down. I gave MY BROTHERS copies of the 93 times formally in writing I have begged you to stop.... Now it is time for you to show some integrity....You keep saying YOU MOVED ON but you haven’t  BUT You can fix all of this.... STOP YOURSELF.... You wrote affidavits full of forged documents and lies...STRAIGHT UP LIES.... FIX IT.... tell your attorney to file an amendment and tell the Judge the truth...as you were quoting the bible yesterday I thought of The Commandment “THOU SHALL NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS” delete all your bs from Complaint Board and ripoff report... STOP BLOGGING ABOUT ME.... Stop telling people you are talking to my family when you just know that is not true....(not sure who you are talking to but if they are talking to you they are not part of my family) BUT MY BROTHERS ARE 500,000+ STRONG and this Mental Illness crap...IF YOU BELIEVED IT YOU WOULD BE SCARED OF ME... I mean you posted that I beat my own child and went to jail for it, someone I love, if my mental health is as bad as you say you should be worried...but you are not you just keep picking at me....I know how to drive to Idaho Falls, and I know what you drive so why poke sticks at the snake...  STOP IT... here is where the holding pattern sits.... keep it up and I will make just one more call. ONE is all it will take as a Lil’ Sister reaches out for help, Your first instinct will be to copy this and post it as a rant... I am telling you to STOP YOURSELF... look over your shoulder... IS MY BROTHER STANDING THERE? or is it just CRAZY ANNETTE WITH MENTAL ILLNESS and her new 38 revolver? (my criminal record speaks for itself….What does yours say about you??? It told my Brothers a lot, no one likes a thief or a liar, at one meeting over drinks a brother said it would be a Public Service if that one stopped stealing from people….) Look close because you just never know who wants to buy a pony, or is following your blog.... Your second instinct will be to call Bonneville County Sheriff...(OR ARE YOU WORRIED ABOUT GILBERT TALKING TO BONNEVILLE) .because you have a permanent injunction and I have followed every word of it... I do hope you call them; a record of me once again asking you to stop would be great…. But they will call Benewah County (but…. am I in WA tonight when I posted this, did I have dinner with my husband or Johnny) and they have the 125 exhibits from the restraining order I filled.... So they are already aware of you and your lies... they also know I have tried every legal avenue to get you to stop... Bonneville County has all the Adams and Grant County Police reports, they have the 350,000 pages of you pestering me, and since the 125 exhibits were filed I have 3 more months of you just being a freak….YOU JUST CAN’T CONTROL YOUR SELF “MOVING ON” and you stating “This is my last post about her” So that you and the Sheriff are fully informed this is just information about “””MY FAMILY that does have my back”””…not the family that you made up and chat with about me. You need to STOP YOURSELF….. from lying about me…..and you should make amends like GOD TOLD YOU TOO…. You are absolutely right about “””Bully Syndrome is a chronic disease.  This is a disease which is a mental condition created by a broken mind, jealousy, and poor self-esteem.  This is a disease where one enjoys the misfortune of others, attempting to create the persona of being better, more accomplished, and well-adjusted in their lives.  It is a disease that distorts the truth and makes the bully tell one lie after another for their own benefit.  A disease which makes the lies into truths in their own minds.  A disease which also keeps the mad-up stories as "real truth" in their sick minds.”””” You have a sick mind….. The DR (that is not a dr) told the judge HAHA You continue to banter, lie, and defame me…. I have tried all legal avenue’s to get you to stop…. MAYBE EXPLAINING WHO MY FAMILY IS will get you to THINK IT THROUGH…. Family is not always biological but family is always loyal and protective. Especially when Lil' Sister is in tears..... Before you react...do a little research...about WHO MY "ARMY" REALLY IS..... So sad that on February 14th you are plastering lies on the internet INSTEAD OF BEING A LOVING WIFE AND MOTHER..... But you said it best...."This is a disease which is a mental condition created by a broken mind, jealousy, and poor self-esteem." " A disease which also keeps the mad-up stories as "real truth" in their sick minds." yes you spelt made-up wrong. "

Report Attachments


St Maries ,
United States
STRAIGHT UP LIES IN POST LIES in this post JUST STRAIGHT UP LIES Published that is called DEFAMATION and it is illegal According to court documents and blog written by AnnetteKaye Bedwell, she profes

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 15, 2018

LIES in this post JUST STRAIGHT UP LIES Published that is called DEFAMATION and it is illegal 

According to court documents and blog written by AnnetteKaye Bedwell, she professed to her loss of children in a custody battle due to mental issues.

I have not been married 5 times.

She has had affairs and from reputable source is still having one with a man in Washington State

I have been married more than 20 years to one man caring for him, 

The court has documents of her professing her love even during the year living with her current husband and in the months after. 

and not living off of the government, I pay for private health/dental/vision insurance, and not accepting food stamps. She cannot make this claim.

The court has documents of her professing her love even during the year living with her current husband and in the months after.

She even claimed to be married to this man when she was not.

These documents are in public court record. 

There is a permanent injunction against her which is public record and we are moving forward in violations. 

The court has not received 350, 000 documents of harassment against

Her identity has not been stolen. 

She has forwarded private information such as HIPPA reports, social security numbers, addresses, employment information all over the United States.

She lists all legal authorities in different jurisdictions but failed to add she is listed in those jurisdictions as well.

She had children born outside of marriage

Children were never removed from me; I never lost custody, and I have relationships with all of them

Her property owners contacted us as well as a sister in regards to her lawsuit and settlement. 

yet is so concerned about collecting monies from us on others' behalf, even if they are not valid debts.

But misery loves company and she needs an army to help her accomplish her evil.

She cannot prove facts (she she has written) 

she has been arrested and has been found guilty by a court

Of course, as a licensed minister she is "allowed" to make sure all other persons' sins are listed all over the internet.


United States

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 14, 2018

According to court documents and blog written by AnnetteKaye Bedwell, she professed to her loss of children in a custody battle due to mental issues. I have not been married 5 times.  As usual, AnnetteKaye Bedwell exaggerates to make people pity her and convenient leaves out facts unique to her.  There is no need to defend lies if a person does not lie.  She has had affairs and from reputable source is still having one with a man in Washington State.  I have been married more than 20 years to one man caring for him, even at this time and for more than three years because of a devastating illness, sole support of my family with two employments, and not living off of the government, I pay for private health/dental/vision insurance, and not accepting food stamps.  She cannot make this claim. The court has documents of her professing her love even during the year living with her current husband and in the months after.  She admitted to such in Google Plus posts that were given to our attorney.  She even claimed to be married to this man when she was not.  These documents are in public court record.  We have names of person that she stole from.  There is a permanent injunction against her which is public record and we are moving forward in violations.  The court has not received 350,000 documents of harassment against and the the court threw out her claims of such.  Her identity has not been stolen.  She has not proved  financial or emotional loss. She has forwarded private information such as HIPPA reports, social security numbers, addresses, employment information all over the United States.  These violations have been forwarded to legal entities in the past week.  She lists all legal authorities in different jurisdictions but failed to add she is listed in those jurisdictions as well.  She had children born outside of marriage yet condemns my son.  Children were never removed from me; I never lost custody, and I have relationships with all of them.  Her property owners contacted us as well as a sister in regards to her lawsuit and settlement.  She and God knows what she has done.  We are grateful for her harassment in our lives as it has made us strong, courageous, and careful in negotiations with other persons.  She owes $25,000 to us that I am sure we will never collect yet is so concerned about collecting monies from us on others' behalf, even if they are not valid debts.  She does not consider that there are two sides to a story.  But misery loves company and she needs an army to help her accomplish her evil.   She cannot prove facts (she she has written)  yet lists all over the internet as fact making her a cyber bully, a stalker, and if she looks really hard, I am sure she will find the properties she is searching for.  After all, we have movement forward from her and our lives are real.  She may not have been in prison but she has been arrested and has been found guilty by a court of law for her unlawful actions.  Of course, as a licensed minister she is "allowed" to make sure all other persons' sins are listed all over the internet.  It must be convenient to have such a license.   We are allowed to respond; it is our right and freedom.


United States

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, February 03, 2018

I guess we are about to be murdered ...



AnnetteKaye Bedwell   Public 5h

I'm sorry sir; It will have to be closed casket, the shot gun blast destroyed her face.

I'm sorry sir; It will have to be closed casket, the shot gun blast destroyed her face

Report Attachments


United States

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, December 20, 2017

Now she can pay use the damages judgment owed to us! By using our personal information! Funny what random telephone calls one can receive!

AnnetteKaye Bedwell



Sometimes prayer is answered at the strangest of times. All the files I have been saving for years were of interest to a Bully No More group. The purchase went through. 350, 000 pages I was told are not evidence in a civil case seem to INTEREST a lobbyist group trying to make better laws for Harassment, and the payday came just in time for Christmas. Thank You Lord even when I don't understand it seems you show me and use me for good.


United States

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, December 20, 2017

ANNETTEKAYE CASADY BEDWELL filed this with FACEBOOK in order to obtain personal information about us, our children, our family members and friends. What a sick individual she is!  She lost in the court, she owes money damages, and yet still wishes to stalk and bully.  This is validation of the truth!


United States

#14UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Wed, December 13, 2017

The woman has become insane.  She is writing as if she won our lawsuit against her.  She has a permanent injunction and damages judgment.  I do not believe her family and husband realize what she is doing.  Friends of her's need to beware.  This may get very ugly and you might not want to get involved.  We know who she corresponds and speaks to as she is very vocal about using your names.

 a small part of CHAPTER FOUR (a NOVEL in the making)

COMES NOW the Defendant, AnnetteKaye Casady Counter Claims and alleges as follows:

1.    That Plaintiff’s HortenseGayand Fred Jones are residence of The State of Idaho, Bonniville County, (collectively the “JONES’S”)

2.    Defendant, AnnetteKaye Casady is a resident of The State of Idaho, Benewah County. (“Casady”)

3.    The PERSONAL Jurisdiction and Venue for this complaint is Benewah County First Judicial District State of Idaho.

4.    The amount in controversy in this cause of action exceeds $10,000 which is sufficient for the District Court to exercise jurisdiction.


5.    Defendant realleges paragraphs 1-4 as if the same were here set forth in full.

6.    JONES’S began harassing Casady 6/12/2011 through Facebook messages and posts

7.    Casady 6/20/2011 Began BEGGING for no further contact and has continually begged for no contact from JONES’S and the Imaginary Friends they have created.

8.    Since 2011 JONES’S have continually HARRASSED,

9.    Since 2011 JONES’S have continually DEFAMED using DEFLAMITOY Lies.

10.  Since 2011 JONES’S have continually STALKED,

11.  Since 2011 JONES’S have continually SLANDERED,

12.  Since 2011 JONES’S have continually Created Conspiracies by Recruiting Others to help create and participate in JONES’S Harassment,

a.    Johnny’s daughter

b.    Olga Swayze

c.    Montsano Warden, WA

d.    Peggy Block

e.    Lyle Gardenair

f.      Dr Phil Show

g.    Jones Child

h.    Jones Child

i.      Jones Child

j.      Natalie Holland-Cruize

k.    Donna McKenna

l.      Jennifer Lansing

m.   Sherrilynn Mitchell

n.    Natalie Bingham Holland

o.    Shianna Williams




s.    AKA

t.      And Others

13.  Since 2011 JONES’S have continually THREATENED,

14.  Since 2011 JONES’S have continually Photographed,

15.  Since 2011 JONES’S have continually KNOWINGLY Filled False Police Reports,

16.  Since 2011 JONES’S have continually KNOWINGLY Filled False reports with Prosecutors,

17.  Since 2011 JONES’S have continually KNOWINGLY Filled False Information in Protection Orders,

18.  Since 2011 JONES’S have continually KNOWINGLY Filled False Information in Injunctions Against Harassment,

19.  Since 2011 JONES’S have continually KNOWINGLY filed PERJURY in Sworn Court Documents, Pleadings, Answers, and Motions.

20.  Since 2011 JONES’S have continually Created False Identities to Gain access to BLOCKED social media,

21.  Since 2011 JONES’S have continually Committed Perjury in Police Reports,

22.  Since 2011 JONES’S have continually Committed Perjury in Court Documents,

23.  Since 2011 JONES’S have continually Filed false FRAUD ALLEGATIONS with Better Business Bureau,

24.  Since 2011 JONES’S have continually Point Blank LIED about Casady,

25.  Since 2011 JONES’S have continually used others, Johnny Swayze, Gayle Lyons, Saige Wilson, Whisper Casady, ETC. to relay harassment, defamation, slander, to Casady.

26.  Since 2011 JONES’S have continually stalked OTHERS social media accounts to gain information about Casady. To include Pastors, Friends, Family.

27.  Since 2011 JONES’S have continually Teased Taunted and made public a federally protected Medical Diagnosis Disability,

28.  Since 2011 JONES’S have Falsified Billing Invoices in Casady’s Name Then Stating it was sent to a collection agency,

29.  Since 2011 JONES’S have continually emailed thousands (1000’s) of emails to Casady, Casady and Johnny,

30.  Since 2011 JONES’S have created web sites to continue Harassment and Slander IE cyberstalkeracasadyandme   AKA  awomaninprofileannettekayecasady  theramblingsofmyNarcissisticmind Currently Active 9-28-2016 is Adult Bullies Have No Place In Our World and http://www.blogher.com/bullying-it-just-not-childs-play-anymore

31.  Since 2011 JONES’S have continually Send FRIEND Requests or add FOLLOWING to Casady’s social media. (The Latest FOLLOWING request 6/2016 and still FOLLOWING as of 9-28-2016)

32.  November 2011 Casady obtained a Temporary Restraining Order and JONES’S violated it after being served.

33.  Since 2011 JONES’S have obtained 2 separate Injunctions Against Harassment and violate the spirit of the court ordered requested behavior in the Injunctions Against Harassment 1000’s of times.

34.  JONES’S has had Casady falsely investigated by:

·         Adams County Sheriff

·         Grant County Sheriff

·         Benewah County Sheriff

·         Shoshone County Sheriff

·         Bonneville County Sheriff

·         Maricopa County Sheriff

·         Warden Police

·         Othello Police

·         Mesa Police

·         Gilbert Police

·         The FBI

·         IRS

·         BBB

·         Social Security

·         DSHS

·         Judge AZ Superior Court

·         The Dr Phil Show

·         And OTHERS

35.  Since 2011 JONES’S have created ID’s and new email addresses to bypass PRIVACY SETTINGS that block them from viewing Casady’s posts, or internet activity.

36.  JONES’S have accused Casady publicly of EXTORTION.

37.  JONES’S have accused Casady publicly of trespassing on private properties

38.  JONES’S have accused Casady publicly of threatening family members with verbal and physical harm.

39.  JONES’S have accused Casady publicly of blackmail tactics.

40.  JONES’S have accused Casady publicly of being married  Husband Johnny Ray Swayze

41.  JONES’S have accused Casady publicly of receives SS Disability payments for mental illness while working for A HAY COMPANY.

42.  JONES’S have accused Casady publicly of owning A HAY COMPANY 602 W Vulcan Str, Lind WA 99341

43.  JONES’S have accused Casady publicly of receives SS Disability payments for mental illness

44.  JONES’S have published Casady’s PRIVATE cell phone number.

45.  2012 JONES’S began and continually Degrading the fact that Casady is a Minister.

46.  JONES’S have publicly accused Casady of using their Social Security Numbers.

47.  JONES’S have accused Casady publicly of obtaining JONES’S bank records.

48.  JONES’S have accused Casady of obtaining JONES’S college transcripts.

49.  JONES’S in 2014 requested Dr Phil intervene and with FALSE information gained him to Feature “Who Is Stalking Who” On Air JONES’S SLANDERED both Johnny Swayze and Casady,

50.  JONES’S claimed Casady as a l*****n and made this claim in a signed sworn court document that became public information.

51.  JONES’S accused Casady of having an affair with Fred Jones.

52.  JONES’S accused Casady and an Adams County Sheriff of having an inappropriate relationship causing JONES’S to not receive proper investigation to JONES’S Claims.

53.  JONES’S added an EXTENTION (Hack, Hacking) to Casady’s email address to receive reports about Casady’s computer. CHAPTER 22 COMPUTER CRIME  18-2201.  DEFINITIONS.

54.  JONES’S (HortenseGay) Publicly stated “Spending a weekend with Johnny Swayze” on his trip to AZ in April 2011.

55.  JONES’S Publicly stated they had liens against Johnny Swayze and Casady’s property.

56.  JONES’S have publicly stated they have my medical records.

57.  JONES’S have interfered with EMS PHONES to Harass and Intimidate Casady.



    JONES’S have used State of Idaho resources to Harass and Intimidate Casady.

    JONES’S have used Employer resources to Harass and Intimidate Casady.

60.  JONES’S in 2014 Filed false FRAUD ALLEGATIONS with SSA,

61.  JONES’S in 2014 Filed false FRAUD ALLEGATIONS with DSHS WA,

62.  JONES’S in 2014 Filed false FRAUD ALLEGATIONS with IRS,

63.  JONES’S in 2013 created IDENTITIES in the names AnnetteKaye Casady, Annettekaye Herreid Kruse Casady, Annette Kaye, johnny ray and annettekaye casady Swayze, annette-kaye-casady-Swayze, Unpaid in Washington State. Jacquiline Swayze, Johnny’s Daughter, AnnetteKaye Herreid Kruse Casady Swayze, AnnetteKaye, Annette Kaye, (Continue to be Active as of 9-28-2016) JONES’S use these Identities to Post to social Media, Create business false DOUBT, Email, Create Married Relationships that are false, JONES’S are using IDENTITY THEFT to further their Harassment, Defamation, and Slander

64.  Google + has removed other Stole Identities, with provided documents as to Casady’s Identity.

65.  Facebook has removed reported JONES’S Posts that violated Facebook policy.

    JONES’S have created Fraudulent Identities on Linkedin, Google, Facebook, Complaint Board, Spoke, Manta, Twitter, to name a few, To Further the harassment, defamation, and stalking.

67.  JONES’S have violated Copyright by taking Casady’s WRITTEN word, changing them and forwarding in an attempt to prove criminal activity.

68.  JONES’S have used scamorg.com, complaintsboard.com, blogger.com, Google+. Facebook.com, LDS.com, email, text, phone, ETC. To Further the harassment, defamation, and stalking.


69.  Defendant realleges paragraphs 1-68 as if the same were here set forth in full.

70.  Defendant requests that this court declare DEFLAMATORY Statements as false.



71.  Defendant realleges paragraphs 1-70 as if the same were here set forth in full.

    Defendant requests that this court declare STOLEN IDENTIY’S as false.



73.  Defendant realleges paragraphs 1-72 as if the same were here set forth in full.



74.  Defendant realleges paragraphs 1-73 as if the same were here set forth in full.

    Defendant requests that this court declare PERJURY Statements as false.



                  18-7906.  STALKING IN THE SECOND DEGREE.

                  18-7905.  STALKING IN THE FIRST DEGREE.



76.  Defendant realleges paragraphs 1-75 as if the same were here set forth in full.


77.  Defendant realleges paragraphs 1-76 as if the same were here set forth in full.

    Defendant requests that this court declare STOLEN IDENTIY’S as meeting Idaho State Law standards of criminal stolen identity.


    Defendant requests that this court declare “The Stolen Money’ ‘$5000” as a LOAN that was indeed never intended to be repaid, ie Stolen.


    Defendant requests that this court declare HARASSMENT as meeting Idaho State Law standards of Criminal Harassment.


    Defendant requests that this court declare PERJURY as meeting Idaho State Law standards of Criminal Perjury.



    Defendant realleges paragraphs 1-81 as if the same were here set forth in full.

    COURT, Service, Printing, Travel, Cloud, Programs, Web Pages, Internet, Cloud Storage, fee’s for documents, Hours to defend Police Reports, Court Complaints, and Counter Claim in this court, Courts in Washington and Arizona. ETC


    Defendant realleges paragraphs 1-83 as if the same were here set forth in full.

    Defendant Demands a Trial by Jury

WHEREFORE, the Defendant pray the Judgement, Orders, and Decrees of this court as follows:

1)    That Judgement be entered for the Defendant and against the Plaintiffs herein;

2)    That Defendant be awarded damages proven at trial

3)    That the Defendant be granted Declaratory Relief as stated herein

4)    That the Plaintiffs be permanently enjoined from all acts of defamation, harassment, stalking, identity theft, and intentional infliction of emotional distress, as are described herein

5)    That Defendant be awarded costs and reasonable fees incurred or to be incurred herein

6)    That the Court award Defendant such other and further relief as may be just and equitable.

                                                                        AnnetteKaye Casady

at December 12, 2017


United States

#15UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Sun, December 10, 2017

My story of fighting back. All Good Abusers have a tool box of methods to maintain control. Stalking... Bullying... and The Narcissistic Mind.... The Pain It Causes Is REAL.

            Sunday, December 10, 2017 part of CHAPTER THREE.....Hortense just stop 8-1-2011   ...........Now you get Olga to deliver copies to Johnny, do you have no self respect? Do you have no compassion for Olga and her pain? Johnny feels terrible that she is involved with your lashing out. Hurt by your vindictiveness and her being involved shows me a lack of self respect. Johnny was sitting beside me in the tractor as I sent the texts and he has read every word I have sent you before I sent it OUT OF RESPECT FOR HIM AND MYSELF, I HAVE KEPT NO SECRETS. By getting Olga to deliver those copies you have ultimate control, you have made his wife do something for you, She got to be his wife, he went home to her after your one night stand, but you got the last word. SAD You have called my home a dump and me a kept woman. You have threatened law suits. You say Johnny made promises to you, well Johnny has told me I can live in the double wide with his mother as he was joking around, should I sue him or laugh at his jokes. The promises you talk about I can hear him saying, he is hilarious in his jokes so I can hear all these promises you talk about, the comments to shoot the dog, or let the calves out, to plan a trip to the Bahamas he’ll just write a check or go ahead take my pickup you can have it, Sherrilynn has accused me of stealing your man. You have stated Johnny has paid my bills. . The law suits you are threatening have no merit and if you can find a way to do it I am ready, Johnny and I are not a couple, I have only made one promise to you, if Johnny asks me over I promise to go. You are the one creating all the pain and suffering to yourself. I have asked you to stop, Johnny has asked you to stop, The Adams County Sheriff has asked you to stop, And in one note from Olga she asked you to stop. Hortense just stop.

Take a nap, go into therapy, work on your marriage, stop hurting people, stop trying to get even with Johnny for decisions you obviously made, if suing me and Johnny is going to make you feel better before you do that remember there is no room in the law for emotions, hurt feelings, or he said she said, I too keep perfect records and in review no judge cares that I slept with Johnny or that Johnny slept with you. So before wasting time let us review the facts. Cuz facts are all any court cares about. In fact I don’t see anything in my notes that a judge would even listen too. But I do see things that might interest your kids and husband. If at some point you can clearly state what you want, what it would take for all this crap to stop please let me know. So I guess the bottom line is Fred, Sherrilynn, Natalie, Jason, and Hortense I don’t want any more contact from you, no friend requests, threats, invoices with my name on them for things I didn’t do, just leave me alone, leave Johnny and I to ourselves. ABSOLUTLY THE ONLY CONTACT OR COMMENTS FROM HERE FORWARD SHOULD BE FROM YOUR ATTORNEY and I can tell you your continued comments on facebook not only will your attorney not like the judge will see QUOTE ‘your true colors”...........


United States
A FEEBLE ATTEMPT to DISCREDIT! But Truths revealed this time .. HYSTERICAL!

#16UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Sun, December 10, 2017

CHAPTER TEN 5/21/11 I became involved, as a PAWN, in a game I didn't ask to play.   CHAPTER TEN 5/21/11 I became involved, as a PAWN, in a game I didn't ask to play.   On 5/21/11 Johnny and I went to a motorcycle rally BBQ that I was volunteering at. Hortense 's friend was there volunteering too. I seen that Johnny was nervous as we sat there but I had no idea why. On my way home from this event Johnny texted me his and Hortense 's texts.   He taunted her about us being at the event. He seriously poked the first stick, sad I didn't realize I was a pawn.   But later it came clear to me that a PAWN I was. He has used this same technique in our split up. So he is well versed in the use of one woman against another. What Johnny finds humorous at times is only painful to those he involves in his taunting. He does enjoy the pitting of people against each other and then blames it on teasing. He enjoys telling his side and watching as people react to the information. he has a list of standards that I am to live by, a list of what is funny, and these sometimes are double standards. Well really this list is A LOT of double standards. Now separate from his game I find it hurtful, but see it vividly as his pattern.   I knew about Hortense  about January 7, 11, Johnny and I had already began an intimate relationship when he told me about her as possibly his soul mate. I should have took off running that very moment and prevented 2 years of painful hurt. But like "a good woman" I listened to his woes and responded with kindness. We were 4 month into this mess and I already had incredibly strong feelings for him, so I stayed by his side hoping he would sort it all out.   March 4,11 Hortense  was supposed to be here from AZ to rekindle their love. On March 3,11 I went to him, thinking our life was over, I wanted him to know he was a part of my soul, we made love, talked, and when I left I told him I hoped I would get to see you next week. About a mile down the road I realized it may be my last moment in time to say "I LOVE YOU" so I texted I Love You. His response to that text was rude, but as I look back, very Johnny. Well again in his world Hortense  didn't show, it was one more time she didn't keep up on what she had said. As I go through all this information it appears Hortense  never intended to show.   But it prompted him to take a trip to AZ to settle this. That information will be posted soon.   This is about the 5/21/11 the day that Hortense  and I began a relationship neither of us wanted or realized we were only for Johnny's amusement. I was angry at him poking her with sticks, I told him there was no reason for it, but a PAWN I was. From 5/21/11 my Facebook page was watched and Johnny received text after text about it. He shared these texts with me over and over finely on 6/21/11 I reacted. I sent this email to the women in Johnny's world bugging us.   "June 21  Annettekaye Herreid Kruse Casady Hortense  and Olga and Peggy with all your interest in my life, friend me so we can all keep in touch, no reason to watch from a distance. no secrets here that is why you all can see my life so lets make the playing field a little fair show me who you are. i would love the opportunity to look at your life and make comments about it."   I did not realize at the time that the GAME was what his ego needed. As I look back WOW I was a fool. But my intent was to get the stick poking to stop. My intention was for these women to just accept and move on. This STICK POKING sucked for everyone involved. I communicated with Hortense  openly for a couple weeks until it just all got to crazy.   On several occasions I asked Hortense  to stop. starting in June of 11, IN JUNE 11 I EVEN HAD THE SHERIFF ASK HER TO STOP! so all the stick poking since June of 11 has been her insisting on being a part of my life. I do hope at some point she gets past all of this and moves on, stops going to my pages copy and paste, post, sending to Johnny. Today she is still at it. You will see as I add more content to this blog that I am a woman that has had enough, enough threats, enough of her calling me names, enough of my words being sent to Johnny, enough of the crazy coming into my email, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, etc.  

I am sure as always Johnny is angry with me, for the most part Johnny doesn't admit his wrongs. He loves DRAMA and is very good at hating women. But he also could have not started a fight with Hortense , using me as a pawn. He is sure to get copies of these words, and they are sure to be only the words Hortense  needs to hurt him or me. So be it. THIS BLOG IS TO PUBLISH FOR THE WORLD, HER WORDS AND PAIN SHE IS CAUSING. Johnny's pain WAS something I was dedicated to preventing, now it is about Hortense , her words, and my point of view. I DO HOPE I CREATE AS MUCH PAIN FOR HER AS SHE CONTINUES TO CREATE FOR ME.   at December 09, 2017 No comments:  


St Maries ,
United States
Daniel Please contact the Sherriff and Prosecutor Criminals SHOULD BE PUNISHED

#17REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, December 03, 2017

Hi Daniel, Please contact the Sherriff of the county for the ALLEGED THEFT (which because it is a lie and published IT IS defamation). Benewah County Sherriff phone number is 208-245-2555 and Adams County Sherriff phone number is 509-659-1122 I know for a fact that I have not stolen from anyone. So lets lay your claims to rest.

I am pretty sure your name is not Daniel and you are yet another alias created by a Narcissist to harass me. I only have one husband. The other husband is made in the mind of the PROBLEM. In fact I just wrote the chapter about her mailing Johnny and I congratulations cards in 2011. It was my daughter that got married and in her mind she twisted it up. Just like the 15 year old daughter being pregnant it was in fact the 20 year old married daughter that was pregnant. It was indeed a fun chapter to write. The mind of the mentally ill is a funny thing. ONE HUSBAND is all I have time or love for HE GETS MY ALL. Unlike people who are Cheating on their spouse or his spouse. Your 2 sides of the story claim is funny as that was the title of her blog post today also.... She also commented about "CREATING AN ARMY AND BEING COWARD" my posts have my true legal name attached.... no CREATED FRIENDS I have lots of people that support me but I don’t play the MAKE UP THE ARMY.....ARE YOU THE FACEBOOK PERSON THAT CALLED HER THIS WEEK?

Daniel..... please contact the authorities, I do love it when they take a complaint and PROVE ME RIGHT and the lies told wrong.....That is chapter 7 all the false reports to authorities. Prosecutors and Law Enforcement and the subpoenas I issued all prove ME RIGHT and the complaints wrong. The subpoenas are chapter 9.... Even her friends that attack me have the same ISP as her....The ones in WA state posting from AZ ISP's and the ones in AZ posting with an Idaho Falls ISP... the EXACT same ISP's as her phone and email address. It is all revealed in my book so for everyone that has read it says it is pretty good which makes me feel great. "The Last Word......Lies Told...And My Happiness Anyway" by AnnetteKaye even if I publish as a novel it is indeed filled with crazy, suspense, crimes, it seems it is a page turner. The point is MY HAPPINESS ANYWAY because I refuse to let her have that.

Daniel, You have a wonderful day and let the reason for the season wash over you and start following HIS Commandments and life will get better.....Sincerely, AnnetteKaye BEDWELL (same as my husband) Direct email is [email protected]

Residence of AL, OR, AZ, VA, and FL, did not all go to ID this weekend to decorate a Christmas tree..... but in the mind of...... "The LAST WORD" IS THE IMPORTANT PART. The KEY part of the Narcissist’s personality is GRANDIOS THINKING and Telling LIES to make themselves feel and look better about the SIMPLE life. If all the kids and grandkids were keeping her busy she wouldn’t be on the internet writing about me. she would be busy with hugs and games and reading them books. Making hot chocolate and taking snap shots. 

Daniel R

United States
new information coming forward

#18REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 03, 2017

This Annette lady needs to be very careful.  I am ready to reveal her theft of a senior citizen to an attorney.  This is a dangerous person and her following needs to know exactly what sort of person they are listening to.  Maybe her husband or husbands need to know as well.  There is guilt on both sides but both sides of the story need to be laid out for it to be a fair fight.  


United States

#19REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, November 26, 2017

The Idaho Case did go as planned and is the first of its kind in defense and damages judgment against defamation and slander by Mrs. AnnetteKaye Bedwell. A permanent injunction has been granted, damages, and Mrs. Bedwell's motions completely thrown out for lack of evidence. Since Mrs. Bedwell is not suppose to mention my name or my husband's per the permanent injunction, this post will be brought to the attention of our attorney and the court. If you wish further information, please contact [email protected].


United States
Lies being Posted

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, November 23, 2017

the Posts BY Mrs Parker, Canda, CandaLee, Mr Parker, Bullied in Idaho, and Harassment Lawsuit are not true. There are lies, defamation, and harassment in them. Even the ID Court case did not go as she describes. If you would like all the facts please email me directly at  annettekaye at annettekaye dot com 


San Tan Valley,
United States

#21REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, November 10, 2017

If I was stalking her, then why does she have all of my personal information and I have none of her's ..  I am accused of having extra-marital affairs and yet she is spending hours with a former lover. 

AnnetteKaye Bedwell Nov 6, 1:29 PM   A good ABUSER always tries to dig at another the Narcissistic Abuser can not make the jump from DOING THIS IS ABUSIVE AND LOOK I JUST DID THAT.... that is the problem the Narcissist can not see their personal behavior as black or white...Name Calling is wrong yet the narcissist uses it...Hitting is wrong yet the narcissist justifies it...STEALING is wrong yet the narcissist believes they deserve to steal the hard work of others.... The Narcissist can be shown in black and white their behavior and STILL it is ok for them to do exactly as they scream DON'T DO THAT TO ME....the latest of my bully was to create a web page in my name...She literally took me to court because I had created a web page about her and screamed I AM THE VICTIM....then she goes on to create a web sight called annettekaye bedwell....She tells the judge of the extreme emotional distress my web page caused her and then attempts to inflict that pain on me....Well to her surprise it really doesn't effect me at all... Everyone in the circle knows me and who I am and her little ATTEMPT to disgrace me is only a reflection of her NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY... and it creates more people to not trust her, even hate her.... the Narcissist can not help themselves.....They have a Mental Illness that has a name and a definition. It is written in medical books and discussed by some of the greatest minds in the world. Each and every time she acts out I ponder the disease she fights everyday. Narcissists are OBSESSED with the lies they tell and the drama they cause for others. And MY NARCISSIST hangs in wait to see what lie I will expose next....and that is the fuel to her personality... She has to prove she is better but with lies she proves me right....she has to get the last word in... which shows I am the winner....

She abuses daily and her bragging rights prove she is less than those she is abusing. I always check her and this week it was Amazon that told me the truth...ISBN numbers she published don't exist and the new book she just wrote and published is not in Amazons library.... Amazon sells books so they do the SEO work for their authors...Even in Interrogatories she refused to provide her hundreds of PUBLISHED materials.... BECAUSE THEY DON'T EXIST... It is extreme mental illness that creates her to NEED to lie, get the last word in, and create a person she is not. When will she quit???? When will she move on to positive points in life??? When will she not be obsessed with me??? According to medical findings SHE WILL NEVER QUIT. Her brain does not work in a world of right and wrong.....her brain works to survive against all evil even when no evil exists. She is not capable of seeing life as a list of facts.... But in all the caos she is correct in her deep belief that people don't like her....

People don't trust her...people avoid her... people chat with each other about the abuses she has inflicted... people try to stay clear of her wrath... so even in extreme Mental Illness she is correct about those facts. Today she said rotten things...she has a web sight in my name.... and she has no published books or articles....and today Johnny still loves me.... Respects me... chats for hours with me....plans dinner with me.... teases my children.... and holds me up during trying times.... Today my husband still adores me...my children still turn to me... My bills are paid... and her attorney wants to dismiss.... because he finds this case dismiss able....not as winnable as he once thought it was... DISMISSED the papers attorneys use to quit.... So Johnny quit her, and now her attorney has asked to quit her.... So do we yet have a winner??? Yep we do but the narcissists mind can't comprehend it. As she reads this she will be mounting a new attack, a list of pity party favors, she will justify each and every thing I wrote, and her obsession will create her to act out.... She will lash out at me with more lies and she will try to convince the world she is right and I am wrong.... Funny thing is all I have to do is tell the truth and her character is relieved. I always ask HOW LONG DID IT TAKE FOR YOU TO STALK MY PAGE?? 12:21 PST 11-6-2017 Minutes from now her attack will go viral. Sometimes it takes an hour. But never can she go a day without attacking me.... Her Mental Illness forces her to DiG JAB INSULT LIE and STALK ME.



#22REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, October 15, 2017

AGAIN, DO NOT CONTACT MY CHILDREN OR FAMILY MEMBERS!  You claim that it is I that is stalking and contacting your family and yet we have not!  You are the one contacting my children!  STOP IT!  Grow up and quit using your fake names and profiles!  



#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, September 10, 2017

Updated on Civil Lawsuit Idaho cv2016-00d4844-OC AGAINST ANNETTEKAYE CASADY BEDWELL and HUSBAND, BRANDON M BEDWELL: DAMAGES AWARD HAS BEEN GRANTED TO CANDALEE & THOMAS G PARKER by the Judge in Bonneville County for DEFAMATION and SLANDER which is written in these posts! Now on to the next item to be asked for! HARASSMENT and STALKING to be addressed next!



#24REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, August 27, 2017




#25REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, February 24, 2017

Please note that CIVIL LAWSUIT IDAHO CV2016-00D4844-OC has been filed and pending against AnnetteKaye Casady Bedwell for her bad behavior and slander.  Any one involved with her has been placed with this lawsuit as well.  Mrs. AnnetteKaye Casady Bedwell now resides in St Maries Idaho.



#26REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 04, 2015

Here is the newest posts from our CYBER STALKER/CYBER BULLY .. Craig and Julie Carroll must be so proud to have her talk about their son (whom we did care for) like she is .. Very sad to twist the truth!




Ripoffreport Report Image

AnnetteKaye Casady

Shared publicly  -  Yesterday 9:09 PM  02/03/2015
CANDA WHO IS BLOCKED FROM THIS PROFILE You should really get into a 12 step program...ONE DAY AT A TIME one day no email to me...one day not needing to post shenanigans....one day not coming to this page to see what I post...one day where you don't steal from someone...one day that you don't look to be the victim of people telling the truth...one day that you live without causing someone to shake their head asking "WILL THAT b***h EVER STOP?" ONE DAY AT A TIME CANDA just try 24 solid hours of not being a psycho HOW MANY EMAILS WILL I GET FROM YOU TODAY????? off to shower my farmer...turn on the radio...slip into his favorite nightie...talk about the day...and touch through the night....YOU WILL HAVE TO WAIT TO PESTER ME TILL TOMORROW.... 
Show less"



#27REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 01, 2015

This is what the originator of this report does .. NEXT .. I am sure if she searches long enough, she will find what she is looking for!   She searches, she trackes, she stalks, she calls, she emails .. (Yes, she called my university to try and have me expelled) .. She taunts, she teases!  We guess it the best that she can do .. 


AnnetteKaye Casady

Shared publicly  - 
Canda was going to invite Johnny to HER DOUBLE MBA Graduation in October 2011....BUT I found her advertising an MBA in 2008-2009...SO either she wasn't graduating in 2011 or she didn't have an MBA in 08-09... OR I would suspect a SECRETARY doesn't have an MBA or a DOUBLE MBA at ALL..... 



#28REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 01, 2015

Please note the prior comments.  This is what she does!  She has to have the last word and can't leave alone.  She is upset because we have decided to take a stand against her and will continue to do us until she quits and deletes all of the damage she has done on the internet to us.  She professes to be married, in a relationship, and he needs to be as involved as she has involved my husband.  



#29Author of original report

Sat, January 31, 2015

Canda YOU ARE CRAZY there is NOT a THREATENING WORD IN THIS NOT ONE...NO ONE IS THREATENING YOU it is all in your mind....GO GET HELP... No wonder you have so many problems YOU ARE DELUSIONAL. Totally freaking NUTS...I DON'T DO THREATS and there is nothing threatening in this.  



#30REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, January 30, 2015

"MORE Email from CANDA good Lord Just grow up!!!! It is so pathetic for you to continue with your shenanigans. No one here wants anything to do with you. Johnny and I both HATE you....that may drive you more crazy than you were in 2010 but it is a fact... Leave us alone...HAVE SOME SELF RESPECT Find a Job Take A Nap Pay back stolen money, write a letter of apology, fake school or lie to admissions, PLAY WITH YOUR IMAGINARY FRIENDS... "


CANDA stole this money just like so much from others

#31Author of original report

Mon, January 19, 2015

Canda has more judgements and more stolen money She fled AZ because of her prolems stealing from people. CANDA stop being a thief and pay back people. I'm not a STALKER but I am pissy about liars and thieves. 



#32Author of original report

Wed, October 29, 2014




Calling people names on TV in front of "MILLIONS" of viewers and LYING 


CandaLee grow up and PAY YOUR BILLS




#33REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, October 28, 2014

Please be known that AnnetteKaye Casady is a known stalker and bully who harasses our family.  She is posting information without permission and for the intent and purpose to harass and defame.  We are asking this company to arbitrate as she is NOT a party to this alledged transaction.  



#34REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, October 19, 2014

Please note that this report filed against myself and family members has been written by a known stalker and bully.  We are the victims of her crimes.  Some of the information listed in the report is false as some of the names that are listed.  As of 10/17/2014, the person that wrote the report is being investigated for cyber crime and malicious harassment.  This person deals with mental issues and has had an ongoing obsession with my family and myself for more than 3 years.  We have requested arbitration from this site.

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