  • Report:  #129394

Complaint Review: Cantrell Enterprise Aka NaughtybuttNice.com And YourNaughtyLover.com - Somewhere Florida

Reported By:
- knoxville, Tennessee,

Cantrell Enterprise Aka NaughtybuttNice.com And YourNaughtyLover.com
Somewhere Somewhere, Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
NaughtyButtNice.com and YourNaughtylover.com aka Cantrell Enterprises rips off the girls that work for them. It is all a Scam! Beware of this company.


knoxville, Tennessee

7 Updates & Rebuttals


what is the real issue here?

#2Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 16, 2005

i am not familiar with your company, nor have i done business with you (that i know of). i called a PSO when i was younger and she sounded so hott, and i know those girls really get into their work. its not morals that is the question here, its entertainment. i enjoyed talking to that girl, its the same reason why my boys and i go to strip bars, its fun and entertaining. so if this girl isn't making you money, you need to let her go, and she needs to move on, plain and simple. i hope that you atleast got to bang her before she left.


Studio City,
Wow Robert, you're as blind as she is...

#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, August 09, 2005

Robert, You must work with Melissa, either that or you're as stupid as she is. PSO is a business, it shoudl ebRUN as one, this Melissa girl was working as a manager with another agency when she came to Cantrell, she purposely came in to start trouble becuase Cantrell Enterprises is so successful and turns out more calls per PSO than many others, and why is that? Because Cantrell Ent. has it's business together. This girl siogne a contract, she came in purposely to rip apart Cantrell Ent. She will now pay in court. Funny how you ignore the fact that she speaks of her morals, if she had morals, she wouldn't have come in from another company while still working as a manager there to try to cause static. Funny how you don't knock her or doing that, you must be her employer. She's going to pay and so is ripoffreport.com as they have been given plenty of opportunity to remove this bogus report and PROOF that this Melissa was not ripped off. And you have no clue what you're talking about, she didnt work for me, never has, but I DO do the work for them when they come here. My time is money, the company's time is money, and if the employees violate the contract which THEY sing by their own volition, they must abide by it's rules. Perhaps if you ran your business with your brain instead of your tiny little manhood, you'd be a bit more successful and understand the simple facts. Best of luck to you.


$200? My wife has known how to talk dirty since she was 13.

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, August 09, 2005

What training is required for that job? My wife has known how to talk dirty since she was 13. Pictures? Of what? The ads have the same pics in them no matter what the phone number. Advertising expenses? Again, the same pics and numbers every issue of every magazine. I have never had a use for paying anyone for any kind of sex(being married is expensive enough), but from what Melissa has written, I'd be inclined to say that working for you was a rip. She did sign the agreement however, and should honor it if you insist. Maybe I can get my employees to sign something like that. If they don't generate enough income for me, they'll need to pay me themselves. Great scam!


Studio City,
You're insane and completely in the wrong.

#5UPDATE Employee

Mon, August 08, 2005

Melissa, You are very flawed in your perception of not only business, but also in life in general. You're opening a can of worms with which I do not think that you realize the depth of the repurcussions you could incur from this... Here are the FACTS... You WILLINGLY and LEGALLY signed a contract with Cantrell Incorporated, that contract stated as such... I FURTHER UNDERSTAND THAT I MAY BE RELEASED FROM THIS CONTRACT AT ANY TIME WITHOUT CAUSE. ALSO I UNDERSTAND THAT IF DURING MY EMPLOYMENT WITH CANTRELL INCORPORATED I DO NOT EARN AT LEAST $2,000.00 BEFORE RESIGNING, A $200.00 RECOVERY FEE WILL BE IMPOSED TO COVER THE COST OF TRAINING, ADVERTISING, AND PHOTO EXPENSES. You were obligated, per signed contract, to earn a sum of $2000.00 before quitting or there would be a $200.00 deposit surrender on your part, that $200.00 goes towards various things (training, web addition work, photography, time spent on you in general, the phone bill, etc...) Remember, YOU signed this contract, nobody forced you to. You are obligated to abide by it's stipulations. Cantrell Incorporated NEVER sent you any threatening letters, the entire history of yours and their emails is documented and in the hands of lawyers as we speak. Remember, you chose to quit after making a mere $80.00 of the $2000.00 you agreed to, so basically you're saying to us as per contract that you fell $1920.00 short of your contractual obligation and you expect Cantrell Incorporated to cover you on that? Where are these morals that you so highly speak of? Or is this another case of "the dog with the big bark but absolutely no bite?" You were never shorted any money, in fact, you came over from another agency specifically to start trouble and defame Cantrell Incorporated in attempt to ruin their business based upon it's unrivaled success in attempt to steal it's top clientele. The world doesn't cater to you, you signed a contract, you were obligated to abide by the conditions set forth therein, Cantrell Incorporated did absolutely NOTHING wrong/illegal/immoral and if I were you, I'd try to make amends to what you've done because you have been slandering and defaming Cantrell Incorporated, thereby costing it a proven loss in revenue and you are now liable to have a BIG lawsuit placed against you. Be prepared because one is coming and you're going to lose more than $80.00 or $200.00 You were and still are managing another company in the same business, that will play towards Cantrell Incorporated's favor in a big way in court. And on a personal note... you know full well that being a PSO isn't about morals - it's all about making money, so don't try to get on your soapbox and tout right and wrong, moral and immoral to us. How dare you attempt to insult our intelligence. I'm in complete agreement with the previous poster, I'd be embarrassed to be you. And how dare you try to scam out of paying that $200.00, I'm the one who has to do all the advertising, web and photo work for scam artists such as yourself, my time is as valuable, if not more valuable, than yours. Morals, you have none and know nothing of them.


I do have MORALS! There is nothing wrong with Phone Sex except to those who are not comfortable with themselves.

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, February 18, 2005

Thats Real Nice, I suppose if McDonald's had done this I would have a legit complaint in your eyes. I am sorry you feel the way you do but keep in mind it's your husband(boyfriend) thats sneaking out of the bed next to you in the middle of the night to call me!!!!! My profession is Taboo in alot of peoples minds but I could really care less what you think of me or anyone else for that matter. I do have MORALS! There is nothing wrong with Phone Sex except to those who are not comfortable with themselves. It sounds to me like you are a very unhappy and miserable person to come in a judge my person especially since you do not know me! You need to get a grip and worry about helping the neglegted children or abused animals and not about my morals!!!!Enough Said, I will not get into a flaming arguements with you Arizona! Have a nice day and go help a little old lady cross the street or something sice you are so much morally inclined than I am............roflmao!


Sierra Vista,
Let me get this straight....

#7Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 18, 2005

Your complaining because you didn't get paid enough at your "job"? And your "job" is performing phone sex?!? I can't believe you actually had the balls to post a complaint on a public website. I'd be embarrassed if I were you (and thank God I'm not) to admit how low class and trashy you are. So you want my consumer suggestion? Get some morals!



#8UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 10, 2005

After recieving a threating email from the owner of the company I decided to post a rebuttal to my original report! Cantrell Enterprises has a unfair contract with the girls they hire for phone sex. The contract has unreasonable goals to recieve pay as well as early Termination fees for breaking the contract with them before reaching the high goal. This is not a standard in this industry. They also require "test calls" which is not a common practice in this industry. They will claim that there goals are reasonable and that the test call is standard practice although with all the companies I have talked to this does not seem to be the case. I hope this explains the reason for this report. I do not want other girls to have to go through this mess that I have had to endure because of this company including but not limited to threating emails to sue of making public the workings of this company. All statement that have been made about this company both here and in one other location have proof to back them up. I am not a liar or a trouble maker but when you work 10 plus hours a day to make pennies and then find out that they are not going to pay you is dishearting to say the least. They legally do not have to pay me as per their contract but at least with a public forum like this girls will at least have a chance to know what they are getting into signing a contract like this.

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