  • Report:  #68037

Complaint Review: Capital Acquisitions And Management Co - Camco - Rockford Illinois

Reported By:
- Spring Valley, California,

Capital Acquisitions And Management Co - Camco
303 N Main St Rockford, 61101 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
CAMCO is what they call the company but SCAM-CO is what it really is.

On 9/30/03 Mr Jones told me that I owed them $400 for a 16 year debt from Montgomery Wards. I told him that this is an uncollectable debt beause more then 7 years had past. He in turn told me that just because seven year had past doesn't make it go away, then he said that he would take a check by phone for $200 and he would clear all three credit bureaus.

He did not know that I work for a Credit Reporting Agency and aware of the law I said I will not give you anything and he sugguested that I contact my attorney. I received another message from him on 10/01/03 telling me that I need to contact him that time is of the essence. This is wrong and this so called company need to be brought to justice.


Spring Valley, California

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,
Camco can collect on SOL debts... BUTT...

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 02, 2003

sCamco or any other CA has the legal right to persue voluntary payment of any debt that is past SOL. They can pull inquirys (to some extent) and are allowed to dunn. HOWEVER... CAMCO BREAKS THE LAW FREQUENTLY IN ITS EFFORTS TO COLLECT! False representation, threats of jail, damage to credit, attachment of wages and even bodily harm. Read the posts.


Los Angeles,
Camco can collect on SOL debts... BUTT...

#3Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 02, 2003

sCamco or any other CA has the legal right to persue voluntary payment of any debt that is past SOL. They can pull inquirys (to some extent) and are allowed to dunn. HOWEVER... CAMCO BREAKS THE LAW FREQUENTLY IN ITS EFFORTS TO COLLECT! False representation, threats of jail, damage to credit, attachment of wages and even bodily harm. Read the posts.


Los Angeles,
Camco can collect on SOL debts... BUTT...

#4Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 02, 2003

sCamco or any other CA has the legal right to persue voluntary payment of any debt that is past SOL. They can pull inquirys (to some extent) and are allowed to dunn. HOWEVER... CAMCO BREAKS THE LAW FREQUENTLY IN ITS EFFORTS TO COLLECT! False representation, threats of jail, damage to credit, attachment of wages and even bodily harm. Read the posts.


Los Angeles,
Camco can collect on SOL debts... BUTT...

#5Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 02, 2003

sCamco or any other CA has the legal right to persue voluntary payment of any debt that is past SOL. They can pull inquirys (to some extent) and are allowed to dunn. HOWEVER... CAMCO BREAKS THE LAW FREQUENTLY IN ITS EFFORTS TO COLLECT! False representation, threats of jail, damage to credit, attachment of wages and even bodily harm. Read the posts.

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