  • Report:  #67329

Complaint Review: Capital One Services - Richmond Virginia

Reported By:
- angleton, Texas,

Capital One Services
POBox 85520 Richmond, 23286-9175 Virginia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Closed Mastercard account with Capital One because of non-negotiable high interest rate in Feb.'03. They continued to charge "memebership fee" until balance was paid. Paid balance off in August, '03, and told them (have acknowlegement letter) to close the account.

Claimed balance check arrived late by one day and tried to assess me a "late" charge of $25...was told they would waive this after protesting it.

Allowed Microsoft to charge a $27 service charge to the CLOSED account...protested to them about this, and was told I'm not liable (their mistake). Received letter stating that any charges made to my account before 9/03 would still be charged to me...asked them to clarify this letter, and they said I wouldn't be liable. I've heard this before, and once you get tangled in their web, you can't get out without lots of registered mail and legal counsel against them. I would recommend to anyone contemplating a charge card with this bank forget they exist.


angleton, Texas

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