  • Report:  #470855

Complaint Review: CASHNET - S Califonia California

Reported By:
- Hudson, Florida,

Cash Net S Califonia, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This pakistan/g**k whatever the hell he is called me this morning from a 941 (Sarasota, FL) area code and left a message on my voicemail. From what I could understand, his name was something Sanchez and there was a lawsuit against me. He said that I needed to call him back at 818-451-4026 (which comes up a CA number) or else good luck with the lawsuit. I thought "What the HELL?!?!" I had no intentions on calling him back until he called my cell phone yet again and I answered. I couldn't understand what he was saying except that there's a lawsuit being filed against me on Monday and are the last 4 digits of my social ****. I told him I'm NOT giving him that information. He had my bank account information, my name, address - everything. I told him I'm very aware this is a scam and I hung up. He called me back. I did not answer. I called him back and he gave me some weird name. I told him I just spoke with him and his name was Sanchez. Now it's different. He starts going off about God knows what and I asked to speak with someone I could understand. He hangs up on me. I call back, he gives ANOTHER name. My fiance calls, he says his name is Steve Austin. Then he tells my fiance he's with Monetary Crime something or other. THEN says Cash Net. We called the Los Angeles PD and they said all we can do is put a fraud protection on my credit, which is a pain in the a*s to do. I called my bank and I have two pending checks so they left enough for that in my checking and transferred everything else to savings until I can open another account. I wish there was some way to nail these people to the wall! If anyone knows of how to stop this scam, please contact me and I will be willing to help!


Hudson, Florida


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