  • Report:  #1332439

Complaint Review: catsdog.us - Internet

Reported By:
ScottishFold11 - West Palm Beach, Florida, USA

Internet, USA
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I purchased a 3-month old Scottish Fold kitten from Mr. Kirill Karimov, the owner of catsdogs.us website, for $1,800 US Dollars on September 30, 2016. This kitten was shipped from Mr. Karimov's Scottish Fold breeder contact, Alla Vasilkovskaya, in the Ukraine on Monday, September 26, 2016 to John F. Kennedy Airport in New York, NY. The kitten remained in Mr. Karimov's residential home for 6 days in Manorville, NY and was exposed to other kittens he was selling until he then shipped her to Palm Beach International Airport on Saturday, October 1, 2016. This kitten had an extended layover at the Atlanta, GA airport and arrived to me late in the evening. Upon arrival to my home in FL, the kitten seemed very distressed and was not very friendly to myself or my puppies. Fast forward to Tuesday, October 4, 2016 into Wednesday, October 5, 2016 and I noticed that the kitten was not looking or feeling well. She was constantly sneezing fluids from her nose which projected outwards, was extremely congested, had swollen/red eyes, had to be quarantined from my 2 puppies, and was not behaving like a normal, healthy kitten should. By Friday, October 7, 2016, I rushed the kitten to a local emergency vet because she could barely breathe and found out that she had an upper respiratory infection, a herpes virus, was underweight and not socialized. I was given 3 types of medication to treat her infections and was required to pay $274.03 for the ER visit. I immediately notified both Mr. Karimov as well as the breeder in the Ukraine of the kitten's health. Mr. Karimov was delusional to tell me that the kitten is healthy and that "90% of people and 80% of cats" have the herpes virus in their system and that it's not dangerous. Perhaps this is the case with Mr. Karimov but I find this to be a very ignorant and false statement. The breeder never even bothered to respond to my e-mails now that she has her cut of money from the sale of this sick kitten. Coincidentally enough, my 1-year old puppy who I have had for close to one year and who has never been sick has now been ill for the past 2 days with diarrhea, which I am wondering is attributed to the kitten's germs in our home. As stated on the Seller's website, "We provide 180 days warranty on all our kittens and puppies." Since this kitten is not healthy and is diseased, I requested that the seller immediately refund me my money (plus the cost of shipping the sick kitten back to him in NY the end of this week) since I am well-within the 180 day warranty. I sent him the prognosis from the vet, numerous photos of the sick kitten and the vet bill. He refuses to refund me and is now trying to point the finger at the breeder he acts an animal broker with. As the owner of catsdogs.us, Mr. Karimov has the obligation to provide buyers with healthy animals that he is advertising and selling, which he has not. It is highly unethical to sell a sick/diseased animal and to advertise a 180-day warranty that is not being honored. I am filing this report to make other buyers aware of Mr. Karimov's fraudulent business practices so that they do not make the mistake I did to purchase a sick kitten from these overseas breeders who only care about profits. If you google his name, you will see he advertises the sale of kittens/cats on various websites. I do not recommend buying a cat, or any animal in that case, from him or catsdogs.us. Lastly, the breeder never provided me with a veterinary report showing me a clean bill of health when the kitten was in her possession in the Ukraine and now I understand why. Buyer beware!

5 Updates & Rebuttals

Owner of catsdogs.us Refunded Me for Sick Kitten

#2Author of original report

Wed, November 02, 2016

I was refunded the full amount of $1,800 from the owner of catsdogs.us, Mr. Karimov, for the kitten.

Owner, Kirill Karimov, of catsdogs.us Refunded Maine

#3Author of original report

Thu, October 20, 2016

I was refunded the full amount back for the sick kitten from Kirill Karimov, the owner of catsdogs.us.

Thank you for doing the right thing, Mr. Karimov, and honoring the 180-day warranty.

I hope this kitten gets better, as it's very sad to see.


New York,
Poor kitten

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, October 12, 2016

 Dear Mrs. McCormack, The full refund has been issued to you today. Please send the kitten back to us as soon as she gets better. Thank you.

KIRILL KARIMOV, Owner of the CATSDOGS.US Website, Continues to Make False Statemenst So That He Does Not Have to Refund Me for the Unhealthy and Sick Kitten He Sold Me - BUYER BEWARE!

#5Author of original report

Tue, October 11, 2016

Kirill Karimov knows nothing about customer satisfaction and is in the business of selling unhealthy animals simply to make a profit. Money is more important to him and catsdogs.us than the well-being and health of an animal. He has refused to accept the return of this sick kitten and refund my money and continues to point the blame at the breeder when he was the responsible party who sold this sick kitten to me and it is through his business that I purchased this unhealthy kitten. Mr. Karimov’s statement of “I never mentioned that kitten can’t be returned and no refund possib (sp)” is false. He has refused both requests numerous times! The buying price for the kitten on catsdogs.us was $1550 and Mr. Karimov advised me that there was an additional $250 shipping fee to FL, which indeed totals the $1,800 that I paid to him via PayPal (an initial $200 deposit in August and then the remaining $1600 in September – both of which I have receipts for). He paid for the shipping of the kitten via cargo on Delta Airlines out of the $1800 that was paid to him via PayPal from my account. He also notified me one day prior to wanting to ship this kitten to me and did not give me any advance notice or a reasonable amount of time to make arrangements to be available to pick up this kitten, which I have e-mail documentation of. He also kept this kitten with other kittens he was selling in his home in Manorville, NY (pictures which were sent to me). Who knows what these other kittens may have had disease-wise. I was never too busy to pick up the kitten as Mr. Karimov states; I was given one day’s notice and would be out-of-state for work so once again, he is making false statements (I also have the e-mail documentation confirming this). Additionally, he picked the latest and long flight with layovers, which is typically cheaper, when he could have booked a direct flight, which I know they have to FL, so as to lessen the stress on the kitten with all the traveling it had already done but he declined to do so. Instead this kitten traveled for over 7+ hours via cargo excluding the flight she previously took from the Ukraine. She arrived to me late in the evening on October 1, 2016 soaked in her own urine and meowing insistently. I did request that the kitten be tested for the PKD upon a recommendation from a reputable Scottish Fold breeder in the United States. When I asked both Kirill and the Ukrainian breeder, Alla Vasilkovskaya, they downplayed the necessity of this test and stated it was not common to conduct in the Ukraine but I insisted since I know for a fact that this test is done in that country, especially by reputable and top breeders who sell their kittens to buyers in other countries. I even went so far as a courtesy to provide them with 2 facilities who conducted this type of testing in the Ukraine. I never even thought to have the kitten tested for herpes or any other similar diseases because Mr. Karimov reassured me on numerous occasions (all of which is documented) that the kitten would be healthy, came from champion parents and that flying it cargo all that distance would not put a strain on this kitten’s health. A negative PKD test does not signal a healthy kitten. And Mr. Karimov’s vet did not do any infectious disease testing on this kitten as I have no report of this; she simply looked it over and sent me a generic report. I have two healthy 1-year old puppies whom live in my residence. Mr. Karimov was aware of this, as well as the breeder. Not once did they mention to me to keep the kitten separated from the puppies. When I brought the kitten home, the next day I cautiously tried to introduce my puppies to the kitten. She hissed at them and so I immediately put her in a separate room from them, which I continue to do because of her viruses. If anyone was stressed, it was my puppies because a new kitten was in the house. Coincidentally enough, one of my puppies has been sick with diarrhea for the past few days, which I wonder is attributed to the germs in my residence from this sick kitten. He has never been sick before in all the time I have had him until she arrived. Could be coincidences but I am not taking any chances. I sent a photo of the kitten days after I received her to Mr. Karimov but the photo was taken days prior to that. Mr. Karimov fails to mention the photo of the kitten that the breeder sent me from the Ukraine prior to her travel to America. If you look closely at the photo, you can see the kitten’s right eye is red and swollen, evidence that she was already sick back then but of course this was never disclosed to me and I am not an expert in cat diseases or what to detect. When I showed it to another breeder, she detected the kitten appeared sick back then without me even having yet mentioned it to her. I was NEVER sent a clean bill of health from the breeder in the Ukraine, just the negative PKD results. I had to rush the kitten to the emergency vet after Hurricane Matthew passed on October 7, 2016 and was informed by the vet that examined her that the kitten had an upper respiratory infection, looked to have all the symptoms of herpes and was underweight. I notified Kirill while I was at the vet’s office via e-mail and he said he was sorry to hear this, saw the photos of the sick kitten and said he would notify the breeder. I also notified the breeder in a Facebook message since that was the only form of contact I directly had for her. She did not respond, even though I could see from her Facebook page that she was active on Facebook – screenshots which I saved. When I told her that I planned on returning the sick kitten to Kirill and requesting my money back, still no response. She also did not respond back to Kirill right away but still had the time to be on Facebook making posts while being unresponsive about the kitten. After not hearing from her for days, I deleted her from my Facebook account since it was obvious she did not care about this sick kitten, was in the business of making money and I wanted nothing to do with an unethical breeder. Kirill has my e-mail so if Alla was truly interested in the well-being of the kitten, she could have contacted me. I chose to deal with Kirill directly since he is the seller of the kitten and his website clearly states, “We provide 180 days warranty on all our kittens and puppies!!!” Nowhere on his website does it state any 14-day policy (this is the first time I am hearing this from him), he never informed me of such and only that he provides the 180-day warranty that is posted on his business website. I communicated numerous times to Mr. Karimov that under no circumstances do I want this unhealthy kitten, that I would ship it back at his expense and that I immediately want a full refund. I have already had to pay almost $300 for her emergency vet bill and will continue to do so since she requires follow-up appointments and will probably do so for the rest of her life. How can you say I am in the possession of a healthy kitten, Mr. Karimov?! He has not honored the warranty that he advertises and I do not want a replacement kitten from him. I would never buy a kitten from catsdogs.us again nor would I recommend anyone buying from him! So please don’t preach about customer satisfaction, Mr. Karimov, when you keep passing the buck due to profit and greed! To date, the kitten is still sick, is still on medication and does not look or behave well. I will have to take her to the vet again for a follow-up appointment. Since Mr. Karimov refuses to refund me my money and accept delivery of this sick kitten numerous times over, I intend to seek the highest level of legal action against this seller and his company (along with attorney’s fees), catsdogs.us, so that he is held accountable, cannot practice these unethical business practices and rip another buyer off while jeopardizing an innocent animal’s health! So please stop the lies by saying “I never mentioned that kitten can’t be returned and no refund possible” when your communications to me clearly state the opposite. Kirill Karimov and his company, catsdogs.us, is simply trying to save face now that I’ve exposed his business practices on RipOff Report!

Report Attachments


New York,

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, October 11, 2016

     We understand customer frustration regarding this issue and we do our best to resolve that issue. Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction/

     The buying price for the kitten was not 1800 dollars, but 1500 dollars. Customer insisted to perform PKD test for that kitten and paid 50 dollars to the breeder for that test. It came back negative. We don't provide such tests unless customer wants to pay for it separate. Also the shipping cost to Florida was extra 250 dollars we paid on your behalf to Delta Airlines and cost of vet health certificate we received from the local vet doctor for the kitten.

      The kitten arrived to NY 09/26/16, and we notified customer immediately, but she was too busy to accept the kitten and asked me to hold it for extra 4 days. I agreed to keep the kitten in my house for these extra days. As a courtesy, I didn't charge customer extra for keeping kitten in my house extra 4 days.      The kitten has been checked by local veterinarian doctor, found to be in good general health and free from inflectional deceases. The Kitten received a health certificate. The health certificate has been sent to the customer. The kitten has been shipped to the client on Saturday, October 1, she received it, and emailed me back next day saying that she allowed 2 dogs to "say hello to her and approach her" It's was not a good idea for such a young kitten can't be "approached" by dogs. I asked her to stop it, dogs must be scare her and she promised not to do that.

    The customer sent me pictures of the kitten 4 days later. The kitten looked healthy, no signs on any sickness.

     Next day customer notified me that kitten looks sick.

     We opened investigation on that claim and notified the customer. We have 14 days policy to response to all claims. Customer asked to send full refund immediately. It is impossible – the kitten has to be returned to us first, then we will be able to issue the refund or replacement. It’s like buying the TV from Bestbuy – you can’t ask Bestbuy to send you a new TV BEFORE sending damaged tv to the store. It’s common sense.         

    The customer said she can’t wait and I have to issue refund immediately or she will start legal actions.

     The report customer sent us, didn't say that kitten has a herpes infection. The doctor said there is a possibility for herpes infection. No tests for herpes were performed nor sent to us.

       The breeder was out of city few days and couldn't reply back to the customer immediately, when she got back and tried to contact the customer, the customer blocked her messages.

    180 days warranty covers any preexisting conditions of the kitten. For example - if kitten has serious problem with the joints, kidneys, heart, bones. Then customer gets a refund or replacement based on NYS law. There is no coverage if customer doesn’t care about the kitten – for example: if customer drops the kitten and kitten fracture a leg, or if customer doesn’t feed the kitten and kitten dies.  Allowing 1 year dog to “approach” 3 month old kitten could cause the stress for the kitten and kitten could easy catch the infection. Or infection could be transmitted from other animals  kept in customer house.  Again, our goal is 100% client’s satisfaction, I never mentioned that kitten can’t be returned and no refund possible.  We will continue to work on that claim and do our best to resolve it.          

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