  • Report:  #316304

Complaint Review: CCM Enterprises Ltd - Saint George New Brunswick

Reported By:
- Pennfield, NorthWest Territorie,

CCM Enterprises Ltd
50 Route 172 Upper Letang Saint George, E5H 2C2 New Brunswick, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I had my truck(2000 Chevy Blazer) towed to CCM Enterprises Ltd. 11/16/2007 - $194.86- to have a new gas tank, fuel pump and straps installed. I was told by Chris Wright that I needed a new filler hose and that I had been given the wrong straps. It was decided it would be put back together with the old filler hose and he would use "shop straps", so I could use the truck to get back and forth to work with. The truck worked fine.

I am a single parent who recently made a career change from fish plant employee to Heavy Equipment Operator.

12/14/2007 -$289.79-I returned the truck to CCM-Chris Wright to have the proper straps, filler hose and 2 front wheel bearings installed, and also asked him to let me know what I needed for the rear brakes and I would get the parts and bring it in to have them repaired.

I left the garage and got maybe 10 kms and the truck started acting bad. It was flooding out. I called Chris Wright and explained the truck was acting bad, stalling out, spitting and sputtering. I told him it was like it wasn't getting it's fuel, or was getting too much. I took the truck and dropped it off and told him I'd pick it up Wednesday or Thursday.

12/20/2007 -$298.35- I went to pick the truck up after they explained they didn't know for sure what the problem was.

Thursday, March 06, 2008 - After many gas leaks and much flooding. I took my truck to a new garage in town to have them drop the tank and tell me what was wrong and to have it repaired.

Much to my horror, we found the problem. Mechanics notes read as follows:

All fuel lines were cut and pieced together in a way dangerous to owner. Copper line used for fuel line which is also a danger.

Fuel pump inlet & outlet broken and re-attached with hose clamps - should be quick connect fittings.

Fuel lines were not in the proper spots. Fuel return line in the wrong position - found connected to vent line.

This is a high pressure fuel system and should not be tampered with.

I was called over to see what the state of repair of the fuel system was and have pictures and do plan to take legal action.

This man put my family and me in danger every time I started that truck, it could have blown up. I could have been sitting in traffic with my children in the truck, sitting beside you or someone you love, a bus load of kids, anywhere, anytime that truck could have blown up and he knowingly did that.

And then charged me another $298.35 after he had already broken the fuel pump -$293.00 - and pieced together the fuel system.

The truck worked fine until the filler hose was installed. So I drove it, with it working fine, from 11/16/2007 thru 12/14/2007. 12/20/2007 - $298.35 - still worked bad, and he could have blown us up.


Pennfield, NorthWest Territories


1 Updates & Rebuttals


New Brunswick,
CCM Enterprises Ltd., St. George, New Brunswick, Canada

#2Author of original report

Tue, March 11, 2008

I want to make a formal complaint about CCM Enterprises Ltd., Chris Wright and any other mechanic that was employed at CCM Enterprises Ltd. From November 16, 2007 thru December 20, 2007. I do not believe any of them should have a license to fix anything considering the way they fixed my truck. I drive a 2000 Chevy Blazer, and on November 16, 2007 I had my truck towed to CCM Enterprises Ltd., to have a new gas tank, fuel pump and straps installed. When I got there to get it, I was told it needed a new filler hose, and I had been given the wrong straps so I would have to get the right straps as well. It was decided it would be put back together with the old filler hose and Chris would use shop straps until I got the new parts. I needed the truck to get back and forth to work, which at the time, was approximately 45 kms each way, and the truck worked great. It worked normal, the way it should, with the gas mileage normal, 500 to 600 kms per tank. The total for that visit was $194.86 December 14, 2007 - $289.79 I drove my truck to CCM Enterprises Ltd., to have the new filler hose and straps installed, as well as have two front wheal bearings installed. I also asked him to check my rear brakes and tell me what parts were going to be needed to have them fixed. When I drove the truck out of there, I got approximately 10 kms and knew there was a problem. The truck was spitting and sputtering and acting like it wasnt getting enough gas or too much. I couldnt understand why considering it was all new parts. He told me to bring it in and he would take another look and see if he could figure out what the problem was. On that bill it also states Needs rear brakes (Shoes, Combi, W? Cyls, Drums??), needs front axle? Needs Rear Leaf Spring. My truck has calipers, pads and rotors on all four tires, so he didnt even take the tire off to see what it needed for parts to fix the brakes like I had asked. December 20, 2007 - $298.35 My truck had been at CCM Enterprises Ltd., for approximately 2 - 3 days. I had stopped there after work on December 19, 2007 to find out if they had found the problem. They (Chris and the other two mechanics) were looking for information on the computer as to what could be causing the truck to act this way considering the gas tank, fuel pump, filler hose and straps were all new. The taller mechanic said it was most likely the air intake manifold gasket, the part was $50 - $60 and it was approximately 3 4 hours to repair. I told them to do it and call me tomorrow when it was completed. December 20, 2007 at approximately 2 pm I called Chris and asked how he was making out with the blazer. He said not very well, he had put it on the computer, which showed it was misfiring on all cylinders but it was never consistent. He also said he had changed the plugs and distributor cap and told me they were black and that he had thrown the plugs out. I asked him about the air intake manifold gasket and he said he hadnt done that. He said that was a 6 - 8 hour job. I asked him how much the bill was and told him I would be down to pick it up. The truck still worked horrible, spitting and sputtering, stalling out running out of gas because the gas gage no longer worked. I called the mechanic from my old neighborhood, and explained to him what I have had done and how the truck was acting now. I asked him if I could get it over there (its approximately 70 kms one way) if he could take a look at it and tell me what the problem with it was. I didnt believe the truck would make it there so I took it to another garage in the area and had them put it on the computer and maybe they could tell me what the problem was. The computer showed it was still misfiring and it also needed fuel injector #4, and the air intake manifold gasket could be the problem, considering all the other fuel parts were new and newly installed. I returned the truck to the new garage to have the injector, and the air intake manifold gasket installed. I thought the truck would work better after this because it had all these new parts. Then the gas leaks started. I was driving my daughter to day care, which is approximately 5 kms one way and I could smell gas. I dropped my daughter off at day care and immediately went to the new garage as I had lost of a tank of gas within those 10 kms. He took the truck into the garage and discovered a gas line was spraying fuel onto my exhaust system, which if given the chance to heat up, could have blown the truck up with my 2 children and myself inside. I paid that bill and thanked God that nobody was killed. March 5, 2007 I called the new garage and asked if he could fit the truck in to take the tank off and see why I was having gas leaks and see if maybe he could figure out why the truck was flooding out so badly. I explained to him that the truck would normally get 500 600 kms per tank and I had set the trip on the odometer and I was getting 297 kms per tank. He told me to bring it over and he would get it in around 1 pm. I got a call from the new garage. He said he was sending someone to get me and to bring my camera. I was mortified to realize why my truck had been working so badly. The brand new fuel pump that I had paid $293.00 for was broken and cut all to pieces, as you will see in the photos that will accompany this e-mail. It was then we pieced together what had happened. On December 14, 2007 when I took the truck to CCM Enterprises Ltd., and they had to drop the tank to put on the filler hose, they didnt detach the fuel lines which in turn broke the clips on the new $293.00 fuel pump. Instead of doing the right thing and replacing it, considering I had paid him to install it only a month earlier, he literally cut it to pieces to try to make it work. Which means that when I took that truck back there to after he put the filler hose on. December 20, 2007 he charged me another $298.35 and said he didnt know what the problem was. According to the pictures he knew exactly why that truck wasnt working properly. He had only 6 days earlier pieced it back together. The truck is now fixed at a total cost of $1005.45, not including any gas that leaked or flooded out or anything else, just to have it fixed properly was a cost of $704.66 which includes another new fuel pump. The remaining $298.35 is the total of the bill from December 20, 2007, after he had put the filler hose on and broke the fuel pump. I absolutely want that money back and he refuses, nor will he cover the cost that I incurred to have it repaired properly. Not even for the new fuel pump, when he broke the first new one. I am a single parent who is trying to feed he family, keep a roof over their heads and have reliable transportation back and forth to work, and like so many other single mothers struggle just to be able to pay the bills. I honestly didnt need this extra $1005.45 to go onto the truck, groceries, power, shoes, mittens, this money had many other places to go and he owes me at least that. The way it was pieced together, that truck could have blown up, just driving down the road, sitting beside you and your family in traffic, turning the key on could have blown it up, what would have happened then. How many lives did this man put in danger because of the faulty repairs he did? What would you say if you got a call from someone that said your mother, daughter, sister, brother, father, etc., was involved in an accident in which a truck blew up and your child was burned or worse dead. And if you knew it was because of someone you paid to fix your vehicle, someone with a license to do so, what would you do, how would you want to handle it? The mechanics notes from the garage that did fix the truck read as follows: All fuel lines were cut and pieced together in a way dangerous to owner. Copper line used for fuel line, which is also a danger. Fuel pump inlet and outlet broken and re-attached with hose clamps should be quick connect fittings. Fuel lines were not in the proper spots, fuel return line in the wrong position found connected to vent line. This is a high pressure fuel system and should not be tampered with. I did keep all the parts that were taken off, as well as the pictures. I need help with this, in getting the $1005.45, and with making sure he never puts anyone elses lives in danger because of his faulty work. Note in these pictures what the new fuel pump looks like, that is what it looked like when I took it to CCM Enterprises Ltd., pay particular attention to the clips and notice how much he actually cut off the fuel pump just to make his rubber hoses work. I am begging for some help with this. He should not be allowed to get away with this blatant and deliberate attempt to cover up his mistake. It could have cost many their lives. Sincerely,

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