  • Report:  #46997

Complaint Review: CCS /comsumer First - Las Vegas Nevada

Reported By:
- sacramento, California,

CCS /comsumer First
61 W Utah Ste 63 Las Vegas, 89102 Nevada, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Got a letter say blah blah send off now 49 rush delivery for a your "PLATNUIM" Card . I get letter today with a card inside that is not Visa, Mastercard, American ex, or Dicorver. What i did get was a card to use only with CCS catalog sales and its then says i have a creidt limit of $6,500 not the 5,000 but then if you read further down it then says not 6,500 but Up to 1,000 and with a interest rate of 25% . So i now want my money back and here might be some helpfull info for you guys .

you might want to call up this number and ask for

S.M. Skipper the New Accounts manager

two numbers for the company that you might want to try is

1-800-717-1278 or 1-702-256-3000

I hope this can help befor you you get scammed like i did

From some one in Cailfornia


sacramento, California

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