  • Report:  #118587

Complaint Review: Centennial Wireless - Fort Wayne Indiana

Reported By:
- grand junction, Michigan,

Centennial Wireless
3811 Illinios Road Fort Wayne, 46804 Indiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been dealing with Centennial Wireless for almost a year now regarding my account closure. They want me to pay $750 in early termination fees, and since I have refused, they have sent me to a collection agency and are now threatening to take me to court. Since I will probably end up having to pay them, even though I don't want to, I think everyone should know how poorly this company does business.

Following is a portion of a letter I have sent to them dozens of times complaining about their customer service, reliability, and billing.

Violations of Agreement on behalf of Centennial Wireless

1. I have sent several letters and e-mails within the last year complaining about your service and about the functionality of my wireless phone. I was told before Christmas that you would find a replacement for me and have not heard anything since. My Nokia 7160 phone displays calling areas incorrectly, does not ring, and does not connect to some of your towers as it should.

I have stated this before and have only been given excuses for the problems I am having. I was told thay they would looking for a replacement phone for me. I waited four months and never received a response from the customer service rep. to let me know if she located a phone. When I e-mailed her back she told me that a replacement phone of the same model could not be found.

However she did give me the opportunity to sign a new contract and get a new phone free. DUHHHH, I wasn't happy with their service, why on earth would they think I was stupid enough to sign another contract.

I will say again that it simply states in the contract that "any wireless unit used by you in connection with the service must be technically and operationally compatible with our wireless

system." My phone is obviously not technically and perationally

compatible if I am having this many problems.

I have been told several different things by Centennial Wireless employees. I have been told that it is fine and not to worry about it, I have been told that there is a problem with the way my phone connects to the towers, and I have even been told on several occasions that my phone is not compatible with the system.

2. When the new tax went in to effect allowing customers to take their mobile number with them if they switched carriers I was never sent anything explaining the changes in price or the changes it would have on my agreement. Pricing to me is the cost of something including taxes and fees. Even looking at my reciepts from when I signed up for the new contract it looks as if taxes are included under the category "Extended Price."

No where on the contract does it specify what price includes. It specifies what charges are, but does not detail the other. On another note, if you look up the word price it means the same thing as cost, fee, and even CHARGE, I should also mention that the contract I signed says that I have no rights to my wireless number, yet I am being charged a tax for it.

Once again, the contract states that, "if any of those changes affect your rates, rights, or service in any material

way, you may terminate this agreement upon written notice and will not be responsible for any early termination fee." Your contract says that I am supposed to recieve advance written notice of changes to the agreement and pricing. I received notification of these changes the month they went in to effect. Thus not giving me an opportunity to contest them. Advance notification should mean that you send a letter to all customers of your company ammending the terms and conditions of their contracts. All I received was a notification on the back of a bill saying a new regulatory tax would be charged to my account. It said nothing about what the tax was for and what effects it would have on my contract.

Because my phone is not operationally compatible with their nationwide system and by not notifying me of the changes to the agreement regarding the taxes and my right to the phone number the contract should be void.

There is no excuse for neglecting to inform their customers of changes or the way this company has dealt with any of these problems. I would like I will not take any excuses for any of these contract violations. I

want the account closed, no questions asked and no excuses given. I will not compromise. This is a clear violation of the contract and nothing you say or do can change that.


Grand junction, Michigan

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