  • Report:  #67656

Complaint Review: CENTEX HOME EQUITY - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
- allentown, New Jersey,

Dallas, Texas Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My husband and I applied for a home equity loan in August 2003 through Centex's office in New Jersey. We were approved with no problem and provided an Appraisal that was completed in May 2003 for our refinance. We were told we could use this since it was not more than 6 months old. The appraisal was sent to the Appraisal Review Department in Texas and came back asking for the name on there to be changed from our refi company to Centex. The appraiser did this and was sent back.

The Texas office then requests for more comps in the area since the ones that were provided we were told were outdated. One was from 2002 and the others were from 2003 (I don't know what they consider outdated). Anyway, the appraiser again provided the additional comps that were requested and the appraisal was recertified and sent back.

Our house was purchased for $370,000 and the appraisal 1.5 years later came in at $570,000. The area where we live is nothing but preserved land and the homes have only increased in value and now we have a situation where demand is more than supply. It has now been two days and no reply to our emails, phone calls, etc. to the NJ office. Now, I could reapply again but why should I since I was already approved and the appraisal is fine.

I was hoping someone could offer me some sort of re-course to this situation. It is very frustrating because we are dealing with a NJ office and a Texas office and I have no idea who to talk to also since no seems to return phone calls with updates.




allentown, New Jersey

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Centex and their Practices, they are being watched

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, May 24, 2004

Just to let everyone know that Centex is now on the HUD Watch List and the NCRC has told me that they are on their list to keep an eye out. So, you need to do letters to NCRC, FTC, AG's office in Dallas, TX as well as in your home town as they are all taking notice of what Centex is doing to all us little people out here. They have foreclosed on too many homes and they even advertise that the loan money to people who have equity in their homes. You really need to join us in our fight. Please e-mail me at [email protected] because I can help point you in the right direction. We are all struggling with this but works better in numbers. Maybe the Feds will file suit against them and stop their practices.


Centex and their Practices, they are being watched

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, May 24, 2004

Just to let everyone know that Centex is now on the HUD Watch List and the NCRC has told me that they are on their list to keep an eye out. So, you need to do letters to NCRC, FTC, AG's office in Dallas, TX as well as in your home town as they are all taking notice of what Centex is doing to all us little people out here. They have foreclosed on too many homes and they even advertise that the loan money to people who have equity in their homes. You really need to join us in our fight. Please e-mail me at [email protected] because I can help point you in the right direction. We are all struggling with this but works better in numbers. Maybe the Feds will file suit against them and stop their practices.


Centex and their Practices, they are being watched

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, May 24, 2004

Just to let everyone know that Centex is now on the HUD Watch List and the NCRC has told me that they are on their list to keep an eye out. So, you need to do letters to NCRC, FTC, AG's office in Dallas, TX as well as in your home town as they are all taking notice of what Centex is doing to all us little people out here. They have foreclosed on too many homes and they even advertise that the loan money to people who have equity in their homes. You really need to join us in our fight. Please e-mail me at [email protected] because I can help point you in the right direction. We are all struggling with this but works better in numbers. Maybe the Feds will file suit against them and stop their practices.


Centex is predatory and they conduct fraudulent appraisals.

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, May 13, 2004

I too am a victim of Centex, in a different way. Centex is predatory and they conduct fraudulent appraisals. Eventually, they will go down, it's just a matter of time. Too many of us are getting taken and we are the ones who have to put a stop to it. I am not an attorney, but a victim of Centex Home Equity and living in Massachusetts. This company is scamming everyone and something has to be done soon.

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