  • Report:  #289098

Complaint Review: Chase Auto Finance - New Hyde Park New York New York

Reported By:
- Newport Coast, California,

Chase Auto Finance
Box 5210 New Hyde Park New York, 11042 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
ATTENTION CHASE; I'M GETTING AN ATTORNEY TODAY. I'VE HAD ENOUGH ! Their recordings state; Chase the right relationship is everything. Don't believe them, they are lying. Their track record proves they are full of it. Please excuse my typing. I am so upset, as you will read, this has been a (7) year hell and hard to type going over everything they've put me through. But the public needs to be notified. I don't want anyone else to have to deal with this company.

I have not slept all night from these peoples mistakes again. I dread calling into this company as you will read. I know it gets me no where. Also on a previous Chase negative posting I read that a customer should have their bank reverse the Chase bank charges. I will tell you; once a bank takes money out, they will not get the money back for you. They tell you to work it out with Chase. Banks don't reverse charges ! You have to shut down your bank account.

If you set up automatic payments with this company you will regret it for the rest of your life. They are the most irresponsible employees and company I have ever experienced and should be seriously sued. I have kept data base notes and recordings on this company for several years.

My living hell with Chase Auto Finance has been going on since 2001. After their false notice I received yesterday, I decided to look them up on rip-off. As it's been so bad dealing with these people, I figured they had to have negative postings. At times I have cried just trying to get someone there to get my loan straight. They don't even have the brain function to report accurately to the credit companies.

I started keeping ACT data base notes years ago as I quickly learned this company and their people are confused all the time.

I received a Chase bill notice yesterday stating I have a $18, 276.75 balloon payment on my BMW 740 IL loan. This is wrong ! I pay per month and a simple interest loan and have NO balloon payment on my loan.

I stupidly thought this mistake was cleared up on Nov 5, 2007, with a Supervisor by the name of Dianne. I took time out of my day to finally get them to try to do their jobs right. Again, you can't trust Chase employees to do their jobs. What the heck is going on over there ? I have a heart problem and this company is part to blame. I'm waiting for their phone lines to open up in New York and I thought typing my Chase (7) year living hell would help me pass the time since I can't sleep. However, I will bet you a million dollars they will not get this straightened out. If this is allowed to keep going my car will automatically go into repossession again.

I already can't get a charge off my record for a previous mistake they made which placed repossession charges on my account in the amount of $797.50 when I was not to be in repossession.


It started off when I first bought my car. Chase did not report my loan accurately to the credit bureaus. They still don't. The stress became too much, every month, trying to get them to report accurately, they were destroying my health. It was a several phones calls in which many of there customer service reps hung up on me; A grown women at that time making 200K / yr in 2001.

Over the years they have NEVER reported my car loan accurately to the credit companies. My credit reports still show my car loan is 36K and not stating that I'm making payments ! As though I don't make any payments. Therefore, I have trouble getting loans as this large loan is declining my credit. I put 40K down on my car and my original loan was only approx 45K in 2001.

Due to the bad economy in 2004, I went through Bankruptcy. I was self employed. They did not reaffirm my car. Every time I called in, I was sent around in circles for 3 very long years.

They would state my car was still in; bankruptcy, my car was in reaffirmation, my car was in repossession !!! Then kept sending me back to Customer Service who would not help me, stating they could not, because my car was in; repossession, then stating I was in reaffirmation, then stating I was in bankruptcy... I went around in circles for (3+) years from department to department, until I was in tears and had to hang up. All I wanted to do was see why my payments were not being credited and how much my car loan and payments actually were and why they were not reporting to the credit companies properly.

I have never received their so called monthly statements. I never once (during the entire loan) received ANY notice from them as to my payments. All I had was my loan contract from Sterling BMW. Stupid car dealership sent me to Chase.

I kept data base notes on people I spoke to, voice mails messages on Managers voice mails who NEVER called me back.tape after tape, data base notes, after data base notes. If any one gets an attorney I will be happy to turn all this over to them to help your case.

When they said my car loan was back in the right department three years later, I was told my payments were 450. Turns out they were NOT and I was charged 12.5% interest rate which the car dealership contracted stated my loan was 9%. Later I was told my payments were 858. However, when I called in the computer lines my car was paid up and my payments were 450. Turns out they did not put my car right into the system.

So I called in and thought I had that straightened out. Then a Manager stated in June 2007, my car payments were 1071 and I had a balloon payment due in December 2007 of 18K. I freaked out and hung up. I was so stressed out that I was sick and threw up.

Finally, I had to calm down, I called back speaking with Dianne a Manager iin November 2007, who said the other Manager was wrong and I don

t have a balloon payment due in December 2007, my payments are $858. and not $450. and not $1,071.

She also mentioned all I've been paying on is interest and no principal. How can this be after 7 years of payments !

NOW after taking all that time thinking again these people did there job, I receive a balloon payment notice of 18,276.75 and still have the 797.50 fee for a so called repossession that never happened !

I have mailed payments to this company that were never credited and had to Fed-X payments to ensure they were there on time. They have placed late charges on payments and held payments for weeks before crediting.



It's finally, 5am PST time. I can call them now in NY.

I called into them at 5:15a and one CS Rep stating my 18K was extensions ! I started crying as I don't have 18K in extensions on my loan. She then wanted to send me to collections. Why the heck for. I'm not behind on my loan. I pleaded with her for a supervisor. I was given a Supervisor who has me on hold reviewing my account and it's now 5:47a PST. So far a half an hour + on the phone. Now 6:17am. The Supervisor told me I had a simple interest loan and she got my contract from year 2000. She was not aware and does not know I signed a new loan contract which lowered my payments in 2004 after my bankruptcy. She can't find that contract. Now she's having research review my account. However, back when I was having trouble before in 2004 the research department did nothing to fix the problem per my data base notes. I have todays full conversation tape recorded. It's 6:22a.


Newport Coast, California


Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Chase Bank

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Newport Coast,
RE: Chase Auto - Thanks Steve ! :)

#2Author of original report

Thu, December 06, 2007

Steve - Thank you so very much. I meet with my attorney on Monday. A really great 'Consumer Activist Attorney'. His reputation is pretty good :) Chase has my original contract from 2000. However, over the phone they refinanced me after the BK and never sent me the new contract. I was very sick at the time and with the bad economy, had a lot on my plate to deal with and did not follow up with a copy of the second contract. I understand when a contract is not returned signed it is voided. They can't find the second contract in their records either. Yep; I faxed my BK release papers to them and they were acknowledged as received. However, there was some 'code and icon' on my account that everyone kept telling me they did not have authorization to release so the right dept could see my account. But when BK looked at my account (they could see it) they would tell me that it was not in BK, it was reaffirmed..when BK sent me to the other dept the icon note was not off and they could not view my account and sent me round to get my own help through dept after dept...and Customer Service would not help me because they could not view my account (BK dept only had autorization). It took 3 years of phone calls and crying on the phone just to get someone to tell me about the stupid icon and code keeping other dept's from viewing my account. By then I was screaming and crying as to why no one could see loan/account. Then I had to tell employees what I was told myself about the icon. Then they said they did not have authorization to remove it. Then I had to scream and cry another year to get to someone who could remove the icon/code. Now my loan is screwed up and not a simple interest like they state it should be in their records. I have a note stating; one representative point blank told me the people there don't like to work. When I called back the next time to see if he was successful in fixing my account my notes state his voice mail was disconnected. Thanks for the heads up on the restraining order ! I'll run it by the attorney and if he won't do it, I will. I have Dec. 15th to get this straight. He does not know why I've been paying on a 45K loan for 7 years and still have a principal balace of 18K+. That's a heck of a lot of interest !!! That's what he wants to look at too. Somethings really rotten in DenMark with Chase.


George, It's just not that difficult!

#3Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 05, 2007

I just have to ask. Don't you have your original sale contract? This along with your records of payments and your BK order. It is all black and white! Make copies of everything, explain it in 3rd grade english so they can understand it, and send it by certified mail, return reciept requested. Done. No, present the same information to a judge with your application for a restraining order against them to protect you from repo. Done.

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