  • Report:  #273546

Complaint Review: Christopher P On Kasamba Psychics - Internet

Reported By:
- Dallas, Texas,

Christopher P On Kasamba Psychics
kasamba.com/christopherp Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Christopher P I contacted for a session he took me off of Kasamba and had me think he was a friend. He also let me talk to this ROOM MATE Blake who is PSYCHIC BLAKE on Kasamba. I know they live together now.

He told me his cat was sick and dying nad for 2000.00 to help pay his bills off (remember this man had already befriended me) that he would also do a spell that would allow me and my boyfriend to get back together within 3 days. He then LIED and gave me his HOME ADDRESS saying that it was the KASAMBA HEADQUARTERS and to put it to HIS ATTENTION.

This man is a SCAMMER. I know he scammed other people out of Money. Please people REPORT THIS TO KASAMBA! I HAVE FOUND OUT TO WRITE TO THEM to [email protected]

PLEASE REPORT THIS MAN! He tried to scam me 2000.00 and said if I didn't send it me and my boyfriend would NEVER get back together. We have to STOP HIM! PLEASE PEOPLE COME TOGETHER!

Nicki ****


Dallas, Texas


225 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,
Thanks Karen and Tissues.......

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, November 08, 2007

Your welcome! Anytime.


Thanks Karen and Tissues

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, November 08, 2007

You've been a great help and a positive influence. I hope you continue to support anyone else who comes here, and help them on their way.


North Carolina,
Thank you..SusansEmptyBoxOfTissues

#4Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 07, 2007

Took the words right out of my mouth!


Lawng Eyelund,
New York,
Some prozac is in order here ladies.

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, November 07, 2007

I had to speak up at the recect pointless standoff with Susan and Lucy continuing with their usual rants. You are both very much in need of medical help. Read over the rants and the amouint of time you both have put into this. You could both be very productive, positive human beings yet you continue to go on and on. Susan is a textbook sociopath case that's made this board part her dillusional hobby to rant and try to get her money back. Lucy is the perma-victim who finally feels empowerd that someone is paying attention to her for once. It's really sad and I wish you both the best and hope you're able to find medical treatment soon or at least some guidance to find a postive outlet for your problems.


North Carolina,
The point

#6Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 07, 2007

Susan, in "WHATEVER" manner I choose to speak on THIS forum WE sane people get the point of what I am saying! Whether YOU or Lucy agree or not is irrelevant to me! Manless silly twits are every single woman who crusaded with Janice and had their nose up her butt believing in her nonsense and could not see through to the fact the woman wasnt playing with a full deck. Manless silly twits are most of you who jumped on the Janice bandwagon and was all over this board defending her actions and believing her LIES! Manless silly twits are most of you women who used that site to get your ex's back with non working useless spells. Manless silly twits are most of you who could not accept the fact that your relationships were broken and it was time to move on. Manless silly twits are most of you women who come out here and LIE LIE LIE! Manless sillly twits are most of you who are so emotionally high strung you can't keep a man to save your life. Manless silly twits are most of you who smother and strangle your men with your insecurities. Manless silly twits are most of you who now sit with egg on your faces because your beloved Janice made fools of every single one of you. To sit here on this forum and NOW complain about name calling is ridiculous! Susan and Lucy never called anyone a name? Huh? All over this board accusing people of being fake psychics instead of consumers who came across this site. Now your bark isn't so loud. Tell you what, GO FIND JANICE! She could use the noses up her butt and I am sure your noses could use the warmth. Ha Ha Ha Ha. Take care MANLESS SILLY TWITS!


I am curious though

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, November 07, 2007

Karen, if you have no involvement with Kasamba, why are you here? At least I can say I have had a bad experience with Kasamba, and can sympathise with others who post on ROR, but you've stated you don't have anything to do with them, so why do you bother coming here at all?


Thanx you Susan

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, November 06, 2007

Took the words right out of my mouth.


New York,
Karen....Please Clarify

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, November 06, 2007

Just curious - what is a "silly manless twits"....since I was a member of the group - and you refer to the whole group as "silly manless twits"....I'd like to know the definition of your insult. Why anyone has to call anyone names or insist they have appropriate credentials and sufficient information to label them as "mentally unstable"....I'd like to know just exactly what a "silly manless twit" is and how you justify calling the whole group that - when you don't know us and most members have never posted in here. Also, HOW does whether a member has a man in their life or not impact what happened to them during their experiences on Kasamba. Not everyone was seeking "predictions" regarding a relationship or interest in a man. I think if you are trying to make a point - using intelligent and appropriate words is more effective.


North Carolina,
I'm sorry one more thing and I am done with this fool

#10Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 06, 2007

At least I have the common sense and enough intelligence not to align myself or put faith in a OBVIOUS unstable lieing fraud like Janice! Boy you were singing her praises. Nose all up her butt taking BIG HUGE sniffs! LOL. Your a joke!


North Carolina,
Sighs Lucy Lucy Lucy...All I can do is LAUGH!!

#11Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 06, 2007

Just like I thought. SOMEONE would be out here lieing about what a wonderful man they have and have found after being told their ex is coming back and he didn't. Then jumping on this ROR report with their torches lit. LOL. I KNEW someone would spit that LIE out! Thanks Lucy! LMFAO. Why don't you just shut up Lucy! Learn when to keep your mouth closed for heavens sake! Hypocrite I am not! Therapist I surely am! I don't encourage my clients fantasy thinking Lucy. Once again Lucy, I AM A REALIST! THAT is what MY CLIENTS appreciate the most about me Lucy. That I am real. Lucy in this world you have to sometimes think OUTSIDE the box in order to get the job done. You haven't found any positive posts by me Lucy because YOU DONT WANT TO SEE THEM. ( by the way, i dont consider caps yelling. I consider caps emphasis.) So dont go on the next post Lucy saying I am yelling. LOL. Lucy you are a real piece of work. You amuse me Lucy. LOL. You really do. Very comical indeed. LMFAO! You should see me now Lucy. Big huge smile as I am typing this. Know why? BECAUSE I AM LAUGHING AT "YOU"!!!!! Why don't you pay attention to that wonderful imaginary man you found Lucy instead of trying to engage people in the war of words. Find something else to do with yourself. YOU ARE BORING! LOL. Post on Lucy. Post on. LOL. Man you are soooooo funny! Fuunnnnyyyyy! Oh and by the way Lucy, If you want to copy and paste my posts all over the place. LMFAO, knock yourself out!! Good luck with your life Lucy. Good Luck!


North Carolina,
Sighs Lucy Lucy Lucy...All I can do is LAUGH!!

#12Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 06, 2007

Just like I thought. SOMEONE would be out here lieing about what a wonderful man they have and have found after being told their ex is coming back and he didn't. Then jumping on this ROR report with their torches lit. LOL. I KNEW someone would spit that LIE out! Thanks Lucy! LMFAO. Why don't you just shut up Lucy! Learn when to keep your mouth closed for heavens sake! Hypocrite I am not! Therapist I surely am! I don't encourage my clients fantasy thinking Lucy. Once again Lucy, I AM A REALIST! THAT is what MY CLIENTS appreciate the most about me Lucy. That I am real. Lucy in this world you have to sometimes think OUTSIDE the box in order to get the job done. You haven't found any positive posts by me Lucy because YOU DONT WANT TO SEE THEM. ( by the way, i dont consider caps yelling. I consider caps emphasis.) So dont go on the next post Lucy saying I am yelling. LOL. Lucy you are a real piece of work. You amuse me Lucy. LOL. You really do. Very comical indeed. LMFAO! You should see me now Lucy. Big huge smile as I am typing this. Know why? BECAUSE I AM LAUGHING AT "YOU"!!!!! Why don't you pay attention to that wonderful imaginary man you found Lucy instead of trying to engage people in the war of words. Find something else to do with yourself. YOU ARE BORING! LOL. Post on Lucy. Post on. LOL. Man you are soooooo funny! Fuunnnnyyyyy! Oh and by the way Lucy, If you want to copy and paste my posts all over the place. LMFAO, knock yourself out!! Good luck with your life Lucy. Good Luck!


North Carolina,
Sighs Lucy Lucy Lucy...All I can do is LAUGH!!

#13Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 06, 2007

Just like I thought. SOMEONE would be out here lieing about what a wonderful man they have and have found after being told their ex is coming back and he didn't. Then jumping on this ROR report with their torches lit. LOL. I KNEW someone would spit that LIE out! Thanks Lucy! LMFAO. Why don't you just shut up Lucy! Learn when to keep your mouth closed for heavens sake! Hypocrite I am not! Therapist I surely am! I don't encourage my clients fantasy thinking Lucy. Once again Lucy, I AM A REALIST! THAT is what MY CLIENTS appreciate the most about me Lucy. That I am real. Lucy in this world you have to sometimes think OUTSIDE the box in order to get the job done. You haven't found any positive posts by me Lucy because YOU DONT WANT TO SEE THEM. ( by the way, i dont consider caps yelling. I consider caps emphasis.) So dont go on the next post Lucy saying I am yelling. LOL. Lucy you are a real piece of work. You amuse me Lucy. LOL. You really do. Very comical indeed. LMFAO! You should see me now Lucy. Big huge smile as I am typing this. Know why? BECAUSE I AM LAUGHING AT "YOU"!!!!! Why don't you pay attention to that wonderful imaginary man you found Lucy instead of trying to engage people in the war of words. Find something else to do with yourself. YOU ARE BORING! LOL. Post on Lucy. Post on. LOL. Man you are soooooo funny! Fuunnnnyyyyy! Oh and by the way Lucy, If you want to copy and paste my posts all over the place. LMFAO, knock yourself out!! Good luck with your life Lucy. Good Luck!


North Carolina,
Sighs Lucy Lucy Lucy...All I can do is LAUGH!!

#14Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 06, 2007

Just like I thought. SOMEONE would be out here lieing about what a wonderful man they have and have found after being told their ex is coming back and he didn't. Then jumping on this ROR report with their torches lit. LOL. I KNEW someone would spit that LIE out! Thanks Lucy! LMFAO. Why don't you just shut up Lucy! Learn when to keep your mouth closed for heavens sake! Hypocrite I am not! Therapist I surely am! I don't encourage my clients fantasy thinking Lucy. Once again Lucy, I AM A REALIST! THAT is what MY CLIENTS appreciate the most about me Lucy. That I am real. Lucy in this world you have to sometimes think OUTSIDE the box in order to get the job done. You haven't found any positive posts by me Lucy because YOU DONT WANT TO SEE THEM. ( by the way, i dont consider caps yelling. I consider caps emphasis.) So dont go on the next post Lucy saying I am yelling. LOL. Lucy you are a real piece of work. You amuse me Lucy. LOL. You really do. Very comical indeed. LMFAO! You should see me now Lucy. Big huge smile as I am typing this. Know why? BECAUSE I AM LAUGHING AT "YOU"!!!!! Why don't you pay attention to that wonderful imaginary man you found Lucy instead of trying to engage people in the war of words. Find something else to do with yourself. YOU ARE BORING! LOL. Post on Lucy. Post on. LOL. Man you are soooooo funny! Fuunnnnyyyyy! Oh and by the way Lucy, If you want to copy and paste my posts all over the place. LMFAO, knock yourself out!! Good luck with your life Lucy. Good Luck!


Ok... have you two finished now??

#15Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 06, 2007

Let's move on shall we - enough is enough! The subject has turned away from it's initial intention, into a battle of wills... MOVE ON!!


The reason

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, November 06, 2007

Just for the record, I have a lovely man in my life, who I met after those fake readers tried to convince me to wait for someone who was "my soulmate", because according to them we would marry, despite me saying I was trying to move on. (And I can show you those transcripts too - anytime.) So before you accuse people of being unstable, desperate, lonely women, whose men can't wait to get away from them, you should get a bit of background information and find out what really happened. Isn't that what being an effective therapist is about? I haven't responded to your postive posts because, well, I couldn't find any. Oh, except your last one where you suggest a support group would be good. Ok, so my final word for you Karen is "hypocrite".


North Carolina,
Lucy Lucy

#17Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 05, 2007

I notice Lucy that you go through my posts with a fine tooth comb. Looking for sentences that you can respond to. LOL. Why dont you try to respond to the positive sentences in my posts for ONCE Lucy instead of looking for what YOU deem to be negative. Respond to something positive for a change. Try that sometimes! On that note, I have wasted enough of my time with you and choose not to waste anymore. So you can have the last word and by all means Lucy make it good. Think of a real zinger now. lol. Ciao


North Carolina,
And your point is?

#18Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 05, 2007

Your point is what Lucy? I STILL stand by what I say and have said on this forum! Yes Lucy, get off the cross so someone else can use the wood! You have been NO ANGEL posting on this board. Remember that! Join the other group and help someone in regard to the "move on" phrase. That is where you will be most needed. I am sure I can go back on this forum and cut and paste some of YOUR not so nice words Lucy. Will I do that? No. Do I need to? No. Do I have to prove anything to you or anyone else on here? No. Would I bother trying? Absolutely not. If your trying to make a point to me Lucy I assure you its falling upon deaf ears. I am sure you will post something else after this. Will I care? No. Were you and your group acting like silly manless twits? Yes!


North Carolina,
And your point is?

#19Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 05, 2007

Your point is what Lucy? I STILL stand by what I say and have said on this forum! Yes Lucy, get off the cross so someone else can use the wood! You have been NO ANGEL posting on this board. Remember that! Join the other group and help someone in regard to the "move on" phrase. That is where you will be most needed. I am sure I can go back on this forum and cut and paste some of YOUR not so nice words Lucy. Will I do that? No. Do I need to? No. Do I have to prove anything to you or anyone else on here? No. Would I bother trying? Absolutely not. If your trying to make a point to me Lucy I assure you its falling upon deaf ears. I am sure you will post something else after this. Will I care? No. Were you and your group acting like silly manless twits? Yes!


North Carolina,
And your point is?

#20Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 05, 2007

Your point is what Lucy? I STILL stand by what I say and have said on this forum! Yes Lucy, get off the cross so someone else can use the wood! You have been NO ANGEL posting on this board. Remember that! Join the other group and help someone in regard to the "move on" phrase. That is where you will be most needed. I am sure I can go back on this forum and cut and paste some of YOUR not so nice words Lucy. Will I do that? No. Do I need to? No. Do I have to prove anything to you or anyone else on here? No. Would I bother trying? Absolutely not. If your trying to make a point to me Lucy I assure you its falling upon deaf ears. I am sure you will post something else after this. Will I care? No. Were you and your group acting like silly manless twits? Yes!


North Carolina,
And your point is?

#21Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 05, 2007

Your point is what Lucy? I STILL stand by what I say and have said on this forum! Yes Lucy, get off the cross so someone else can use the wood! You have been NO ANGEL posting on this board. Remember that! Join the other group and help someone in regard to the "move on" phrase. That is where you will be most needed. I am sure I can go back on this forum and cut and paste some of YOUR not so nice words Lucy. Will I do that? No. Do I need to? No. Do I have to prove anything to you or anyone else on here? No. Would I bother trying? Absolutely not. If your trying to make a point to me Lucy I assure you its falling upon deaf ears. I am sure you will post something else after this. Will I care? No. Were you and your group acting like silly manless twits? Yes!


Less aggression from who?

#22Consumer Comment

Mon, November 05, 2007

Oh lucy PLEASE! TIME TO GET OFF THE CROSS NOW, SOMEONE ELSE COULD USE THE WOOD! In addition, you've referred to us as bitter, lonely, manless, silly twits, and the list goes on and on. Karen, when have you ever seen me write anything even remotely similar to this?


North Carolina,
Support Group

#23Consumer Suggestion

Thu, November 01, 2007

A KV support group is a very good idea where those who feel they have been victimized can voice thier concerns and talk amoungnst themselves giving one another strength to move on from their awful experiences. Sometimes a person needs to identify with others in the same situation as them in order for the healing process to start. That is the most important thing. THE HEALING PROCESS. Don't lead these people by the nose with false hope that they can and will recoup their funds because that is not going to happen. I notice thier is a lot less aggression coming from some who have supported Janice wholeheartedly on this thread. That's a plus in itself. Having some experts removed for their blatant fraudulent practices on Kasamba is a very good thing indeed. I was never in support of psychic frauds. If your efforts have succeeded in getting the bad eggs off the site than kudos to you. Some have lost focus of that and took this plight way out of proportion and when you go about things in the wrong manner it always blows up in your face. Learn from this and come back and do things the right way. Continue to get the frauds removed from Kasamba but reapproach it with a different perspective and manner and then will you have the success you seek.


New York,

#24Consumer Comment

Thu, November 01, 2007

WHERE??? is Janice is right....yet, if you read the posts from 10/30 on....I think you'll find her. I asked her relentlessly about our documentation...she went silent as "Janice". Brenda - if you would like to communicate privately go to the Yahoo original group. I can't leave my e-mail address here - but, I can e-mail it to you from here. The e-mails are apparently public there now - and I have nothing to hid - I am just tired of having my e-mails posted on this site and everything I write twisted and distorted. I am trying to accomplish something here - no matter how many times I get told I've been "busted", "I need a box of tissues", "we are cannibals" - Good grief....pitiful. Regardless of the outcome - and since the profiles being edited and changed to be more appropriate and not outrageous in their claims has been achieved - essentially I have accomplished something. Leave an e-mail on the original Kasamba "victims" yahoo group if you'd like. And THANK YOU FOR YOUR POST.....


District of Columbia,

#25Consumer Suggestion

Thu, November 01, 2007

just wondering but didnt the "group" or someone say that the psychics had led people to false hope and had taken transcripts of personal clients details and passed them on? so where tissues user says that janice has disappeared giving the group FALSE HOPE to expose the so call crooks and has taken the groups PERSONAL TRANSCRIPTS not ring some kind of a bell. does that mean that she may actually be a psychic on the sites who took the transcripts for herself to actually do readings on the people in her group ? who is janice really ..and where is she reminds me of where is waldo?


New York,
YOU DO STAND CORRECTED "Whoever/Somewhere/Other

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, November 01, 2007

YES, you DO "stand corrected" - FINALLY - a prediction that came true - LOL!! LOL!! After I notified the group about Janice's admission - Janice came rushing in with "emergent" e-mails that "you have to move" - "start a new group" - EMERGENCY EMERGENCY (WOW) - and you have to understand - NOT empathesize - that would NEVER happen - there are/were some group members that were extremely supportive of Janice and very attached to her. Someone did agree and did take the initiative to start a new group - because Janice had her convinced the "Group had been infiltrated!!" - shortly after - someone else wanted to pursue the group as a "support group" - whatever. I need to mention (and wish I had on the 28th) that I NEVER posted on the Yahoo group site - I e-mailed Janice intermittently to try to find out her progress and I received relentless e-mails from her on various subjects - I also kept her up-to-date on any correspondence I received or sent - and on ROR updates. These e-mails went directly to her personal e-mail address and hers to mine. I didn't contact or have ANY interaction with the "group" until I read she was still paying for "readings". So, I have now introduced myself to the members and some of them have been corresponding with me and disclosing what they choose. Nothing has been determined yet - all I know is my goal was to submit supporting documentation to Kasamba and request a refund - partial, full - whatever. Call that "Blackmail" - do your thing. I tell you, if anyone EVER proceeds in a manner comparable to the tactics of the "Experts" - ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE - LOL!! SO - NO - Janice didn't start the new group - she emergently advised everyone to run and do that....but, as I keep saying....Janice has "vanished" - except we all know which ROR posts shes writing - she gives herself away. I will state as many times as I need to - the original plan - which I suggested in the ROR an eternity ago - was to compile supporting documentation as a group all making the same complaints - and request restitution. WHY I keep reading "the goal was about money"....Good Lord - of course it was - just like IT IS for the "Experts". Please, can the "kettle" PLEASE stop calling the "Pot" "Black". So - yes, you made an assumption (imagine that)that Janice started the new group. Which all of you that read my e-mails on the Yahoo site can see I was dead set against. I am seeking credible, calm people that would like to submit supporting documenatation to their claims to Kasamba/LivePerson in conjunction with a narrative letter. If it doesn't make a difference - case closed - and the satisfaction that I tried. I NEVER posted "I'm gonna shut them down" and all the emotionally charged crap I've read. In order to have credibility - I needed more than 1 person to complain - Janice jumped in - and how the heck was anybody to know what her motivation was or what she was doing. I kept e-mailing her and asking her the status - I asked her for a copy....ground well covered. Please let me also state that it IS a fact - and some "Experts" have even admitted it on this site....CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE AT KASAMBA...."Experts" have been effected.....some are gone...the profiles have been edited and are more appropriate now....and most of what I have been posting in here OVER AND OVER AND OVER has initiated change.....in the end that might be MY SATISFACTION and that will be fine. I will, however, submit my info - regardless of the outcome. HOW is it that you think you can intimidate me and tell me what to do and try to discourage me AND then say, "you're busted - move on - get a box of tissues - stop whining".....and then call me unstable? I wish I was still seeking my education and could us this insanity for MY Thesis!!


New York,

#27Consumer Comment

Thu, November 01, 2007

I just read the post by Augusta - THANK YOU!! Clearly, I am not unstable....and clearly my assessment that the negative posts by "Experts" or whoever they are remains the same....Freya obviously doesn't READ the posts - she skims over them and takes what she immediately pounces on and elaborates it in total contradiction of what is written. At this point - IF the assessment by all the "haters" is that we are "crying", "falling apart", "made fools of ourselves", etc., etc......WHY continue to find out everything little detail you can about what we are doing, what we are saying and why keep relentlessly repeating the same things over and over again.....I would think if you feel the way you say you do and you are convinced of the outcome that hasn't even taken place yet - you should be DONE - FINISHED and taking your own "MOVE ON" advice. Perhaps you are so enjoying "making fun" of the outcome of a no win situation Janice put us in by holding on to our documentation for an eternity and acting inappropriately and erratically....YOU can't let it go. For DAYS (especially Freya) you've been relentlessly "basking" in the glory of what has transpired....GOOD FOR YOU.....reiterating what EVERYBODY already knows....to the point of ridiculous. If "victory is yours" - WHY do you continue to report the updates as you see them, insist there is no recourse or "hope" for the "group"....and just keep reiterating the same crap over and over again. If you feel satisfied - you feel you made such a difference - was RIGHT - discredited everybody - and that was never going to come to fruition now doesn't have a "s****.) Hey - who thinks "youwillknowwho" is Janice?? LOL!! When people are distraught they make mistakes and apparently don't proofread before they press "submit"...."I am not seeking Kasamba "Experts"...... "I"?????? P.S. - if you give advice relentlessly and you don't take it yourself....what's that about??? I never understood that IF the "Experts" NEVER felt any "threat" and they NEVER felt any of this would make a difference - cause a problem - effect their income - WAKE Kasamba Administration up and cause them to make changes and address the inappropriate "Experts".....WHY did the protest SOOOOOOOO MUCH???? YIKES!!


New York,

#28Consumer Comment

Thu, November 01, 2007

I just read the post by Augusta - THANK YOU!! Clearly, I am not unstable....and clearly my assessment that the negative posts by "Experts" or whoever they are remains the same....Freya obviously doesn't READ the posts - she skims over them and takes what she immediately pounces on and elaborates it in total contradiction of what is written. At this point - IF the assessment by all the "haters" is that we are "crying", "falling apart", "made fools of ourselves", etc., etc......WHY continue to find out everything little detail you can about what we are doing, what we are saying and why keep relentlessly repeating the same things over and over again.....I would think if you feel the way you say you do and you are convinced of the outcome that hasn't even taken place yet - you should be DONE - FINISHED and taking your own "MOVE ON" advice. Perhaps you are so enjoying "making fun" of the outcome of a no win situation Janice put us in by holding on to our documentation for an eternity and acting inappropriately and erratically....YOU can't let it go. For DAYS (especially Freya) you've been relentlessly "basking" in the glory of what has transpired....GOOD FOR YOU.....reiterating what EVERYBODY already knows....to the point of ridiculous. If "victory is yours" - WHY do you continue to report the updates as you see them, insist there is no recourse or "hope" for the "group"....and just keep reiterating the same crap over and over again. If you feel satisfied - you feel you made such a difference - was RIGHT - discredited everybody - and that was never going to come to fruition now doesn't have a "s****.) Hey - who thinks "youwillknowwho" is Janice?? LOL!! When people are distraught they make mistakes and apparently don't proofread before they press "submit"...."I am not seeking Kasamba "Experts"...... "I"?????? P.S. - if you give advice relentlessly and you don't take it yourself....what's that about??? I never understood that IF the "Experts" NEVER felt any "threat" and they NEVER felt any of this would make a difference - cause a problem - effect their income - WAKE Kasamba Administration up and cause them to make changes and address the inappropriate "Experts".....WHY did the protest SOOOOOOOO MUCH???? YIKES!!


New York,

#29Consumer Comment

Thu, November 01, 2007

I just read the post by Augusta - THANK YOU!! Clearly, I am not unstable....and clearly my assessment that the negative posts by "Experts" or whoever they are remains the same....Freya obviously doesn't READ the posts - she skims over them and takes what she immediately pounces on and elaborates it in total contradiction of what is written. At this point - IF the assessment by all the "haters" is that we are "crying", "falling apart", "made fools of ourselves", etc., etc......WHY continue to find out everything little detail you can about what we are doing, what we are saying and why keep relentlessly repeating the same things over and over again.....I would think if you feel the way you say you do and you are convinced of the outcome that hasn't even taken place yet - you should be DONE - FINISHED and taking your own "MOVE ON" advice. Perhaps you are so enjoying "making fun" of the outcome of a no win situation Janice put us in by holding on to our documentation for an eternity and acting inappropriately and erratically....YOU can't let it go. For DAYS (especially Freya) you've been relentlessly "basking" in the glory of what has transpired....GOOD FOR YOU.....reiterating what EVERYBODY already knows....to the point of ridiculous. If "victory is yours" - WHY do you continue to report the updates as you see them, insist there is no recourse or "hope" for the "group"....and just keep reiterating the same crap over and over again. If you feel satisfied - you feel you made such a difference - was RIGHT - discredited everybody - and that was never going to come to fruition now doesn't have a "s****.) Hey - who thinks "youwillknowwho" is Janice?? LOL!! When people are distraught they make mistakes and apparently don't proofread before they press "submit"...."I am not seeking Kasamba "Experts"...... "I"?????? P.S. - if you give advice relentlessly and you don't take it yourself....what's that about??? I never understood that IF the "Experts" NEVER felt any "threat" and they NEVER felt any of this would make a difference - cause a problem - effect their income - WAKE Kasamba Administration up and cause them to make changes and address the inappropriate "Experts".....WHY did the protest SOOOOOOOO MUCH???? YIKES!!


New York,

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, November 01, 2007

I just read the post by Augusta - THANK YOU!! Clearly, I am not unstable....and clearly my assessment that the negative posts by "Experts" or whoever they are remains the same....Freya obviously doesn't READ the posts - she skims over them and takes what she immediately pounces on and elaborates it in total contradiction of what is written. At this point - IF the assessment by all the "haters" is that we are "crying", "falling apart", "made fools of ourselves", etc., etc......WHY continue to find out everything little detail you can about what we are doing, what we are saying and why keep relentlessly repeating the same things over and over again.....I would think if you feel the way you say you do and you are convinced of the outcome that hasn't even taken place yet - you should be DONE - FINISHED and taking your own "MOVE ON" advice. Perhaps you are so enjoying "making fun" of the outcome of a no win situation Janice put us in by holding on to our documentation for an eternity and acting inappropriately and erratically....YOU can't let it go. For DAYS (especially Freya) you've been relentlessly "basking" in the glory of what has transpired....GOOD FOR YOU.....reiterating what EVERYBODY already knows....to the point of ridiculous. If "victory is yours" - WHY do you continue to report the updates as you see them, insist there is no recourse or "hope" for the "group"....and just keep reiterating the same crap over and over again. If you feel satisfied - you feel you made such a difference - was RIGHT - discredited everybody - and that was never going to come to fruition now doesn't have a "s****.) Hey - who thinks "youwillknowwho" is Janice?? LOL!! When people are distraught they make mistakes and apparently don't proofread before they press "submit"...."I am not seeking Kasamba "Experts"...... "I"?????? P.S. - if you give advice relentlessly and you don't take it yourself....what's that about??? I never understood that IF the "Experts" NEVER felt any "threat" and they NEVER felt any of this would make a difference - cause a problem - effect their income - WAKE Kasamba Administration up and cause them to make changes and address the inappropriate "Experts".....WHY did the protest SOOOOOOOO MUCH???? YIKES!!


Money back

#31Consumer Comment

Thu, November 01, 2007

I've never assumed I would get my money back, it would be nice, but it's never been my objective.


Money back

#32Consumer Comment

Thu, November 01, 2007

I've never assumed I would get my money back, it would be nice, but it's never been my objective.


Money back

#33Consumer Comment

Thu, November 01, 2007

I've never assumed I would get my money back, it would be nice, but it's never been my objective.


Money back

#34Consumer Comment

Thu, November 01, 2007

I've never assumed I would get my money back, it would be nice, but it's never been my objective.


North Carolina,

#35Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 31, 2007

Again, Lucy stop HOGGING up the wood on that cross you insist on hanging yourself on PLEASE. Hand it to someone else. Susan, you and the new group are NOT going to get a dime back from Kasamba. Your wasting your time. This story won't even make it on the NY media regardless if you have friends working the industry or not. OH sure they will tell you they will put it on, etc etc. But will you actually see it on your television screen? I think not. Now post and post how its going to happen, etc but down the line you will SEE that it surely will not. Just like down the line you saw what a fraud Janice is and was. The best thing that you could of done was start a support group for those who are emotionally damaged from their experience. The best thing to do is to try to help those move on from the experience and try to heal and look and deal with the reality of their situations. Now you will be the one giving false hope if you insist that Kasamba will grant these people their money backs. What the KV group claimed the psychic frauds were doing the group administrator and her strong supporters were doing. The EXACT same thing, and that is giving FALSE HOPE! Different circumstance, yes; but the same overall effect. Now who's stupid now?! It sure isn't "ME" Susan, Lucy, Janice, S, and Jenny. SAVE FACE!


How strange!!

#36Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2007

Susan writes, "...none of us could know what Janice was really up to - she's disappeared with our '250+ page..." Well, ....my, my...isn't THIS interesting! Just for kicks, I checked the Group section of Yahoo and found a NEW one there listed right below "kasambavictims." And, guess what! It was formed YESTERDAY! This is what was listed there as far as group name, description, and other details: Kasambaclientsupportgroup Description Hey there, have you been ripped of by KASAMBA too? Have you spent thousands of dollars just to get fed lies? Do you need help and support? This group is made to support each other, we are not here to judge you and we do respect if you are still getting readings on Kas. Hope to see you soon! Group Information Members: 6 Category: Spirituality Founded: Oct 30, 2007 Language: English Could this be spinoff created by Janet just recently, and coincidentally just as all the crap is hitting the fan, here?? Odd, huh? Susan, perhaps THIS is where the "250+ page" report can be found. ORRRR....if someone other than Janice just created this new group, I stand corrected. I just thought it was too much of a coincidence NOT to prove quite interesting.


It is time.

#37Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2007

So the motivation WAS money? It's all coming out now that's for sure and it's not pretty. So to put it in an ugly light, they were basically threatening to blackmail Kasamba? LOL not a very wise decision, perhaps this has turned out for the best. The fact that Janice has 'resigned' and run for the hills (with the report might I add) and the victims group is being torn apart by people pointing the finger at practically ANYONE spells the end of this little 'crusade.' I feel that, the best thing - for all concerned to do, is to move on. Move on from Kasamba.com, move on from the Victims group. To get on with your lives! Wallowing in this past depression is only going to make things worse, tommorow is a new day and it's not to late for a fresh start. To those who have lost alot financially, whilst unfortunate, please remember just who it was that made the decision to make those purchases. The 'report' was doomed from the start, lack of any solid evidence locked that in for sure, any level headed individual could see that a mile away, what has occured is just the exclaimation point, to end a very long and drawn out paragraph so to speak. I do just hope everyone can now take it for what it is, and to move on with their lives.


It is time.

#38Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2007

So the motivation WAS money? It's all coming out now that's for sure and it's not pretty. So to put it in an ugly light, they were basically threatening to blackmail Kasamba? LOL not a very wise decision, perhaps this has turned out for the best. The fact that Janice has 'resigned' and run for the hills (with the report might I add) and the victims group is being torn apart by people pointing the finger at practically ANYONE spells the end of this little 'crusade.' I feel that, the best thing - for all concerned to do, is to move on. Move on from Kasamba.com, move on from the Victims group. To get on with your lives! Wallowing in this past depression is only going to make things worse, tommorow is a new day and it's not to late for a fresh start. To those who have lost alot financially, whilst unfortunate, please remember just who it was that made the decision to make those purchases. The 'report' was doomed from the start, lack of any solid evidence locked that in for sure, any level headed individual could see that a mile away, what has occured is just the exclaimation point, to end a very long and drawn out paragraph so to speak. I do just hope everyone can now take it for what it is, and to move on with their lives.


It is time.

#39Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2007

So the motivation WAS money? It's all coming out now that's for sure and it's not pretty. So to put it in an ugly light, they were basically threatening to blackmail Kasamba? LOL not a very wise decision, perhaps this has turned out for the best. The fact that Janice has 'resigned' and run for the hills (with the report might I add) and the victims group is being torn apart by people pointing the finger at practically ANYONE spells the end of this little 'crusade.' I feel that, the best thing - for all concerned to do, is to move on. Move on from Kasamba.com, move on from the Victims group. To get on with your lives! Wallowing in this past depression is only going to make things worse, tommorow is a new day and it's not to late for a fresh start. To those who have lost alot financially, whilst unfortunate, please remember just who it was that made the decision to make those purchases. The 'report' was doomed from the start, lack of any solid evidence locked that in for sure, any level headed individual could see that a mile away, what has occured is just the exclaimation point, to end a very long and drawn out paragraph so to speak. I do just hope everyone can now take it for what it is, and to move on with their lives.


It is time.

#40Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2007

So the motivation WAS money? It's all coming out now that's for sure and it's not pretty. So to put it in an ugly light, they were basically threatening to blackmail Kasamba? LOL not a very wise decision, perhaps this has turned out for the best. The fact that Janice has 'resigned' and run for the hills (with the report might I add) and the victims group is being torn apart by people pointing the finger at practically ANYONE spells the end of this little 'crusade.' I feel that, the best thing - for all concerned to do, is to move on. Move on from Kasamba.com, move on from the Victims group. To get on with your lives! Wallowing in this past depression is only going to make things worse, tommorow is a new day and it's not to late for a fresh start. To those who have lost alot financially, whilst unfortunate, please remember just who it was that made the decision to make those purchases. The 'report' was doomed from the start, lack of any solid evidence locked that in for sure, any level headed individual could see that a mile away, what has occured is just the exclaimation point, to end a very long and drawn out paragraph so to speak. I do just hope everyone can now take it for what it is, and to move on with their lives.


New York,
LMAO.....It continues

#41Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2007

OK - as always - I will not stoop to your level - and respond to your name calling - although "canniballistic" - WOW. If you please read my posts - from the beginning to now where I continually state I am, was and will continue to pursue a refund from Kasamba - AND - pursue bringing the site to light to inform the general public. I have written that so many times I can't imagine that you would feel it would make an impact to accuse me of not caring about the "victims", etc. I have posted extensive details about my attempts to pursue a refund/settlement. I even posted how I offered Kasamba to settle with me and would withdraw from submitting my documentation. So - keep up - stay with the group, will ya. You write these PROFOUND breaking news reports with information that is MONTHS old. As far as "falling apart", "coming undone", "slipping into madness" - THANKS for your concern about my mental status....but, I'm fine - no need for your concern. Keep up-to-date and with the flow, will ya - you are looking silly trying to impress people with OLD news. AGAIN - none of us could know what Janice was really up to - she's disappeared with our "250+ page report" (wink) and the other unsuspecting members of the Yahoo Group that trusted her and have NOT participated in the ROR "cat fight" are very concerned and upset - because she has their "reading" transcripts with extremely personal information in them - because they TRUSTED HER....maybe you could have some EMPATHY for that "Susan's tissue box" or whatever you call yourself. I don't need a tissue - I'm not crying - I'm not upset - I'm trying to unravel a DISASTER. That does NOT mean or is indicative that the complaints about Kasamba and it's "Experts" IS/WAS not legit - the woman took the incentive to advocate for us - compile information - the group trusted her and now we are trying to re-group and attempt to meet our goal. The goal was to alert the general public of what will happen if you believe the advertising on the site and if you fall for the tactics of the "Experts" and pursue restitution. This is NOTHING new, "tissue box" and to call these people "cannibals" is outrageous and stupid. The vicious posting was by people on BOTH sides of the issue - so, pull yourself together - seems like you've come "undone" by your SCREAMING posts. I'm fine - cool, calm and collected - keep that box of tissues for yourself (wink). Why doesn't anybody ever respond to my factual information - that never gets challenged.....READ THE POSTS, TISSUE BOX.


Bev Hills,
What is the point of all this?

#42Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2007

All this arguing back and forth? What the heck is this? People..you are wasting valuable life minutes with no rollover time! Come on and stop this silliness.. The thing I dont get is that these so called "scammers" or fake psychics just went to another site to do business! So how did you stop them? They are still working. Now are you going to go after Keen or Ebay or where ever else they are? Please, this has no point. Of all the millions of people who go to Kasamba, Janice's group has 20 members. That to me looks pretty good for Kasamba. Out of millions of customers only 20 feel ripped off enought to join this group. If you service that many clients your bound to have some unhappy customers. Even the biggest, most reputable companies has complaints. Now as far as who is a real psychic and who is a fake, how can you measure this? Do you want Kasamba to put each reader in a laboratory and conduct testing on them? The bottom line is people want hope, they want reassurance. They want to talk to someone who doesnt judge them, they want some guidance and objectivity. This is why they come to psychics. The ones that knowingly rip people off are plain evil. Some got the boot, great, but they just took the show somewhere else. This is a losing battle. If you really want to help, put up your own site and list names of scammers. Tell people that this so and so psychic scammed you and give a warning. Or put it here at ROR like you have been doing. That is all you can do. Then it is in the informed customers hands to make the choice.To go to the media and try to bring down Kasamba does no good, because as I said the scammers just go somewhere else to find victims. Please get a grip.


Bev Hills,
What is the point of all this?

#43Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2007

All this arguing back and forth? What the heck is this? People..you are wasting valuable life minutes with no rollover time! Come on and stop this silliness.. The thing I dont get is that these so called "scammers" or fake psychics just went to another site to do business! So how did you stop them? They are still working. Now are you going to go after Keen or Ebay or where ever else they are? Please, this has no point. Of all the millions of people who go to Kasamba, Janice's group has 20 members. That to me looks pretty good for Kasamba. Out of millions of customers only 20 feel ripped off enought to join this group. If you service that many clients your bound to have some unhappy customers. Even the biggest, most reputable companies has complaints. Now as far as who is a real psychic and who is a fake, how can you measure this? Do you want Kasamba to put each reader in a laboratory and conduct testing on them? The bottom line is people want hope, they want reassurance. They want to talk to someone who doesnt judge them, they want some guidance and objectivity. This is why they come to psychics. The ones that knowingly rip people off are plain evil. Some got the boot, great, but they just took the show somewhere else. This is a losing battle. If you really want to help, put up your own site and list names of scammers. Tell people that this so and so psychic scammed you and give a warning. Or put it here at ROR like you have been doing. That is all you can do. Then it is in the informed customers hands to make the choice.To go to the media and try to bring down Kasamba does no good, because as I said the scammers just go somewhere else to find victims. Please get a grip.


Bev Hills,
What is the point of all this?

#44Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2007

All this arguing back and forth? What the heck is this? People..you are wasting valuable life minutes with no rollover time! Come on and stop this silliness.. The thing I dont get is that these so called "scammers" or fake psychics just went to another site to do business! So how did you stop them? They are still working. Now are you going to go after Keen or Ebay or where ever else they are? Please, this has no point. Of all the millions of people who go to Kasamba, Janice's group has 20 members. That to me looks pretty good for Kasamba. Out of millions of customers only 20 feel ripped off enought to join this group. If you service that many clients your bound to have some unhappy customers. Even the biggest, most reputable companies has complaints. Now as far as who is a real psychic and who is a fake, how can you measure this? Do you want Kasamba to put each reader in a laboratory and conduct testing on them? The bottom line is people want hope, they want reassurance. They want to talk to someone who doesnt judge them, they want some guidance and objectivity. This is why they come to psychics. The ones that knowingly rip people off are plain evil. Some got the boot, great, but they just took the show somewhere else. This is a losing battle. If you really want to help, put up your own site and list names of scammers. Tell people that this so and so psychic scammed you and give a warning. Or put it here at ROR like you have been doing. That is all you can do. Then it is in the informed customers hands to make the choice.To go to the media and try to bring down Kasamba does no good, because as I said the scammers just go somewhere else to find victims. Please get a grip.


Bev Hills,
What is the point of all this?

#45Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2007

All this arguing back and forth? What the heck is this? People..you are wasting valuable life minutes with no rollover time! Come on and stop this silliness.. The thing I dont get is that these so called "scammers" or fake psychics just went to another site to do business! So how did you stop them? They are still working. Now are you going to go after Keen or Ebay or where ever else they are? Please, this has no point. Of all the millions of people who go to Kasamba, Janice's group has 20 members. That to me looks pretty good for Kasamba. Out of millions of customers only 20 feel ripped off enought to join this group. If you service that many clients your bound to have some unhappy customers. Even the biggest, most reputable companies has complaints. Now as far as who is a real psychic and who is a fake, how can you measure this? Do you want Kasamba to put each reader in a laboratory and conduct testing on them? The bottom line is people want hope, they want reassurance. They want to talk to someone who doesnt judge them, they want some guidance and objectivity. This is why they come to psychics. The ones that knowingly rip people off are plain evil. Some got the boot, great, but they just took the show somewhere else. This is a losing battle. If you really want to help, put up your own site and list names of scammers. Tell people that this so and so psychic scammed you and give a warning. Or put it here at ROR like you have been doing. That is all you can do. Then it is in the informed customers hands to make the choice.To go to the media and try to bring down Kasamba does no good, because as I said the scammers just go somewhere else to find victims. Please get a grip.


Lawng Eyelund,
New York,
Susan contines to come undone. Also proof that she's not sticking up for victims rights, but just wants her money back.

#46UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, October 31, 2007

Here's the latest post from Susan to her cannibalistic group of victims. Notice the first part about Kasamba "settling" with them. This contradicts all her previous posts on this board about not being concerned about money but fighting for what's right. At the end of the day this woman lost control of herself, and is blaming others to get her money back. Enjoy the further madness of Susan: Re: [kasambavictims] Clarification Thanks - it is that very issue that motivated me to have the documentation submitted and perhaps Kasamba would have just settled with us - 1/2 of what we paid, etc. and having shown proof that there were enough us to make enough noise that one of those news magazine shows or Fox News would have "entertained" us - to pay us for our silence would have been MUCH better than the info making it into the media and the site would die. I thought that was a logical thought process. When I approached Kasamba with that - that was the ONLY time I got a response from them - and it was QUICK. The bottom line is the length of time it took to STILL not be submitted - the ROR "fights" and the now admission their are "good" "Experts" on the site has caused our demise. Janice controlled all the info - took on more than she could handle - got overwhelmed - and I saw this coming, but couldn't do anything about it. I didn't have the heart to tell her she was taking so long -especially I got numerous mails with dates that she would be "done" and the "report" would be submitted. I even got an "emergency" e-mail in the first week of October telling me the "report" was ready and she needed some documentation from me first. You can't blame me for my reaction when I saw she states she "doesn't want to hurt the good ones and she believes some are legit", etc. I was alarmed and concerned about her motivation - you can't blame me - honestly, NONE of us know WHO any of us REALLY are - and the more this dragged on - and this insistance to get a "copyright" - which is NOT necessary - and how many times I offered to help her - and how many times I asked for a copy to submit to the NY media venues.....I mean WHAT A WASTE OF EVERYBODIES VALUABLE TIME. Bottom line - credibility is gone - especially there are additional members of this group still seeking "advice" from Kasamba "Experts". I can't imagine we have a "let to stand on now". OH well, I really thought my plan would bring me at LEAST part of the $7,500.00 I spent on Kasamba - and based on your $4,000.00 total - we are all in a similiar boat. I see Janice has gone silent - not surprised - this is way out of hand and apparently over.



#47Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2007

I'm not responding on anybody else's behalf but my own. One thing which has come out of all this "information" is who the frauds are and who the genuine readers are. Now I know who NOT to go to, and the list is extensive. I also know who can be trusted to give genuine advice and not waste money on the others. Makes the selection process a lot quicker and considerably cheaper. And I have not had a reading for months, but this information is helpful if I ever do decide to have another reading. And I just might do that - one day.


Then why

#48Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2007

Then why does Janice STILL contact their Psychics, Youwillknowwho? We are not 'bashing' anyone, simply stating the facts. Janice admitted to it, we are simply stating the facts! How can the report possibly be forwarded to Kasamba? After these revelations? Do you really expect Kasamba to take any of you seriously, at all ? The bottom line is the mentality that 'well if you kept on calling them, they musn't be THAT bad.'



#49Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2007

I'm proud of who I am Karen, I do care and have compassion for others. In fact, the last time I checked, that was what I liked most about myself.


New York,
Enjoy yourselves!!

#50Consumer Comment

Tue, October 30, 2007

Ok, Ok, Ok - feel free to enjoy yourselves - obviously someone forwarded my e-mail form that Yahoo Group.....NOT hard to figure out WHO that was - LOL!! I'm not crying, I don't need a box of tissues, I didn't attack Janice - as I keep saying whatever the assessments are of me - enjoy yourselves. I am never going to reply by name calling and insulting. Whatever the tone of my mails are - are my tone - I wrote that I was extremely disappointed/angry at Janice's admission - that is no secret. She did not see that as warranted and/or legitimate - she reacted with emotion (as usual) and as if she was being "attacked" - which is not true. I just got so frustrated from pointing out the obvious to her via direct e-mail (not on the Yahoo site). She stated she resigned - made all kinds of statements about how she wasn't appreciated, twisted the facts, yaddy yaddy yada - avoided direct questions and said, "she removed herself from the Group" (AND SHE HAS THE DOCUMENTATION!!) She then reappeared on the Yahoo site writing advisements, explanations and giving direction. So - I pursued clarification. Everything I wrote yesterday was in an attempt to BRING THIS TO RESOLUTION and find out (which I STILL can't get an answer) IF and WHEN she is EVER going to submit this "report" (if there even is one!!). I'm sure now that my Yahoo e-mail has appeared on the ROR she won't be exclaiming "someone infiltrated our group" or "we have another hacker". Anyone ever hear the terminology "Double Agent" or "Pay back is a b***h"????????? Whatever - I am so not interested in this - all I want to know is WHEN IS THE "COPYRIGHTED" REPORT BEING SUBMITTED TO KASAMBA. I tell ya - I'll pay $20.00 a minute for that answer - LOL!!!! As I said - write what you want - the only opinion of me that matters is mine!! Nothing can stop me from pursuing my goals - with support from other "victims" or not. THANKS for the entertainment!!


North Carolina,

#51Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 30, 2007



I won't move on

#52Consumer Comment

Tue, October 30, 2007

NO- I am not sick!! I just got ripped of by so called psychics. I don't understand what happened to our group, but I can tell you, that NO ONE from our group is SICK, you must be sick by closing your eyes and supporting those scammers. I am done with Kas and NO, I don't get readings anymore and I will never get. I opened my eyes what was happening there, why they have fantastic ratings and why they are opening multiple accounts. So---- I will never stop to warn "newbies" on Kas, what FRAUD is happening on there, and that is a FACT you can't deny! NO matter how hard you try to attack Janice and the group. This is just the beginning and people will realize soon what Kasamba is: 95% FAKE, period.


Susan - very good

#53Consumer Comment

Tue, October 30, 2007

Susan, I must say I am highly impressed with your comments. They strongly reflect the feelings of many clients who have found that overall, the clairvoyancy of the "experts" just is not there. Potential predictions do no happen, or the reverse pans out. Experts do not seem to really be able to read on anything other than "love"...ex's, new men (description, time and all!). And not all clients seek visionary information on only love there are career choices, family issues as so forth but these seem to stump the seers. Love is an easier area to play around with and easy for an out - such as free will and so forth. An experienced clairvoyant should be able to reach a higher realm and bring forth images and information that should pan out (with your acceptance of it) close to 70%. On Kas it seems to be nil almost. Anyway - I admire your post as it does in fact state clearly that Kas has more of a responsibility ethically to post on its front page - We do not vet our experts, take advice with a big grain of salt. Well, you get the picture. The feedback is skewed and misleading. It is like a three card monte game - or a casino. The house has it all fixed - place your bets, spin the wheel, you may get lucky, but most likely not. There are truly spiritual psychic advisors - most have there own site, and there is a gem or two on Kas but that is it. I can clearly see you are not a unstable person which was posted on another thread. Highly ethical spiritual people do not post such things, and trust me, you wouldnt want a read from people with that sort of energy.


And if we move on

#54Consumer Comment

Tue, October 30, 2007

Who is going to tell all the unsuspecting people that they will be wasting their money, could become addicted, could be hurt emotionally and financially. Will you Freya? Will Katie? Will Karen? Somehow I don't think so. You will all sit back and blame the clients for seeking psychic counsel in the first place. Isn't prevention better than cure? Or condemnation after the trauma? It's plain to see how much compassion you all have for others - pretty much zilch.


Lawng Eyelund,
New York,
Susan falls apart and attacks Janice, this is more vicious than the Chris_P xpvx group turning on each other!

#55UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, October 30, 2007

This was posted from Susan in their group tonight: "Re: [kasambavictims] listen everyone - you need to move ok... First of all - Janice, please make up your mind - you "resigned", had an "alternate plan", didn't "do anything wrong", then "did" - now you want us to start another group? First of all - WHERE are these 20 + members. I see the same e-mail addresses and read the same correspondence from the same people. I have spent all day trying to bring this new situation to light - CORRECTLY - and have done nothing all day but clarify what the issue is - that you NOW agree there IS an issue. I honestly don't think most of the group wants to start over - and really, why do we need a group - can't you just finish and submit the report - how much else could there be to add - it's got to be getting repeatitive. People "hacking into accounts" is NOT a Kasamba issue - the issues are the billing, the profiles, the advertising, etc., etc., etc. The impression I get from my correspondence is that everyone wants to MOVE on - and if you state "if we are together we aren't running up credit cards" - that IS indicative that it isn't only you that is still paying for readings. Another group is gonna be another ? of months of "screening applicants"...."breaches in the group".....let me ask you this - HOW FAR OFF IS THE SUBMISSION OF THIS REPORT? Can't you just submit what you have and continue to submit additional info and/or updates? There is a saying....."less is more". Let's go, PLEASE. Again, this is not an attack - this is an attempt to bring this to resolution before it isn't even worth it." Susan spends "all day" responding to ROR and then posting more desperate things to her personal group. It's a shame to see an adult that won't take responsibility for themselves and is stuck on blaming others.



#56Consumer Comment

Tue, October 30, 2007

Susan, I don't know if you're trying to hurt or help the victims group, but honostly I feel as a whole you (and I am not 'lumping you together') but you all as a whole are only digging this group further and further into the ground. The fact that there is turmoil within the group, as you stated, simply adds more fuel to the fire in the fact that what Janice was doing has completely destroyed whatever chance you had at taking action against Kasamba. Clearly Janice had something to hide, she knew what she was doing was so wrong, which is obviously why she hid it from the group. Part of me thinks this was all just a masquerade for attention, that she WANTED to get caught, I feel she is a sick sick individual who needs help. Look Kasamba as a company is not perfect, but you name for me a company that is? There are bad apples in every field, every organisation, and LivePerson has been doing THEIR BEST to help take care of whatever minor problems there may be, for example the removal of ChristopherP, Andrea and such. Be happy with that. I feel it is time for you all to move on, you have no recourse now. Janice has ruined this for all of you, it is time for you all to just get on with your lives. Move on from this.


North Carolina,
All I can say is.....

#57Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 30, 2007

All I can say to this mess of events is "LOL". I guess damage control is in order within that KV group and this forum. Where is all the venom now? Now WHO is STUPID around here?! Here comes all the even more ridiculous responses. Although Susan's response was humble what else is she suppose to say? Betrayal never leaves a good taste in anyone's mouth. A knife in the back hurts. As usual I find myself amused by these posts and it gets better by the day. LMFAO. Good job Janice.


New York,

#58Consumer Comment

Mon, October 29, 2007

I have written to reports regarding reading the posts of 10/28 from Janice and the reactions. The first one never posted - so I wrote it again - it's been 4 hours and that hasn't been posted either. So, I am trying a "rebuttal". I want to go on record that I had NO knowledge that Janice felt some of the "Psychics" on Kasamba were "honest", etc., that she was still getting "readings" and that she wanted to "protect" certain "Psychics". When I read the posts and the responses - I was ALARMED to say the least. I immediately put an e-mail titled VERY CONCERNED on the Yahoo Group site. I have since received MANY responses from other members and the consensus of their opinions is consistently in agreement with mine. Some people did know she was still getting readings - some did not - I DEFINITELY DID NOT. I expressed great concern due to the fact that this has a GREAT impact on our credibility. Putting statements like that in writing and then defending herself was not a good choice. What I really want to say also is I/WE ARE NOT RUNNING SCARED as posted by "Freya". I have no idea who most of these posters are. I post as Susan/Southampton, NY because that is WHO I am. I have always been honest in my posts, responded to the incorrect accusations and information about me and have never participated in the tit-for-tat name calling/insulting games that have gone on in here. I have stated what has transpired in my "case" and stated I have supporting documentation because I DO have it. I have never told anyone to "get a life", "you're mentally unstable", "get professional help" and never would as I am NOT qualified to make those assessments. My intention was ALWAYS to warn the general public about the tactics and misleading advertising on Kasamba AND to seek a refund or some type of settlement from Kasamba and I will continue to do so. You have to understand - we in the group had no control over when the documentation would be submitted to Kasamba. We all cooperated, got updated, participated, submitted our documentation and put our trust in Janice as she offered to facilitate this. I offered to help her consistently. I also kept in touch with her encouraging her to submit WHATEVER she had accumulated because this was dragging on - LivePerson took over the site - and I anticipated they would refer us to the prior owners as the events took place prior to their take over. I advised her I strongly felt (as being an American and knowing the system here so well) that the place to fight this fight - not IF Kasamba rejects our claims - but, WHEN Kasamba rejects it - the place to bring this out was/is the media and I told her I had access to that. She asked me to "give her a chance to pursue her plan" and that she would "gladly give me the report after". As time went on - she finally agreed to send me the entire ("250+) page report. I requested she Express Mail it to me and I would Western Union her the fees for same - and she declined telling me to "print it out". At $32.99 per ink cartridge, I declined. She responded that she would "send me the cost of ink via PayPal". This was a continual thing - back and forth about submitting the report. As I predicted, so much time passed and now with this loss of credibility - I feel so disappointed, because based on the submissions and the changes on the site and in the profiles - I felt we had a good chance especially since there were so many of us with the same "story" and my connection to the NY media. But, alas, the report was never submitted and the credibility is shot and now, apparently I am on my own. Which is what I should have pursued initially. So - having said all of that - I am NOT "crazy", "addicted to Kasamba" and all the other accusations. THIS IS THE TRUTH. There ARE justifiable complaints about Kasamba and INDISPUTABLE issues that having been brought to light in the media would have either generated refunds for those that participated or a wide-spread "ban" of the site. Which I feel is fare. I was pursuing both - but, since it was not a "given" or "guaranteed" accomplishment - I was truly hoping that I would receive all my money back from Kasamba or part and still bring the negative information to light to protect the next naive customer. Unfortunately, I did not have access to the documentation and one voice wasn't gonna make the impact 20 was. I think I made my point. What I am asking is - don't lump us all together. This was NOT just a bunch of heart-broken-no-life-loosers acting crazy on the internet. There were and ARE many forthright people involved and the TRUTH of the matter is Kasamba misleads, edits ratings, doesn't screen "Experts", allows fraudulent credentials to be posted on profiles, allows multiple accounts which generates information duplication and/or sharing. Customers need to know that this "Entertainment Purposes Only" IS NOT AS IT SEEMS. I bring the false advertising Trim Spa Class Action Law Suit up, again. "Results may vary" is not enough to defend Anna Nicole Smith's (God rest her soul) relentless accounts that her "new skinny body" was a direct result of "Trim Spa, Baby". No one can dispute the Kasamba websit is misleading - the "Experts" refer to themselves as "Clairvoyant", "Psychic" and make all kinds of claims about "100% accuracy" and "Spirit Guides", "Tarot Readings", "Mediums" - yet, they are classified as "Experts in Spirituality and Religion". The average intelligent human beind DOES think that if a profile states "BA in Psychology", "Licensed Therapist", etc., etc. than Kasamba must verify that. Yes, the disclaimer states they don't "guarantee" their "advice". The information on the site, the service agreement in comparison to the "Experts" profiles is totally misleading. There are no "ethics" - the "Experts" take advantage - ground well covered. The homepage on the site needs to be EXPLICIT and use appropriate words so there are NO surprises when you spend this money. So - I am not "running scared" and I did not KNOW Janice was still getting "readings" and supported/protected certain "Psychics". Please don't lump us all in your attacks re: "Janice's Group". Thank you.


Your syntax is slipping

#59UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, October 29, 2007

Everyone's and I mean EVERYONE'S syntax is slipping and spelling is inconsistent which is typically American. You know nothing of the Bern Agreement and International Law except what you've Googled. Wombat? I think not. As far as the good and kind psychics; unless you agree with them you are subject to their attacks here and on their ethical message boards. As illustrated here, the good and the kindness go right out the window when confronted with alternate opinions and greater success. It's all rather McCarthy. It has all been done. Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Please do keep in mind no matter how good your command of the written language is, no one with any kind of experience with you is at all is being fooled. They know who you are. They understand what your agenda is. Frankly, anyone with any sense at all clearly sees that your life just isn't going all that well and you're trying to pull everyone down into the darkness with you. The only bright light are the clients and the money you can get from them. Alrighty then. I'm done. Thanks for the laughs. Take that bottled up energy and shake it around. Uncap it and let it move away from the negative. It will move away from the negative of it's own accord. See where it can soar. Get off the computer and take a walk. Breath the fresh air and leave karma and justice to God. The freedom is awesome!


Give it up Janice. You're busted.

#60Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 29, 2007

Hey Janice, I remember that post on wahm. Wasn't it something about one of your group members creating a new ID and asking for a spell, after complaining that she had spent thousands on spells with so-called fakes? I don't remember any personal information being posted other than the member ID and screen name. It didn't give the person's real name, dob or private info. There's no violation there. If the wahm person had something to hide, he/she would've not posted on a public forum where it is well-known that you and your friends participate there pretending to be psychics yourselves. Bottom line is what Freya just said. JANICE ADMITS OPENLY TO STILL CALLING PSYCHICS ON KASAMBA. JANICE ADMITS OPENLY to creating a 2nd ID for that purpose. Case closed.



#61Consumer Comment

Mon, October 29, 2007

Yet you still call Kasamba.com Psychics, Janice ? LOL this has become a complete joke. Any ounce of credibility you had has gone way, WAYY out the window. :)


BTW ..

#62Consumer Comment

Sun, October 28, 2007

I have reported that wahm thread to both Kasamba support and WAHM. I copied it before it was deleted. The client identified in the message was not me but the expert identifed the name of a client in an open forum. It will be interesting to see the response. Hey you just gave me an idea. I must remember to add it into the report. It should be easy to identify the expert via the client name especially since the person who posted it, in an attempt to dicredit me, gave so many details that will link them with a flagrant violation of expert rules. I probably would have not thought of that had you not brought it up. They will have you to thank for that!!


see this is how it works

#63Consumer Comment

Sun, October 28, 2007

Psychics are welcome to view the information on the KV group . It is actually quite helpful because, as I always say we, do NOT want to target indivuduals. We are not out to hurt people. We want to expose the structures that permit the frauds to operate. Unlike you Katie, who put names of people we consider good honest kind experts in a group with those who are known frauds (honestly that is so low) when you did you big 'expose' on wahm, we want to get it right. My email is visible in the group and I have recieved emails from psychics concerned that YOU are causing them to be idenitifed wrongly as scammers or asking me to clarify things to them. I happliy do this and if necessary go to the OTHER group where the up-to-date-information is stored and edit if required. You didn't say in these ramblings that even in the early drafts I mention repeatedly that not all experts are frauds, but the ones who are hurt not both clients and experts. But of course you wouldn't brng that up would you. Those going in to see the report sections can see this is true. While it may not make any difference to the frauds it makes a world of difference to legitimate psychics. I have sent a number of people excerpts from the latest drafts showing that they the section has been updated and there is NO chance that they can be linked with fraudulent activity. If you reported our discussions correctly you would mention that our motto is "when in doubt delete" with reference to any information included in the report. However, you wouldn't do that now would you? Yes we are all that you say...and worse.... you can say what you want but the only psychics that believe or support you are the frauds. You have created an opportunity for those who are worried (with good reason because people like you have twisted things) to quietly contact me and clarify things. I am sure that was not your intention but your evil manipulations have actually helped us make sure we do not inadvertantly link someone honest with the frauds. You know it is strange I have not recieved any request for clarification from those who are known frauds. Funny about that. I have recieved messages of support from the genuine psychics. Do you not see that your evil efforts to discredit us has backfired on you bigtime? I admit they made me really upset intially. Not because you 'exposed' us but because you linked in some good, kind and honest experts that were on our favourits list in with those who are known frauds. We are not out to hurt innocent people. Unlike you I would never do that. Your evil is so transparent. Anyone who is concerned about what is in the report is welcome to contact me and I will clarify any issues of concern. We say when in doubt, delete. There is enough research on frauds and we neither want nor need to hurt people unecessarily. It looks like you did us a real big favour. We do not want to hurt people who are genuine. Why would we - it has never been about that. We will just move the group in order to make new members feels safe from evil like you but we will leave the early research files there. After all we wouldn't want to make a liar of you Katie now would we.


United Kingdom
You are totally deluded "katie"

#64Consumer Comment

Sun, October 28, 2007

Exposed and running scared of what? WE are not the scammers and fraudulent so called psychics that work on Kasamba? You are posting truly like the idiot you are lol! Please be very careful about the lies you tell about people from the group working as K psychics. You twisted Susans account of how easy it was to sign us as an expert... and have tried to turn it in to something it isnt. That is how low and desperate you are. As for the rest of your post...I or the other's couldnt give a stuff. Its all been said now. It is a big group AND lots didnt join, just gave masses of hard core evidence and account from both inside and client perspectives of the workings of Kasamba. "Freya" - hit what nerve? LOL! WHEN are you going to answer a post instead of rambling on. You have been directly challenged SO MANY TIMES but just skip to another thread with more crap! I however, will say this much....why are you asking ME why I keep posting here...becuse I WANT THIS THREAD TO CONTINUE YOU IDIOT!! I was ripped off and this is RIP OFF REPORT!! You expose yourself everytime you type one word LOL! Why do you keep posting here? I know this has been asked of you before, and you have refused to answer, but Freya why? If you are not worried, and your little friends are not worried, LEAVE IT ALONE! but you can't can you..because you cannot think about anything else but the GROUP and the REPORT that is threatening your scamming livelihood. Your obsessed, ALL OF YOU. And it's not hard to see why. The fact that you KNOW there are scammer's on K and you know we know who a lot of them are but you still attack us just shows that you are actually THEM!!! To conclude, the show goes on. You will not succeed or change the outcomes of a group of peoples attempt to clean up Kasamba. The fact that you are hell bent on doing so says it all about what exactly you are. There are many ethical experts on K who are only to happy for the scammers to be taken out once and for all. And if you don't like it...tough.


Struck a nerve?

#65Consumer Comment

Sun, October 28, 2007

Wow S, Katie struck a nerve? :) If the group and report is so rock solid then I don't know why you're bothering to file rebuttal after rebuttal, trying to convince us or yourself, S ?


Struck a nerve?

#66Consumer Comment

Sun, October 28, 2007

Wow S, Katie struck a nerve? :) If the group and report is so rock solid then I don't know why you're bothering to file rebuttal after rebuttal, trying to convince us or yourself, S ?


Struck a nerve?

#67Consumer Comment

Sun, October 28, 2007

Wow S, Katie struck a nerve? :) If the group and report is so rock solid then I don't know why you're bothering to file rebuttal after rebuttal, trying to convince us or yourself, S ?


Struck a nerve?

#68Consumer Comment

Sun, October 28, 2007

Wow S, Katie struck a nerve? :) If the group and report is so rock solid then I don't know why you're bothering to file rebuttal after rebuttal, trying to convince us or yourself, S ?


Janice and her group are EXPOSED and running scared

#69UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 28, 2007

I can click any radio button to leave a response. Do not think that it somehow identifies me as a client or employee. I am neither Chris nor Freya. I do not misspell ridiculous as rediculous. I also did not post that removed thread on wahm. However the person who did had emailed me privately on wahm which is where I got my information for here. Your group is painfully small and disorganized. You all should really find some other way to spend your time than calling psychics, complaining about psychics and now running to this site. That recent poster was right. Psychics are for entertainment purposes only. Any mental health professional will tell you that your obsessions are dangerous. And yes Janice is still calling psychics. Notice she didn't deny it. She may be telling all of you that psychics and Kasamba are evil, but the fact of the matter is that she is still obsessively calling psychics, still asking about the same man. How ironic. The fact that psychics have infiltrated your group is hysterical. The hunter is now the hunted. How does it feel? You and your group have signed up on Kasamba as psychics. That's pretty much the pot calling the kettle black. Oh you all claim it's supposedly to demonstrate how easy it is to set up a profile. But the reality is that with your new fake profiles, you are all actually doing fake readings and taking money from people for it! What does that make all of you? A log in for Janice's group was shared with a lot of people. Many have logged in and seen the reality of that so-called group. It's less than 10 members, and the documents are a joke. It's time for Janice and her group to get on with their lives.


Janice and her group are EXPOSED and running scared

#70UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 28, 2007

I can click any radio button to leave a response. Do not think that it somehow identifies me as a client or employee. I am neither Chris nor Freya. I do not misspell ridiculous as rediculous. I also did not post that removed thread on wahm. However the person who did had emailed me privately on wahm which is where I got my information for here. Your group is painfully small and disorganized. You all should really find some other way to spend your time than calling psychics, complaining about psychics and now running to this site. That recent poster was right. Psychics are for entertainment purposes only. Any mental health professional will tell you that your obsessions are dangerous. And yes Janice is still calling psychics. Notice she didn't deny it. She may be telling all of you that psychics and Kasamba are evil, but the fact of the matter is that she is still obsessively calling psychics, still asking about the same man. How ironic. The fact that psychics have infiltrated your group is hysterical. The hunter is now the hunted. How does it feel? You and your group have signed up on Kasamba as psychics. That's pretty much the pot calling the kettle black. Oh you all claim it's supposedly to demonstrate how easy it is to set up a profile. But the reality is that with your new fake profiles, you are all actually doing fake readings and taking money from people for it! What does that make all of you? A log in for Janice's group was shared with a lot of people. Many have logged in and seen the reality of that so-called group. It's less than 10 members, and the documents are a joke. It's time for Janice and her group to get on with their lives.


Janice and her group are EXPOSED and running scared

#71UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 28, 2007

I can click any radio button to leave a response. Do not think that it somehow identifies me as a client or employee. I am neither Chris nor Freya. I do not misspell ridiculous as rediculous. I also did not post that removed thread on wahm. However the person who did had emailed me privately on wahm which is where I got my information for here. Your group is painfully small and disorganized. You all should really find some other way to spend your time than calling psychics, complaining about psychics and now running to this site. That recent poster was right. Psychics are for entertainment purposes only. Any mental health professional will tell you that your obsessions are dangerous. And yes Janice is still calling psychics. Notice she didn't deny it. She may be telling all of you that psychics and Kasamba are evil, but the fact of the matter is that she is still obsessively calling psychics, still asking about the same man. How ironic. The fact that psychics have infiltrated your group is hysterical. The hunter is now the hunted. How does it feel? You and your group have signed up on Kasamba as psychics. That's pretty much the pot calling the kettle black. Oh you all claim it's supposedly to demonstrate how easy it is to set up a profile. But the reality is that with your new fake profiles, you are all actually doing fake readings and taking money from people for it! What does that make all of you? A log in for Janice's group was shared with a lot of people. Many have logged in and seen the reality of that so-called group. It's less than 10 members, and the documents are a joke. It's time for Janice and her group to get on with their lives.


Janice and her group are EXPOSED and running scared

#72UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 28, 2007

I can click any radio button to leave a response. Do not think that it somehow identifies me as a client or employee. I am neither Chris nor Freya. I do not misspell ridiculous as rediculous. I also did not post that removed thread on wahm. However the person who did had emailed me privately on wahm which is where I got my information for here. Your group is painfully small and disorganized. You all should really find some other way to spend your time than calling psychics, complaining about psychics and now running to this site. That recent poster was right. Psychics are for entertainment purposes only. Any mental health professional will tell you that your obsessions are dangerous. And yes Janice is still calling psychics. Notice she didn't deny it. She may be telling all of you that psychics and Kasamba are evil, but the fact of the matter is that she is still obsessively calling psychics, still asking about the same man. How ironic. The fact that psychics have infiltrated your group is hysterical. The hunter is now the hunted. How does it feel? You and your group have signed up on Kasamba as psychics. That's pretty much the pot calling the kettle black. Oh you all claim it's supposedly to demonstrate how easy it is to set up a profile. But the reality is that with your new fake profiles, you are all actually doing fake readings and taking money from people for it! What does that make all of you? A log in for Janice's group was shared with a lot of people. Many have logged in and seen the reality of that so-called group. It's less than 10 members, and the documents are a joke. It's time for Janice and her group to get on with their lives.


United Kingdom
Katie - You are truly a disgusting individual....

#73Consumer Comment

Sun, October 28, 2007

Do you think by lying to your fellow con artists re the size of the kv group and the evidence collected is going to help you and them? Do you really think the snippets of outdated file info is going to help you and your scamming friends? Do you really think that you are a "star" for infiltrating the group and running off shouting your big fat mouth off on here and the wahm board? Do you really think that by stirring with your big wooden spoon within the K community re the experts who may or may not be on the list is going to make you popular? Do you really think that you present as an honest and ethical reader and a decent person by your latest disgusting actions? Do you really think that you are going to STOP the show? Yes Katie/Freya/ChrisP - you are truly a disgusting person. I draw attention to a previous post earlier on in this thread where you claim to be "a past client" when accused of being a fraudulent expert. LIES LIES LIES. Like you are lying about what you claim to have and know about the report and the group. The fact that "katie" only jumped in when ChrisP was accused of being a scamming porno star and making out he was some charity do gooder on some site - remember, "he represents goodness and ethical honest and blah blah blah....didnt stop him getting kicked out though despite YOUR claims. Yes you are either ChrisP himself or one of his scamming buddies. As Janice has posted....there are actually 2 groups...one has the original members and that is where all the files are - some bits are posted for all the members to see and that is a tiny fraction of what we have and know and have HARD CORE EVIDENCE OF. The reason for this tatic...was to stop exactly what has happened - scum like yourself from doing what you had no right to do. We knew the scammers would try to infiltrate and probabely eventually succeed, so we prepared for it you stupid idiot. Despite our preparation, it does not make your vile actions any less reprehesible "katie" and A LOT of people think you are the pits. Not just members of the kv group. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news on that one. However all that said...you and your vile scamming buddies have showed yourselves up big time which is great news. You are now posting as what you are an employee insider, you have effectively "come out" as the expert we knew you were, and people can see now how RIGHT we are about the type of lowlifes that work on K whom we are determined to bring to justice.



#74Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 27, 2007

What is going on here? You, the clients pays for 'entertainment'....no different then if you pay to see David Copperfeild or David Blaine, they entertain your mind. THAT IS WHAT CATEGORY PSYCHICS ARE LISTED UNDER....ENTERTAINMENT! If you are stupid enough to send ANYONE money in the mail, then in my opinion you probably have been ripped off through out your entire life and have decided its 'got to be your psychic' that is doing it to you. No it isn't. Andrea, Your level of intuition is great, I've personally tried you out and found you legit. I also happen to know that clients DEMAND and OFFER anything to get the answers, spells, energy work or whatever they want done for them. Very few of these demanding souls are 'broke'...trust me on that one, your version of broke must be different then mine if you think otherwise. If you are broke and can't afford to feed your children, but omg you have money for a psychic...then your not broke, your an idiot. Go feed your kids. Chris...have no idea what is going on with him, that is between himself and the cops. If he promised to do something for someone, was given money and didn't do it, then it is the ONLY WAY he will be charged. If he's been accused of it, and there is enough EVIDENCE to prove fraud, then he'll face that penalty. All others, just because someone comes on here and files a report means absolutely NOTHING, it is impossible to provide proof of any of this. For all I know, this is a psychic ditch site where they weed out the competition, it is redundant in and of itself. Not a one of you clued into the fact that as an entertainer, they do not have to provide you with anything other then ENTERTAINMENT, they are not experts. It is similar to hiring a singer to sing you a song, you give the singer money, they sing. You don't get to file for a refund just because you picked the wrong song... Get a life people.


You stole the wrong information...lol

#75Consumer Comment

Sat, October 27, 2007

The version of the report that you stole was some earlier drafts put in the files for the information of the group members. The report is held on another group simply because it was too large to email to the esablished members and because of people like you ...lol..Look at what you have. You have section 1 and 3 files from section 4. Did it occur to you that sections 2 and 3 are missing????..lol If i remember rightly, even in those early drafts I continually empahsise that there are good experts and the problem is the structure that permit frauds to occur. Hey everyone, Katie has the proof that we are not after the 'little guy'. However she is too sick to even admit it when it is in front of her eyes. She even posted a message I sent her on another board with the urls of a known fraud and BOTH THEIR ACTIVE PROFILES in an attempt to prove that I was after the innocent...duhhh......lol Anyone who recieves a copy of the version Katie stole (and probably heavilty edited) is welcome to contact me and I will send them a section of the real report file dated last week that shows are real aims. You know where to find us. Just identify whether you want to join the group or see a section of the report dated last week. I cannot offer any more than that.


we won't go away "Katie" or whoever you are!

#76Consumer Comment

Sat, October 27, 2007

"It's not even 20 members as claimed; it's less than half that" see Katie, you simply have NO clue what you are talking!! Less than half that? No way, these are simply assumptions.... Janice is also NOT having readings on Kas, to your info. You come here with false statements, where did you get thes infos? "just Janice and a few whiners", I don't consider myself as a whiner, but a person who will do something actually! As I said before, I moved on from the predictions, but I won't let the scam artists do harm to further clients by scamming them like they did with me! Janice is a wonderful and brave person, I admire her for her work and for opening this group. Ps... we are still growing and growing... are you just afraid that you have to stop your "scammer- business". If you are not a scammer, why are you sooooo afraid?


Janice's Group

#77UPDATE Employee

Fri, October 26, 2007

Is not growing. It's not even 20 members as claimed; it's less than half that. The 250 page "report" is a mess and as disorganized as you can imagine. These are a few unhappy people grasping at straws, trying to shift the blame of personal responsibility onto others, screaming the word "victim." They need to identify themselves as victims, as that is the only way they can live with the reality that they are all addicts. Janice still calls psychics on Kasamba, so her entire rant is rather sick and pathetic, and mentally unstable. They run to this board daily as their new way of feeding their sickness. Go ahead and claim I'm Chris or Freya or Andrea or whatever floats your boat. If Kasamba is so full of frauds and scams, then why is Janice still spending money every month calling psychics? For research? That's laughable. If she already has 250 pages of supposed "proof," surely she should not assemble it into a coherent presentation. Instead she continues to seek validation, needing someone to tell her that she was somehow wronged by the psychics on Kasamba. The group is pretty much just Janice and a few whiners. When we all stop responding to their nonsense here, they'll go away. So to Chris, Freya, Andrea, Karen, and the rest of us who are SANE... let's ignore the tantrums. Tough love.


United Kingdom
Yes good golly indeed "Freya"

#78Consumer Comment

Thu, October 25, 2007

That is a good idea..if we had the time we could make a list of all of the names you use to slag us off. Unfortunately we haven't...have better (much better things to do). Like you scam on Kasamba, you scam on here. Please don't look forward to the 250 page report..actually it's gotton much bigger than that in the past week or so as the info just keeps pouring in, as it's about you and your fraudulent peers, not for you. Please do not be under any illusion that you are actually managing to discredit us on ROR, as new members are joining us everyday at the moment. They don't post here, (well some have) but they READ and come knocking at the door. I have literally just posted welcome to 2 new members today actually who told us exactly that, they found this site, read the threads and in they came. So you see "Freya", you underestimate people's intelligence with your abusive and attacking posts. Anyway, Susan left a nice little question for you on another thread, I see you have not responded to it, but chose (as per usual) to ignore anything intelligent and just attack away. You know what...Im not psychic but I KNEW you would do that!


good golly!

#79Consumer Comment

Thu, October 25, 2007

I was wondering if Janice, S and the victimsgroup could also compile a list of people that they think is ChristopherP, because it seems they've accused about 10 people, including myself, of being Christopher LOL!!! When you're called out on something and have no way of 'firing back' what do you do? Accuse them of being ChristopherP, that's what! LMAO! You people are losing more credibility by the post, I truely look forward to reading the '250 page' report of copy/paste logs and assumptions. :)



#80Consumer Comment

Thu, October 25, 2007

I found out about the Ripoff Report throught the PB on Kas. There were alot of alleagtions made on this board about alot of psychics. As far as Andrea. I have been having readings from her for about 1 years. I can honestly say her readings have been accurate. Andrea knew some VERY personal things about me that she could not possibly of know unless she had a geniun gift. I wont say all of her predictions have come to pass but most have. In my case its not possible that she was sharing my information with Chris P. I have NEVER had a reading from Chris and NEVER will. I would not pay any psychic $20.00 per/min unless they could provide me with the winning lotto numbers. As far as Chris P and andrea rating for each other. So what? It appears many psychics read for each other. If you go throught experts ratings you will find that other experts are rating them up to 3 times a day. Have you attacked these experts for doing what Chris and Andrea did? Perth



#81Consumer Comment

Thu, October 25, 2007

I found out about the Ripoff Report throught the PB on Kas. There were alot of alleagtions made on this board about alot of psychics. As far as Andrea. I have been having readings from her for about 1 years. I can honestly say her readings have been accurate. Andrea knew some VERY personal things about me that she could not possibly of know unless she had a geniun gift. I wont say all of her predictions have come to pass but most have. In my case its not possible that she was sharing my information with Chris P. I have NEVER had a reading from Chris and NEVER will. I would not pay any psychic $20.00 per/min unless they could provide me with the winning lotto numbers. As far as Chris P and andrea rating for each other. So what? It appears many psychics read for each other. If you go throught experts ratings you will find that other experts are rating them up to 3 times a day. Have you attacked these experts for doing what Chris and Andrea did? Perth



#82Consumer Comment

Thu, October 25, 2007

I found out about the Ripoff Report throught the PB on Kas. There were alot of alleagtions made on this board about alot of psychics. As far as Andrea. I have been having readings from her for about 1 years. I can honestly say her readings have been accurate. Andrea knew some VERY personal things about me that she could not possibly of know unless she had a geniun gift. I wont say all of her predictions have come to pass but most have. In my case its not possible that she was sharing my information with Chris P. I have NEVER had a reading from Chris and NEVER will. I would not pay any psychic $20.00 per/min unless they could provide me with the winning lotto numbers. As far as Chris P and andrea rating for each other. So what? It appears many psychics read for each other. If you go throught experts ratings you will find that other experts are rating them up to 3 times a day. Have you attacked these experts for doing what Chris and Andrea did? Perth



#83Consumer Comment

Thu, October 25, 2007

I found out about the Ripoff Report throught the PB on Kas. There were alot of alleagtions made on this board about alot of psychics. As far as Andrea. I have been having readings from her for about 1 years. I can honestly say her readings have been accurate. Andrea knew some VERY personal things about me that she could not possibly of know unless she had a geniun gift. I wont say all of her predictions have come to pass but most have. In my case its not possible that she was sharing my information with Chris P. I have NEVER had a reading from Chris and NEVER will. I would not pay any psychic $20.00 per/min unless they could provide me with the winning lotto numbers. As far as Chris P and andrea rating for each other. So what? It appears many psychics read for each other. If you go throught experts ratings you will find that other experts are rating them up to 3 times a day. Have you attacked these experts for doing what Chris and Andrea did? Perth


Beverly Hills,
Meredith is obviously Christopher_P attacking former scam partner XPsychicVisionsX

#84Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 24, 2007

It's amazing how once your scam is blown wide open you two turn on each other. That's what happens when criminals make friends with each other! The scam well is running dry so you'll fight to the death for every last drop! Andrea/xPsychicVisionsx was most likely the one that started this thread. You guys can claw away at each other all you want, the best part if it makes yourselves just look more guilty. XpsychicVisionsX claims that she was a victim and never would do any of the horrible things she's accused of. Besides sharing information, she's mostly accused of planting fake ratings for herself and her partners. So upon getting the boot from Kasamba, she posts several fake ratings telling clients where to find her. Andrea, really you do an amazing job of validating the accusations made against you. Keep up the good work! Your greed obviously clouds any sort of logic you have left in your scam. Cry victim all you want, the proof of what a horrible, manipulative, greedy person you are is in your actions. Christopher_P continues to read on the site under his partner's account. He makes very little effort to cover this up and the truth will catch up to him eventually. You make a fool of yourself over on WHAM quite a bit and do a fine job of contradicting the claims made in your old kasamba profile. Like your loser friend Andrea, your greed clouds any sort of logic and makes you inconsistant with your fake claims thus validating the accusations that have been made againt you.


Main point

#85Consumer Comment

Wed, October 24, 2007

Andrea, I don't care how many people think your so wonderful and if you had millions of reviews showing how authentic you are. If anyone put two and two together, they could figure out you are the one who aided in slandering someone you used to be friends with. Your great reviews don't clear your name for the insane stories you helped invent with your other voodoo black magic friends. You see why you were dragged in it in the first place? You are the one who gave the key information to begin with, a home address, remember that? You're paranoia to constantly write back and defend yourself with every post shows it more and more. You know you should be ashamed of what you have done, hence all of your "I do not share client information," well apparently you shared something that you want to conceal. Did you think no one would ever find out what really happened? Aw, sorry! People will hesitate everytime they pay you for a reading on your other sites. How about making real friends who aren't off the internet. Do you need some practice interacting with physical people? Why don't you get offline? Maybe then you wouldn't think it was acceptable to make up lies and not worry because it only "over the internet" Slander is a crime. Keep trying to clear your name and think about how that will be impossible when you started it to begin with because you couldn't take the rejection. Just think, You could have avoided any of this if you actually signed off the computer. What a shame.


Main point

#86Consumer Comment

Wed, October 24, 2007

Andrea, I don't care how many people think your so wonderful and if you had millions of reviews showing how authentic you are. If anyone put two and two together, they could figure out you are the one who aided in slandering someone you used to be friends with. Your great reviews don't clear your name for the insane stories you helped invent with your other voodoo black magic friends. You see why you were dragged in it in the first place? You are the one who gave the key information to begin with, a home address, remember that? You're paranoia to constantly write back and defend yourself with every post shows it more and more. You know you should be ashamed of what you have done, hence all of your "I do not share client information," well apparently you shared something that you want to conceal. Did you think no one would ever find out what really happened? Aw, sorry! People will hesitate everytime they pay you for a reading on your other sites. How about making real friends who aren't off the internet. Do you need some practice interacting with physical people? Why don't you get offline? Maybe then you wouldn't think it was acceptable to make up lies and not worry because it only "over the internet" Slander is a crime. Keep trying to clear your name and think about how that will be impossible when you started it to begin with because you couldn't take the rejection. Just think, You could have avoided any of this if you actually signed off the computer. What a shame.


Main point

#87Consumer Comment

Wed, October 24, 2007

Andrea, I don't care how many people think your so wonderful and if you had millions of reviews showing how authentic you are. If anyone put two and two together, they could figure out you are the one who aided in slandering someone you used to be friends with. Your great reviews don't clear your name for the insane stories you helped invent with your other voodoo black magic friends. You see why you were dragged in it in the first place? You are the one who gave the key information to begin with, a home address, remember that? You're paranoia to constantly write back and defend yourself with every post shows it more and more. You know you should be ashamed of what you have done, hence all of your "I do not share client information," well apparently you shared something that you want to conceal. Did you think no one would ever find out what really happened? Aw, sorry! People will hesitate everytime they pay you for a reading on your other sites. How about making real friends who aren't off the internet. Do you need some practice interacting with physical people? Why don't you get offline? Maybe then you wouldn't think it was acceptable to make up lies and not worry because it only "over the internet" Slander is a crime. Keep trying to clear your name and think about how that will be impossible when you started it to begin with because you couldn't take the rejection. Just think, You could have avoided any of this if you actually signed off the computer. What a shame.


Main point

#88Consumer Comment

Wed, October 24, 2007

Andrea, I don't care how many people think your so wonderful and if you had millions of reviews showing how authentic you are. If anyone put two and two together, they could figure out you are the one who aided in slandering someone you used to be friends with. Your great reviews don't clear your name for the insane stories you helped invent with your other voodoo black magic friends. You see why you were dragged in it in the first place? You are the one who gave the key information to begin with, a home address, remember that? You're paranoia to constantly write back and defend yourself with every post shows it more and more. You know you should be ashamed of what you have done, hence all of your "I do not share client information," well apparently you shared something that you want to conceal. Did you think no one would ever find out what really happened? Aw, sorry! People will hesitate everytime they pay you for a reading on your other sites. How about making real friends who aren't off the internet. Do you need some practice interacting with physical people? Why don't you get offline? Maybe then you wouldn't think it was acceptable to make up lies and not worry because it only "over the internet" Slander is a crime. Keep trying to clear your name and think about how that will be impossible when you started it to begin with because you couldn't take the rejection. Just think, You could have avoided any of this if you actually signed off the computer. What a shame.


North Carolina,

#89Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 22, 2007

Who is christoper P? Now "I" am associated with these people your going on and on about? My goodness. WOW. Your getting ridiculous, but I will be watching just to see how much progress you make. Geeessh. All I can do is shake my head and say wow. I need to provide no proof of anything on this thread but am entitled to express "MY" opinion like everyone else. Sometimes reading these responses just gives me a good chuckle. Just like the one I just read. Thanks for laugh.


simple terms for Karen

#90Consumer Comment

Mon, October 22, 2007

Four months down the track the group has 20 members and a 250 page report. Karen has...err..ChrisP and Katie.... I guess it is pretty obvious who is the most credible...is it not Karen? Even you can understand the logic in this analysis of events.


Hope THIS helps Karen

#91Consumer Comment

Mon, October 22, 2007

You have NEVER provided any evidence beyond the member agreement to support your view. However, you have helped us enormously because it has motivated us to think outside the square. This is an abridged Kasamba publicity release: Kasamba.com, the leading online destination for live, one-on-one expert advice, announced today that more than 30,000 experts are now available to users through its accredited network of personal and professional advice services. From professional counseling to spirituality, Kasamba professionals improve, enrich and inspire the lives of its users through an anonymous, private and secure network. Kasamba is the only online advice service that provides users with an extensive and trusted network of experts covering a wide range of subjects. The credibility and quality of Kasamba's experts are assured by a public rating system where users are able to leave both a star rating as well as personal remarks after each paid session. Consumers are able to utilize more than one million expert reviews in order to make an appropriate expert choice to meet their needs. In addition to the rating system, Kasamba verifies credentials through an intensive screening process for all professional counselors providing e-therapy services. We have 250 pages of research that prove the above statement is very far from the truth. In light of that consider the following principles derived from FTC case law. These principles are designed to ensure that consumers are given truthful and non-misleading information so that they can make decisions about factors affecting their health and safety. These principles are: Objective claims that a product or service is effective must be supported by a reasonable basis. What constitutes a reasonable basis depends on the nature of the claims and the context in which they are presented in the ad. If an advertiser states or implies a level of support for a claim, the advertiser must in fact have that level of substantiation. If the advertiser is silent on the level of support, the level of substantiation is determined on the basis of a number of factors, such as the type of product, type of claim, benefits of a truthful claim, the cost and feasibility of developing substantiation for the claim, the consequences of a false claim, and the amount of substantiation that experts in the field believe is reasonable. We don't expect you to understand but we do like annoying you...lol..what was that classy little expression you used in another post..'get off my tit'...that is so...what is the expression?..trailor park ..white trash..ah that's it...



#92UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, October 22, 2007

Meredith, If you were constantly accused of things you were not doing and your name was being drug all around in the mud, you would be quick to respond as well. The "claims" that I was sharing information with particular people continued to be brought up, so of course I continued to reply. You're absolutely right, I do have friends that are on Kasamba, thankfully they haven't been drug into the things that my name has. In this business one of the worst claims someone can make against you is that you are deceiving someone, which I have not ever intentionally tried to do. I've never claimed to be 100 percent accurate, and for that, I do and will take accountability. The only thing that I can do (and will continue to do) is provide my clients with the best service that I can. Through my time on Kasamba, I never shared client information. By basis of the fact that I did have friendships with certain people at one time seemed to put a target right on my back to those that were targetting them. Thats unfortunate, but that is how it goes. So yes, I have showed up here time and time again at the mention of my name to defend myself, as anyone would do when things are not true. I do not personally have any problems with anyone on Kasamba, and I wish them all well in whatever they are professionally doing, including Chris and Blake. So I'm really unsure what point you are trying to convey here? -Andrea


Get over it

#93Consumer Comment

Mon, October 22, 2007

Did anyone catch the disclaimer? Kasamba and online psychics are for entertainment purposes only. If people have a real problem, they should actually seek professional help, not psychic help. Psychics are just supposed to give you give you another outlook as opposed to the basic advice that your therapist will always tell you. Did it ever occur to anyone that Xpsychicvisionsx is all over the boards constantly defending herself multiple times once someone comes up with another wild incriminating story. Why is she always the first to chime in? Is it really that she is trying to protect herself? Does she truly feel like a victim? I think it is quite clear we see she does not share client information. How many times can someone use repetition over and over. We get it Andrea, you never share client information, so why are you so defensive? What is it that you're hiding? I think there is something a little deeper than what it shows on all of these rip-off reports. It is clearly obvious she formed a personal relationship with other psychics which were bound to happen when all of these people have the same thing common. So does anyone pay attention to all of the posts? There seems to have been some rejection on her part, whichever it was, we will never know but instead Christopher_P and Psychic_Blake have to take retaliation for something that never happened all because of one's jealousy and insecurity. If she was friends with them, I'm sure she has other psychic friends on Kasamba who have something against advisors with high ratings. That secret psychic group sharing information looks to be missing a couple of names. The names missing are the people who are making up complete fabrications about innocent people. So how many rip-off report members are actually real people who feel they have been scammed? I'm sure there are many are here to make it appear worse than what it really is. There has got to be something better to do than try to ruin people's reputations over the internet. Don't take every psychic reading to heart, and every one of you should get a better hobby.


You just dont get it

#94Consumer Comment

Mon, October 22, 2007

This is not about revenge for being ripped off. It is about exposing frauds, so that other unsuspecting people seeking help will think twice about contacting a psychic to give them the answers. Particularly "psychics" who prey on vulnerable people, and Kasamba provides the perfect platform for them to do this. It's about letting other people know that the majority of the readers on Kasamba are not genuine and potential clients would be wasting their money if they use them. And that Kasamba is aware of this and does nothing to prevent these frauds. Clients who post on here have been burnt and are warning others not to fall into the same trap. Lessons have been learned and that knowledge is being passed on. What is so wrong with that?


North Carolina,
hope this helps

#95Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 22, 2007

Member's Conduct Member will be solely and fully liable for all conduct, postings and transmissions that are made under his or her user name and password. The Member warrants and declares that while he or she is using Kasamba.com he or she will act according to the following rules: Member will have the sole responsibility to verify the Expert's identity, qualifications, biographic information, licenses held, and other information delivered to him or her by an Expert; Kasamba is not involved in any transactions between Member and Expert. Kasamba does not control the quality or relevance of the advice, whether the expert is qualified to provide the specific advice, whether the expert is categorized correctly or in the most appropriate category to provide the advice sought by the Member, the accuracy of any postings on the Site or transmissions through it by Members or Experts or advice. In addition, Kasamba cannot and will not make any effort to verify the identify of any of the Experts; Member agrees that any information or content that he or she posts or transmits or receives through Kasamba.com will not be considered confidential. Member grants Kasamba.com an unlimited, irrevocable, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, display, edit, copy, transmit, publicly perform, create derivative works, or communicate to the public any such information and content on a world-wide basis. Member will not mislead Expert to believe that he or she will pay for a service or advice but will not act accordingly; All interactions between Member and Expert will be billed through Kasamba regardless if the interaction is online or offline. Member agrees to abide by the pricing terms agreed upon with an Expert while utilizing Kasamba.com; Member will not take any actions that may undermine, disrupt or manipulate the integrity of the Member feedback (rating) system on the Site. Currently only ratings for paid sessions of $1.00 and more will count towards the expert's public ratings and rating average. Kasamba may change the above-mentioned minimum session fee at any time and without warning, and even remove old ratings given for paid sessions with a fee lower than any newly set minimum fee. Kasamba also reserves the right to exclude without explanation any rating that we think may compromise the integrity of the member feedback system. Member will not to interfere with or disrupt the Kasamba.com servers or networks connected to the Site; Member will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to other computer systems or networks connected to the Site, and will not transmit junk mail, spam, or any unsolicited mass distribution of email or bulletin board postings; Member will not transmit through the Service any unlawful, harassing, libelous, privacy invading, abusive, threatening, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, racist, harmful, or otherwise objectionable material of any kind; Member will not disobey or breach this Agreement or any other applicable instructions conveyed by Kasamba and its officers; Member will not violate any applicable local, state, national or international law, statute, ordinance, rule, regulation or ethical code; Member will not upload, post, e-mail, transmit or otherwise make available any information or material that infringes upon a third party right, especially intellectual property rights; Member will not upload, post, e-mail, transmit or otherwise make available any third party advertisements, including banner exchange services; Member will not upload, post, e-mail, transmit or otherwise make available software viruses, Trojan horses, worms or any other malicious application; Kasamba enables the transfer of files between Members and Experts. When opening such file attachments received from Experts it is the Member's responsibility to scan them with an anti-virus software application prior to opening them; Member will not impersonate any person or entity, or make any false statement regarding his or her employment, agency or affiliation with any person or entity; Member will not stalk, threaten or harass Experts or other Members or infringe upon or attempt to infringe upon their privacy; Member will not upload, post, e-mail, transmit or otherwise make available any information or material which may constitute or encourage conduct that is a criminal offense or civil wrong or otherwise violates any applicable law; Kasamba may review the Member's personal profile and amend any typing or spelling errors. Kasamba cannot and will not examine the validity or accuracy of the details in the Member's personal profile or in any of the Member's postings or transmissions. However, Kasamba may, in its absolute discretion, refuse to post, transmit or remove any content uploaded by the Member. Without derogating from the above, Kasamba may remove any content violating this Agreement. The Member will bear all the risks associated with the uploading and transmitting of material while utilizing Kasamba.com, including reliance on its accuracy, reliability or legality.


North Carolina,

#96Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 21, 2007

Nothing is over my head! When janice starts to post she bores me. I read the first couple lines and the boredom and yawning sets in and then I have to skip the rest. Her posts are not worth reading in its entirety. YES I AM A LICENSED THERAPIST and very much enjoy my work. I like helping my clients. Thank you very much. So please continue on with the Karen Karen Karen's. I stand by ALL of my original posts. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY PEOPLE! THE MEN AREN'T COMING BACK SO STOP HARRASSING THEM. STALKING THEM, CALLING THEIR PHONES, SENDING THEM EMAILS, SENDING INSTANT MESSAGES, LEAVING VOICE MAILS, CONSULTING PSYCHIC READERS, BUYING SPELLS, LIGHTING CANDLES, DOING VOODOO, SENDING GIFTS, BEGGING, AND CRYING!


North Carolina,

#97Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 21, 2007

Nothing is over my head! When janice starts to post she bores me. I read the first couple lines and the boredom and yawning sets in and then I have to skip the rest. Her posts are not worth reading in its entirety. YES I AM A LICENSED THERAPIST and very much enjoy my work. I like helping my clients. Thank you very much. So please continue on with the Karen Karen Karen's. I stand by ALL of my original posts. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY PEOPLE! THE MEN AREN'T COMING BACK SO STOP HARRASSING THEM. STALKING THEM, CALLING THEIR PHONES, SENDING THEM EMAILS, SENDING INSTANT MESSAGES, LEAVING VOICE MAILS, CONSULTING PSYCHIC READERS, BUYING SPELLS, LIGHTING CANDLES, DOING VOODOO, SENDING GIFTS, BEGGING, AND CRYING!


North Carolina,

#98Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 21, 2007

Nothing is over my head! When janice starts to post she bores me. I read the first couple lines and the boredom and yawning sets in and then I have to skip the rest. Her posts are not worth reading in its entirety. YES I AM A LICENSED THERAPIST and very much enjoy my work. I like helping my clients. Thank you very much. So please continue on with the Karen Karen Karen's. I stand by ALL of my original posts. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY PEOPLE! THE MEN AREN'T COMING BACK SO STOP HARRASSING THEM. STALKING THEM, CALLING THEIR PHONES, SENDING THEM EMAILS, SENDING INSTANT MESSAGES, LEAVING VOICE MAILS, CONSULTING PSYCHIC READERS, BUYING SPELLS, LIGHTING CANDLES, DOING VOODOO, SENDING GIFTS, BEGGING, AND CRYING!


North Carolina,
By the way

#99Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 21, 2007

By the way.............. Janice I do not read your posts. Everytime I see one of them I SKIP RIGHT OVER IT without reading ONE sentence. Do you know why? Because I have no interest in what your talking about. NONE WHATSOEVER! Sorry dear but I am just quite bored with what you have to say and thats the "ONLY" reason!!!


North Carolina,

#100Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 21, 2007

Shooting myself in the foot! LMFAO. Brandon, I do not know if Janice and her cronies are part of this robin bluedragon thing or not BUT if there are psychics ripping people off then yes there should be something done. There is also the personal responsibility of the client. When something smells rotten then most likely its rotten. You dont keep going to the store buying the same d**n rotten meat. Simple as that.


United Kingdom
Dont hold your breath Janice....

#101Consumer Comment

Sun, October 21, 2007

I doubt very much Karen will respond in a civilised way, cos your posts regarding acute depression go WAY over her head! Does mine actually, but then I don't claim to be a therapist! Best you can hope for is another repeat of verbal abuse, and accusations about your identity. Who will you be next..Master Z LOL! Maybe I shouldnt of typed that, as some desperate idiot will surely jump on it and and start a thread of that title!! Your starting to beat the best multiple profiler hands down! Congratulations Janice!


United Kingdom
Another desperate assualt going on here today!

#102Consumer Comment

Sun, October 21, 2007

Wow...we really are rocking your boat! Janice doesnt need to have "multiple profiles" lol! She isnt a fraudulent expert on Kasamba...so why would she need one! please change the record its getting boring.


BTW Brandon

#103Consumer Comment

Sun, October 21, 2007

If you have all this knowledge why do you not come and join us and avail us of your expertise instead of flailing around and putting your energy into idiotic accusations? Unless your name is really Chris (alias Freya...).


lol..haven't heard that one before

#104Consumer Comment

Sun, October 21, 2007

Oh dear. well all I can say to that one is, Brandon you actually got one small point correct about the inherent problems with Kasamba's policies and practices. In fact that is the subject of the final part of the research. It is almost complete. Karen you bring criticism on yourself because, in your attempt to try and discredit us, you manage to shoot yourself in the foot. For example, it is true that the person mentioned in this thread who committed suicide as a result of her experience with a fraudulent psychic may have had a pre-existing depression. But life events can exacerbate mild depression (or Dysthymia) and cause a Major Depressive Episode MDE). In fact,80% of people with Dysthymia will experience one or more MDEs over the life course. The evidence on the aetiology of depression is clear: 1. Epidemiological studies show that the prevalence of Dysthymic Disorder is between 4 and 6%. It is twice as common in females as in males. (Kessler RC, McGonagle KA, Zhao S, et al. Lifetime and 12-month prevalence of DSM-III-R psychiatric disorders in the United States. Results from the National Comorbidity Survey. Am J Psychiatry 1999; 156:1000-1006). 2. The suicide risk is three times greater in people who experience a MDE than in the general population which has a risk rate of between 2 and 5%. (Kessler RC, Borges G, Walters EE. Prevalence of and risk factors for lifetime suicide attempts in the National Comorbidity Survey. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1999; 56:617626). 3. Completed suicide occurs in up to 15% of individuals experience a severe MDE. (Bostwick JM, Pankratz VS. Affective disorders and suicide risk: a reexamination. Am J Psychiatry 2000; 157:19251932). 4. The research shows a clear link between the onset of a MDE and a severe psychosocial stressor, such as the death of a loved one or divorce. Moreover such stressors are mitigated by other factors such as social support. Therapeutic support has a positive effect and may mean the difference between life and death. Conversely, the evidence shows that compounded rejection (including by a so-called therapist who tell people it is their fault their partner left because they are obsessive and/or and unlovable) can literally mean the difference between life and death. (Malone KM, Oquendo MA, Haas GL. Protective factors against suicidal acts in major depression: reasons for living. Am J Psychiatry 2000; 157:1084-1088). Yes, the woman may have a pre-existing depression, but it is common for people to not seek treatment for mild depression. It is also common (risk rate of 80%) for people with dysthymia to slip into a MDE after a significant traumatic life event. At this point they are vulnerable and open to exploitation. Karen appears to once again ignore the evidence and blame the victim. I thought Karen was just stupid. However if she is indeed a therapist she is dangerous.


South Dakota,

#105UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 21, 2007

You should just stop bickering with Janice, she will always be right. Shes arrogant, bitter, and is heavily tied in with the "Kasamba Utopia" group. Watch how she carefully shies away attention from the members Robin Bluedragon, Psychic Emily Rose, Melodie, Native Rose, David James etc. Why? Because she is one and the same, just another way that this perverse group of scammers has of keeping "control' over what is going on at Kasamba. Note that she will only target those experts that Kasamba Utopia is also targetting. Everyone ignores all the blatant cases of fraud, expert bullying, manipulation and other tactics of the Kasamba system including ratings, expert rank, and multiple accounts (as many of the Kasamba Utopia members have all of the above altered by none other than Kasamba.) I work with Kasamba, though dare do not tell my name. Because then Robin and his group would target me as they have so many others, and because they have the influence of numbers on their side (regardless and looking over the fact that they are sharing all details of their clients sessions and have a sidebar to tell them the "bad clients), I would be taken off of Kasamba for stirring up trouble, or this "inconvenient truth". Karen, there is no justice with Kasamba. We should all just abandon it now. Leave it for Bluedragon and his cronie scam buddies to destroy. Everyone should learn that Kasamba does not care, and if you want to work there, you have to be a member of Kasamba Utopia or stay very under the radar, and even if you do that, if you pass one of them, they will jump on you like invested rabid wolves.


United Kingdom
No..think we will leave the "twisting" to you.

#106Consumer Comment

Sat, October 20, 2007

After all, you are doing a superb job of it. "Psycho nut"? LOL! Just a small group of people trying to change lowlife and unethical practices. Where we KNOW it to be happening. Your opinion does not matter anyway Karen thank god. What will prevail will prevail, despite and inspite of what you think.


North Carolina,
Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen

#107Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 20, 2007

You bitter psycho nuts get off my tit! The woman who unfortunately committed suicide was in need of psychiatric help and THAT need was there long before the bf came along and gone. Yes, by all means readers should be ethical but that is not the case with MANY readers on the internet. NOT JUST KASAMBA. If your going to crusade against fraud take on it all!! Now lucy, Janice, S, and the lot of you feel free to masacre what I just said. I am sure you will find a way to convienantly twist it, and rearrange it.


North Carolina,
Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen

#108Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 20, 2007

You bitter psycho nuts get off my tit! The woman who unfortunately committed suicide was in need of psychiatric help and THAT need was there long before the bf came along and gone. Yes, by all means readers should be ethical but that is not the case with MANY readers on the internet. NOT JUST KASAMBA. If your going to crusade against fraud take on it all!! Now lucy, Janice, S, and the lot of you feel free to masacre what I just said. I am sure you will find a way to convienantly twist it, and rearrange it.


Trial and error

#109Consumer Comment

Fri, October 12, 2007

Trial and error means you will spend, and waste, a lot of money before you find an authentic reader, all the while Kasamba is earning a nice profit from these frauds. Kasamba should vet these readers, test their skills and do some kind of reference check on them before allowing just anyone to sign up and use their platform. These fakes are ripping people off and hurting them emotionally and financially. That is the real basis of this argument. When people are vulnerable, hurting and under emotional stress they don't use common sense and these frauds are taking advantage of them. Kasamba needs to take some of the responsibility. To h**l with the "Entertainment Purposes Only" clause, they are advertising themselves as genuine, accurate and authentic under Kasamba's banner. Sure people should take personal responsibility. But I ask you again, what about the responsibility of the readers and of Kasamba? Where does that come into your equation? It plainly doesn't because once they have their money, they simply don't give a s**t!!


Karen, read this

#110Consumer Comment

Fri, October 12, 2007

"I heard of some one that committed suicide, becuase instead of her ex returning to her as the charlatan promised, he married some one else." This was posted on the WAHM board by a Kasamba reader. This is what false readings can do to a person. You might call her a "silly twit" for believing a fake psychic, but what does it matter if she is dead? Wake up!


North Carolina,

#111Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 11, 2007

I am NOT ok with fake psychics giving false information. There is a way to tell if your dealing with a fake psychic and its simply by the information you are recieving from these people. When the prediction does not come to pass and they go back and state so and hear that it will take a bit more time, etc then the client SHOULD KNOW then that this psychic is full of dung. Common sense. Trial and error. If you are getting predictions that dont come to fruitation COMMON SENSE will tell you that that particular reader is not as authentic as they claim to be and you DONT keep going back to them throwing your money at them. THAT is your OWN fault! Simple as that. Now I am strongly against jerks stealing thousands of dollars from people with spells, cleansings, removing of energies, that kind of nonsense. AND NO "S" I AM NOT A FAKE PSYCHIC! Stop assuming everyone who posts on this forum who dont wholeheartedly agree with YOUR postings are fake psychics, or any kind of psychic for that matter. Your more than welcome to rant on after this, I really dont care but PLEASE stop assuming that everyone that hasnt jumped on your band wagon is a psychic. Have a good life and I really mean that. lol.


North Carolina,

#112Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 11, 2007

I am NOT ok with fake psychics giving false information. There is a way to tell if your dealing with a fake psychic and its simply by the information you are recieving from these people. When the prediction does not come to pass and they go back and state so and hear that it will take a bit more time, etc then the client SHOULD KNOW then that this psychic is full of dung. Common sense. Trial and error. If you are getting predictions that dont come to fruitation COMMON SENSE will tell you that that particular reader is not as authentic as they claim to be and you DONT keep going back to them throwing your money at them. THAT is your OWN fault! Simple as that. Now I am strongly against jerks stealing thousands of dollars from people with spells, cleansings, removing of energies, that kind of nonsense. AND NO "S" I AM NOT A FAKE PSYCHIC! Stop assuming everyone who posts on this forum who dont wholeheartedly agree with YOUR postings are fake psychics, or any kind of psychic for that matter. Your more than welcome to rant on after this, I really dont care but PLEASE stop assuming that everyone that hasnt jumped on your band wagon is a psychic. Have a good life and I really mean that. lol.


North Carolina,

#113Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 11, 2007

I am NOT ok with fake psychics giving false information. There is a way to tell if your dealing with a fake psychic and its simply by the information you are recieving from these people. When the prediction does not come to pass and they go back and state so and hear that it will take a bit more time, etc then the client SHOULD KNOW then that this psychic is full of dung. Common sense. Trial and error. If you are getting predictions that dont come to fruitation COMMON SENSE will tell you that that particular reader is not as authentic as they claim to be and you DONT keep going back to them throwing your money at them. THAT is your OWN fault! Simple as that. Now I am strongly against jerks stealing thousands of dollars from people with spells, cleansings, removing of energies, that kind of nonsense. AND NO "S" I AM NOT A FAKE PSYCHIC! Stop assuming everyone who posts on this forum who dont wholeheartedly agree with YOUR postings are fake psychics, or any kind of psychic for that matter. Your more than welcome to rant on after this, I really dont care but PLEASE stop assuming that everyone that hasnt jumped on your band wagon is a psychic. Have a good life and I really mean that. lol.


United Kingdom
Lets be clear about this....

#114Consumer Comment

Thu, October 11, 2007

So its ok to rip people off one way but not another right? Some clients have purely gone for readings and been told lies and given false predictions by fake psychics who have as much "seeing ability" as a dead slug and as a result people have been ripped off. Some clients have taken that further BUT its the same clientel that have been ripped off by fraudulent spells and such like. The same clients that have been directed off the K site so that fake psychics can extort more money from them through scare mongering and false hope. You really really do not make any sense at all in your postings. You really ought to think before you post as YOU are the twit!! However, its much more likely your a fake psychic.


Frauds and scammers

#115Consumer Comment

Thu, October 11, 2007

And I ask the question, why are false readings and bogus spells so different, because some people have lost thousands of dollars by using fake psychics and receiving false readings on Kasamba. Whether you are on site, or off site, the end result is the same.


Frauds and scammers

#116Consumer Comment

Thu, October 11, 2007

Karen, you seem to be okay with readers who give false readings, however you don't take kindly to readers who take clients off line and then extract money from them. So if Kasamba is still making their cut it's okay, but once Kasamba is out of the picture, that's not acceptable to you? False readings and bogus spells, how are they different?


North Carolina,

#117Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 11, 2007

No I have NOT changed my tune you silly little twits! I don't like to hear people getting ripped off for thousands of dollars on spells, cleansings, etc. I don't like the fact that psychics take clients off site and then start begging for large sums of money taking advantage of their vulnerability! I STILL think that clients should take some personal responsiblity in regard to being told the ex is coming back due to the fact that WE all have that inner voice that tells us the TRUTH no matter what ANYONE says! Sighs. Anyway, to all those who have gotten ripped off for thousands of dollars and taken off that site PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENT AND REPORT THESE FRAUDS. IF YOU KNOW WHAT STATE, COUNTRY, ETC THE PSYCHIC RESIDE THEN PLEASE REPORT THEM TO THEIR LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENT AND TRY TO GET SOME OF YOUR MONEY BACK! I will NOT be responding to any more silly twit comments on this board but will respond to those who have been ripped off by these frauds.


United Kingdom
I totally agree...

#118Consumer Comment

Wed, October 10, 2007

They are one and the same! "experts" who make false predictions, and give false hope are no different! infact scammers who make threats of spells and curses on people ARE the ones that are giving false readings. Again, this is not about the client this is about the so called experts who take advantage of people's vulnerabilities in such a hidious way. Calling clients of Kasamba "stalkers" and "desperate" and such like is also just as hidious...you ought to remember Karen that scammers perpetuate that behaviour through their scamming. Anyway Karen....just read back through your other posts and you've changed your tune...hmm.


Frauds and scammers

#119Consumer Comment

Wed, October 10, 2007

They all should be banned from Kasamba. Even if they are not asking for additional money for spells (which are bogus anyway), giving false and misleading information is also fraudulent and is just a different way of scamming people. If the prediction doesnt come true the client continues (until they wake up to it) to come back asking when the prediction might happen. Go see Angels for You ratings, she has many, many clients coming back saying her predictions have not come to pass yet, and they are waiting, waiting, waiting. It's the same as saying "give me your money and I'll string you along for a year or so". There is no difference. I think Karen if you asked clients who were told their ex's were returning, you would find they would have more than likely given up on the idea if the readers had been honest with them in the first place. Eventually, it does sink in! If a reader continuously tells them they will get back together, and they make the claim that they are "accurate", then why wouldn't the client believe them? Do you think the reader is going to say "I'm going to feed you a load of bulls**t for a year or so until you finally realise I'm scamming you?" What is the difference when people are vulnerable? Frauds and scammers, one of the same.


North Carolina,
A Complete Shame

#120Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 09, 2007

I am truly disgusted by these "psychics" and I use that term very loosely who blatantly rip off clients for thousands of dollars. Asking for money for stoves, medicines, to pay a bill. These people are disgusting and need to feel the FULL wrath of the law and I hope they get exactly what they deserve and thats jail time and paying restitution to their victims. Kasamba most definately need to be rid of these snakes. EVERY single one of them. They need to change their policy in regard to ANY reader selling anything other than a psychic reading. IP addresses need to be banned for those ripping off clients for thousands of dollars and their need to be a forum on kasamba in which clients who were ripped off with bogus spells, cleansings, etc to complain and provide proof. Then Kasamba needs to block the IP addresses of these crooks. Yes they will use another computer but eventuallly that computer will be blocked to due to the fact that the losers wont be able to refrain from thier old rip off ways. Someone will always complain because their work is not honest. Now I am not talking about the ones who were told their ex's are coming back and ridiculously stalked them thinking so and when it didnt come to pass become bitter and blaming. I am speaking on the victims who have lost thousands of dollars to jerks who knowingly ripped them off and know they possess no psychic skill whatsover. Now Janice making a difference in THIS area would be a definate plus. THAT I wish you luck with!


North Carolina,
A Complete Shame

#121Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 09, 2007

I am truly disgusted by these "psychics" and I use that term very loosely who blatantly rip off clients for thousands of dollars. Asking for money for stoves, medicines, to pay a bill. These people are disgusting and need to feel the FULL wrath of the law and I hope they get exactly what they deserve and thats jail time and paying restitution to their victims. Kasamba most definately need to be rid of these snakes. EVERY single one of them. They need to change their policy in regard to ANY reader selling anything other than a psychic reading. IP addresses need to be banned for those ripping off clients for thousands of dollars and their need to be a forum on kasamba in which clients who were ripped off with bogus spells, cleansings, etc to complain and provide proof. Then Kasamba needs to block the IP addresses of these crooks. Yes they will use another computer but eventuallly that computer will be blocked to due to the fact that the losers wont be able to refrain from thier old rip off ways. Someone will always complain because their work is not honest. Now I am not talking about the ones who were told their ex's are coming back and ridiculously stalked them thinking so and when it didnt come to pass become bitter and blaming. I am speaking on the victims who have lost thousands of dollars to jerks who knowingly ripped them off and know they possess no psychic skill whatsover. Now Janice making a difference in THIS area would be a definate plus. THAT I wish you luck with!


North Carolina,
A Complete Shame

#122Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 09, 2007

I am truly disgusted by these "psychics" and I use that term very loosely who blatantly rip off clients for thousands of dollars. Asking for money for stoves, medicines, to pay a bill. These people are disgusting and need to feel the FULL wrath of the law and I hope they get exactly what they deserve and thats jail time and paying restitution to their victims. Kasamba most definately need to be rid of these snakes. EVERY single one of them. They need to change their policy in regard to ANY reader selling anything other than a psychic reading. IP addresses need to be banned for those ripping off clients for thousands of dollars and their need to be a forum on kasamba in which clients who were ripped off with bogus spells, cleansings, etc to complain and provide proof. Then Kasamba needs to block the IP addresses of these crooks. Yes they will use another computer but eventuallly that computer will be blocked to due to the fact that the losers wont be able to refrain from thier old rip off ways. Someone will always complain because their work is not honest. Now I am not talking about the ones who were told their ex's are coming back and ridiculously stalked them thinking so and when it didnt come to pass become bitter and blaming. I am speaking on the victims who have lost thousands of dollars to jerks who knowingly ripped them off and know they possess no psychic skill whatsover. Now Janice making a difference in THIS area would be a definate plus. THAT I wish you luck with!


North Carolina,
A Complete Shame

#123Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 09, 2007

I am truly disgusted by these "psychics" and I use that term very loosely who blatantly rip off clients for thousands of dollars. Asking for money for stoves, medicines, to pay a bill. These people are disgusting and need to feel the FULL wrath of the law and I hope they get exactly what they deserve and thats jail time and paying restitution to their victims. Kasamba most definately need to be rid of these snakes. EVERY single one of them. They need to change their policy in regard to ANY reader selling anything other than a psychic reading. IP addresses need to be banned for those ripping off clients for thousands of dollars and their need to be a forum on kasamba in which clients who were ripped off with bogus spells, cleansings, etc to complain and provide proof. Then Kasamba needs to block the IP addresses of these crooks. Yes they will use another computer but eventuallly that computer will be blocked to due to the fact that the losers wont be able to refrain from thier old rip off ways. Someone will always complain because their work is not honest. Now I am not talking about the ones who were told their ex's are coming back and ridiculously stalked them thinking so and when it didnt come to pass become bitter and blaming. I am speaking on the victims who have lost thousands of dollars to jerks who knowingly ripped them off and know they possess no psychic skill whatsover. Now Janice making a difference in THIS area would be a definate plus. THAT I wish you luck with!


Of course he does Nicki

#124Consumer Comment

Tue, October 09, 2007

You are not the only one he has tried to defaud (as you know). What he did to you and others is reprehensible.


Of course he does Nicki

#125Consumer Comment

Tue, October 09, 2007

You are not the only one he has tried to defaud (as you know). What he did to you and others is reprehensible.


Of course he does Nicki

#126Consumer Comment

Tue, October 09, 2007

You are not the only one he has tried to defaud (as you know). What he did to you and others is reprehensible.


Of course he does Nicki

#127Consumer Comment

Tue, October 09, 2007

You are not the only one he has tried to defaud (as you know). What he did to you and others is reprehensible.



#128Author of original report

Mon, October 08, 2007

I had already sent Christopher 1000.00 down payment that he had received. I had already given that information to the police. Since this has started I have also found out that Christopher is a sugar coated reader and never tells the truth in his readings. It's alway they're coming back when they're not. I've received 2 emails about this on it. It's a sad FREAKING shame. This man needs to GO DOWN!


Bev Hills,
Hi Nickie, just wondering...

#129Consumer Comment

Mon, October 08, 2007

I was under the impression that you never actually sent him the 2000.00. My question is... if you never sent the money, how can he be charged with fraud? Doesnt he actually have to have gotten the money to be charged? Or did you actually send it to him? What is the amount of money he frauded you out of and was charged with? Just want to get a clear understanding. Thanks.


You go girl!!

#130Consumer Comment

Sun, October 07, 2007

I will point out in the research that I am compiling that although Kasamba wouldn't respond to complaints about him, the authorites are taking it seriously. This will strengthen our case that Kasamba prefers profits over people. If you would like to see the research come to the Kasambavictims yahoo group. If you apply to join the email goes to me. I would love to be able to put in the research that a client took the measures that they did not take. You know there is a good chance that everything together may impact upon Kasamba, I have 100 pages of research on the frauds committed by some Kasamba experts including ChristopherP. I have mentioned in the research that despite reports of fraud he is still on the platform. But anyway, goo on you. BTW, I apologise for any spelling mistakes, I can't get my wireless router to work and am on an old pc which means no spell check. My eyes are a bit worse the wear from all the research this last couple of weeks (screen shots, looking at feedback etc). But it is almost done :)



#131Author of original report

Sat, October 06, 2007

Well! I have to say that I did more and more searches on this little fat clown and I am SHOCKED to have found this evidence posted via Christophers FATHER about Christopher Parmerter being an aspiring RADIO DJ. A Radio DJ turned Psychic? Hmm.. Just 18 months ago Christopher was an Aspiriing DJ now he is a psychic that has been reading for clients all around the world and his mother was adopted and she was also psychic? YEAH OKAY! Radio DJ turned psychic! I am just loving this proof I got on this idiot. Here is the link to the site. http://www.ideamarketers.com/publish/publisher.cfm?editorid=7210&wherefrom=INDEX If this link is removed here is what is said on the site: Online Wealth Now Editor: Kenneth Parmerter [email protected] Location: 703 E. Montgomery St. Henderson, NC 27536 United States Phone: 252-915-7700 Fax: Web Site: http://www.onlinewealthnow.com My name is Ken, my wife's name is Susan, and we will be happily married for 29 years in Feb. 2006. We have one son, Christopher. He is an aspiring DJ at a local FM radio station. I was born and raised in upstate New York, but met and married Susan in California in the 70's. I had enlisted in the Navy as a USN Seabee and my homeport was in California. In the Navy, I learned how to be a mechanic. After my Navy enlistment, I worked as an automobile mechanic for about twenty years. During that time I attained an Associates' Degree, c*m Laude, and then transferred to a four-year University. I was a junior with one year to go when a life-changing motorcycle accident ended my educational pursuits. I still thank God every day that the accident did not put an end to me. I worked in several different fields for a number of years. Each new occupation was challenging and kept my interest for a while, but each job was not my ideal niche. My most recent job was with Kodak Service & Support, which I enjoyed for 7 1/2 years. It ended in August 2005 when Kodak decided to relocate their call center to South America. We had no desire to move to South America so, I decided to fulfill my dream of owning a small business. Since I enjoy computers and the Internet, I wanted to pursue something that involved using them as the main tools of the new profession. After much research and deliberation, I chose the burgeoning field of eCommerce. Researching eCommerce prompted me to aspire to become an Internet Entrepreneur. In order to become an Internet Entrepreneur, I had to learn how. I'm unable financially and unwilling (I want to do it myself) to hire someone to do it for me, so, I had to learn how to on my own. I had no clue as to the enormous amount of novel, sometimes confusing, information that I had to learn. A couple months later, fraught with difficulties, obstacles and setbacks we finally had a semblance of a company and several web pages featuring a few products that could be displayed online. We will offer many different niche; products, resources and FREE stuff. Our company will hopefully provide financial independence and increase our yearly income substantially. This will allow a better standard of living for my family and a comfortable retirement when that time arrives. I now need to create a newsletter that potential customers can sign up for and receive in their Inbox. Since Content is King I am submitting this application and requesting to join your program. This endeavor that I have committed to is abundantly more involved and more difficult than I had envisioned. Every day I am faced with new challenges and obstacles to overcome and solve. However, I am having the "BEST TIME OF MY LIFE. Ken P. SO ignoring te selling part and mainly the first paragraph who else is in SHOCK!


Bravo Nikia

#132Consumer Comment

Sat, October 06, 2007

Do you realize how many people you're helping by taking this guy down. He has stole from so many people for so long. You are making a difference.



#133Author of original report

Sat, October 06, 2007

It is PARMERTER not Parmeter. That was my typing error as I was typing very mad and angry as I just am counting the days until this b**tard finally goes down.


Back to the importance of the original thread.

#134Author of original report

Sat, October 06, 2007

Well back to the point this thread was started. I have now officially filed fraud charges against Christopher. Christopher Parmeter in Raleigh, NC. When I called the police and filed these charges. The police took this report very seriously and reccomended that I post that everyone who had been ripped off by Christopher P to call them and also file a report. His real name is Christopher Parmeter and the funny thing was after I posted this Christopher had all his phone numbers changed as well. They had gotten another report just three days before me they were investigating and found it to be accurate and I gave them the evidence of mine as well so Christopher is facing not only one but two fraud charges which will be prosecuted and can have him facing up to 20 years in prison per each charge. I am happy to say that soon this no good lying sack of s**t will be behind bars where he belongs next door to his fellow former psychic scammer Miss Cleo. Again if you have been frauded by ChristopherP please contact the Raleigh police Dept and file the charges against Christopher Parmeter.


United Kingdom
I have to say

#135Consumer Comment

Thu, October 04, 2007

Its gone a bit quiet in here all of a sudden hasn't it. Im not going to "wander" why, as I already know the answer to that. JANICE'S POST. Nuff said.


lol..Kelly what a cute response

#136Consumer Comment

Tue, October 02, 2007

Oh kelly, "come back to call someone fat" ...I burst out laughing when I read it. You really got those people pegged in a few words. They can't win by using logic so they try using insults. Of course they don't 'win' that way but they don't see it. When I read your response I nearly wore my skinny double cafe soyacinno - (lose the milk and choccolate-or whatever...lol.)..love these wireless laptops in Cibo's (sort of like Starbucks) in spring down under...lol.. Their approach is as transparent as a piece of glass. However, you put it so well. I bet they thought their approach of using insults would actually be effective . lol...lol..can't stop giggling...


Beverly Hills,
Now there's more proof on the table and it's crickets chirping in here now!

#137UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, October 02, 2007

More proof served up and Katie and XPsychicvisionsx don't have a whole lot to say. I figured Katie would at least come back to call someone fat. This one is my fave: 4/8/2007 Psychic ChristopherP HOLY $^$%*!!! WOW! I am speechless..jaw has dropped. OH MY WORD! Christopher_P left that one for XpsychicVisionsX on Keen. The "ordained minister" - a man of God leaves sumulated curse words next to the word "holy"...very classy. He created this fake psychic reader personality based on religion and God and he can't even stay in character when padding a his scam partner with a cheesy rating. They really need to work on being consistant with the stuff the make up to rip people off.


You wanted proof-here it is

#138Consumer Comment

Mon, October 01, 2007

Jodi and S: You are not the first commentators to be disparaged for your views. I too have been called past it' and stupid. However, I do notice that the person who characterised me as a frump seemed to disappear once I directed them to my Dogster site on which I have a photograph...mnnn. Clearly S is educated. I should know because I was a lecturer at a University for quite some time (until I decided that I wanted a life and did not want to spend my weekends marking papers and writing grant applications). But I digress. There appears to be five people in Christopher Ps little gang: Christopher P, AngelicBlake, xpsychicvisionsx (Andrea), Mysticashaun and Dakota. From what I have gathered ChristopherP and AngelicBlake live together. It also appears that Shaun is Andrea's mother. Look at mysticalshaun's profile. It says she has 30 years experience. Yet, the photo is of a relatively young woman. The following are excerpts from the Keen feedback of that little gang of....well, I will leave readers to fill in that word. These are from CHRISTOPHER P'S KEEN FEEDBACK: 6/16/2007 XPsychicVisionsX WOW, AMAZING!!! connected with me and my situation perfectly! VERY FRIENDLY and PROFESSIONAL! I will always go to ChristopherP for my problems now, I'm VERY impressed. 4/30/2007 XPsychicVisionsX OMG!!! He saw EVERYTHING about me.. my mom, me, my lover and his wife! WOW WEE I am so amazed! I can not believe it! I will come back to you and only you ChristopherP! THANKS a million! I love you! 4/8/2007 XPsychicVisionsX This guy was AMAZING. Totally accurate - knew everything with just me telling him my name. He went right into the reading and everything he said made sense, even down to the things there was NO way he could have known unless he knew me personally! I was blown away and in awe of this mans amazing gifts. He also is so comforting and sincere, its like talking to an old friend! Though this is my first reading with him, I will certainly be back over and over, as this is going to be my regular psychic from now on - no psychic has EVER hit things so completely dead on, and one of his predictions just came true not more than 10 minutes after we got off the phone - I'm AMAZED These are from XPSYCHICVISIONS KEEN FEEDBACK 8/1/2006 mysticalshaun ALWAYS RIGHT ON TARGET! NEED I SAY MORE? YOU ARE AWSOME! PICKED UP ON EVERYTHING AS USUAL WITH HARDLY ANY DETAILS! YOU EVEN AMAZE ME> SHE IS A MUST CALL YOU WONT BE DISSAPPOINTED! MILLION STARS 4/8/2007 Psychic ChristopherP HOLY $^$%*!!! WOW! I am speechless..jaw has dropped. OH MY WORD! 5/6/2006 mysticalshaun LOVE HER!!!!!! SHE IS SOOOOOOO ACURATE!!! I cant read for myself but andrea is right on target. she always knows details before i even give them to her!!!!! I RECCOMMEND HER HIGHLY!!!!!!!!YOU ARE A TRULY GOD GIFTED PSYCHIC! THANKYOU!!!!!!! AND YOU KNOW I WILL CALL AGAIN!!!!! 1/20/2006 mysticalshaun once again andrea, you hit right on the nail, even got his name without me saying a word. even knew what he looked like, and his tattoo! wow! no way you could have known that! First psychic I have talked to that has known the truth, and has been totally accurate. I will be calling back in a few weeks to get you updated! TY! SHAUN For further proof check: Christopher P's Kasamba feedback for May 1st and 3rd 2007; xpsychicvisions Kasamba feedback for January 27th 2007. Then of course there is Christopher P's feedback for Penny C which reads much like the feedback her wrote for xpsychicvisionsx. I just thought that I would post this and run. But before I disappear again I wanted to post a reply to the impending insults: You're wasting your time. We have compiled around 100 pages of information on the Kasamba scammers. We don't intend to put much more than the occasional little titbit up here so....enjoy or alternatively...be afraid...be very afraid...lol...


I must have really hit a nerve with Katie/ChrissyP

#139Consumer Comment

Mon, October 01, 2007

I've never claimed to be a psychic, and I've NEVER called a psychic hot line. The only reason I even posted here was to let you know I can see through your bullsh*t. I found it interesting that the OP was becoming increasingly more credible, while ChristopherP was caught committing plagiarism. Now you're trying to back peddle away from his guilt. Why? If you claim to be a psychic, you're an awful one. I am 110lbs, 5'4", and yes married to a man in a successful band. My life is far from boring, and again...I've never used a psychic. You however post under EMPLOYEE INSIDER so I assume you're some sort of psychic. YOU in your psychic vision in your own words regarding myself..."You are neither thin nor happy nor married. If you were, you wouldn't be calling psychics."... again I've never called a psychic! I can prove what a BAD psychic you are. ANYONE can go to myspace, then click on search, go to the search for friend category, search by name and type in Jodi, it will take you to page with all Jodi's, there is a narrow your search box, put in zip code 43031 and hit with in 5 miles of, I am the only Jodi in Johnstown that is 29 years old. This will prove to everyone what kind of psychic abilities you have. I never called ChristopherP a child molester, that's not even in the same category as being gay. I don't even know where you got that from. You are the one that claimed child molester to S. MOSTLY, if you don't know ChristopherP, and you are not him, then why does it read EMPLOYEE INSIDER next to your name and state?? Why doesn't it say consumer comment if you're just an outsider??? Everyone, let's hope she tucks her tail between her legs and scampers away!


I don't care really..

#140Consumer Comment

Mon, October 01, 2007

.....if saying something insightful on here earns me a position on the list of being one of the many psychics that are being discussed here. I find it sad that a person can be so disconnected from reality and their own common sense. How sad it is to read responses and arguments from people who are (I thought) supposed to be adults. Seriously --- how are we supposed to expect our children and others to be responsible when we aren't? We are all born with the option of choice.....It's unfortunate that some of us don't know how to use that common sense and option of choice properly.


I don't care really..

#141Consumer Comment

Mon, October 01, 2007

.....if saying something insightful on here earns me a position on the list of being one of the many psychics that are being discussed here. I find it sad that a person can be so disconnected from reality and their own common sense. How sad it is to read responses and arguments from people who are (I thought) supposed to be adults. Seriously --- how are we supposed to expect our children and others to be responsible when we aren't? We are all born with the option of choice.....It's unfortunate that some of us don't know how to use that common sense and option of choice properly.


I don't care really..

#142Consumer Comment

Mon, October 01, 2007

.....if saying something insightful on here earns me a position on the list of being one of the many psychics that are being discussed here. I find it sad that a person can be so disconnected from reality and their own common sense. How sad it is to read responses and arguments from people who are (I thought) supposed to be adults. Seriously --- how are we supposed to expect our children and others to be responsible when we aren't? We are all born with the option of choice.....It's unfortunate that some of us don't know how to use that common sense and option of choice properly.


Here's the truth

#143UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 01, 2007

First I am female, not male. Am not ChristopherP and clearly you're not psychics or you would know that. Jodie - You are a lowlife white trash bigot. Plain and simple. Your vile and disgusting comments about Christopher and gay people shows you for the small minded racist that you really are. You are neither thin nor happy nor married. If you were, you wouldn't be calling psychics. S - You can throw all the red herrings at this that you want (in your poorly written style demonstrating very little education or intelligence). The bottom line is that you make accusations without proof. Accusing Chris of plagiarism is a far cry from what you allege. You and your sick friends claim he's a gay porn star, a child molester and all sorts of horrible things. These types of allegations reflect YOUR sickness more than anything. P - Be careful with comments that are insightful, because now you'll be accused of being Andrea, me and Christopher. People like Jodie and S are much better at blaming others for their situations than admitting any lack of self-control. The handful of disgruntled clients who frequent this forum are all sad, angry, bitter women. To S - I am a prior client of various psychics. Some were wonderful, most were not. And yes, I did go to ChristopherP once for a reading. It never even went to hire. He was entirely off base with what he said, so I ended the session. I had the choice to click hire or not. Just as you have the choice now to back down from your ridiculous position that is not based on knowledge or fact. I will now cease from responding because that will make this thread die. You and Jodi can now devote yourselves to masturbation since your boyfriends dumped you. Better yet, just admit you're both lesbians and get on with your life together.


Um Excuse me but...

#144Consumer Comment

Mon, October 01, 2007

I can totally see both sides of the fence here seriously but, I gotta tell you all. I know Kasamba's site and I know I have a choice to hire or not. I also know that I have a choice to end the session or not if something goes amiss or it just doesn't feel right. I just can't understand this constant bickering back and forth about this. Sure most of them are scam artists and they should be held responsible for that but, don't we as consumers have a certain responsibility to recognize when we've been had? When to say no? Etc. All this childish bickering back and forth saying horrible things about each other is such a waste of valuable energy.


To Katie/ChrissyP

#145Consumer Comment

Sun, September 30, 2007

Poor sad Katie/ChrissyP, don't be ashamed of yourself for liking d*ck. I don't blame you. Funny in your rantings you never mention the PROOF that he's a thief. Don't you think he has lost credibility? Oh wait, you're him. I'm not even going to acknowledge the sick crap you said regarding S. It's obvious you're getting desperate:( regarding what you said about me though, I'm proud to say that I weigh 110 lbs, and have been with my husband for 13 years. I'm far from fat and lonely. I can prove it too. Just go to myspace. Just search the name Jodi, then narrow the search by zip code 43031. I'm the only Jodi in Johnstown that's 29 years old. I can prove it! Mostly, what do you care if he is a gay porn star? How do you know he wants you to say he's not in gay porn? Maybe he's proud of that he sucks c**k. Who are you as an "outsider" to say that he don't like it? You ask if we have anything better to do, but I ask you the same question? You're here to talk about gay porn. I'm here to let it be known that I think ChrissyP and his whole network of psychics are full of s**t, and ripping off people desperate for answers. I hope to let people known that ChristopherP is a thief of someone else's hard work. I do believe some blessed people have the gift of being psychic. Those people aren't ChrissyP or Kasamba. Katie/ChristopherP, I agree with you on one thing STOP responding here! Talk about sad and lonely. Umm, how many times have you responded on this post??? Mop up your tears, wipe the c*m out of your mouth, and move on:)


United Kingdom
You know what "Katie"...

#146Consumer Comment

Sun, September 30, 2007

You are a fake psychic. Whether or not you are one of those already mentioned in this thread, I wouldnt know but I do know you are one. Your posts continuously give you away. You stupid stupid person. Firstly. Jodi could not of made a clearer and educated posting if she had tried. ANYONE with half a brain can see that. So to actually post that she couldnt make a "coherent" one is laughable. Secondly, you have already ADMITTED that ChrisP plagerised from other sites. Well you couldnt not as anyone wishing to visit those sites could see it as well. But still you keep on and on about slanderous accusations being made. Despite apparently finding out that GOOD GRIEF it was true and you like everyone else had been duped. An intelligent fake psychic would of at least used this oppotunity to keep their mouth shut at this point, and stop defending. But all this has been said in posts before, you know the ones you keep ignoring. Maybe you think everyone will do the same, but then when your desperately hanging on to your ill gained dollars I can see why you would come to that deluded conclusion. Thirdly, your sick and vile comments regarding myself and Jodi, TRULY demonstrate what a immoral, twisted and corrupt lot you fake psychics are. You really are from the gutter and it sickens me to think that trusting people for whatever reason are coming to you with personal issues and paying for "truthful emphatic psychic guidance". DO NOT defend this post by saying it's like for like. IT IS NOT, and you know it. I believe in Karma, and I believe you will get yours.


Guess what S? You ARE a banana.

#147UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 30, 2007

Jodi - You can't come up with a coherent argument to save your life. Here's an example of how ludicrous you both are, and how damaging unfounded and libelous accusations can be. Jodi, You are a lonely, unhappy fat person. You can't even pay for sex because of how morbidly obese you are. S. You are the product of being molested as a child. As a babysitter, you molested the kids you took care of. How's that for making sh** up? If you can do it about Christopher_P, then I guess you're fair game as well. I am not Andrea. I am not Christopher_P. I have no personal investment in this situation other than wanting to ensure that only truth prevails. You say that because I continue to demand proof or evidence of your claims that Chris is a "gay porn star," then I must be Chris? Um, what planet do you live on? No matter how many times I've asked for you to prove it, you don't. Instead you rant that I must be Chris, as if that somehow detracts from the fact that you've provided zero evidence. I truly am a third party watching this drama and shaking my head at how pathetic you are, lodging attacks against someone because you have nothing better to do. Who's your next target? Instead of focusing all your energy here, why not put it to good use and go out into the world and start helping people. If you'd be more positive instead of negative all the time, maybe you wouldn't be so unhappy with your lives. Here's the thing, if Andrea and I stop responding to your nonsense, you will eventually have to move on and find a new way of filling your lonely days. So do us all a favor (and yourselves), and stop behaving like petulant children. Waaah.


United Kingdom

#148Consumer Comment

Sat, September 29, 2007

Katie It does not matter if you are actually Katie or ChrisP or Andrea or anyone else. Its what you stand for that counts. And what your arguments are. So if you are not actually one of these so called psychics then you are most definately a cronie of theirs. Your continuous posts are more than enough evidence of that. If you are merely "an interested third party" then Im a banana. Your posts speak for themselves and everyone who reads this thread can see it because it's SO obvious. Your attempts at damage limitation has had quite the reverse effect, and if you are not ChrisP or Andrea, I am suprised they havent told you to shut up to be frank as you have not helped their cause at all. No one who has posted here has done more to oust them than you have...so thanks!


To Katie/ChristopherP

#149Consumer Comment

Sat, September 29, 2007

You say "if I were ChristopherP, why would I try to verify your accusations and admit you're correct" Umm, because you realized that your little "there's no proof" strategy (to deflect people from the truth) didn't work. You know now that anyone can see you stole someones work, and know if you keeping saying "there's no proof" that you'll look insane. So you have no choice but to fess up. You seem way to invested in defending him. Why? He's a thief, and even you admit that now. Also,you've brought the gay porn up in almost every post. You seem way to defensive about it not to be ChristopherP. That's MY opinion. Why would any normal outsider care about the porn so much? Are you his girlfriend? Lastly, you say that you're a third party interested in finding the truth. Well, now you know the truth. You KNOW that ChristopherP is a thief. Thats been proven. So now you can stop defending him :)


To Katie/ChristopherP

#150Consumer Comment

Sat, September 29, 2007

You ask "If I were ChristopherP why would I bother verify your accusations and why would I admit that you're correct" Umm, lets see, because you know anyone can see the copy writing at any time, and would know you're a liar. So it's a way to cover your a*s. Also, the constant denial of proof until it slaps you in the face. Why were you dodging proof? If you're not him, then why are you still defending a man that you know did this. He's a THIEF, and that's been proven. You even admit that. I don't know if you're Andrea, ChristopherP, or even Katie, but I do know you're way to interested in the situation. Especially regarding the gay porn. You have mentioned it in every post. You seem WAY to defensive about it not to be ChristopherP. That's just my opinion. I mean, why would you care if he did gay porn or not? Are you his girlfriend? You say "I couldn't possibly be a third party interested in finding the truth". Well, you've discovered the truth! He's a thief. Now you can stop defending this scam artist.


Who am I?

#151UPDATE Employee

Sat, September 29, 2007

So let me see if I understand this. One of you accuses me of being Andrea. Another claims I'm ChristopherP. Next thing you know I'll be the Easter Bunny. If I were ChristopherP, why would I bother trying to "verify" your accusations, and then why would I admit that you were correct? Where is the logic in your thinking? There is none. Someone claimed that because I use all caps to make a point, and because Andrea also does, that is somehow "proof" that we're the same person. Meanwhile I see everyone else uses that same technique. The use of all caps is because we cannot underline or bold a word. Does that now mean that we are all ONE person? Oops I just used all caps. I must be Andrea. And now if I question the accusations against Christopher that he's somehow a gay porn star, my mere questioning of the validity of the nasty allegation must make me him. I couldn't possibly be a third party interested in finding the TRUTH. No, that would be too logical.


Beverly Hills,
XPsychicvisionsx raises her rates as a favor to her cleints!

#152UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, September 29, 2007

Andrea do you actually read what you post before you send it? You raise your rates so that your clients can get ahold of you. That's incredibly nice of you, and very spiritual too! So you are saying that you raise your rate as a benefit to your clients? That makes a lot of sense, and is VERY sweet of you! I'm sure you do great job of dazzling them with the information that Christopher_P gives you! These people hand you a shovel and you just keep ond digging yourself deeper and deeper! The stuff you/Katie post does way more damage than any of the people that have tried to expose you have been able to do. Amazing!


April -

#153UPDATE Employee

Fri, September 28, 2007

Hi April, This post is to you, and you alone. I can respect the fact that you didn't make accusations regarding my client. I can assure you its legitimate. I am not encouraging addictive behavior, as you don't know my clients situation, you cannot make that assumption. Also -I would like to say.. my per minute rates, are not as high as some. I HAVE to keep them at 8.99 simply because if I did not, I would be constantly "in session", when prices were lower, I did have clients complaining they could not get in touch with me, this is why I had to do this. I'm not money hungry, and any of my clients will tell you that if they come into live chat, and are unable to pay the 8.99/minute, I will lower the price, all anyone has to do is ASK. Also - I do email readings for quite a far piece less than what it would cost in live chat. This DOES sometimes prompt some clients to get more than one email session a day. resulting in more than one rating a day, but it would be no different than if they came in for one live chat. (Yet keep in mind that as a result of Kas's system.. any session billed for over 1 dollar..is able to be rated.) Its food for thought. I hope this clarifies a bit. I'm not this "monster" that is being portrayed of me. I do respect, and care for my clients and their well being. I also have not ever made an attempt to "be someone else" via this site - only myself. Which I have offered up despite criticism by most of you in this report. But I have not hidden thus far, why would I now? Throughout this report, I have responded to things addressed towards me.. so please do not refer to "Katie" as me, as it is 100% not true. -Andrea


To Katie/ChristopherP and S from Europe

#154Consumer Comment

Fri, September 28, 2007

Katie/ChristopherP.... YOU'RE FULL OF SH**!!! Everyone can see through your double talk. It's too funny you realized that anyone can see you stole someones work, and now you HAVE to fess up. To S from Europe.... you've taken the words right out of my mouth:)


Bev Hills,
Phoney Ratings and Andrea XpsychicvisionsX Client rates 12 times in a week!

#155Consumer Comment

Fri, September 28, 2007

Well thanks for at least admitting that much Andrea...I mean Katie. I mean it is undisputable about the copying of the website content on Christopher_P site PsychicRemedy. I would like to address another thing I take notice of. I am not accusing, but this is an observation. I see that Xpsychicvisionsx and Christopher_p have many of the same clients. Andrea says this is due to their position on the page. I see one client that rates 12 times in a week! 8x to Andrea and 4x to CP! Is this fake? If it is not, isn't this encouraging addition behavior? I feel an ethical reader would tell this person not to come back or refuse to read them everyday. This is excessive Andrea, can you justify reading a client 12 times a week at high rates per minute? Of course with every reading the client is ever so amazed by your insight and how now they understand...this person must be lost without several daily readings! Any ethical reader and caring would suggest this person go to a therapist before they go bankrupt!


Of course.

#156UPDATE Employee

Fri, September 28, 2007

Of course - I MUST be Katie.. I would also like to fess up that I am Cher. Now you know all my secrets!!!! Seriously, quit it. Get your facts straight. "I type the same" as someone else now? If you can't find any other credible way to drag me in here over and over and find a way to use my name in a slanderous way... why not make it up? Oh wait - you've already all done that over and over and over and over and... (I assure you I'm not Katie. As I said earlier in this post, I will not comment on the personal or professional life of ChristopherP, its not my business, and not my place to do so. Also - I really DON'T know and I do refrain from commenting on things I don't know about - unlike most here.) So this is 5 different people that I have been accused of being in this report - wonder who I'll be accused of being tomorrow? I can hardly wait. -Andrea


Response to April: I stand corrected

#157UPDATE Employee

Fri, September 28, 2007

I have verified your allegations about the blatant plagiarism on PsychicRemedy of the Meditation page. I went to Elizabeth Barron's site and yes, it appears that ChristopherP has taken her text verbatim and uses it on his own site, making it look as if this is his own revelation. I was unable to verify the other "Animal" page reference but will defer to your allegation as most likely being true, now that I see he did indeed steal content for his website from Ms. Barron. So now we have established that he is a plagiarist. That is still a far cry from being a "pervert" or a "gay porn star." Those accusations are still unproven and really should stop. Without proof, it's a nasty thing to accuse someone of, and can really do damage to a reputation. April, you also said that Christopher had somehow now given 'credit' on his site for the sources of his text. I do not see that credit anywhere on his site. Nevertheless, I am always willing to admit I am wrong when proof is provided. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Hopefully if ChristopherP reads this, he will take all the stolen text off his site and take the time to write his own original material.


Beverly Hills,
Katie is xPsycicvisionsx

#158UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, September 28, 2007

The passionate defense of Christopher_P by Katie on here is obviously the work of Andrea/XPsychicvisionsx. This is very poor and obvious damage control. Compare the bullet style of the posts and the wording in both XPvX and Katies's posts, it's dead on. They both like to use CAPS to EMPHASIZE important points in their posts. They both turn a blind eye to any proof but demand proof that she's well aware can't be posted here. Such as links to Christopher_P's nude exhibitionist pick up web sites. Those links pop up on the public board occasionally. Many have seen them and are aware that it IS him. It painfully clashes with his "ordained minister" doing the "work of God" persona presents in the fake psychic character he's created and is making a lot of money with. XPsychicvisionsx claims that her "facts" post was her "final word here". So she thought she'd be clever and start the Katie thing to do the damage control and call people stupid. The the passionate defense only makes the scam and lies seem that much more obvious. I did my own google search the psychic sites came up, but no charity information. Again, a very poor job of damage control. Honest people don't have to lie to defend themselves.


United Kingdom

#159Consumer Comment

Thu, September 27, 2007

"Katie" (chrisp or chrisp cronie) How has Emily "proved your point"? What do you mean you "rest your case"? you are desperate and ridiculous beyond belief. The proof is there and just because YOU do not know how, what and why...do not for one minute think that the proof is NOT there. No one needs to prove anything to you. Whether you believe that or not is irrelevant actually. But having said that, accusations made on here ARE continuously backed up but you choose to ignore them. Whatever is presented to you, you shout and scream that it's all lies. So presenting the hardcore evidence (of which there is masses) would not stop you from scamming people by pretending to be psychic would it? You would simply come out with the same old drivel about how you are being set up by jealous experts, bitter clients etc etc. You will NEVER admit to your scams and fraud, so there really is no point in this argument any longer.


I rest my case - Emily just proved my point

#160UPDATE Employee

Thu, September 27, 2007

Emily dear - I have asked you repeatedly for PROOF. All you do is repeat the same accusations against Christopher without evidence. People see through rants that don't back up what they say. You have provided no "proof that he's a scammer." And yes I do continue to call you an idiot when you behave like one. When you STOP being an idiot, I will stop calling you one. You now claim that he's donated to fake charities? LOL You claim he's "scammed many out of money" - um, your proof? You claim he's "stolen info from profile" - um, your proof? You say he claims to be an ordained minister. Do you have proof he isn't one? (And MOST of the psychics on Kasamba make the same claim to be one.) You keep claiming he has "lewd websites of himself." But no matter how many times you are called on this, you FAIL to provide any evidence. You keep calling him a "fraud and pervert." Unsubstantiated accusations based on ugliness and YOUR unhappiness with yourself and your life.


Bev Hills,
"Katie" is such an obvious plant, this should be proof alone there is something to hide.

#161Consumer Comment

Thu, September 27, 2007

The poster "Katie" is here for damage control, this is obvious. Everytime he posts it become painfully more obvious that there is something just not right. I plainly listed three websites, (without posting links, since they will be deleted anyway) that were plagerized. Perhaps Ann George or Elizabeth Baron would like to address your claims that they copied off of Christopher_P. ! I am sure they also love thier good names being dragged onto this report...NOT. So Katie, I'm sure you are hoping readers will not research my claims and just take your word for it that is is unsubstanciated. People are not stupid, they will look up the sites I listed and see the word for word thievery, but I am sure CP is busy at work as we speak trying to find new material. Katie if I were you I would stop trying to defend people, somehow you only make them look more guilty.


Beverly Hills,
Katie spends a lot of time defending Chris_P yet ignoring any proof that he's a scammer.

#162UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 27, 2007

Katie you continue to call me an idiot. But your venemous defense of Christopher_P proves that you're either him or attached to him somehow. You continue to ignore proof and defend someone what you supposedly just googled one day to "see if he was a porn star". You back yourself up with lies and constantly point to the fake donation stuff that he's done. You and the damage control team really need to come up with something less obvious and stronger than this. This person has scammed many out of money, stolen info from profie, claims to be an ordained minister yet has lewd websites of himself. The string of lies continue like a laundry list. So you really need to work on something better than show that he "LOVINGLY" donates to a fake charity after he's exposed as a fraud and pervert. Try being a little more subtle next time and it won't be so obvious that you're a phoney.


To April and EmilyFrankenstein

#163UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 26, 2007

April: I did not ignore YOUR proof. Emily and a few others have been ranting that Christopher is allegedly a gay porn star. I have repeatedly asked for proof - a link - SOMETHING - some evidence. None has been forthcoming... because none exists. April: Regarding YOUR allegations. I went to his site PsychicRemedy and did not find what you are claiming. I took those headings, and Googled, looking for other sites with similar text. I would be happy to admit you're right, if I could verify it! But so far I have not been able to substantiate your claims of his text being stolen from others. (By the way, how do you know that THOSE sites didn't steal from hiim? Or that BOTH stole from yet a third person?) It is "possible" that you are right. Again, I can't seem to find links on the Internet to other sites with the same copy, to prove whether he did or didn't plagiarize. If you can give me more specific links or websites with IDENTICAL text, then there's something to discuss. I am more disturbed by the vile accusation by EmilyFrankenstein, that Christopher is a gay porn star. Not only can't I find ANY evidence of that on the Internet... and not only has NO proof been provided by that... But let's even say it was true. SO WHAT? What do you have against Gays? And what do you have against Porn Stars? This whole argument is without merit.


To April and EmilyFrankenstein

#164UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 26, 2007

April: I did not ignore YOUR proof. Emily and a few others have been ranting that Christopher is allegedly a gay porn star. I have repeatedly asked for proof - a link - SOMETHING - some evidence. None has been forthcoming... because none exists. April: Regarding YOUR allegations. I went to his site PsychicRemedy and did not find what you are claiming. I took those headings, and Googled, looking for other sites with similar text. I would be happy to admit you're right, if I could verify it! But so far I have not been able to substantiate your claims of his text being stolen from others. (By the way, how do you know that THOSE sites didn't steal from hiim? Or that BOTH stole from yet a third person?) It is "possible" that you are right. Again, I can't seem to find links on the Internet to other sites with the same copy, to prove whether he did or didn't plagiarize. If you can give me more specific links or websites with IDENTICAL text, then there's something to discuss. I am more disturbed by the vile accusation by EmilyFrankenstein, that Christopher is a gay porn star. Not only can't I find ANY evidence of that on the Internet... and not only has NO proof been provided by that... But let's even say it was true. SO WHAT? What do you have against Gays? And what do you have against Porn Stars? This whole argument is without merit.


To April and EmilyFrankenstein

#165UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 26, 2007

April: I did not ignore YOUR proof. Emily and a few others have been ranting that Christopher is allegedly a gay porn star. I have repeatedly asked for proof - a link - SOMETHING - some evidence. None has been forthcoming... because none exists. April: Regarding YOUR allegations. I went to his site PsychicRemedy and did not find what you are claiming. I took those headings, and Googled, looking for other sites with similar text. I would be happy to admit you're right, if I could verify it! But so far I have not been able to substantiate your claims of his text being stolen from others. (By the way, how do you know that THOSE sites didn't steal from hiim? Or that BOTH stole from yet a third person?) It is "possible" that you are right. Again, I can't seem to find links on the Internet to other sites with the same copy, to prove whether he did or didn't plagiarize. If you can give me more specific links or websites with IDENTICAL text, then there's something to discuss. I am more disturbed by the vile accusation by EmilyFrankenstein, that Christopher is a gay porn star. Not only can't I find ANY evidence of that on the Internet... and not only has NO proof been provided by that... But let's even say it was true. SO WHAT? What do you have against Gays? And what do you have against Porn Stars? This whole argument is without merit.


To April and EmilyFrankenstein

#166UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 26, 2007

April: I did not ignore YOUR proof. Emily and a few others have been ranting that Christopher is allegedly a gay porn star. I have repeatedly asked for proof - a link - SOMETHING - some evidence. None has been forthcoming... because none exists. April: Regarding YOUR allegations. I went to his site PsychicRemedy and did not find what you are claiming. I took those headings, and Googled, looking for other sites with similar text. I would be happy to admit you're right, if I could verify it! But so far I have not been able to substantiate your claims of his text being stolen from others. (By the way, how do you know that THOSE sites didn't steal from hiim? Or that BOTH stole from yet a third person?) It is "possible" that you are right. Again, I can't seem to find links on the Internet to other sites with the same copy, to prove whether he did or didn't plagiarize. If you can give me more specific links or websites with IDENTICAL text, then there's something to discuss. I am more disturbed by the vile accusation by EmilyFrankenstein, that Christopher is a gay porn star. Not only can't I find ANY evidence of that on the Internet... and not only has NO proof been provided by that... But let's even say it was true. SO WHAT? What do you have against Gays? And what do you have against Porn Stars? This whole argument is without merit.


My point exactly.

#167UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 26, 2007

S - If there are "LOTS" of people as you said collecting evidence against me.. then why do I seem to only keep getting the run around from you, and your cronies on here..which are... 2 other people? Thats hardly "lots". I am not saying that your problems are any less than anyone elses, and as I had originally stated - I do apologize if I did not connect with you, but.. your crowd there of people "claiming" to be ripped off by me - amounts to 3 people. *I have thousands of clients now* No psychic is GOD.. and only GOD could be 100 percent accurate, or be able to connect with every person in the same manner. If you check my feedback - you will see many clients stating predictions panned out, predictions came true. I don't just say things for the sake of saying it, my clients WOULDN'T come back and would be here ranting with you if this was the case, wouldn't they? Again - I asked you to provide the proof here if it exists. It does not. You know this. So lets just stop now, okay? I'm sure you will post back saying LOTS of INVISIBLE people are STILL collecting evidence against me - and I encourage you to do so if it makes you feel better about yourself, but I've already proven my point. I really do hope that you can find some inner peace about this. -Andrea


United Kingdom
ignoring facts is what they do best.

#168Consumer Comment

Wed, September 26, 2007

I think April, that you should not hold your breath for an answer from "Katie" that makes any sense at all. We all got it...unfortunately "she" didn't, so that is "her" problem. People who come to this site are not stupid..and the fake psychics who come here to rubbish the reports made by genuine clients about genuine rip offs by taking on names like "katie" and being abusive and aggressive are seen through that I am sure of. The fake psychics have a lot to lose so they will go to massive lengths to cover their tracks and as this is a public board, we just have to put up with it. As long as people keep posting their bad experiences and scams they uncover, then all is well and good. If people are going to have readings on Kasamba then the more informed they are of who to steer clear of then something positive does come out of it. They will just have to get used to it.


United Kingdom
ignoring facts is what they do best.

#169Consumer Comment

Wed, September 26, 2007

I think April, that you should not hold your breath for an answer from "Katie" that makes any sense at all. We all got it...unfortunately "she" didn't, so that is "her" problem. People who come to this site are not stupid..and the fake psychics who come here to rubbish the reports made by genuine clients about genuine rip offs by taking on names like "katie" and being abusive and aggressive are seen through that I am sure of. The fake psychics have a lot to lose so they will go to massive lengths to cover their tracks and as this is a public board, we just have to put up with it. As long as people keep posting their bad experiences and scams they uncover, then all is well and good. If people are going to have readings on Kasamba then the more informed they are of who to steer clear of then something positive does come out of it. They will just have to get used to it.


United Kingdom
ignoring facts is what they do best.

#170Consumer Comment

Wed, September 26, 2007

I think April, that you should not hold your breath for an answer from "Katie" that makes any sense at all. We all got it...unfortunately "she" didn't, so that is "her" problem. People who come to this site are not stupid..and the fake psychics who come here to rubbish the reports made by genuine clients about genuine rip offs by taking on names like "katie" and being abusive and aggressive are seen through that I am sure of. The fake psychics have a lot to lose so they will go to massive lengths to cover their tracks and as this is a public board, we just have to put up with it. As long as people keep posting their bad experiences and scams they uncover, then all is well and good. If people are going to have readings on Kasamba then the more informed they are of who to steer clear of then something positive does come out of it. They will just have to get used to it.


United Kingdom
ignoring facts is what they do best.

#171Consumer Comment

Wed, September 26, 2007

I think April, that you should not hold your breath for an answer from "Katie" that makes any sense at all. We all got it...unfortunately "she" didn't, so that is "her" problem. People who come to this site are not stupid..and the fake psychics who come here to rubbish the reports made by genuine clients about genuine rip offs by taking on names like "katie" and being abusive and aggressive are seen through that I am sure of. The fake psychics have a lot to lose so they will go to massive lengths to cover their tracks and as this is a public board, we just have to put up with it. As long as people keep posting their bad experiences and scams they uncover, then all is well and good. If people are going to have readings on Kasamba then the more informed they are of who to steer clear of then something positive does come out of it. They will just have to get used to it.


Bev Hills,
Katie you seem very interested in ignoring the proof offered

#172Consumer Comment

Wed, September 26, 2007

Hi Katie, you asked for proof earlier that his website Psychicremedy was copied from another reader. Why is it that you totally ignored the proof I supplied it my post? You are ranting about where is the proof and when it is presented to you, you just act like it doesnt exsist. I am beginining to wonder what your investment in this is. It seems to me that if someone is so deep and spiritual they would be able to find thier own words to express their work. Also if they represent other people's works and words as thier own, it shows a dishonesty and misrepresentation of thier talents. I have a feeling the dishonesty does not end there. I for one am staying clear of Christopher_P, Psychic Blake, XPsychicvisionsx, Gentletruths, (who he endorses and is most likely himself). in fact I am weary now of the whole Kasamba website.


United Kingdom

#173Consumer Comment

Wed, September 26, 2007

"If you are in possession of it: where is it?" All evidence of scamming by client sharing, multiple accounts etc etc, is being collated as we speak by LOTS of people. I am not skirting around anything at all..it is there and is being dealt with. I have not and do not need to fabricate ANYTHING. Wish I did need to do that cos then I would not have been ripped off but sadly that is not the case. In reference to your argument that my situation was "hit on dead on" please do not insult my intelligence...this is the result of client information sharing. "low energy"?? god give me strength LOL!! then you should of said and not taken my money. However how convenient to have "low energy" on a subject I had not taken to a psychic before. What a coincidence. You can rant on as much as you like about me saying one thing and then saying another blah blah blah...Im not even going there with you to be honest. I have nothing to hide! I am not an expert, I came here because simply I had been ripped off and knew it. So there is no need to defend myself from your attempts to deflect from the real situation. I will leave all the details to you Andrea, if it makes you feel better. "I asked you for proof - you again stated you had it, yet you did NOT provide it. What does that tell me?" As I have stated above. The proof is there and is being provided, and please do not call me dear. "And again - if there was ANY proof of me and Chris sharing client information or transcripts.. we would be kicked off Kasamba. We are still there. " This is the biggest joke of all. There is huge amounts of evidence that K does not kick people off for scamming. There are threads all over this site from experts and clients alike complaining of this as well as well as you know. Again all evidence is being collated. So please do not hide behind that as proof of your authenticity and good practice. In fact, to use that as a defence on this site that has accounts of scamming all over it is stupid Andrea, I think you may be hysterical. I have been entirely discredited? for what? I REALLY do not understand what you are talking about? Im just a ripped off client that's all!


North Carolina,

#174Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 26, 2007

Good work April. I hope that these readers were made aware that their sites were being copied. It's a shame how many scam artists are out there ripping people off by having them believe that they are genuine and accurate psychics.



#175UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 26, 2007

Can you be any more dense? I told you what to type in the Google search window. Then held your hand all the way to page 4, halfway down, the link is there. The Google "link" which you asked for (which I gave you above but you were too stupid to understand) is: Tammie's Photos Donation information Number od donations:5 That takes you to the Realitycharity website. If you look at the info below that link, you will clearly see it says ChristopherP. The way Google works is finds any of the words. I did not need to know PsychicRemedy to find this link. Tammie's Photos Donation information Number of donations: 5 Recent ...ChristopherP [PsychicRemedy Donated between $250 and $1000 ] from Raleigh, NC, USA gave $50 on 13-Sep-07. God Bless. I hope this helps you! ... www.realitycharity.com/view_item.php?listing_id=1271 - 24k - Cached - Similar pages You're clearly not playing with a full deck. I have challenged you repeatedly to PROVE your allegations against ChristopherP, and yet you merely spout nonsense. You have given NO LINKS showing any porn connection. WHY? Because there isn't one. You are merely either a jealous rival expert or a disgruntled client, out to discredit one of the kinder people on Kasamba. He does not need to donate to a charity that meets with YOUR approval. The fact that he donated to a random unknown person with no personal gain speaks volumes about who he is. Your stalking behavior speaks volumes about who YOU are. You demanded proof from me, I provided it. Yet you still claim it doesn't exist, when ANYONE can replicate this discovery in a Google search window. That is anyone with half a brain. Since you are devoid of any brain, I can understand the difficulty on your part. Meanwhile, you keep making horrible accusations with NO PROOF, no evidence. Who is the person to be believed? You, with no evidence. Me, with evidence. Hmm.


Andrea - xpsychicvisionx

#176Consumer Comment

Wed, September 26, 2007

I had a reading with you Andrea, which at the time impressed me no end. You're a very fast typist and your story sounded credible to me. However, it led me up the garden path. Believing you were so "gifted" I did something which you suggested I do, the result was completely the opposite of what you predicted. At the time I wanted to believe in you, however the end result was TOTALLY THE OPPOSITE. Sorry Andrea, I wish you had been right...............but you weren't. Needless to say, I personally have no faith in your ability.


Bev Hills,
Christoper_P Covers himself and quickly puts up credits...but there's more

#177Consumer Comment

Wed, September 26, 2007

As soon as this was posted Christopher P quickly went and put credits up on his site. I don't think that will help when these authors find thier works were used without permission. The original intent was to look like these were his words, come on ...people are not stupid. Well don't forget to credit Rainbow Crystal for their words on Power Animals and all the other sources you used. The entire site is copied and pasted. As I said Google any given paragragh and the original site it came from will show up. He has a lot of crediting to do.


Bev Hills,
PROOF: Christopher_P "Why Meditate" plagerized. Elizabeth Baron's word for word with no credit.

#178Consumer Comment

Tue, September 25, 2007

Ok...time to wake up people. Christopher_P Psychicremedy site is one big copy and pasted mess. Check out his "Why Meditate" section...google "Why Meditate" and you will find Elizabeth Baron's site word for word. In fact google any paragragh from PsychicRemedy and you will most likely find it's original author. With no credits given. Think of all the people he has conned out of money thinking he is some spiritual being when he was just copying and pasteing like the average joe. Wake up call...this rip off is over.


Bev Hills,
Christopher_P copies Psychic Ann George Clairvoyant site almost word for word

#179Consumer Comment

Tue, September 25, 2007

You asked where Chris P got copied his website content from see Ann George Clairvoyant and you will see it is almost word for word the same text. For expample look at the sections in both sites entitled THE BENEFITS OF A PSYCHIC READING:under psychic reading sections...also "empowering questions". Chris P did take the time to change things slightly, but it is word for word in many cases. Sorry to all the trusting souls who gave thier money to someone they thought was so deep and spiritual, but here is the proof.


Bev Hills,
Christopher_P copies Psychic Ann George Clairvoyant site almost word for word

#180Consumer Comment

Tue, September 25, 2007

You asked where Chris P got copied his website content from see Ann George Clairvoyant and you will see it is almost word for word the same text. For expample look at the sections in both sites entitled THE BENEFITS OF A PSYCHIC READING:under psychic reading sections...also "empowering questions". Chris P did take the time to change things slightly, but it is word for word in many cases. Sorry to all the trusting souls who gave thier money to someone they thought was so deep and spiritual, but here is the proof.


Bev Hills,
Christopher_P copies Psychic Ann George Clairvoyant site almost word for word

#181Consumer Comment

Tue, September 25, 2007

You asked where Chris P got copied his website content from see Ann George Clairvoyant and you will see it is almost word for word the same text. For expample look at the sections in both sites entitled THE BENEFITS OF A PSYCHIC READING:under psychic reading sections...also "empowering questions". Chris P did take the time to change things slightly, but it is word for word in many cases. Sorry to all the trusting souls who gave thier money to someone they thought was so deep and spiritual, but here is the proof.


Bev Hills,
Christopher_P copies Psychic Ann George Clairvoyant site almost word for word

#182Consumer Comment

Tue, September 25, 2007

You asked where Chris P got copied his website content from see Ann George Clairvoyant and you will see it is almost word for word the same text. For expample look at the sections in both sites entitled THE BENEFITS OF A PSYCHIC READING:under psychic reading sections...also "empowering questions". Chris P did take the time to change things slightly, but it is word for word in many cases. Sorry to all the trusting souls who gave thier money to someone they thought was so deep and spiritual, but here is the proof.



#183UPDATE Employee

Tue, September 25, 2007

If you are in possession of it: where is it? You have already stated on ANOTHER report on here that you fabricated information on: that the reason you believed me and ChrisP were sharing client information is that you had a reading with ChrisP..he apparently hit your situation dead on.. and then came to me for a reading a few months afterwards, and I did as well. Afterwards, you came back for another reading, at which point (for whatever reason.. perhaps I was low on energy that day, perhaps you were in a negative mindset..) Regardless of the reasoning, apparantly we did not connect that day - so this is your entire basis of this claim. Since you had talked about a situation with ChristopherP and myself both, and we apparantly both gave you similar predictions - you have said that is proof that we are sharing client information. *THIS IS THE INFORMATION THAT YOU - YOURSELF - POSTED ON ANOTHER REPORT ON THIS SITE..stating that it absolutely had to be fact.. based entirely on your SPECULATION and YOUR perception of the situation* To be honest S - You have absolutely no claim. None. What I just stated is fact, anyone can look it up on this site in previous reports you have posted on. I have ground to stand on. You do not. I asked you for proof - you again stated you had it, yet you did NOT provide it. What does that tell me? What proof is that of sharing information dear? Again.. we're PSYCHICS... if its your truth.. its your truth. And again - if there was ANY proof of me and Chris sharing client information or transcripts.. we would be kicked off Kasamba. We are still there. You've made it clear you have no proof, you've been entirely discredited. All accusations you have made are solely on the basis of your own speculation alongside with "rumors" made by those who I honestly don't even believe to be clients, but believe to be other experts running around trying to "plant" (had to use the word you love so much) accusations against me for no other reasoning except for jealousy. You say you have proof. I put a challenge out there. You skirted around it. There is no proof of sharing client information, because it never happened.


United Kingdom

#184Consumer Comment

Tue, September 25, 2007

XpsychicvisionX I have not accused you of having multiple accounts...the reason for this is because I do not know if you have or have not. Therefore, I would not accuse you or anyone else of this if I was not is possession of the facts. However, in respect to sharing transcripts..that I DO KNOW you do (or at least did) with ChrisP and Blake, maybe others as well. I make this statement as I am in possession of the facts. You have made a challenge, and let me tell you and anyone else who has deliberately misled/scammed and defrauded innocent people, that challenge is being met HEAD ON. For any K expert who is real, honest and not a scammer - there is really nothing to worry about. For the rest it's a different story.


Beverly Hills,
Oh Katie you silly goose! Name calling doesn't make your lies the truth!

#185UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, September 25, 2007

Katie you were somehow able to post a link to Chris_Porno's lovely charty stuff. Amazing! Now again you claim that any idiot can google ChristopherP and pull up tha magical charity work that he does so LOVINGLY..when he's not loving himself on web cam. Yet again a google search does not pull up anything ChristopherP doing charity, even on "page 4" as you stated. Interesting you posted the link to his charity but didn't bother to post the google link. RoR doesn't allow links to be posted so not sure how that one slipped through. The fun part is that looking at all the the fake charity work he's done on that site is under the title "psychic remedy" not ChristopherP. So unless you were part of the "Christopher_P give porn a chance" damage control team you wouldn't know that. You can call people idiots to cover up your own slip ups. But it's fairly obvious now Katie. Now how about you and the gang get back to planting some fake ratings. Chris_P is laughing all the way to the bank, so if he wanted to do some real damage control he could donate to a legit charity instead himself posing as a random person on a sketchy web site. Thanks again for your help Katie, make sure you get tipped out at the end of your shift. Now Katie will come back and call me an idiot. And I'm sure someone else will surface here to pose as one of the people he so lovingly saved by his fake donation. No one loves you that much at $20 a minute folks! Sylvia Browne doesn't even charge that much for a reading. Google that if you want too.


And once again you show you are an idiot!

#186UPDATE Employee

Mon, September 24, 2007

I did not prove your point, as you didn't have one. There was nothing defensive or magical into what I wrote. Do not call ChristopherP names, as that is libelous. Again you don't know how to use Google, do you? Type "ChristopherP" into the Google search window. Then go to PAGE 4 - the sixth link down shows his donation. Tammie's Photos Donation information Number of donations: 5 Recent ...ChristopherP [PsychicRemedy Donated between $250 and $1000 ] from Raleigh, NC, USA gave $50 on 13-Sep-07. God Bless. I hope this helps you! ... www.realitycharity.com/view_item.php?listing_id=1271 - 24k - Cached - Similar pages I'm not him. I'm not connected to him. I know how to do Internet research. Clearly you don't. When I saw these allegations about him being a so-called porn star, I went to see if it was true. I could not find ONE LINK! about that... however I did find the aforementioned link showing his CHARITABLE contributions. All I can find about Chris on the Internet is GOODNESS, love and charity. If you can show me one link proving your "porn" allegations... well I'm still waiting for you to do that. You haven't produced one because it's a LIE! So thanks for the compliment on my good work. When you check back later, be sure to write a response to show us what an idiot you still are.


Beverly Hills,
Katie proves my point with her deffensive and magical insight into what the perv does!!!

#187UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, September 24, 2007

Wow Katie you just proved my point! Google Christopher_P or ChristpherP and his psychic profiles come up. But the magical charity work that he does sure doesn't! So either you're him or connected to him silly! Good work Katie, I'll check with you later if I need anymore help to show what a blatant scam you're supporting! Now if anyone's bored. Look at XpsychicvisionsX cheesy rating for her buddy Christopher_P. Then if you scroll through his ratings you'll see several long drawn out ratings..they usually follow one of his one stars or a bad rating..and they're in the same style as the one she left for him. It's like an easter egg hunt! Spot the planted ratings! She's got them in her ratings too. There's one from ChrisP early on..then you can see the various plants! Notice many of these made up clients never come back, because it's one account that keeps changing handles to sound like it's a new client!



#188UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 23, 2007

To address EVERYTHING.. once and for all. I cannot and WILL NOT comment on the personal or professional lives of ChristopherP nor PsychicBlake, as that is NOT my business. I will, however, address what was asked of me as I am not attempting to skirt anything as you run and "accuse" me of doing when you don't get the answer you feel is satisfactory. Facts : 1.) I am NOT sharing, nor have I ever shared transcripts and/or client information with ChristopherP, PsychicBlake or ANY OTHER EXPERT via or outside of the Kasamba platform. 2.) I am not involved in any sort of "scam" or "fraudulent behavior". I take my clients, and their problems seriously. I respect them and care for them and their personal well being. 3.) Yes, ChristopherP DID post that rating about me in January that you posted - however, as most of you familiar with psychic ability will realize. We oftentimes cannot read for ourselves as we are too "involved" in our own situations to see it clearly, therefore we often seek out others we feel are gifted enough to get our OWN answers. Any ratings on Chris's page from myself, or any on mine from him - were for legitimate readings we sought out from each other. NOT planted ratings. That is NOT against Kasamba's policy, nor is it something I'm going to "hide". Many Experts have come to me for a reading, and received one, they have also left ratings - I guess this means those are "planted ratings" as well? 4.) WishfulThinking And S - How DARE you even accuse me of skirting an issue, simply because I don't care to comment on "personal" issues? You said yourself that it was none of my business if Becks sat around googling people all day... yet, it IS your business to delve into my personal life? Quite a double standard. That being said - 5.) The reason that me and ChristopherP and PsychicBlake do not speak if everyone MUST absolutely KNOW, is due to PERSONAL reasons. It has absolutely nothing to do with Kasamba, nothing to do with clients and is frankly NONE of your business. I don't know of any "underground" information as was implied, As far as I personally know - I am off doing my own thing, doing my best to provide my clients with the best services possible - as are they. I don't have "proof" of them doing anything fraudulent or anything else that was implied. 6.) ChristopherP has not sent me any money through the charity site you listed, I am not a member there, so I can only assume that the transactions he has been involved in are legitimate... however as this site has become its "guilty until proven innocent", and again, I cannot comment on what he is doing, as I don't know. 7.) Again - I personally invite anyone with PROOF of me "sharing information with the above mentioned experts or ANY experts on Kasamba to come forward and SHOW IT here! I am not worried about this obviously, as this kind of proof does not exist, as the whole thing is a blatant lie made up by someone with entirely too much time on their hands. Let me clarify however - proof is PROOF, hardcore evidence - not just "I got a similar reading" because Hello! We're PSYCHICS.. if it is your TRUTH.. it is your TRUTH... If you use the same line of reasoning... how about if you ask "Billy Bob" on Kasamba for a reading, and he tells you that your lover isn't coming back... and then you ask Barbara down at the metaphysical store and she tells you the same thing - Are they sharing information too? If you have proof, let it be shown, but your words are not enough, because there is no proof, because it has not happened. Continue attacking me, making up lies and accusations, but have you noticed your behaviors are starting to mimic those of STALKERS? It is honestly getting ridiculous, although I must say its somewhat flattering you take such an interest in my life...really, there is a point where you must draw the line in the sand - how much time a day are you devoting to worrying about what I am saying/doing? Let me do what I am meant to do - help people. And I will leave you to your ranting and raving about how someone ripped you off, because I have a feeling that it will always be "someone" that ripped you off, and that you will never come to the realization until it is much too late that your life has passed you by and all you have done is sit around in bitterness against people who have not intended to "wrong" you but have somehow fallen onto your radar regardless...and you know what darlings? You will have ripped yourself off. That being said - I will not be responding to anymore of your comments. They are a waste of my time and are robbing energy from my wonderful clients whom I owe and devote my time and energy to - because THEY deserve it. God bless


TO: xEmilyValentinex or whoever you are

#189UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 23, 2007

Clearly you're as incompetent and stupid as your other fake buddies on here. You have to be a complete moron to not know how to read instructions or use Google. I said to Google "ChristopherP" and you'll find those results. NOT "Christopher_P" - do you see the difference, you idiot? There is NO underscore between the first name and the initial. I doubt that Chris thinks he's a saint. And I assure you that I am NOT he. While I'm sure that some recipients on that charity site have less than honorable intentions, some of them are REAL people in need. You make accusations against Chris but never seem able to back them up with palpable evidence. You claim that he "stole and copied word for word from another reader" for his PsychicRemedy site. Ok, I'll bite. Give me the proof. WHICH READER? Show me the reader from whom he stole. Name? Link? Or are these just empty accusations? You also claim he has an ebay identity. Ok, what is it? You also claim he is a Porn Star. That one is laughable. But ok. Where's the proof? I can't find any evidence of this psychic doing anything like that. Be careful when you make such slanderous remarks, because you could be sued for that. Since "xEmilyValentinex" seems to be a new poster who just conveniently popped in to refute my post, and has never been here before, I'm guessing you have many identities here, and this is just more of your mentally pathetic b.s. If any of your accusations are founded on FACT vs. rumor, innuendo, assumptions or just plain gossip, then PLEASE POST PROOF. Otherwise, shut your trap.


Beverly Hills,
Christopher_P uses the handle "Katie" for a fake plant

#190REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, September 23, 2007

Hey Christopher_P clearly you're no good at posting damage control plants to showcase what a saint you are! If you google Christopher_P the various kasamba pages come up and a Keen page. Nothing about PsychicRemedy or charity or the other stuff you want us all to know about. If you google Psychicremedy your cheesy web page comes up, the one that you stole and copied word for word from another reader. The other stuff including the charity scam are things you wanted people here to know about. So try using the google feature yourself before you talk about it in a fake post. Also here's a rating that Christopher_P left XpsychicvisionsX earlier this year. ChristopherP Jan 27 2007 WOW! WOW! Alright. I am a Psychic here on Kasamba and I will tell you that I have ALWAYS went to Andrea because her predictions have always came true! She is a VERY fast typer, and does not waste time. She is very straight forward and tells you the truth. This is VERY important to myself and clients alike. She is always there for her clients, and always has such a great energy to her and her readings. I am really impressed with this past reading and I can not wait to speak with her again. If you want a TRUE reading, in which will not waste your time or money, you have GOT to try the psychic of many psychics - I dont leave great feedback like this for mediocre readers! She has read for myself and many of my personal friends because I trust her. If you try anyone on Kasamba, make sure this one is one hat you do try! Thanks a ton!


Beverly Hills,
Look the perv extends his scam to Reality Charity!!

#191UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, September 23, 2007

Wow the perverted saint that is Christopher_P donates to people in need on Reality Charity! So when he's not putting a self appreciation show on his web cam, or sharing client info with XpsychicvisionX he's giving his scammed money away to "people in need". Come on, if you're going to pull scams on the internet, at least try to make them somewhat plausable! Do you think that someone that's been a reader for just about a year, lies about eveything else, shares information with his group of scammers would donate money to people in need? Possibly some kara balance? No no no it's just more of the scam to build up his false persona. RealityCharity is a site where anyone can set up an account saying "I lost my job, need surgury, and need help." Anyone can set up a profile saying they need help and need to prove nothing. So if you go look there "psychic remedy" which is his handle there has donated $100 to random people with mames like "momof3" or "corninaneedsacar". There are profiles set up by him and his cronies, the scam continues! So instead of planting a fake post here about what a saint you are Chris, you should just say "While sharing client info with XpsychicVisionsX I also gave her $100 to make myself look good!" Your scam is so obvious it's a shame anyone buys into it. This pervert also recently changed the handle on his ebay account to hide the fact that he shares an ebay account with his boyfriend Psychic Blake. We all know you're a scammer and a pervert Christopher_P. Stop hiding behind the God flag and the charity thing. You and the gang need to get together and think of a new angle for your next scam. How about go plant some long ratings for each other? Oh wait you've already done that one to death...


S - where is the PROOF? There is NONE to back up your blatant lies and rants.

#192UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 23, 2007

Okay S - So by your judgement - Becks is "allowed" to sit here and fabricate stories about me all day, that is "in your eyes" perfectly acceptable.. but I am not allowed to say a word, lest I become attacked further? *I* was only stating the truth. Becks is apparently not aware of anything regarding me, as I said - I was accused of being 4 different people on this thread, alongside the fact that she posted BLATANT lies about me, and my profile, even REWORDING things to fit what she "wanted" them to say. But thats *okay* as long as I don't reply, correct? By the same theory also you stated that its noones "business" if Becks sits around google searching people all day - yet, it *IS* apparently everyones business that I don't respond to inquiries about my PERSONAL life? EXCUSE ME? I am under NO obligation to respond to anything that I don't feel is worth my time, and to be quite honest, this entire thread is a load of lies and isn't worth mine or anyone elses time. I didn't skirt any issues. I simply said what is true - *IF* me and ANY EXPERT were sharing personal information with one another, we would be gone. Case CLOSED. Kasamba takes those matters seriously and if I was breaking the rules, best believe - I would be GONE, as would the others mentioned in this obviously fake report. I assure you, theres nothing that I have done that would be cause for legal action against me, I don't slander people for no reason other than that I am bored as some of you do - I also do not make up lies, I state facts and truths. I also have never ripped anyone off, so I'm really not concerned with what you're saying. It has no backing. I agree with "Katie", I think that Becks is nothing more than another Expert, bent on trying to destroy reputations out of jealousy, but you know what? Its not working. This is my CHALLENGE to you S.. or you BECKS... To lay this to rest once and for all on all these fraudulent claims you pose as "hardcore facts" though have never provided proof to - If there is proof to be found that I'm SHARING information with another expert.. POST IT FOR THE WORLD TO SEE! No see.. proof is not "I got a similiar reading..." because HELLO! We're PSYCHICS. If its your truth - its your truth, plain and simple. Just because you went to Jim Bob on Kas and Jim Bob told you that your lover wouldn't come back, and then you went to Barbara down at the metaphysical store and asked the same question - and she said he wouldn't either.. THEY MUST ALSO BE SHARING INFORMATION BY YOUR THEORY.. right? Do you have stone cold proof? Of course you don't, because its NOT happening. Please don't bother replying with the same "WELL ITS LIKE THIS" thread, because if you don't have proof (which I know you don't as the whole thing is a fabrication) then I don't want to hear it. -Andrea


Response to "Becks"

#193UPDATE Employee

Sat, September 22, 2007

Becks wrote: "i am wondering what five sites Christopher_P works at as he states on his profile? Also where is his website he claims keeps him so busy? On an internet search nothing comes up and I cannot find him anywhere but Kasamba and ripoff report." Clearly Becks you don't know how to use Google. It took me all of 5 seconds to answer this question by typing "ChristopherP" into my Google search window. His personal psychic site is psychicremedy. He also shows up as keen, 5starpsychics, and others. He even shows up on a site called RealityCharity where he's donated hundreds of dollars to various people in need. Why all this continued need to slander one of the top psychics? Clearly you're a rival psychic looking to discredit him. Most likely you're jealous of his position on the Kasamba site. This RipOffReport site has turned into a free-for-all, tit-for-tat types of replies, with a lot of meritless accusations being thrown about. A few unstable individuals seem to have nothing better to do than run here and rant about how they feel about psychics. I suggest these people get a life.


United Kingdom
nice try...

#194Consumer Comment

Sat, September 22, 2007

However, your argument simply substantiates what we know about scammer psychics, and that is deflection from the real issues, attacking clients and general ranting. Just because the author is here as "becks", does not mean she/he is a K client under that name! could be NORMAN for all you know! so why you have dedicated such a monumental amount of your response to this is laughable. You have failed to answer questions regarding your "relationship with ChrisP and Blake. Skirted round it maybe, about being on the same page blah blah blah...but not addressed the actual accusations (which are extremely serious) that have been made of you. YET you threaten legal action etc, does not make sense does it? ignore the serious accusations of fraud and scamming people yet shout "slander" from the roof tops about your ratings position on Keen? And these accusations are made by more than just becks. You have been challenged directly earlier on in this thread to answer questions, yet you fail to respond directly. MAYBE YOU THINK PEOPLE ARE STUPID. Also, put your money where your mouth is and GET legal advice if you think you can! Some of us around here are putting our money where our mouth is which is bad news for you and your cronies. Just for the record, it takes 20 seconds to "google" somone not "all day". Come on now I am sure you have tried it! However, if Becks or anyone chooses to sit "all day" at their computer "googling" people it is really none of your or anyones elses business. This thread (indeed this site) is about addressing scams and fraud NOT about individuals past times. This is TYPICAL deflection from the issues that we have come to expect. If we are all wrong and the readings we have had with you are not part of a scam then you will have to do better than this. Again, I for one won't hold my breath.


Also Becks..

#195UPDATE Employee

Fri, September 21, 2007

I haven't had the time to devote to keen as kas does keep me fairly busy, however I AM a 5 star reader on keen, they do not go by an "average" as Kas does, so 5 stars IS the highest you can get - and that I *do* have. So again, entirely wrong. ..as if you didn't entirely discredit yourself earlier in this thread by saying I was 4 different people... You actually take time out of your day to sit around googling peoples names?? Wow.. I really don't know what to say about that.


Becks... Listen up. Try to get it through your head (seriously)

#196UPDATE Employee

Fri, September 21, 2007

Obviously you did NOT read over my profile well. I will not go through the trouble of listing other sites that I'm on - as I'm sure that you and your hoard will stalk and harrass me there as well HOWEVER - I did not say I am the *TOP READER* on every site I've ever been on.. I said I'm "one of"... Perhaps you need to read it again. Also - To my knowledge, noone named "Becks" or even "Becky" has had a reading from me via Kas. Again - Not every psychic connects with every person - so if you are here to drone on about how I gave you a vague reading, perhaps I was not connecting with you, and given the reports you have posted ... I'm sure theres a reason why. I refuse to give readings to those of a negative mindset. Case Closed. So - I'm assuming our "session" (if there even WAS one) never went into hire... I apologize if I could not connect with you.. but are you KIDDING ME? You're here moaning about a "vague" reading that never went into hire? Thats hardly ripping you off. Or maybe I wouldn't read you for free... perhaps thats the whole problem? And in reference to the obviously misguided comment about me and ChristopherP sharing tons of clients - have you took a look at the main page lately? Usually he is right on top of me.. This is not OUR fault.. this is the site's placement. Of COURSE we're going to share some of the same clients, we're on the same place basically on the PAGE. I cannot CONTROL who comes to me for a reading, NOONE CAN - so Becks..tell me.. am I supposed to scan over ChrisP's ratings every day, so I can make a list of clients I "shouldn't take" just because he reads for them too? Getting a bit ridiculous here, aren't we? Think about this, and think about it hard, because I'm growing ever so tired of this whole thing. *IF* me and ChristopherP or ANY OTHER EXPERT for that matter were sharing information - wouldn't Kas have investigated and removed us for doing so? We wouldn't *BE THERE*, we'd be LONG GONE. I think that you need to quit slinging this around because quite honestly it doesn't make any sense at all. You couldn't even get my identity right in this post and have said I'm like 4 different people....I DON'T attempt to cover up who I am. As you can see.. anytime I have posted on here, I have posted as myself...So Lucy isn't me, Nikki isn't me, and while we're at it - Fred Flintstone isn't me either, wanted to put that out there before that was accused as well. This is my first time posting on this post but there IS a little word called SLANDER and a term called "defamation of character". I advise you to step carefully... as twisting around my words to mean what you want them to mean and constantly making up stories about me, is a great big LIE and the legal system oftentimes frowns upon that. I have NEVER ripped anyone off, and the fact that my name keeps being dredged up on here shows me that someone has way too much time on their hands. As always - I love my clients, I respect my clients, and I will always be here to help them and guide them. You can make up whatever other lies you wish to. Obviously my clients know the truth - and Kas knows the truth. and GOD knows the truth, so thats really all that matters isn't it? -Andrea


Bev Hills,
Christopher_P and XPsychicVisionsX Lie on thier profile

#197Consumer Comment

Fri, September 21, 2007

i am wondering what five sites Christopher_P works at as he states on his profile? Also where is his website he claims keeps him so busy? On an internet search nothing comes up and I cannot find him anywhere but Kasamba and ripoff report. Also Andrea Xpsychicvisionsx claims she is the top reader at every site she has worked at...well check her rating out at Keen...not so good and no where near the top reader. If you notice these two share so many clients on thier ratings posts. Much more than the average two experts. One persons leaves a review almost daily in both thier reviews...saying how amazed he is and how wonderful they are. Come on...how many problems does this guy have? They also leave ratings for each other. I feel these two have other profiles as well. These scammers has got to stop over at Kasamba. I would not have noticed this if I didnt get the vague reading from Andrea. It made me realize all this hype has got to be fake.



#198Consumer Comment

Sun, September 16, 2007

I am not Andrea, I am not a reader on Kasamba. End of story.


Bev Hills,
Andrea withdraws her support form Chris_P because the scam was uncovered.

#199Consumer Comment

Sun, September 16, 2007

Of course she has to withdraw her support. Not because she found out anything she never knew, because people caught on! She even went as far to say what wonderful man CP was and she would leave him to care for her child! Now that certainly seems to be a real personal relationship, not just casual. The only reason now she shuns these two (CP and Blake) is to cover up the association with them. That is obvious.


San Francisco,
My 3 cents.

#200UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 16, 2007

I suppose psychic visions is the easter bunny too. Oy... I saw her picture on Kasamba... she has red hair, dare I throw in here she is Santa Claus as well? I don't happen to know her personally but being on the Kasamba site I've seen her blatantly denying on the public Kasamba board any attachment to ChrisPorn or AngelicBlake everytime it has been brought up. According to reliable sources I do know, she dislikes them just as much as everyone else on Kasamba does. I'mt not sure why she would stick up for them. As rumours go: Apparantly psychic visions was once friendly with the two above mentioned but has since ceased speaking with them. Though theres no sure reason to state, I think with all the other reports we can assume one of two things. She discovered something that drove her away about their practices, perhaps she found out that the reports about Chrisporn she previously defended him on were indeed true (or) Agitation grew as she advanced on ChrisPorns positioning on the main page and he got threatened by her advancement thus resulting in them ending their "association" or "friendship" with one another. I can't say for sure, Only speculation on my part... but considering what I've heard lately from others around the Kasamba business psychic visions has made statement after statement about how she "disapproves" of what ChrisP is out there doing. Whether this is a cover up or not, who knows? Where are you at, Andrea? If you bit on the other thread I know you're watching this one too: I'm sure everyone would love an explanation. If you know something that other people don't know about what CP and Blake are doing, or you have the PROOF: don't you owe it to your clients to tell us? I'm not calling you a scammer or a fraud, I've heard too many good things about you to lay a claim of that but I think you found yourself in a position where you were friendly with those that were and thus became guilty by the association. What really happened here? You went from defending them both shamelessly in public forum to seperating your name entirely from theirs? What are they doing that you know about? Did you personally find out the truth? Thats what I, and several others, would really like to know. If you are really as open and caring towards your clients as you claim to be, I would think that you would come forward now.


No she is not

#201Consumer Comment

Sun, September 16, 2007

Becks I can assure you 100% that Lucy is NOT a psychic, does NOT work for Kasamba and never has. She is NOT Andrea.


Bev Hills,
Sorry correction: "Lucy" is Andrea xpsychicvisionsx

#202Consumer Comment

Sat, September 15, 2007

Not "Nickia"... I know for a fact that "Lucy" is Andrea xpsyhicvisionsX


Bev Hills,
Sorry correction: "Lucy" is Andrea xpsychicvisionsx

#203Consumer Comment

Sat, September 15, 2007

Not "Nickia"... I know for a fact that "Lucy" is Andrea xpsyhicvisionsX


Bev Hills,
Sorry correction: "Lucy" is Andrea xpsychicvisionsx

#204Consumer Comment

Sat, September 15, 2007

Not "Nickia"... I know for a fact that "Lucy" is Andrea xpsyhicvisionsX


Bev Hills,
Sorry correction: "Lucy" is Andrea xpsychicvisionsx

#205Consumer Comment

Sat, September 15, 2007

Not "Nickia"... I know for a fact that "Lucy" is Andrea xpsyhicvisionsX


Bev Hills,
ChristopherP, Blake and Andrea xpsychicvisionsx are all in this together

#206Consumer Comment

Sat, September 15, 2007

It is pretty clear that "Nickia" is Andrea XpsychicvisionsX It is well known that Christopher P and Blake live together and Andrea is thier little cronie. They are a cliche on Kasamba that share client information and plant phoney ratings for themselves to booste their rankings. It is so obvious it is comical. The ratings and rantings on their reviews are so fake it makes me sick. Andea who claims to be 99% accurate, well thats because she gets all her information from her buddies. No one, not even Silvia Brown (who is a fake too) even has the nerve to even claim 99% accuracy. I got a reading from her alone and she was generalizing, vague and clueless. Her predictions never came to pass either. So I wonder what this little gang would do without each other?


United Kingdom
yes he is..

#207Consumer Comment

Thu, September 13, 2007

and "Nickia" it appears has not taken up the offer of presenting evidence of her experience with ChristopherP either. So it looks like this is just one fake psychic bashing another fake psychic.



#208Consumer Comment

Thu, September 13, 2007

Now back to ChrisP, Kasamba couldn't have taken the investigation too seriously because he is still there, and charging $20 a minute. Anyone who pays $20 a minute must need their head read........and not by a psychic.


and I meant it - the feedback about SR

#209Consumer Comment

Thu, September 13, 2007

lol..SR told me about the dogster site. SR is one of the few readers who did NOT try to lead me on with false promises. Nearly two years later I realise that her advice was sound. She was tough but her advice was good and, in the end it appears that she was correct. In all the research that I have done I have not heard a bad thing about SR (apart of course from the space cadet who appears to be stalking her). Sure her advice is tough and I can understand how vulnerable people can think she is wrong when they are told the opposite by those who want to milk them for money. There are some good experts on Kasamba but the issue is that they tend to get bundled in with the con artists. I always planned to exclude the good ones from any initiatives that I take to address the fraudulent practices on K. The KV group members know this and also are aware that I respect their opinion about individual experts. SR is one of the experts who fit that category. Clients often give good ratings because they are given false hope. SR was tough and she still got a good rating from me and I think that speaks volumes about her ability and integrity. She DID get the situation correct. Give it up 'Got Me'...really...get some help or something ...honestly...you really need it.


Spiritual Readings - Iris

#210Consumer Comment

Wed, September 12, 2007

Iris has read for me and I can confirm, she told me exactly what she wrote above. She does not encourage addictive behaviour, she does not want you to blow all your money on psychics, she is honest (sometimes brutally), she wants her clients to "wake up" and get a life independant of psychics, and she also read for me for free once. Her honesty actually encouraged me to go back to her when I finally became sick of all the crap from the other readers. And I am not a friend of hers, simply a client who was indeed helped by her. GotMe, if I was a reader and had angry, abusive clients coming to me, I wouldn't be too polite to them either!!!


Do Not Frequent Fake Psychics

#211Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 12, 2007

I don't know ANY psychics whom you can call and they will be able to give you an accurate reading... An accurate psychic has to get his/her readings of a oerson's aura IN PERSON and NOT on the phone! It also helps to zero in by giving the subject a Tarot card reading which absolutely positively can NOT be done over a phone line.

Spiritual Readings

New Jersey,
PROOF that Janice is NOT Spiritual Readings

#212UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 12, 2007

Ok GotMe. You think you're so smart with your silly accusations. 1. Go to the ratings page for Spiritual Readings. 2. Get yourself to page 26. Go ahead, I know you can do it, you little troll... We'll all wait while you do that. Ok. Are you there? What do you see near the bottom of the page? What's that you see? A review dated 12/27/2005 from janice180501? Well, whadda ya know? She rated 5 stars and wrote: "outstanding and wonderfull - got the situation and gave great advice - highly recommended - thanks :) will do as u suggest" So, um, how exactly is Janice the same person as Spiritual Readings? LOL. Go ahead, argue yourself out of this one with more red herrings.

Spiritual Readings

New Jersey,
Message to GOT ME (and I know who you are)

#213UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 12, 2007

Once again, "Got Me" (located in Oz, California Denmark) posts a ridiculous statement on yet another thread about me. 1. I am Spiritual Readings on Kasamba, and I assure you I am not Janice. 2. My business is doing quite well as anyone can see by reading my ratings/reviews. 3. I have already explained the change of screen name and photo on another thread where you accused me with your ridiculous rants. I will not repeat the answer here. 4. Yes, it is my goal to help clients who are addicted. And yes, it is terrible that so many ARE defrauded. Many "psychics" take advantage of them when they are their most vulnerable. This does not only occur on Kasamba, but also occurs on Keen and everywhere on the Internet as well as in the "real world." That is the nature of psychic readings and those who go to psychics. Most clients are seeking comfort or promises of a happy future with someone who has already left their lives. Why do you think the disclaimer "for entertainment purposes" is on every listing? 5. Got me wrote: "The clients pick the readers so she would have no way of getting only the clients deemed addictive or that had actually had problems with other readers....." Well that is a short-sighted comment. EVERY client is addicted (not addictive). And at some point, they all become disenchanted after enough predictions haven't come true. I do not have to "seek" these clients. It is only a matter of time before many of them end up at my cyber doorstep, wanting someone to give them truth and set them free from their misery. They are tired of holding on and waiting for someone. 6. Again, most of the readers have changed their names and/or photos at one time or another. I'm sure many had less-than-honorable reasons for doing so, but my purpose was for marketing. Nothing is killing my Kasamba business. Not even Got Me's vindictive and vengeful posts on this website. I know who she is. She is an ex-client of mine who I finally blocked. She is obsessive, addicted and in serious need of psychiatric help. Regardless, these accusations that somehow mix my identity up with Janice grow tiresome. I am a reader on Kasamba. She appears to be a former client of the site. My Kasamba business is NONE of Got Me's business. I am above board at all times. I have nothing to be ashamed of, as my first priority is to HELP people. I do more free readings than paid ones. My price is low because I'm not doing it for the money. When my price goes up, it is either the middle of the night or when I'm otherwise disposed, and I only want to take a call if it's worth my time. Also, Kasamba's ranking system includes your availability. So it's better to have the price way up high and be online, than to sign off and lose position/ranking. Notice that Got Me only attacks me, and no other readers. She clearly has a vendetta simply because I severed my ties with her, and now she is stalking me just as she stalked her ex-boyfriend. I know that most of you see through her rants, and I appreciate those of you who stand up and acknowledge that Janice and I are not the same person, but clearly Got Me has a screw loose and has nothing better to do. :)


United Kingdom
Please go away Got Me

#214Consumer Comment

Wed, September 12, 2007

You keep making the same bizzare accusations re Janice. SHE IS NOT SPIRITUAL READINGS!! GOT IT! GOT ME? When you are challenged on this you don't respond, just simply move the same old guff to another thread! Why don't you respond to responses Got Me? Thats mature and makes for a good constructive argument. I won't hold my breath though.


United Kingdom
Please go away Got Me

#215Consumer Comment

Wed, September 12, 2007

You keep making the same bizzare accusations re Janice. SHE IS NOT SPIRITUAL READINGS!! GOT IT! GOT ME? When you are challenged on this you don't respond, just simply move the same old guff to another thread! Why don't you respond to responses Got Me? Thats mature and makes for a good constructive argument. I won't hold my breath though.



#216Consumer Comment

Wed, September 12, 2007


Got Me

Janice Is Spiritual Readings on Kasamba she Disappeared because she was cutting her own throat while biting the hand that feeds her

#217Consumer Comment

Wed, September 12, 2007

We all know Janice is Spiritual Readings on Kasamba. Her business was dropping rapidly, she had to lower her price from $8.88 a minute to $2.50 per minute to even get clients, plus she was getting many NOT so good reviews. Her response to why she STILL works on K daily,collects a paycheck, if she thinks their so horrible, is going to out them etc and her response is"So I can help the cleints that are addicted or have been defrauded by others" But you can bet she isnt doing it for free. The clients pick the readers so she would have no way of getting only the clients deemed addictive or that had actually had problems with other readers..... She has used many names since she started on Kasamba, Spirit Sister, Metfizzical Insights, Iris the Messenger, and now Spiritual Readings and I dont know how many different picture changes. She disappeared because it was killing her Kasamba business....... imagine that....... HER KASAMBA BUSINESS


Janice a fraud?

#218Consumer Comment

Wed, September 12, 2007

Only Janice can answer that and she seems to have disappeared from here. One thing I find interesting, because Janice is attempting to take some kind of action against Kasamba, everyone has jumped on her. All those that have critisized her must have a reason - either protecting themselves, protecting their income? If it wasnt going to effect them in a detrimental way, they would be cheering her on, instead they try to put her down for taking a stand, not only for herself, but for others who have fallen into the same trap. So to all those who are working on Kasamba, if you are true to your clients and genuinely gifted, then you have nothing to worry about.


District of Columbia,

#219Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 11, 2007

hi im a customer on kasamba.com and im looking at this: JANICE 180501 jan 11 2006 wonderfull wonderfull advice and elaboration ACCURATE predictions Garys predictions are always right - i just need advice and details to handle the big picture- i keep coming bac because hes so spot on it is all unfolding as he said in august -everything-lol-i just need confirmation but in retrospect - all the detailed predictions have come to pass and the big picture is happening ezactly as he said :) and im WONDWERING is this the same janice or not that seems to be head of this group saying that people got things wrong . If not i apoligise but seems like if it is that this janice person herself is a bit suspect? Why would they say that predcition is worng is they sent this up as a comment and there lots more too. is this the same one or no?


United Kingdom
well I have to say.....

#220Consumer Comment

Tue, September 11, 2007

I would of thought this would be one issue that Kasamba would deal with....only because it directly hits their pockets/profits. If proof was provided in terms of emails, phone numberts etc, then there would not be much more to investigate. However, if it is true then lets hope he is removed swiftly. For your information Freya Janice and her little crew (quite like that actually) did not just jump on it without thought. If you read my post properly I said "if this is true" then advised. Nicki will have no issue in contacting Janice if it is true and providing the evidence she states she has as she also has stated she wants to do somthing about it....so we shall see won't we.


Kasamba investigation

#221Consumer Comment

Tue, September 11, 2007

What I don't get is that if Kasamba has had NUMEROUS complaints about ChrisP, why is he still allowed on the site? Is Kasamba being totally uncaring about how many people get hurt in the pursuit of their dollar? I've found this hard to believe as I've had a reading with ChrisP and he seemed very good - I'm just surprised. You just never know who you're dealing with. BUYER BEWARE!


Christopher P BUSTED

#222Author of original report

Tue, September 11, 2007

Well its' official. Kasamba has started this investigation. Also Chris told me in an EMAIL that Freya was him when I had originally found the rip off reports which he said were people trying to tear about his upstanding Christian character. Well KASAMBA has CONFIRMED that the home address, email addresses and phone numbers ARE AUTHENTIC! and that this is not Kasamba's FIRST report about CHristopher P. They are NOT happy about it and they are persuing an investigation as we speak as I had spoken with them not to long ago. Looks like Christopher P and his little Kasamba Minions (Blake) days are NUMBERED! Thank the good lord that he has PREVAILED and EXPOSED Christopher P for what he truly is!


My Response

#223Author of original report

Tue, September 11, 2007

I have spoken with Kasamba and given the the facts. They do have the information and emails shared between Christopher P and myself. I also provided them his email address as well as phone numbers. Kasamba also stated that they have ALREADY received numerous complaints about Christopher P. I also provided them home address, phone numbers, and email address all of which Kasamba confirmed were authentic. So it looks to me that THANK GOD this Scammer and his minions days are numbered on Kasamba! Nicki


Let us please look at the facts.

#224Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 11, 2007

OK, unlike Janice and her crew who immediately jump to conclusions without taking a look at the big picture, let's just take a look at the facts surrounding this situation first, before we jump into anything, shall we? For starters, you're accusing ChristopherP of taking you off of Kasamba to take money from you. He would have had to have done this via Kasamba, as that would have been your only method of communication. Kasamba monitors ALL emails sent from client to expert and vice-versa, they also monitor ALL live chat sessions. They have a VERY STRICT policy in regards to experts taking clients off site and that results in removal from Kasamba.com. As of today, 9/10, ChristopherP is still an expert on Kasamba Had Christopher attempted to take you offsite, Kasamba would have realised this as they have people who monitor the goings on of Kasamba, he would have been removed from the site for a serious breach of the TOS. So unlike Janice, S, Lucy and the rest of them, I've done what any good researcher should have done, i've taken a deeper look into the issue, i've discussed the facts and based on what I have found, I am making the statement that I do not believe this report. There is no way ChristopherP could have provided you with any of his personal details without being removed from Kasamba, the same goes for yourself, as disclosing personal information results in permanent removal from Kasamba.


United Kingdom
sorry to hear that Nicki

#225Consumer Comment

Mon, September 10, 2007

If that happened to you then there IS away forward. Go to kasambavictims on Yahoo and speak to Janice, she is being VERY pro-active about scammers.


United Kingdom
sorry to hear that Nicki

#226Consumer Comment

Mon, September 10, 2007

If that happened to you then there IS away forward. Go to kasambavictims on Yahoo and speak to Janice, she is being VERY pro-active about scammers.

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