  • Report:  #46963

Complaint Review: CIC Credit Monitoring - Orange California

Reported By:
- Homewood, Alabama,

CIC Credit Monitoring
One City Blvd. West, Suite 401 Orange, 92868 California, U.S.A.
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Applied for a free credit report on their web site. There was a section where you had to enter your credit card number (it said that you would not be charged, this was for account validity purposes only).

I did NOT get a report online immediately (the first lie). 2 weeks after I applied I got a letter in the mail with login info. I logged in and got my report (which was utterly useless and formatted in a pretty illegible / incomprehensible manner).

A couple of weeks later I saw a charge of $79.95 on my credit card. The information did not show me if I had good credit or not at all! It is just a con to get you to give them your credit card number!


Homewood, Alabama

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