  • Report:  #169905

Complaint Review: Circuit City Inc. - Richmond Virginia

Reported By:
- Southfield, Michigan,

Circuit City Inc.
9954 Maryland Dr. Richmond, 23233-1464 Virginia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchased a Laptop computer in July 2001 with an extended service warranty to repair or replace the unit if it had any problems that Circuit City could not repair. Laptop was sent in for repair in 2002 for hardware problems the first time after my son sat for several hours with a technician on the phone doing various "fixes".

CC techs were desperately trying to demonstrate the problem was software, not hardware which they would have to fix. Finally the laptop was sent in a couple of times but never worked as it should. My son was away at school and needed the laptop so he made do. We purchased another computer for him becaue the laptop became too unreliable for consistent use for a university student. He gave the unit to his sister last year where it began to have serious problems.

Laptop began to have problems consistently and was sent in for repairs the 3rd week of July 2005 and returned between 7- 26 and 7-28, 2005. Between July 28,2005 and October 12, 2005 a number of phone conversations with service techs from Insurance Solutions, which is a company Circuit City contracts to perform warranty work and is the actual seller of the warranty purchased through the Circuit City stores, took place.

The unit was sent to Insurance Solutions for servicing. Servicing is reflected in a number of documented phone calls to Circuit City/Insurance Solutions which I have in my records. The phone number is: 800-555-4615. All calls were made after unit had been sent to Circuit City/Insurance Solutions and returned to me. The service warranty states unit would be replaced if sent in for servicing for the same problem three times.

Each time unit was sent to repairs it was for the same problem. In fact, it was the same problem that occurred in 2002. The problem is the unit turns pages and types additional letters as you are typing. In the middle of typing a sentence the unit goes off on it's own typing letters that are not being typed and turns the page if you pause momentarily. Below is a condensed version of a phone conversation dated either July 28 or 29, 2005. This particular conversation is relevant because it's basically an admission that the unit had met the criteria in the service warranty.

I called the service tech. and he wanted to do the recovery system again on the computer. I told him that I had been through this twice already. He said that he didn't have any of the notes from the previous times that I had called and needed to get all of the information and history from me again because the two techs before him failed to enter the information. There wasn't any information on the two times that I had sent in the laptop for service.

The techs never entered what they did to the laptop to "fix it" even though I requested that they do so the third time. I was told that they weren't required to do so, but he would make the request anyway. I asked him what would happen if the laptop still was not fixed. He said that after the this time the company would do one of two things:

1. Take my laptop and issue me a refurbished computer (not new)

2. Offer me a "gift certificate" for the amount I paid for the computer. Therefore I could use that amount to purchase a new one-but it most likely wouldn't cover the entire cost of the laptop because laptops costs more now. He than asked which one would I want to do. I told him that I would want the "gift certificate".

After 45 minutes of going over the history of the laptop again, he said that he was going to issue a box to send it in and this was going to be the third time. If it wasn't FIXED this time then I would get the "gift certificate".

When the computer was returned to me (after the third time it was sent in) I pulled it out of the box and there was loose screws on the bottom. I tried using the computer and it was still having the same problems. I called in again and they had me do the recovery (again) and asked if I had put the Internet on the computer. I said no. They kept saying that it most likely was spyware. I said how is it spyware if I just took it out of the box?? He said that I had to send it in again. I told him what the other tech said and he said, (I couldn't believe this!) the other tech was probably just saying that to make me feel better by telling me that information but knowing all the time that the information was false.

Therefore, I had to send the computer back in AND they said that I it was only the second time for it being turned in. They said they weren't counting it consecutively because the issue wasn't the SAME issue. From my understanding of the service contract for the laptop, that validates the contract.

When the unit was returned to me it had the same problem which Circuit City/Insurance Solutions has yet to disclose what it is. Without a valid diagnosis of the problem this would go on endlessly which I believe is the intentions of Circuit City/Insurance Solutions.

I can't take the unit to an independent repair person because if the unit is opened up it voids the warranty. Circuit City/Insurance Solutions can continue to operate unethically and play out this charade of repairing the unit for as long as it benefits them. My phone conversation on October 5,2005 was to inform them I was tired of the run around and I would find another was to resolve this problem.

I asked for names, ID numbers, titles of people I spoken with, address and name of the company. I was not given last names, I was told they couldn't give me the address but they eventually did and I requested a diagnosis of the problem but there was not response. Laptop was at Circuit City/Insurance Solutions when this conversation took place.

Below is a condensed version of my last conversation with Circuit City/Insurance Solutions after Laptop was returned on October 12, 2005.

I called the service people again when I received the laptop and it wasn't working again. The "A" key was fixed because it was loose. But other than that it was still typing by itself and flipping pages. Circuit City/Insurance Solutions didn't want to speak with me because I didn't have the laptop with me. I asked why do I have to have it with me when it doesn't work and this is the same old problem that's been going on for months. I am NOT doing another recovery, wasting my time. The tech said he would get a manager for me. I was on hold for 5 minutes and I hung up. That was the last contact I had with them. This

The Circuit City store where the Laptop was purchased, Southfield, Michigan has closed. I took the unit to the Circuit City store in Troy, Mi where I was informed the stores do not accept units for repair I had to call a service number to be assisted, 1-800-the city. I called the number, a shipping box was sent, the unit was sent to Circuit City/Insurance Solutions P.O. Box 551756 Dallas, Texas 75355 via DHL shipping.

The phone at Insurance Solution is answered: Circuit City. On October 5 I spoke with Darren, a service tech ID# 4540, his supervisor is Jeff ID# 6569 and the man is charge is Tom and they refused to give me any other identifying information nor would they provide surnames. The case number I referred to for servicing is 6425573.

I have the laptop, un-repaired in my possession and I have not contacted Circuit City/Insurance Solutions since. Yes, I have filed a report with the BBB. I am filing a report here, I will file a report with the State Attorney's Generals Office of the State of Michigan and also file a small claims lawsuit. If anyone has any additional courses of action I can take please feel free to respond to this report.


Southfield, Michigan

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9 Updates & Rebuttals


: Circuit City-Round Robin Extended warranty not honored Dallas Texas & Richmond

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 08, 2006

Hi Tonia, First I should say, you can't really make them give you anything and the best way to approach this is from a non-adversarial perspective. Ask CC what is the dollar amount they are working with. If you can tie them down to a set of numbers that will give you more options. If they won't do that than inform them you would like something as close to what you have as possible. You probably will not get the exact same computer but tell CC you would like a different model and you would stay within the dollar amount quoted to you, if they gave you one. You can look up the dollar value of the laptop they offered you, find something you like in that price range and approach them with that information. Ask them what type of warranty you would get with the new computer and would the monies you paid for the warranty on the old laptop be refunded so you can purchased a warranty for the new laptop. CC is offering you a model that is less because they are looking at the fact that the original laptop depreciated in value over the time you had it. A court would see that as reasonable. You can recoup some monies if you purchase a model that has a number of CC and brand rebates. CC doesn't care about your ability to chose your own products, they just want to deal with this as cheaply as possible. Also, since you purchased your laptop from a store that is now closed a physical store or some part of the company is going to take a loss. This may be why they want to send you a model from the company-thus not short changing a store. Stores compete against each other so if a particular store is basically giving out freebies that management is not happy. The best approach in a non-adversarial one as I stated before. Hold your ground with them but at the same time present yourself as willing to work with them. If CC seems completely unreasonable than follow through with your option to go to court but don't tell them. They will just see it as a ploy. If you're completely unhappy with their offer just tell them you need to think about it. Document all communication with CC, file a Better Business report and than file a small claims suit. The minute you're presented with a viable offer get it in writing immediately. Best of luck. Rhonda


Circuit City Warranty company wants to deal!

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, June 03, 2006

Hi Rhonda, Thanks for the quick response. I got a response back on Wednesdy from the warranty company. Her name was Gina unfortnuately I missed her call. I finally spoke to her Friday June 2. She stated they want to replace my laptop and have offer to send me a brand new Compaq v4440us laptop. When I asked if I could choose a different brand model seeing how I have had such much trouble with my compaq 2105us model she stated I couldn't and that if I decided on a different model she could not gurantee it would be new. Here is my problem :the notebook she is offering me is $180 less than the original price of my notebook, they are not offering any warranties or refunding me the cost of my warranty. It feels like they are trying to force me to accept a notebook I don't want. Second I am quite capable of choosing my own technology products and under their warranty they are liable for the full cost of my notebook plus tax. How were you able to get them to allow you to choose your own notebook at the store which is what I am asking to do. Should I contact legal again. Would appreciate any advice and insight you have?


Circuit City-Round Robin Extended warranty not honored Dallas Texas & Richmond Virginia

#4Author of original report

Fri, June 02, 2006

Hi Tonia, I filed a small claims suit at the City of Southfield City Hall on Evergreen Rd. I suggest you also file a small business claims just to demonstrate you're making an honest effort to resolve this. Make sure you have all your phone calls documented with dates, times and contents of conversation. Also, get the names of any individuals you spoke with. Everything has to be tight to demonstrate to the courts you have really gone out of your way to give CC time to make repairs. CC will receive a copy of the suits you file and you need to prove to them you mean business. They won't respond until a day or so before your court date so be patient. Better Business Bureau won't do much but it's a necessary step I think to shake up CC. Maybe if they get enough bad reports about CC they will investigate. Good luck.


Where did you file suit in southfield

#5Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 01, 2006

Hi Rhonda, I too purchased a laptop from circuit city's now closed southfield michigan store. After several botched repairs they are now refusing to repair or replace my laptop. I was wondering where did you actually go to file suit and was the cost. Needless to say I have had it with Circuit City.



#6Author of original report

Tue, March 07, 2006

It has been about 7 1/2 months since I began my battle with Circuit City's Warranty Department and it took a report to the BBB and a small claims law suit to force them to do what they should have done months ago-replace my laptop as indicated in the service warranty. Circuit City and I were scheduled to go to court on February 15, 2006. February 14 a message was left on my answering machine by Tamara Shepherd a paralegal from Circuit City Corporate Legal Dept. stating we could resolve the matter without going to court. We spoke the next day and came to terms which provided me with a new laptop and a check which would pay for the 4 year service warranty. Upon returning the inoperable laptop to CC I was given a store credit which was applied towards the new laptop. Considering the old one was 4 years old, I was getting a better product. It took a few visits to get a laptop I was happy with because the Store Manager & Sales Manages were guiding me towards the unit they wanted me to have which was a lower end Toshiba. Management definitely had a bug up their butts. I didn't have the old unit with me so this gave me the opportunity to email the legal department and tell they I wasn't happy with the way I was being "guided" towards a specific model. I was unavailable for the next 8 days so I emailed legal and let them know I wouldn't be back to the store until the weekend of March 4-5. When I returned to the store on March 4, the Manager greeted me and on the walk to the computer department I informed him I had not selected his store it was the District Manager who suggested I come there. The energy shifted and he really lightened up from that point. I selected the laptop I wanted-an HP, which has a $250.00 rebate. The Management staff actually became friendly. Surprise. One of the Service Managers read all the emails on the small claims suit and had a lot of questions on how to file, where to file, who pays for what, how long it takes, etc. Don't know what that's about and didn't ask. Perseverance and patience paid off in my case. I'm told by the CC Management that CC has a new warranty company. So me dilemma is do I get an extended warranty for the new laptop or not? Any suggestions?


Circuit City-Round Robin Extended warranty not honored Dallas Texas & Richmond Virginia

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, February 09, 2006

Thanks Tonia, I have filed a small claims suit in the city of Southfield where the laptop was purchased. It's scheduled for February 15. I initially filed a report with the BBB and received a letter from them last week. Circuit City's' response to their inquiry was they couldn't discuss the case with BBB because their legal department was handling the case. However, Circuit City didn't respond to the BBB until the 45 day time frame had expired from the time I initially filed with them. Circuit City has not contacted me so I am assuming they will show up in court on the 15th. We'll just have to wait and see.


Stay On them

#8Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 09, 2006

Hi Rhonda, You may want to write a letter to the legal department and call them. I have gotten results that way.


Round Robin-they may be giving you the run around

#9Author of original report

Sat, December 31, 2005

You state the laptop may have "liquid damage" and "they don't want to turn you down." Please explain exactly what "liquid damage" means? If there is an issue with "liquid damage" it certainly is no fault of mine therefore ethically, morally & legally Circuit City is at fault and have violated the terms of the warranty. Regardless, by Circuit City and their warranty company accepting physical custody of the laptop and performing any work on it is an admission it falls within the terms of the warranty. I don't think this company has a problem turing me or anyone else down for anything if you've read any of the unethical business practice reports of Circuit City customers. Bottom line, Circuit City is conducting business in a highly unethical manner. A friend of mine took his laptop to Circuit City for repairs. He was told it had to be sent out but complained and the salesperson did some "fixes" on it so he wouldn't have to send it out. He was fortunate because this guy build computer as a second job. After he fixed the problem and gave the laptop back to my friend his parting words were "you should have purchased this from Best Buy, CompUSA, MicroWorld. Any place but here. When the employees make statements such as this, you know there is something unethical going on.


Crystal Lake,
they may be giving you the run around

#10UPDATE Employee

Sat, December 31, 2005

From what your problem is, it sounds like it might be liquid damage, I've seen many w/ the same problem Therefore they may be giving you the run around because they don't want to turn you down. Just a bit of input

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