  • Report:  #2688

Complaint Review: circuit city - richmond Virginia

Reported By:
- westport, ct,

circuit city
9950 mayland dr. richmond, 23233 Virginia, U.S.A.
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Fraud,decient,liers... I could write a book here but got to keep it short. I bought a laptop computer from Circuit City and bought the 'extended service plan'.When it developed problems I submitted it for service.I got it back the same day.The service report consisted of lies.(besided it never went anywhere to be serviced to begin with !!!).In follow-up complaints I have till now recieved 5 different excuses.NO--THESE ARE NOT PROBLEMS WITH REPAIR BUT EXCUSES WHY MY WARRANTY IS VOID. When Circuit City started getting legal inquiries they notices 4 excuses were not in the legal contract. NEXT? I get a call from somebody I could hardly make out phone number on answering machine.I return call.I meet a nasty person drilling me questions that I honestly could not understand.WHY.The person was speaking very bad english if any.I ended up hanging up.SORRY==BUT NASTY PERSON AND I LITERALLY COULD NOT UNDERSTAND THE LANGUAGE. O--this person has a nice english user-name of Bill Cunningham. THIS PERSON WRITES OUT A REPORT OF FICTION WHERE I'M ADMITTING 'WARRANTY VOIDERS'.NOW WHEN EVER THERES ANOTHER INQUIRY TO THEM FROM A GOVERNMENT AGENCY IS JUST CC: CC: SO--PLEASE EDUCATE YOURSELF AS TO THIS COMPANY !!!!!!! The internet is filled with stories of getting ripped off by Circuit City for microwaves and toasters,etc. but a laptop computer? You feel sorry for me? http://tonopah.bizland.com/index.html .

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