  • Report:  #303606


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- ALANTA, Georgia,

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From: "Collin" Add Mobile Alert

To: "'Harley XXXX'"

Subject: RE: links

Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 22:56:05 -0500


When I closed down my studio of 3,500 sq feet and moved down here to this one 500 sq foot bedroom trailer I threw a lot of stuff away, including most of my files, contacts, contracts and records for the studio business ----- all just about everything since the majority of the money had dried up and I was no longer shooting adult.

I only have Stans email address which is [email protected] his mailing address is

National A-1 Internet, Inc.


106 South 7th Street

Philadelphia, PA 19106

Attn: Stan Gibell

I have not talked with Cliff Works of Works Wide International in Miami in over 3 years and have no contact info on him --- as you know I do not pay income tax and my attorney advised me to dump all records of business of my studio incase of an audit.. I suppose you could do a search on Google for Works Wide Intern. and see what you come up with.

The only things I still have are the master tapes of all the video that I shot with the master DVD's. I have them secured in air tight boxes in storage. All files releases, forms; receipts have been disposed of when I moved out of Atlanta to come to Florida Stan does have copies of all ID's model releases, title 18 stuff as required by law.

I do recall that our agreement was that you would receive 50% of all commissions that I earned off of your videos

Because of all the sxxx with Charlie and Billie I closed down my business and left Atlanta with a bitter taste in my mouth and a big disdain for the adult business.

I am doing commercial and wedding videos now and just keeping a low profile and spending as much time as I can with my 83 year old father.

That is why I emailed you today to ask for the money back that I had loaned you.




rom: Harley XXXX ]

Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 7:14 PM

To: Collin

Subject: RE: links

I want their numbers and I would like copies of our contract...

Collin wrote:


Movie dollars is Stan Gibell --- the screen shots that I sent to you -- don't know who the other people are and BBW dreams is probably Cliff out of Miami Florida


After that I will gladly give you all your master tapes and DVDs back along with Lizzys and you can sell them to your hearts content -- I will have Stan remove them from Movie Dollars.



ALANTA, Georgia


CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

10 Updates & Rebuttals

Mica West

United States of America

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, May 09, 2012

Hi my name is Lindsey, formally known as MICA WEST. Collin J Towers took porn of me when I was 17 years old and its still on line. He's a horrible manipulative person that will rot in h**l. I cant wait to SUE HIS A**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


San Antonio,
responce to Tina and Cara

#3Author of original report

Thu, February 21, 2008

Hi Tina , I am Harley Rose. I really don't know what to say except during the time I worked for Collin He was advertising everywhere so I'm not understanding How it was hard for you to find him for 20 years. I also wondering if the person that is responding to you might Be Collin Him self.. There was Never a Cara that knew me or worked with me during the time I was working with Collin.. Now Collin was always nervous of being accused of rape or something stupid and that is why he always had I d's up front.. If Cara did a complete back ground check the he/she would know that his record isn't clean .. He has been in court several times over the years for messing people over. Cara would also know that when Collin was in the selling Homes she would also know that he never paid his taxes and owed them several hundred thousand dollars there for he was taken to court and had to pay back alot of money.. Now some of that was being paid back but when times got hard he quit paying taxes and that is the reason to why he is running from the IRS.. along with his video business! I don"t know you but I am wondering my self why you would post after my post because these are two very different subjects.. I personally have never known Collin to make a girl do any thing she didn't want to.and I know that any thing Collin does has to be about money and for Cara to ask if you are a porn star Im not understanding what that has to do with this, If you are a porn star don't let this person make you feel like a cheap person .. there are alot of women who are porn star's and they make dam good money sad to say if Cara is married I'm sure her husband loves to look at most porn too As far as me sleeping with Collin I never did that although we did do certain things together we never actually had sex! The only girl I have ever known Collin to really have sex with was Charlie..but I am sure there are others! I say these things because they are true, I don't know if you are lying about this All I can say is good luck to you.. accusing someone of being a pedophile is a big thing. I hope you find some peace in your life because after 20 years Hun I am not so sure Our justice system would do any thing about it.because it was so long ago and there has to be solid proof not just your word against his.. My only problem with Collin was the way he did his models Not that he was a pedophile. and there are more complaints on record beside Mine and Charlie and Lizzy.. there were several others but those girls moved on to something better..My question to Cara is are you a porn star too because other than Collin's daughter the only time he was around women was to make money off of them..I'm sure you are one of those women too! And My slandering Collin well every thing I say Cara was very true.. He does rip women off and he will do what ever it takes to cover his as&^%.So if you want to be his side kick and take up for him good luck ,, it will be a matter of time before he screws you too if he hasn't already..If you have something to say to me Then say it other wise leave me and Lizzy out of this one.. And just to update on what is going on between Me and Collin, he send some letters to the old house address and the lady sent them back..She did send me copies before sending them back.. He is upset that I had posted things about him that are true and was basically threating me with my video's... My advice to Collin is to not contact me or Lizzy and he knows and I know he doesn't want to end up in court because he would be in jail for tax invasion and fraud!! I liked and respect Collin At one time but not any more.. and Charlie never recanted with him... She is very much upset with Collin for the bad business he had with her.. And also Cara when A man is over 18 ,has sex with a 15 or 16 yr old it is still considered some type of rape! You need to get your facts before you start bashing this Tina person .. You do not Know her and neither do I .you should let Collin take up for him self after all he is a grown man! .. If she were to be 17 then it might be different.My advice to you is clean up your own mess and stay out of others,..The only information you have is what Collin is telling you to write if that is even your real Name.. For All I know you could be Collin .and If Tina Is lying then I'm sure that will all come out in the open... But you have No right to Bash her when you were not there , So go clean up your own mess and stay out of things that really don't concern you! and if you wondering why I say these things, I don't think you had a right bringing my name into this.. I don't know neither one of you and my dealing with Collin are way different then this subject.. Good luck to both of you..

Cara Ciliberta

This is a response to Tina.

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, February 19, 2008

Tina - Is that your real name? If you accuse someone of something negative like this doesn't that person have the right to know who his accuser is? Why did you not state your full name? You call Mr. Towers a pedophile. Do you know what that word means? It means "An adult who is sexually attracted to a child or children." You state you were 15. Were you 15 going on 16? Doesn't sound to me that you were a child. Were you one of his models back then? Did your parents drop you off? Did they know that Towers tried to sleep with you? And if not why did you not tell them? And why wait over 20 years to make this accusation public? You should be around 41 years old now is that fair to assume? According to public records Towers had a commercial photo studio in Atlanta from 1980 until 2006. He should have not been that hard to find especially with all the advertising that he did to promote his business. I find it very interesting that you would post your ludicrous comment following comments against Mr. Towers by Harley Rose and Lizzy Love Goddess. Are you a porn star like they are? I feel sorry for you that you have held a grudge for Towers for so many years and now you want him in jail. Why didn't you have him put in jail back then? I have done a complete background check on Mr. Towers and after him shooting professionally in Atlanta for over 25 years the only complaints on record are from Stacy Page and Harley Rose. And Stacy had recanted after sitting down and talking with him. I find it laughable that you have decided after all these years to add to Harley's comments slandering a man of character. At least Towers did not try and sleep with Harley.


J. Collin Towers is a Pedophile

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, February 14, 2008

Collin Towers is a pedophile and it is my opinion that he should be in prison for life. He tried to sleep with me in the early 1980's, when I was 15 years old. I lost track of him for the past 20+ years but apparently he is a more despicable person than ever. I googled him to try and locate any information which might help to get him put in jail after all these years and I found this site. I am stunned and saddened by what I found here, as well as by the recent dates of these postings. Collin Towers is a horrible and dangerous man. I am appalled that anyone would defend this loathsome human being. I warn you: do not get involved in any way with this man. If you can do anything to have him arrested, convicted and taken off the streets, please, do whatever it takes.


San Antonio,
Thanks Lizzy

#6Author of original report

Tue, January 29, 2008

Hey Thanks Lizzy, I just want to say that this has been a lesson learned for me and I hope one day that Collin will learn that what goes around must come back around.. This has never been about the videos making money The problem is this man will tell you the good side of everything and leave out all the bad things.. I am upset that I had customers call and tell me they liked BBW dreams and that I was on it.. So when I looked it up , I saw several of my videos up and they were put together with other bbw and there was a video out.. I was then told By lizzy that if I went into a porno store I would see me and her on covers of videos.. and sure enough I went to San Antonio and there I was in the BBW section.. I was upset because Collin is suppost to Notify you of all videos. he has always had a number . And the contract that I signed was different from the other models.. Because I was working for Collin and making sure that these girls were really 18, making sure they did not steal from him and I sat in the office and answered phones.. I in the beginning was unsure about the video thing but pictures for niteflirt was a good thing.. Collin had never really done BBw he didnt think it would sell so Lizzy and I were his first.. hell I didnt think it would sell.. and for the record I will never pay Collin Back that 600 dollars.. he failed to mention to you that he had come to Texas I payed for the trip and his hotel room and it sucked because once I did get him to Texas my hot tub had quit working and was in the middle of repairing my deck But had other pretty places for him to do pictures.. he got upset and didn't want to stay and then once he got to San Antonio He found out he couldn't fly out So I drove back up there another time mind you i live way out in the country so it was an hour one way!! I then brought him back out to where I live and upset , I took him back to San Antonio and he stayed in a hotel and flew out the next morning.. That stuff alone was over 1000 dollars.. I offered to pay Collin any debit at that time and He told me not to worry about it.. just find him some models.. the following year I had made several phone calls to Collin About the BBw Dreams and he never returned my phone calls .. I hadn't herd from Collin In over a year and he sends me a email wanting money ... HELLO... you wouldnt pick up the phone to explain your self about mine and Lizzy videos.. So No I will never give Collin Money.. And I mean that from the Bottom of my heart! I will say this My Husband works for the IRS and it so happens I had a copy of his Georgia Id so it is a matter of time before Uncle Sam comes KNOCKIN ... As far as the model business. I now HAve a very honest person that takes care of my pictures..I travel many places and lived in Texas for a few years But Now going to Utah for work .. As far as niteflirt I work for them but keep very busy working taking pictures..


San Antonio,
Thanks Lizzy

#7Author of original report

Tue, January 29, 2008

Hey Thanks Lizzy, I just want to say that this has been a lesson learned for me and I hope one day that Collin will learn that what goes around must come back around.. This has never been about the videos making money The problem is this man will tell you the good side of everything and leave out all the bad things.. I am upset that I had customers call and tell me they liked BBW dreams and that I was on it.. So when I looked it up , I saw several of my videos up and they were put together with other bbw and there was a video out.. I was then told By lizzy that if I went into a porno store I would see me and her on covers of videos.. and sure enough I went to San Antonio and there I was in the BBW section.. I was upset because Collin is suppost to Notify you of all videos. he has always had a number . And the contract that I signed was different from the other models.. Because I was working for Collin and making sure that these girls were really 18, making sure they did not steal from him and I sat in the office and answered phones.. I in the beginning was unsure about the video thing but pictures for niteflirt was a good thing.. Collin had never really done BBw he didnt think it would sell so Lizzy and I were his first.. hell I didnt think it would sell.. and for the record I will never pay Collin Back that 600 dollars.. he failed to mention to you that he had come to Texas I payed for the trip and his hotel room and it sucked because once I did get him to Texas my hot tub had quit working and was in the middle of repairing my deck But had other pretty places for him to do pictures.. he got upset and didn't want to stay and then once he got to San Antonio He found out he couldn't fly out So I drove back up there another time mind you i live way out in the country so it was an hour one way!! I then brought him back out to where I live and upset , I took him back to San Antonio and he stayed in a hotel and flew out the next morning.. That stuff alone was over 1000 dollars.. I offered to pay Collin any debit at that time and He told me not to worry about it.. just find him some models.. the following year I had made several phone calls to Collin About the BBw Dreams and he never returned my phone calls .. I hadn't herd from Collin In over a year and he sends me a email wanting money ... HELLO... you wouldnt pick up the phone to explain your self about mine and Lizzy videos.. So No I will never give Collin Money.. And I mean that from the Bottom of my heart! I will say this My Husband works for the IRS and it so happens I had a copy of his Georgia Id so it is a matter of time before Uncle Sam comes KNOCKIN ... As far as the model business. I now HAve a very honest person that takes care of my pictures..I travel many places and lived in Texas for a few years But Now going to Utah for work .. As far as niteflirt I work for them but keep very busy working taking pictures..


San Antonio,
Thanks Lizzy

#8Author of original report

Tue, January 29, 2008

Hey Thanks Lizzy, I just want to say that this has been a lesson learned for me and I hope one day that Collin will learn that what goes around must come back around.. This has never been about the videos making money The problem is this man will tell you the good side of everything and leave out all the bad things.. I am upset that I had customers call and tell me they liked BBW dreams and that I was on it.. So when I looked it up , I saw several of my videos up and they were put together with other bbw and there was a video out.. I was then told By lizzy that if I went into a porno store I would see me and her on covers of videos.. and sure enough I went to San Antonio and there I was in the BBW section.. I was upset because Collin is suppost to Notify you of all videos. he has always had a number . And the contract that I signed was different from the other models.. Because I was working for Collin and making sure that these girls were really 18, making sure they did not steal from him and I sat in the office and answered phones.. I in the beginning was unsure about the video thing but pictures for niteflirt was a good thing.. Collin had never really done BBw he didnt think it would sell so Lizzy and I were his first.. hell I didnt think it would sell.. and for the record I will never pay Collin Back that 600 dollars.. he failed to mention to you that he had come to Texas I payed for the trip and his hotel room and it sucked because once I did get him to Texas my hot tub had quit working and was in the middle of repairing my deck But had other pretty places for him to do pictures.. he got upset and didn't want to stay and then once he got to San Antonio He found out he couldn't fly out So I drove back up there another time mind you i live way out in the country so it was an hour one way!! I then brought him back out to where I live and upset , I took him back to San Antonio and he stayed in a hotel and flew out the next morning.. That stuff alone was over 1000 dollars.. I offered to pay Collin any debit at that time and He told me not to worry about it.. just find him some models.. the following year I had made several phone calls to Collin About the BBw Dreams and he never returned my phone calls .. I hadn't herd from Collin In over a year and he sends me a email wanting money ... HELLO... you wouldnt pick up the phone to explain your self about mine and Lizzy videos.. So No I will never give Collin Money.. And I mean that from the Bottom of my heart! I will say this My Husband works for the IRS and it so happens I had a copy of his Georgia Id so it is a matter of time before Uncle Sam comes KNOCKIN ... As far as the model business. I now HAve a very honest person that takes care of my pictures..I travel many places and lived in Texas for a few years But Now going to Utah for work .. As far as niteflirt I work for them but keep very busy working taking pictures..


I spent a week with colin and Harley and several of his roomates!!!

#9UPDATE Employee

Mon, January 28, 2008

I am Lizzy the Owner of Niteflirt and will tell you Harley was working for Collin Towers . I flew out there Jan of 2005 for a week.. If it weren't for her working for Collin I would have never Known about him.. I have known Harley 1 week prior to that. We shot videos together and yes we did sign the contract.. But let the truth be known Collin gets ahold of these young single MOMs or girls going to college and offers them the stars and the MOON and it sounds good.. you have him reading the dam contract to you. you believe everything he is saying and you sign the paper. So I can see like my self and others Where we all screwed UP!! And Poor Harley Falls into the second catagory.. single mother needing some fast cash and he needed a woman to witness when he was shooting photos plus Harley is a good worker and she knew how to scare off Collin's bill collectors thats what she did for him and then she would look for models for him thinking he was honest and it has been with in the last 2 years that she has learned Ole Collin Boy Isnt such an honest man! I consider my self an employee I have several videos.. and never saw a dime from Collin.. And As I was reading thru I see where you only mention about half of the companies you sell to.. We have been able to trace our stuff in many places out side the US and other places.. Oh And Im not sure if your that guy that was living up stairs from Collin, But HArley is telling the truth he had nothing Nice to say about you or anyone the whole week I was there.. he claimed you would burrow to much of his stuff you never paid your rent on time.. and he was happy that you were gone all the time to big parties.. Problem with Collin is he can not stand up for him self .. He is having some one else do it for him.. He needs to fess up to all the lies and games he played with people.. Not just Models but his suppose friends..he was always in it for the money and makes it clear of that.. when you stop making money for him you are out the door.. Harley , I am glad you stood up to him and finally told him to bugg off.. and ya know telling everyone you work for niteflirt isnt such a bad thing HUN.. It will bring Business..especially since your 90lbs smaller and your a very pretty girl. People tried to warn us that this was a bad Idea and we must learn from our mistakes..Dont let what this guy says ruin your day..oh and Harley Work on your typing.. We both know while this guy tries to punk you with your spelling if you look at the kep Board you will see you missed it by one letter.. so I think that was more the problem But these guys like to stoop to ones level they cant stand up and take blame for them selves as you see their true colors.. Lizzy Love Goddess


round rock,

#10Author of original report

Mon, January 28, 2008

First of all Rennie Im Not Angela Over who ever the hell that person is And yes I do work for nite flirt, You were never a witness to Any thing I have in a contract with Collin As I have them And there is Only mine and Collin names on all of the stuff.. Also you were renting a room from Collin you didn"t work for him you asked him for cash all the time so you could go to Vegas and Get punked at porn parties.. And if you think Collin Towers Spoke Nice things About you , YOU are dead wrong.. And yes Charlie did start in 2001 I came in 2004 and that was the time I was working for Collin Answer the phone So Collin could dodge all the women he screwed! That girl called Collin All the time trying to get what was hers.. along with Billie and Shannon there were alot of girls..And because there were no females to be there for Collin so he wouldnt get screwed around is where I came in.. Also answering phones and making copies of videos..so he could sell them.. And My spelling isn"t the greatest But I will say one thing these girls who are saying they got screwed well they did and COLLIN always has a back up plan when it comes to covering his as%^&*...And as far as the 600 dollars well you were not there This was done thru the mail and it was not for christmas.. it was for another reason! as he forgot to tell me he was selling videos and not paying me for it.. Plain fact is He is BUSted!!

Rennie B


#11UPDATE Employee

Mon, January 28, 2008

COLLIN J TOWERS GLAMOR IN ALANTA GEORGIA RIPPS OFF MODELS AND REPORTS THAT HE DOES RIP WOMEN OFF I KNOW FOR A FACT I USE TO WORK FOR HIM First of all Harley Rose (Harley Rose is Angela Overeynder's stage name for her porn movies for her website and for Night Flirt) shows her fine command of the English language setting herself up with no believability or credulity. Glamour is not spelled GLAMOR, Atlanta is not spelled ALANTA, rips is not spelled RIPPS. And more preposterous Collin has never reported that he does rip women off, and Angela has never been employed by Collin or by Billie West Productions. On the 12th of December 2004, Angela Overeynder signed a video marketing agreement with Towers under the stage name of Harley Rose. Paragraph 3 of this agreement states that Model will receive 50% NET commission for the life of the videos after all expenses are deducted from all sales generated. Paragraph 5 states; All marketing material including tapes, DVD's, photos will be the exclusive marketing property of BWP with all and total rights to be held in ownership at all times now and forever in all situations. Paragraph 7 states; MODEL releases and discharges BWP from and against any and all claims, liabilities. Damages, costs or expenses arising out of participation, including without limitation, claims based on defamation, false light, publicity, negligence, unfair competition, misrepresentation.MODEL agrees to not use, say or publish any profanity, slander, negative opinions toward J Collin Towers, BWP or BWP's clients at all times. Any continued or directed extreme negativism via print or voice will automatically result in this Agreement being terminated immediately and all residual rights will be forfeited. I guess Angela did not read her contract thoroughly or did not understand it. I know she signed the contract because I was the witness to the signing. I was in Collin's office when Angela called and told Collin that she did not have any money to buy her two girls Christmas presents. Collin out of the good of his heart loaned her $600.00. This was over 3 years ago, and after promising Collin that she would pay him back the $600 over and over again, she has not. That was why Collin sent her an email last week asking her to make good on the loan. If you read her post here on Rip Off it seems to me that she doesn't want to pay back Collin the $600 loaned so she makes up all these accusations to smear his good name. All of the models that Collin worked with that had signed agreements received commission checks when due. Out of the 400 contract models that he worked with only two ever lodged a complaint --- Charlie Love and Harley Rose. And both owed Collin money. Ummm go figure. Angela states that Collin owed her the $600 from video sales. HE WANTS BACK 600 DOLLARS HE GAVE ME TWO YEARS AGO WICH WAS MONEY HE OWED ME CLAMIED I OWED HIM THIS MONEY AND NOW REFUSES TO TAKE MY STUFF OFF What she failed to mention in her post here is that is the past 3 years since January 2005 her videos #105 and #106 have only grossed $43.30. That was proven to her in a screen shot. Paragraph 3 of her agreement states that she will receive 50% - which would be $21.65. This amount does not even cover the expenses occurred. Harley goes on to state -- THIS MAN HAS ROPED (once again does not know how to spell ripped) OFF MORE MODELS AND HERE IS PROOF - THIS IS AN EMAIL FROM HIM TO ME: Harley, When I closed down my studio of 3,500 sq feet and moved down here to this one 500 sq foot bedroom trailer I threw a lot of stuff away, including most of my files, contacts, contracts and records for the studio business ----- all just about everything since the majority of the money had dried up and I was no longer shooting adult. How does this translate into proof that Collin has ripped off more models? He simply states that he closed down his photo studio and moved into a one bedroom trailer in Florida to cut expenses that he was no longer shooting adult because most of the money had dried up and continues to diminish because of the bad economy. FIRST OFF ALL THIS MAN HAS BEEN RUNNING FROM THE IRS , ALSO I WORKED FOR HIM DURING THE BILLIE WEST AND CHARLIE DAYS AND WILL TELL YOU THESE GIRLS WERE RIPPED OFF LOTS OF MONEY AND STILL THEIR VIDEOS ARE BEING SOLD AND THEY ARE NOT SEEING A DIME.. SAME THING HE HAS DONE TO ME.. HE FULLY ADMITS TO NOT PAYING HIS TAXES Collin has not been running from the IRS. He had his studio in the same place in Atlanta for 7 years. Angela did not work for him during the Billie West and Charlie days. That is a bold face lie. First Billie signed her contract with Collin in 2001 three years before Angela signed her agreement. Both Billie and Charlie terminated their contracts with Collin so they no longer qualify for commissions. Any intelligent person can surmise that most of what Angela is stating first is hearsay, and rhetoric coming from a vindictive person who does not want to pay back the $600 loan to Collin and who does not hide that fact that she is very immersed into porn. That has to reflect on her character. This is the last email she sent Collin on 1-26-08 Collin I will never Pay you shxt.. And your problem is you cant go around screwing everyone... Yes you did give me that money but you also screwed me .. One has to ask themselves -- if Angela did not owe Collin the $600 would she have posted this on Rip Off dot com? Why would a person file a report on this website and not sign their real name but use there porn name? Enough said.. My name is Rennie L. Bonhart and I shared the studio with Collin for over 4 years and assisted him on many of his shoots. He is a fantastic photographer and a man of character as echoed many times by the hundreds of models that worked with him and adored him. I also was the witness that signed the witness part of Angela's contract.

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