  • Report:  #1957

Complaint Review: CompUSA - Jacksonville Florida

Reported By:
- Minneapolis, MN,

P.O. Box 28650 Jacksonville, 32226-8650 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In September of 1999 I purchased a computer, monitor etc., from CompUSA and with that purchased was promised a rebate check ($400.00) within 6-8 weeks if I signed up with the service (internet) for 3 years.

To my surprise 30 weeks later I haven't received a rebate check even through they have posted by computer that I was sent a check on 03/10/00 which never reached me. Upon inquiring the excuses have been many, we can't find you registered, wrong department, another company is handling the rebates although I have been billed for the service (internet).

They have not made any attempt to settle or square the situation away except to send form letters and correspondence that puts the blame on everyone else. It is my belief that they CompUSA do not intend to honor their commitment.

Thank you. Correspondencce sent me is available upon your request.

Nathan Thomas

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Mr. Thomas should complain to GMAC Credit, not to the dealership *EDITORS REBUTTAL to this REBUTTAL


Thu, January 11, 2001

This email is a rebuttal to RipOff #1957.
It was sent by CompUSA Salesman at [email protected].

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email: [email protected]
Their name: CompUSA Salesman

Their relationship to the company: Advocate

Mr. Thomas reports that he never received a rebate from CompUSA for subscribing to an online service via an ISP. That's too bad. It would have been interesting to learn the identity of the internet service provider (CompuServe, Prodigy, MSN?) which should have provided Mr. Thomas with his $400 rebate check.

Mistakes happen but Mr. Thomas is clearly blaming the wrong company in his ripoff report. CompUSA is NOT responsible for providing Mr. Thomas with a $400 rebate. CompUSA has never been responsible and it never will be responsible. If GMAC Credit promises Mr. Thomas a $1000 rebate if he buys a new Chevy, Mr. Thomas should expect GMAC to cut the $1000 rebate check, not Billy Bob's Chevrolet dealership. If deprived of his $1000 Chevy
rebate check, Mr. Thomas should complain to GMAC Credit, not to the dealership, agreed?

Mr. Thomas may be due a $400 internet service subscription rebate from the internet service provider he agreed to use. All promotional materials and all contract material he viewed and signed on the day he agreed to use the outside ISP clearly states that his ISP would provide the rebate--not CompUSA.

Fair's fair. If CompUSA screws up, it should take the heat--as we do on occasion--but Mr. Thomas' report is unfair to CompUSA because he's blaming the wrong company. CompUSA doesn't own any internet service providers; therefore, it's not responsible for the performance of any ISP.

If Mr. Thomas was truly informed that he should expect a rebate check within 6-8 weeks, then I aologize for the misunderstanding. My coworkers and I are not part of any ISP; therefore, we have no control over when he'd receive his check from an ISP. We are often advised to never promise customers dates when they might receive rebate checks. It is much better
to allow 10-16 weeks for rebate checks to arrive. If a check arrives sooner, good for you.

CompUSA--like Best Buys, Circuit City, Gateway, and other companies--is merely a facilitor in promoting internet service agreements. CompUSA was facilitating (acting as broker) the internet service contract between Mr. Thomas and his Internet Service Provider (ISP).

I am but the voice of one CompUSA salesman, and do not speak on behalf of CompUSA or my fellow employees. I am upset that Mr. Thomas experienced problems in collecting his $400 rebate. His problems are most unusual. I've helped many similiar people sign up for ISP contracts with Prodigy, CompuServe, and MSN, and none of them endured such problems. If they had, I would have heard about it.

Again, Mr. Thomas, I hope you finally got your $400 rebate. Good luck to you, sir.


The following is an EDITORS NOTE from badbusinessbureau.com

The author of the above REBUTTAL is partly right?
If the consumer could not get satisfaction, it's CompUSA responsibility. CompUSA sold it to Mr. Thomas. It's their vendor.
Mr. Thomas wrote the check to CompUSA.

CompUSA customer service should get to the bottom of the problem for THEIR customer. CompUSA should also compensate the victimized consumer with some store credit if he can show them the very late check if and when it finally comes, or when the service provider produces a copy of the rebate to Mr. Thomas that will show Mr. Thomas did or did not receive the check.

If they do finally send MR. Thomas a check and it was a delayed check, then Mr. Thomas should definitely get store credit for his time and aggravation. That's called "customer satisfaction."

CompUSA will carry more weight and can definitely get to the bottom
of this rip-off. CompUSA can get reimbursement from the Internet service provider for any compensation CompUSA gives to Mr. Thomas.

The store credit or cash reimbursement Mr. Thomas deserves for his troubles should be 20% of the total owed multiplied by the months Mr. Thomas had to wait, .. nothing less.
...Again, I think this all comes under "customer satisfaction"


I got nothing but pointing of fingers and general excuses that did not compliment the company nor did it seek to correct the situation.


Thu, January 11, 2001

This email is a rebuttal to RipOff #1957. It was sent by Nathan Thomas at [email protected]. CompUSA Computer Rip-off *REBUTTAL ..clearly blaming the wrong company *EDITORS REBUTTAL ..not so (#1957) CompUSA (Computer Dealers) 4/4/00 (Last Modified: 1/11/01) They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report REBUTTAL: Their email: [email protected] Their name: Nathan Thomas Their relationship to the company: Rip-off Report victim Rebuttal: This email is a rebuttal to the CompUSA Salesman who responded to RipOff #1957. Actually I can see your concern. Let me clarify that I received a rebate 7 months after this report. What the salesman doesn't take into cosideration is that I spent a tremendous amount of time trying to get the rebate. I received from everyone involved situations where each one blamed the other. Reports from them included that they mailed the check to the wrong address to we can't find any evidence of purchase(even thro I sent copies of everything) I finally had to contact both the Attorney General's office and Better Business Bureau before anything positive begin to happen. There is an addition to this story. After getting the check the entire system crashed.For all pratical purposes I did not have use of the machine at all resulting in my working at the local library to complete my course work for graduate work. As far as the internet provider(CompusServe)was concerned , they didn't seem to care. Getting good quality service was something I was very interested in.After what I went through I find it insulting to hear that I'm blaming the wrong company. There is certainly responsible there, and instead of trying to clear CompUSA, why try to find out what went wrong and correct the problem. This offers better service and quality business ethics. I will agreed that "customer service", should be high on every business list. What I got instead was pointing of fingers and general excuses that did not compliment the company nor did it seek to correct the situation. I put in over 40 hours writing to differnt arena's so that I could get satisfaction. What it cost me was a semester & credits because I was communicating with the university (CD-Rom) etc., to finish my Master's degree. I will finally state that I probably will not buy another computer from them with heavy emphasis on quality of service. I'm a pretty mellow guy, but months later I am still angry on the run-around I was given on something that I paid for. If I was a broker and my client lost all of his stock, I surely would feel responsibile because they were a client and maybe because I didn't do my job good enough to save that person's money and stay ahead of the game,but that's me. Again I got my rebate back 7.5 months later and again I will substitute good luck for good service.

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