  • Report:  #66422

Complaint Review: ComputerTraining.com - Wilmington Delaware

Reported By:
- Clayton, Delaware,

100 Commerce Drive Wilmington, 19713 Delaware, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We have all heard the radio adds for Computertraining.com. They say that the average salary for a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer(MCSE) is still over $50,000 a year. While that may be true what they don't tell you is that you won't have the years of expereince or the training to get one of these jobs. If your lucky you will might be able to get e help desk job that probably won't give you enough income to pay the $20,000 debt you will have.

What Computertraining.com does is teach you how to pass the Microsoft exams by giving you the questions and answers that are on the test. They rush the students trough the program in some cases in less then 6 months. That's why most employers won't consider hiring anyone with certifications and no experience because anyone can memorize the answers to tests questions if they see them enough.

This company represents this as a 6 month program when infact they actually break it up into 2 seperate portions. Of course they are charging $19,850 for the first portion and nothing for the second portion. That way if you decide that this isn't for you it reduces the amount of refund if any that you are intitled to.

Your $19,850 is also broken up into 2 parts. the first part for $9,925 is for 5 or 6 text books, 2 binders with Xeroxed copies of lab exercises and for an online tool the company calls Mastermind.

Mastermind is the online tool that gives you access to all the prep tests that provide you with the questions and answers to the Microsoft exams. The other $9,925 goes toward the actual hours logged in the classroom. So if you do decide to withdrawl your refund would be based in classroom time and would be refunded back to you from only the $9,925 and they keep the other $9,925 of the tuition. You cannot return any unused materials for a refund.

In addition to the large sum a money for the tuition(scam) you also have to pay $125 per exam. There are 7 exams that you have to pass to become a MCSE. This $125 is non-refundable. So if you fail the exam you have to pay another $125 to retake it. This cost is not included in the cost of the course.

This company is making huge amounts of cash people who are honestly trying to improve themselves. The are being deceptive in the way they do business and I would strongly suggest that if it is computer training you want you should seek it elsewhere. It will be a lot cheaper and probably a lot slower passed.


Clayton, Delaware

1 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
still paying

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, January 13, 2010

I was a student at the Newark DE. campus in the summer of 2006. I was employed as a supervisor for an environmental remediation co specializing in mold remediation and industrial duct cleaning, basically a horrible job. I took the online skills challenge for fun and received a phone call from their admissions director almost immediately. I was told that i had "placed well above average" and was invited to come and tour the "campus".
I met the assistant admissions director, saw the classroom, looked at the networking gear (never used), and allowed myself to be told basically everything i wanted to hear.

I took a loan through sallie mae of 20.000 usd. I was nervous but was reassured that over 70% of the grads were employed within 6 months, and that if i felt i was in trouble the instructor would not let me fail, he would "pull me through himself" if need be. After the first two classes I felt the program was not going to be for me. The instructor spent a great deal of time arguing with the one student who seemed to know a great deal about programming. Put plainly, he allowed one student to hijack the expensive instruction time of all on a routine basis. I spent two to four hours a day attempting to digest the reading and taking the cert self tests over and over and still felt as though i was able to offer no better than an educated guess when test time came. I discussed this with the instructor and was told that "everyone feels like they don't get for the first few months(basically the grace period to get out from under some of the loan) but the knowledge will start to click".
The instructor was replaced by a guy named Larry Revness after four months. He was very slick and polished. He told us to have our CTC diplomas framed and to look on them as the starting point of our new lives.
4 years later after realizing that call center helpdesk work is not for me, with a  300+ per month loan at 12.5% and the knowledge that cisco certs and linux are key I have moved on. I still have the diploma as a reminder of what happens when we abandon good judgement.

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