  • Report:  #68973

Complaint Review: Consolidated Media Services - Atlanta Georgia

Reported By:
- Colorado Springs, Colorado,

Consolidated Media Services
2550 Heritage Court, Suite 106 Atlanta, 30339 Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
During my sophomore year in college, I received a phone call informing me that I had been selected for entry into a sweepstakes to win something incredible. I don't remember what it was because I never heard about that part again. What I do remeber is that I was told that all that was required to enter the sweepstakes was to take advantage of some incredible offers on magazine subscriptions and that included special 'student' savings.

I, being the ignorant student that I was, and willing to jump at every opportunity to save any of the little bit of money that I had, VERBALLY agreed to the proposal. They assured me of my right to cancel within ten days of receiving my first issue. I harped on my right to cancel anytime. I was then transferred to somebody else to take my debit card info so that they could process my request (overcharge me, empty my bank account, and reduce my financial situation so that all I could afford to eat was ramen at 13 cents per meal).

I spoke to some friends and family about the investment I had just made, then realized the fool I had just made of myself. I immediately called back and tried to cancel my account. They said that they had already processed the request and that they had already paid for the subscriptions and that I had given my word that I would pay them the ascertained amount. I told them I could not afford it. They said that was not their concern.

I reminded them that I was told that I could cancel within that ten days. Then, they tried to play on my sense of honor and integrity. I told them what horrible business practice this was, and that I had not signed any agreement and was therefore not legally bound to pay or do anything. I told them that I was cancelling my account, it was a formal request, I even sent them a letter, but yet they still withdrew money from my bank account and when I placed a stop payment on all further requests from that company, they notified a collection agency then reported me to the credit agencies.

At that point I caved in, took out a personal loan and paid them off in full. I thought that would be enough, right? They got all their money through their tyrranous bullying, but apparently not. They forgot to inform the credit agencies that my account was paid in full.

Therefore, on my credit report, there is still an entry saying that I owed them over 400 dollars and refused to pay. Where is the representation there? Where is the field where I get to refute it? Where is it that I get to say how rude they were and how many times I pleaded with them to cancel my subscriptions?

Many of you might ask why I didn't take them to court. Well, the cost of the lawyer is more expensive than the cost of the ripoff, and I have yet to find a lawyer that will take it pro-bono. At least if I just get ripped off, I get some magazines in the mail. If I had it my way, I'd just walk up to their offices and beat them to a bloody pulp with an aluminum bat, but that wouldn't be very civil, and until just then I had been able to remain civil and restrain my temptations to issue forth various four letter words to describe this ludicrous debauchery of American commercialism.

I apologize for letting loose just then for those of you who read this, but I'm about to call CMS right now to vent a little bit, as I've been doing every time I receive one of their magazines which is about twice a week for the last two years. I encourage you to do the same. I believe you can find the number somewhere on this post. I hope you don't get duped like I did.


Colorado Springs, Colorado

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