  • Report:  #47852

Complaint Review: Consumer Frist - Tampa Florida

Reported By:
- Sikeston, Missouri,

Consumer Frist
Tampa, Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I had been serching for a way to get a new credit card so my wife and i could reastabulish our credit. I guess Comsuer Frist SOB,s found my adress and sent me a letter saying if I sent them 49 dollars a credit card for 5000.00 would be rushed to me. They took my check and cashed it, but I never got my credit card. From where I come from this is BAD WRONG. All I want is to get my 49 dollars back, and someone tell me where these cats are located at.


Sikeston, Missouri

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