  • Report:  #371556

Complaint Review: Corporate Receivables "Mitch Young" - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
- Somerville, Massachusetts,

Corporate Receivables "Mitch Young"
3003 N Central Ave Phoenix, 85064 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
First off, back in March 2008 I was working with a woman at Corporate Receivables named Elva who was working with me to pay this bill off. She had set up a six month payment plan and told me that I would run out of predated checks come September 2008. At that point she would either reach a settlement for me to pay it off completely or extend the checks if I wassn't able to pay it all up front.

On August 26th,2008 I was contacted by a Mitch Young at my place of business. First off he was very rude. He stated that he'd been calling me for 3 weeks. Now my cell phone is my home phone too and not once in August did he call me. The first time I had heard from him was on August 26th. I asked him what number he had been calling because I only have one phone. I gave him my number which was the same as the one that I had given Elva. He also said he'd been sending me mail.

When I asked him where he was sending it he stated Jones street which is a lot different then where I live. So for all I know he's been calling/sending my information to someone else the whole time. Still he was upset with me. He told me that he had run out of checks and was calling to settle the account. I reminded him about the aggreement that I had made with Elva and he said that she no longer was there and he knew nothing about the aggreement. I asked him if I could extend the payments because it was working for me financailly. He then proceeded to tell me that I still owed $2,700.00 some dollars and that he didn't want to extend my 125 dollar payments because he didn't want to keep these payments going for the next 2 years (I went home later to check my balance and it turned out I only owed 1,027.00) He said he'd be willing to settle my account for 800.00. I told him I didn't have that. He asked how close I was and I told him that there was no way I could pay that (I only had 6 dollars in my account). He then said, that he needed at least 300 dollars by the end of the day. I told him I didn't have it and would have to call him back when I had the money and figure out what I could do.

I called him back on Sept 8th, 2008 to see if he'd at least accept the 125 dollars I had. After paying my rent and such it's pretty much all I had left to give him so that I had money for food for the rest of the month. He started to shout again drowning out what I was trying to tell him. He said he'd not accept my 125 dollars and that he was no longer going to work with me. He wanted the 1,027.00 dollars or nothing at all. I told him it wasn't possible and that I didn't have it. He then said that that he was already in the process of filing "legal papers" against me. I told him that he could do that but I was trying to give him something.

While I was still talking he said , That it's what he was planning on doing and to have a nice day then he hung up before I could say anything else. I'm two and a half months pregnant and I was shaking when I got off the phone with him. I called my mother who is also my co-signer crying because I had never been talked to so bad. I was also scared because he said he was filing legal papers and I was trying to make a payment. I filed a formal complaint with the BBB later on that night once I was more calm.She decided to give him a call and figure out why he had to talk to me like that and why he wouldn't accept payments.

My mother calls him and he's begins raising his voice to her too. My mother starts yelling back at him asking him asking him who he thought he was talking to me the way he did. She also asked him why he wouldn't accept payments. He told my mother that on August 26th he was only asking for checks to extend the 125 dollars a month and that I refused. My mother told him that I would have loved to keep the payments going and I was willing to give him more checks (which I was). He preceeded to tell my mother that I was a liar and I was telling stories. He also denied ever telling me I owed 2,700.00 some dollars.

He never stopped raising his voice to my mother the whole time and at one point told my mother it was obvious she didnt' care about her credit and that he was in the process of taking legal action. When she yelled back at him in her defense he would hang up on here. She called back 3 more times wanting to talk to his manager/supervisor. He refused and hung up on her all 3 times (a total of 4 times). After which his phone started going striaght to voicemail. He called her back the next morning leaving a message on her machine. She returned his call and asked him right off the bat if she could speak to his manager/supervisor and he repeatedly said no and hung up on her.

I called back Corporate Receivables later that afternoon, Sept 9th, 2008 and finally got a hole of a manager. Or at least someone named Kyle who claimed to be a manager. I explained my whole story to him and he said that I was not telling the truth about Mitch Young and that he never yelled at either myself of my mother. He said that Mitch Young had never threatened legal action or to file legal papers, which he did to both myself and my mother. He said that what I was telling him were just accusations and he wasn't willing to listen to it. He only wanted to know if I was going to make my payment that day.

I told him about how his company had several compaints about the way they treated their customers and that they were about to have one more because I already filed one with the BBB and that I was going to file one with the FTC and the Attourny General. Everytime I brought up Mitch Youngs actions he refused to discuss them further. So this attitude goes all the way up to managment. Frustrated that he was willing to do nothing and denied everything that his employee did I hung up on him. I've since called HSBC the original company that had my account and they've sent me to a third party Credit Consulting agency to help get my account out of Corporate Receivables hands. They are very aware of what I went through because I'm sure I wasn't the first with such a complaint. I wont deal with Corporate Receivables from this point on. I'm just surprised that such an unprofessional business is still operating.


Somerville, Massachusetts


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