  • Report:  #45709

Complaint Review: Cross Country Bank - Wilmington Delaware

Reported By:
- Spring Hill, Kansas,

Cross Country Bank
800 Delaware Ave. Wilmington, 19801 Delaware, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Real simple, had a credit line of $1100 2 years ago,got into a financial bind and made some late payments. They popped me with overlimit, late Fee, and Interest which added up to $100 per month before equity. I closed the account asked them to stop the run up and work a plan.

This was all in writing to them and they declined to work with me. At $1500 I said jam it until you get real. Currently they ran the account to $2461.00 before they stopped adding to it. They have now sent their 3rd collection agent on me. The other two I responded promptly and inform them of the situation and they need to take me to court to work this out.

They don't respond back. Imperial Collection has now written to me with the same old rhetoric. Cross Country could have settled at $1500 they are idiots. Don't let them intimidate you follow the law, don't dodge them. I may seek an attorney since I have $2461.00 to play with. Better an attorney get it than Cross Country.


Spring Hill, Kansas

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