  • Report:  #261792

Complaint Review: CYDCOR - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Atlanta, Georgia,

UNITED STATES Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Ok listen I am an x cycad employ who is putting this out their to warn you guys what your involved in. I know your managers have told you about this wonderful opportunity very slowly, I was one of them. Well I can tell you from experience you get to run you own biz for many reasons think about CYDCOR is not legally responsible for you in any way shape or for. That's brilliant on their part, how ever the average manager only makes about 60,000 a year and well thats before expenses, and everything else that comes along more than just over head hotels relocation coast of 6 people I could go on after all is said and done they save about 20,000-30,000 grand a year if their lackey. Cool but you also work 80-90 hours a week well there went personal and family life. I know what you thinking at this point well this guy didn't work hard enough or he made excesses or I can do better I'll prove him wrong. On the first two things you've been brain washed, I know Cydcor trained me on how to do this of course your manager will tell you different he or she is brain washed too, or think about it how do they make money off of you that's how they will tell you anything to get you to stay just like they will for an app. the third point good luck. This is the thing when you were a "new guy" did you know that you would have to pay for gas and food on a road trip and sleep five deep in a one bed hotel room, or that you would be spending money out of your own pocket to train and interview people, hell no.... Management is the same they don't tell you things until you well just find out. Another point I would like to share with you is I have and know so many people who have been hurt by this biz leaders managers new guys, mostly financial and stress related, way way more people are hurt very badly than helped by this supposed people helping people biz. This includes customers if you work for them you know what I mean 90% of the people you sign up especially BellSouth campaign you are not out right lying but seriously misleading. If it doesn't bother you to sell your soul for a few bucks cool, but I will tell you that you are worth way more than that to society and to your mother think of her is she knew exactly what you were doing or grandmother. Or hey ring that bell!!!!

Just keep in mind

1. Your manager is going to tell you what ever they have too in order for you to stay thats how he makes money.

2. When someone repeatedly gives you the same information over and over again that is brain washing, so you more that likely if your a leader will think one of the three things I said you would while reading this.

3.The money in Management is OK just OK but is it worth 80-90 hours a week and losing contact with your family and friends, "of course why would you need your old friends their not biz man they will only hold you back. THEY are your real friends not someone profiting off of you.

4. Listen to what the people say about this company on these message boards and their are thousands or stories just like them most much worse the people just dont want to think about it ever again.

5. You are going to have to put money into this while youre a leader, assistant manager, and manager, food gas ext. This is one of few companies that require that "pyramid scam no matter how they want to twist it to you. "WELL EVERYTHING IS A PYRIMID" thats what they will say, s**t your leader wants to get to assistant management.

6. YOU are raising peoples phone bills or other bills quill, you are tricking people into thinking your not, you are tricking people into working for you, and lying about how much money you make, '

Now go and tell you mother or grandmother these things that you are doing no matter how you want to twist it you are doing them be straight up with her and tell her what your doing and that it is all so you can be rich some day, bet you wont and if you do bet you will feel horrible about yourself.

7. Dont lie to your self do the math how much money are you making per hour your working about 70 hours a week and then going to team nights, remember cant hang with those old friends you might realize they are brain washing you, I'll bet on average if your on a consumer campaign 6-7$ an hour, btob 10-15$ an hour.

8. You can work for almost and company sales or other with a base of 17$ an hour now go work their work 70 hours a week I guarantee at the end of the year you will have saved more money than you manager and your in management making more money then he or she as well not abandoning you family and true friends...

Hope you listen to me I left I couldnt do it any more after 3 years I felt horrible about the sales that were going on and all the people I have seen hurt so very very very very badly by this company. Now I work 40 hours a week for a management company that over sees some locally owned restaurant making 180,000 a year.

!!!!! Remember your manager will tell you any and everything to get you to stay, You are worth more than that to yourself, your friends, and your family, LOL you manager will problem tell you I am a quitter well I have two collage digress and make 180,000 a year bet thats more than your manager because all that money is garneted and going into my pocket I dont have over head Im not a moron


Atlanta, Georgia


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