  • Report:  #388357

Complaint Review: Darrl Davis - Darryl Delfina - Darryl Davis Seminars - Wading River New York

Reported By:
- Glen Cove, New York,

Darrl Davis - Darryl Delfina - Darryl Davis Seminars
4 Ring Neck Court Wading River, 11792 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Darryl Davis aka Darryl Delfina and Darryl Davis Seminars. This man is a charlatan and shameless plagiarist with dubious and exaggerated credentials.

As an experienced and successful real estate agent, with over 23 years in the business, I have acquired my knowledge and skills through experience and by training with the best professionals in this business.

It is unfortunate that copyright laws do not protect ideas, procedures, processes and systems because if they did, this clown and his cohorts would be mired in law suits. 75% of what he preaches is copied from the great trainers of the past but masked by a change or rearrangement of words and phrases. The other 25% is bullshit behind the smoke & mirrors of his attempts at humor.

He consistently changes the titles of his courses and seminars but the content is the same, 75% imitated and 25% bullshit.

Real estate sales have slowed down tremendously and agents, who have not yet acquired the skills, knowledge and experience, are frustrated and starving for guidance and solutions. Unfortunately they are suckered in by his intense marketing and outside promotions by certain employees of local real estate boards who allegedly are taking kick-backs from his exorbitant fees being charged and paid for by agents who desperately need professional guidance and help.

His plagiarized content would have some benefit if it was at least applicable to this real estate downslide but those old principals and practices are outdated and ineffective today. There will always be individuals who seek to profit from other's desperate situations and PT Barnum said there's a sucker born every minute. Darryl Davis has this formula down pat.

The saving factor is that word of his con game is spreading steadily and I hope this Rip Off Report expedites the process. The last thing honest people need is to be scammed out of their hopes and hard earned dollars.


Glen Cove, New York


18 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
To Mr "Topagnt" of Glen Cove, New York on Darryl Davis...

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, November 22, 2017

To Mr. "TopAgnt,"

I realize that I am replying to a very dated post from 2008 but its still relevant in our business.

I agree that we as agents are constantly inundated to open our wallets for everything from advertising to training to the latest technology that promise to make our careers thrive. Our industry certainly is a prime example of the Levi Strauss method for success. The gold is not found in the stream but on the prospectors who are the fools.

I too am an agent who has over 20+ years as a "top agent" (whatever that means) and a valid customer of Darryl Davis Seminars but I - unlike this poster actually found very good and helpful content in Mr. Davis's material. And, if it was re-packaged as you claim, from where do you suppose it originated? I don't suppose the poster nor his "best professionals in the business" were completely and absolutely self taught. We all gain knowledge from the ones before us. It's not that dynamic and there are countless shoulders to stand on. Some have the talent to pass it on and others don't. I find the best agents are those who spend their precious time educating themselves - not online criticizing others who are just trying to broaden the industry.

I have attended countless presentations throughout my carreer and I can say with all certainty that I can truly spot valueless "training" or the type that has been remanufactured. Although I rarely am swayed by the pitch to buy, I purchased the entire suite of Mr. Davis's material as I found it to be truly helpful to provide a direction with prospecting in my business. He also made it affordable so that more of us could participate. If someone before Mr. Davis had originated the material, I would have never known. I have been through the most well known seminars in our industry and I truly found that Mr Davis brought something new.

I would suggest that anyone who is interested in training by Darryl Davis attend one of his free seminars to decide for themselves. Please don't make your decision from what I have said nor someone else with a chip on his shoulder. Negative reviews are just as valuable as the positive if they are well thought out and have credibility. In the end, you must do your own math. 

If you've been in this business for any length of time, you must have acquired a nominal amount of critical thinking skills and this would be a great opportunity to excercise them. =o)

No - I don't work for or am associated in any way with Mr. Davis or his company - I just dislike trolls.


George L. Rosario

New York,
Darryl is a Clown!

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, July 13, 2014

Darryl is a clown! That's not an insult. That is a compliment. Darryl teaches in the manner that I learn the best. He talks to you as if you are in his living room having a drink and shooting the breeze. He's a pal, a buddy, a friend even before he knows your name.

That is how I conduct my business. My home owners love the fact that my presentatins are not these memorized listing presentations that make me sound like a recording, like so many others use in their business. My listing presentation is a conversation, and that communication or conversation begins before they even open the door. I usually show up with some flowers in a vase in one hand and a CMA and listing report on the other. The report they see after we've spoken. The flowers they see when I say hello. I don't give them the flowers. I ask them where their table or counter top is, and I place them there myself. I then speak to them, like friends do, and get to know them. The property information (CMA) itself takes about FIVE minutes to present. Everything else is about building rapport. I learned that by watching Darryl and others like him in networking events. People love talking to Darryl because he speaks about life and fun for 90% of the time and about business the other 10%. Darryl speaks about the person he is speaking to, rather than speaking about Darryl. Darryl didn't invent this. He mastered it after learning it from others, and I work consistently to master my own way of doing this.

I didn't invent any of this. It is some Zig Ziglar, some Darryl Davis, some Plato, some John Leguizamo, some Lucille Ball, some Napoleon Hill, some of my Grandma Tina, and a lot of Brooklyn coming together to become my presentation. The Don Drap,  in me only gets about 5 minutes. If that makes me a "Rip-Off Artist", then so be it. I don't really care if I am criticized about the way I do business. Several brokers have done that, until they speak to my clients and see what my clients think of my approach. I have Darryl and others like him to thank for my success. They gave me a base to work off of, and I added some George L. Rosario flavor to convert it into my own.

Darryl's seminars are NOT 75% imitation and 25% bulls*. Darryl's seminars are 99.9% imitation (using what others have learned through trial and error, reading studies, studying everything that others learned or discovered before us, stuff that WE should know and should use) and a very much appreciated .1% Darryl Flavor. Trust me, that .1% is more than enough to make Darryl's programs well worth while. 

Report Attachments

George L. Rosario

New York,
Think Hard, Work Hard, Play Hard then REPEAT!

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, July 13, 2014

I love this quote. I reflect on it daily. I search for as much inspirational, motivational, educational and entertaining material I can find. I am a junkie for public speakers and educators. Are they all perfect? NO! Is any of them perfect? NO! Why?

Well my friend, it is very easy to say that someone's training system does not work, or that someone's class does not work, or that some of the material I've read and used in my business throughout the years does not work. But the truth is that any material and advice any of us get is only as powerful and successful as we make it.


I like something Darryl and many others before him including my very good friend and mentor Zig Ziglar have said in many of their seminars. Yes, Darryl did not invent this idea, nor did Zig, nor did the countless others that have said it. Zig and Darryl have both commented on the fact that there are seminar, motivation, and learning junkies out there who go to every single informational they can find, get all excited and motivated, and then go home to do exactly the same thing they were doing for the past 23 years and expecting different results. I've been guilty of this myself a couple of times, but I've been fortunate enough to catch myself and readjust my attitude.


The truth is that I've never read ONE motivational or inspirational book that was not criticized by others. The truth is that there have been public speakers and trainers whom I've listened to who left me with a bit of a sour taste in my mouth and doubt in my heart. The difference between us is that I didn't go home to criticize that person or blame my failures on that person. their system works for someone else, just not for me. That does not make them a rip off. It makes them different.


I know Darryl personally. We aren't hangout buddies, although we have had dinner a couple of times after some of this city's coolest networking events. I consider Darryl a friend and an honest man. Does he try to sell his system to people? YES! Have I ever attended any of his seminars? ONE! Do I feel he is a rip off artist? Absolutely not!


If we are going to say that anyone who builds a career on using someone else's system and tweaking it to make it his own should be labelled a "rip-off artist", then ALL of us real estate professionals are rip-off artists. After all, I joined Coldwell Banker because the philosophy of the company is to help others (and because I like the way the color blue looks on me...lol). I joined it because I knew I could take a system that has been around since 1906, tweak it, make it my own brand of service, and make it work for me, my colleagues and my clients. I didn't feel like reinventing real estate. I felt like reinventing ME, and it has worked wonders.


I could have never been the success I am today (raising 6 and going on 7 children on MY single income) if I hadn't used the advice, systems, teachings and IDEAS of those that came before me. I would have never reached the level of success I've reached if I had tried to rewrite all the real estate learning manuals myself without incorporating the ideas of those that came before me.


This is what life is all about my friend. Read some philosophy. Read the greats like Plato, Aristotle, Bacon, Hobbes, Descartes, and the many other great minds that used IDEAS to inspire others. Many of them studied the IDEAS of those that came before them, tweaked those ideas and inspired us.


Am I saying Darryl is in the same school or level of genius of those amazing people I mentioned in the above paragraph? Not in a million years. Darryl is a clown, an entertainer, a prankster! Trust me, I love this guy because he is a clown, an entertainer and a prankster. I think Plato would jump off a cliff if he had to deal with Darryl for an hour (Darryl is too intense for Plato). I love Darryl even more because he has taken many ideas that others had before him, tweaked them and delivered them in such a creative way that we are still talking about them.


Darryl is NOT a rip-off artist. His system is not 75% imitated and 25% bullshit. I would say his seminars are more 99.9% imitated (because he has studied the greats an structured a concise model for business using the many IDEAS and tools that others discovered before him through trial and error) and .1% Darryl which is what makes it unique. That's what teaching is all about. We don't reinvent multiplication, division and the alphabet. We take those subjects and look for interesting new ways to present them. A teacher's success is measured by his ability to help his students retain the information being presented. If that is true, then Darryl is a freakin' genius.


“People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.”



United States of America
Here's What I Know

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, July 08, 2011

I have been a full time agent in Nassau County for 7 1/2 years. I was fortunate enough to jumpstart my career by taking Darryl's year long Power Program starting Jan 04. I had ZERO knowledge and skills in real estate.

The 2 day attitude session is still amongst the most impactful experiences on my business and life. It went on from there to provide a fortress-like foundation for my real estate career.

At a quick glance, it might seem Darryl's 'teachings' are repetitive and dated; that's because no matter how or who you learn real estate from, there are certain timeless principles and 'basics' that must be practiced, drilled, rehearsed and then mastered.

The longer we are in the business, the tendency to think that there's nothing new to learn increases. When you really examine it, that has to do with how someone thinks and their approach/mindset. Look in the mirror first before pointing your finger at someone else.

I've attended and spoken at many of Darryl's seminars. I have been coached by Darryl's trainers and trained several new students of Darryl's programs. These students conveyed to me the positive influence myself and Darryl's programs have had on their careers.

We all have our struggles in life and with our families. They are VERY relevant to real estate, because guess what folks, real estate is about PEOPLE not property. The stories metaphors and analogies help us all grow and serve our buyers/sellers.  

A top agent has mastered 3 things: market knowledge, sales skills and understanding/empathizing/managing psychologies. Darryl has helped me grow in each of these areas.

I sell 2-3 homes each month. Its not by accident. I am so blessed to have Darryl as a friend, mentor, and real estate contemporary. He believes and lives in the place of something greater than himself.

Jerry Grantland

Drexel Hill,
United States of America
Darryl Davis is one of the most sincere Trainers I have ever experienced !

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, June 24, 2011

I have found that Darryl Davis and everyone associated with Darry Davis Seminar's are nothing more than astonishing! If there was a better word to describe him, I am not sure what it would be. I have been in many of his classes and have learned something every time. I have been involved in over 1,000 Real Estate transactions and Darryl's Power Program was a one year long experience where he promised to double my income and he did ! He works hard to change his course to reflect current market conditions, which is not an easy task in todays world. I have recommended his program to all of my agents and even my wife and son have graduated his "POWERFUL" program. To this day I visit his seminars just renew my motivation and remember all the great days with Darryl Davis and my fellow "Power Agents" Darryl has ment hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of income to me, and I appreciate every bit of it. I am appalled with any reference that such a sincere, hard working trainer who has nothing but his students best interest in heart be drug through the mud like this. As they say you cant please everyone all the time but with his money back guarentee ( which to my knowledge he has never had to do) you cant loose!

Bob Kimball

United States of America
Not the Darryl I Know...

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, June 20, 2011

I have known Darryl Davis for almost 15 years and consider him a good friend and mentor.  I  was a student of his Power Programs back in the late 90's early 2000's. We have been in contact off and on throughout the years since catching up at NAR events where his sessions are always packed and overflowed.

I am not sure where all the animosity comes from that "topagnt" seems to spew, but I must say, I couldn't disagree more.

Darryl's audiences seem to"get" his style of humor and grass roots approach to building real estate businesses. I have been to a number of his presentations and the crowds are riveted by his current and purposeful information with the funny style he presents it.  I am sure he is not the first to repackage some basic ideas to make it his own with tweaking and polish.  I am not sure I care that much, frankly.

Unlike what some have posted her, I have always seen Darryl acknowledge quotes or stories of the original authors.  In fact he goes too far, in my opinion, to make sure folks know the genesis of some of his concepts and ideas.

He is warm, genuine and caring with an amazing communication ability.  This is a GOOD guy and a terrific business person too.  If you have a conversation with him, I think you will see what I mean. God Bless You, Darryl!

Realtor CW

New York,
United States of America
Bad Seed

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, May 14, 2011

As a Realtor with over 20 years in the business I have to say that I have seen Darryl Davis live and his events are fun but I do find much of it to be "the same old stuff."  Darryl has proven that here by saying "Bad seed, bad seed." This is part of a funny joke that real estate trainer Tom Hopkins used back in the 1980s.  I'm almost ok if some material is the same, I think that certain sales techniques that worked 30 years ago are still relevant today.  It bothers me though that Darryl actually uses "Bad Seed" on one of his recordings that I heard and gives Hopkins no credit for it.  He even used it in his rebuttal post here.
I would think Tom Hopkins might have an issue with Darryl using "Bad seed."  Just my opinion. 


Miller Place,
New York,
I loved every minute


Thu, September 17, 2009

Everybody can have different opinion....I enjoyd every minute, and I recommend to everyone. May be is really not for you Topagnt Glen Cove. I understand you got a chance to have other trainers and you feel like you know it all......I do understand, because that's how I feel after Darryl's training.

He is absolutely give you everything what you need to start your business on the right way. And you won't get bored, he is entertaning, funny....

Hi Darryl, I know is painfully but you know how many of us out there love and respect you forever.....just so you know I litsen your recorded trainings 2-3 times a week, always find something new, you just give us so much. And just so you know I have a new goal....to hired you on 101....soon, very soon.

About the money......my CC was declined, I gived them a check, Darryl bring it back to me.....I won't call him rip off at all.


Don't waste your time at his seminar!

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, May 27, 2009

I attended about half of Darryl Davis' SURE RESULTS seminar, and it was the worst $600 I have ever spent! I couldn't take anymore and had to leave on the 2nd day of the seminar. At the end of the 1st day, Darryl had asked me how it was going, and when I told him that it was not going well at all, I seemed to offend him. I told him that I had not learned 1 new thing and that his information did not apply to me. I also told him that very little of his information had to do with real estate. He continually brought up his personal life, which is a mess!! I don't know why he thinks that not speaking to his mother for 2 years, then her dying of AIDS has anything to do with real estate. Or that it is appropriate to admit that his signicant other is his secretary and they broke up for 2 weeks over a fight about a sponge and a rag! All it showed me is how uncooperative he is because refuses to refund any money back. Do not be fooled by his money back guarantee! He asks to you sign papers so that he has a loop-hole to get out of ever refunding anyone. I am sure if he was auditted, he has probably NEVER refunded anyone's money. I will be sure to warn every realtor I know to not waste their money!

Greg Verity

New York,
Hard Work

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, February 17, 2009

I must strongly disagree with the post by Top Agent of Glen Cove LI. Darryl Davis has been working hard to master his craft for nearly 30 years and has been trained by the best in the business. He is respected amongst his peers and by those who have taken his courses. As a real estate sales trainer for an individual brokerage, I constantly refer to Darryl's program and materials. These materials are "time tested" and work in any real estate marketplace anywhere. The results I have personally seen with many agents and top producing broker associates outweighs the complaint by one individual seen here. Perhaps, Top Agnt is like some of those out there who have tried a little something different and did not get immediate results, and then condemns the whole program because they needed someone else to blame for their failure. Maybe? Who Knows?

Greg Verity

New York,
Hard Work

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, February 17, 2009

I must strongly disagree with the post by Top Agent of Glen Cove LI. Darryl Davis has been working hard to master his craft for nearly 30 years and has been trained by the best in the business. He is respected amongst his peers and by those who have taken his courses. As a real estate sales trainer for an individual brokerage, I constantly refer to Darryl's program and materials. These materials are "time tested" and work in any real estate marketplace anywhere. The results I have personally seen with many agents and top producing broker associates outweighs the complaint by one individual seen here. Perhaps, Top Agnt is like some of those out there who have tried a little something different and did not get immediate results, and then condemns the whole program because they needed someone else to blame for their failure. Maybe? Who Knows?

Greg Verity

New York,
Hard Work

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, February 17, 2009

I must strongly disagree with the post by Top Agent of Glen Cove LI. Darryl Davis has been working hard to master his craft for nearly 30 years and has been trained by the best in the business. He is respected amongst his peers and by those who have taken his courses. As a real estate sales trainer for an individual brokerage, I constantly refer to Darryl's program and materials. These materials are "time tested" and work in any real estate marketplace anywhere. The results I have personally seen with many agents and top producing broker associates outweighs the complaint by one individual seen here. Perhaps, Top Agnt is like some of those out there who have tried a little something different and did not get immediate results, and then condemns the whole program because they needed someone else to blame for their failure. Maybe? Who Knows?

Greg Verity

New York,
Hard Work

#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, February 17, 2009

I must strongly disagree with the post by Top Agent of Glen Cove LI. Darryl Davis has been working hard to master his craft for nearly 30 years and has been trained by the best in the business. He is respected amongst his peers and by those who have taken his courses. As a real estate sales trainer for an individual brokerage, I constantly refer to Darryl's program and materials. These materials are "time tested" and work in any real estate marketplace anywhere. The results I have personally seen with many agents and top producing broker associates outweighs the complaint by one individual seen here. Perhaps, Top Agnt is like some of those out there who have tried a little something different and did not get immediate results, and then condemns the whole program because they needed someone else to blame for their failure. Maybe? Who Knows?


Wading River,
New York,
WOW, now I know how Britney Spears feels.

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, February 16, 2009

WOW, now I know how Britney Spears feels. After reading this I feel like shaving my head bald!!!!! This sure is a tough way to get publicity. BAD SEED, BAD SEED - LOL For the curious, feel free to visit my website to find out what city I am speaking in near you and judge for yourself: www.KickoffSeminar.com www.DarrylDavisSeminars.com or you can check out www.YouTube.com/DarrylSpeaks. Let me use this opportunity to also encourage you to go to http://www.leukemia.org/. I periodically run marathons to raise money for this organization so let's turn a person's negative energy into a positive action by making a small donation. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Darryl Davis 1-800-395-3905 personal email: [email protected]


New York,
Sour Grapes

#16Consumer Comment

Mon, February 16, 2009

FYI, As an educator myself, and having almost 30 yrs experience in the real estate industry and education, licenses and designations galore, I found the recent Darryl Davis seminar to be one of the best educational experiences of my life. The accountability component was excellent. After years of prodding my agents to pick up the phone and call FSBO's and expireds, they are finally doing it. The baseless accusation of plagiarism, and "kickbacks" to LIBOR/MLS officials is nothing short of slander, and I predict will result in a lawsuit. While I consider Darryl a friend, I have no interest in his company or any relations to him, and I only met him for the first time at his most recent seminar that ended a few weeks ago. This post is just wrong, and sounds like sour grapes to me, and should be removed immediately. Regards, Hilary H. Becker, CPM www.BeckerAppraisal.com www.BeckerAbstract.com www.BeckerRealEstate.com 516-887-0677 x-303 516-887-9354 fax


New York,
Sour Grapes

#17Consumer Comment

Mon, February 16, 2009

FYI, As an educator myself, and having almost 30 yrs experience in the real estate industry and education, licenses and designations galore, I found the recent Darryl Davis seminar to be one of the best educational experiences of my life. The accountability component was excellent. After years of prodding my agents to pick up the phone and call FSBO's and expireds, they are finally doing it. The baseless accusation of plagiarism, and "kickbacks" to LIBOR/MLS officials is nothing short of slander, and I predict will result in a lawsuit. While I consider Darryl a friend, I have no interest in his company or any relations to him, and I only met him for the first time at his most recent seminar that ended a few weeks ago. This post is just wrong, and sounds like sour grapes to me, and should be removed immediately. Regards, Hilary H. Becker, CPM www.BeckerAppraisal.com www.BeckerAbstract.com www.BeckerRealEstate.com 516-887-0677 x-303 516-887-9354 fax


New York,
Sour Grapes

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, February 16, 2009

FYI, As an educator myself, and having almost 30 yrs experience in the real estate industry and education, licenses and designations galore, I found the recent Darryl Davis seminar to be one of the best educational experiences of my life. The accountability component was excellent. After years of prodding my agents to pick up the phone and call FSBO's and expireds, they are finally doing it. The baseless accusation of plagiarism, and "kickbacks" to LIBOR/MLS officials is nothing short of slander, and I predict will result in a lawsuit. While I consider Darryl a friend, I have no interest in his company or any relations to him, and I only met him for the first time at his most recent seminar that ended a few weeks ago. This post is just wrong, and sounds like sour grapes to me, and should be removed immediately. Regards, Hilary H. Becker, CPM www.BeckerAppraisal.com www.BeckerAbstract.com www.BeckerRealEstate.com 516-887-0677 x-303 516-887-9354 fax


New York,
Sour Grapes

#19Consumer Comment

Mon, February 16, 2009

FYI, As an educator myself, and having almost 30 yrs experience in the real estate industry and education, licenses and designations galore, I found the recent Darryl Davis seminar to be one of the best educational experiences of my life. The accountability component was excellent. After years of prodding my agents to pick up the phone and call FSBO's and expireds, they are finally doing it. The baseless accusation of plagiarism, and "kickbacks" to LIBOR/MLS officials is nothing short of slander, and I predict will result in a lawsuit. While I consider Darryl a friend, I have no interest in his company or any relations to him, and I only met him for the first time at his most recent seminar that ended a few weeks ago. This post is just wrong, and sounds like sour grapes to me, and should be removed immediately. Regards, Hilary H. Becker, CPM www.BeckerAppraisal.com www.BeckerAbstract.com www.BeckerRealEstate.com 516-887-0677 x-303 516-887-9354 fax

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