  • Report:  #1070711

Complaint Review: David Bamberger - Attorney - New York New York

Reported By:
Anonymous - New York, New York,

David Bamberger - Attorney
317 Madision Avenue New York, 10017 New York, USA
212 986-6840
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Disreputable attorney, David E. Bamberger of the firm Brickman & Bamberger, 317 Madison Avenue, New York, NY, persists in engaging in deceit, dishonesty, misrepresentation and deception in his practice of law despite being advised that it is a misdemeanor punishable by a year incarceration as well as the imposition of treble civil penalties to the injured party pursuant to Judiciary Law 487 for an attorney to engage in deceit with the intention to deceive the court or a party to a judicial action. David Bamberger doesn't get it and commits deceit and outright prevarication in his Memo's of Law with abandon in order to prevail in a case he should lose.

For example, he bolds entire passages and sentences of his adversaries emails and letters which he includes in his papers without adding "emphasis added" to deceive the court into the erroneous believe that these boldings are in the original with the intent of sullying his adversary by making him look indecent with the intent of prejudicing the court against him. He also cites an erroneous decision of a judge in another case which he knows is wrong to prejudice the court against his adversary as well as falsely claiming that the case before the court which is a simple contract dispute is a "revenge case" falsely calling the plaintiff a "Master of Revenge" and that "revenge" is "a leading vocation of his" in yet further effort to prejudice the court against his adversary.

David Bamberger knows full well that he has a losing case where his client is in the wrong so he engages in this conduct such as described above to seek to win at any cost despite being warned that this will bring him a Judiciary Law 487 action against him. This is very stupid of him. However David is a very stupid attorney. He complained to the court in his Memo of Law that his adversary told his client, wine educator Harriet Lembeck, that he is the stupidest lawyer he had ever encountered in his forty years of litigation for his putting her last name as his last name in the RJI, among other things. Even more stupid and proving this is that in his motion to dismiss, he stupidly neglected to include the Complaint rendering his motion defective making a denial a virtual certainty.

David Bamberger is a pettifogger who is pure evil incarnate. His adversary is an well-known author of nine books, one of which David has read himself and highly regards, yet David calls him "once respected" in his Memo of Law. Then when this was complained of he admitted that he is wrong and says that he will amend his papers to fix this yet with more than a week going by he has done nothing with his Memo of Law e-filed on the Internet with the potential of it going viral with this evil statement in it. Shame on him.

David Bamberger knows full well that his evil manner of lawyering has potential repercussions on his client but he does not seem to care. Slamming his adversary with derogatory stuff in his papers is more important to him than the concerns of his client, wine educator Harriet Lembeck

David Bamberger is a very bad man.

Harriet Lembeck is a lawless, common criminal (albeit uncharged or convicted) who has broken the liquor laws for some thirty years by serving wine at her Wine & Spirits Program wine school at 203 E 29th Street New York City without a liquor license committing upwards of thirty criminal misdemeanors a year for which she can be arrested and go to jail. She conducts her commercial enterprise out of a building owned by her husband, William Lembeck, which is a residential townhouse which they falsely registered as residential some thirty years ago when they should have obtained a Commercial Certificate of Occupancy as they intended to use it for her wine school. Harriet and her husband, William, have little regard for the laws, rules and regulations of our civilized society, so it seems.

Harriet Lembeck has been asked numerous times if she intends to obey the law and relocate her wine school to a licensed premises and still has not answered the question despite these numerous requests. The conclusion is inescapable that she intends to conduct the classes she lists on her Internet web site, www.wineandspiritsprogram.com as scheduled starting on September 9, 2013 serving wine without a license as has been her practice for some thirty years. Readers of this posting are urged to determine if she will be conducting the class by calling Harriet at the number listed below and if she is they should contact the 17th precinct of the New York Police Department at 7 p.m. on September 9, 2013 and demand that a police officer be sent to the location and that Harriet Lembeck be arrested and taken away in handcuffs for liquor law violations.


Harriet Lembeck, age can be found on www.usa-people-search.com, can be reached at [email protected], phone 718-263-3134.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
United States
Prior to his death in 09/2016, the author of this "report," Philip Seldon, stipulated in Court it was false and defamatory.

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, November 17, 2017

I am a litigator, Harvard JD, Class of 1982.  In 35+ years of practice (through 11/2017), I have a completely unblemished ethical record.

In 2014, I began to represent a noted wine writer, Hariet Lemeck, in multiple lawsuits filed against her by another noted wine writer, Philip Seldon.  Philip brought a total of four lawsuits against Harriet.  I obtained dismissals of each of them, mostly by winning motions to dismiss in Court.  Philip's MO was to try to extract a cash settlement from me, then, when I rejected his demands, file an anonymous report on me on Ripoff-report.com as "punishment."  This is one of the reports Philip filed on me.  There are numerous others, all written and posted by Seldon.

There is no effective, or at least cost-effective, way to eliminate these reports.  I sued Philip for libel in 2014 and 2015.  In a stipulated order entered 02/25/2016, Philip admitted each of  reports was false and defamatiory.  Bamberger v. Seldon, Sup. Ct. State of New York, New York County Index No. 156504/2014 (NYSCEF Doc. No. 120), so ordered by Justice Bannon.  If you wish a copy of the Stipulated Order containing 23 itemized and conceded libels, please contact me at [email protected].

Harriet knew Philip for more than 40 years prior to 2014.  Harriet got her start in wine writing thanks to Philip.  Years later, they were in major NYC wine societies together etc.  I am proud that Harriet never paid Philip one red cent to settle any of the frivolous cases he filed against her.  I can't say I am especially proud to have my good name dragged through the mud like this, but such is the "price" of being a litgator in a big city.  It's not all glory, that's for sure, and sometimes the nuts are going to get you.  During his colorful lifetime, Philip brought I believe more than 110 lawsuits in New York alone.  He brought countless other lawsuits in other cities, a "vexatious litigator" to be sure, and adjudged to be one, most recently by Justice Paul Wooten, in a decision affirmed by the Appellate Division, First Department.  Seldon v. Lewis Brisbois, 116 A.D. 3d 490 (2014) ("Further, given plaintiff's history of vexatious litigation, the court properly required [Seldon] to obtain court approval before filing or serving any litigation papers in this matter against defendants and their privies").        

In the week prior to his passing, I drove up to see Philip on his deathbed.  We "reconciled," even had a laugh or two.  What a character!  Sorry to have subjected you to this, but now you know the story behind these multiple, weird, "rip-off reports" on me.  David E. Bamberger


New York,
Champions of the People: David E. Bamberger and Harriet Lembeck

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, April 01, 2015

David E. Bamberger is a very good man. David E. Bamberger's legal counselor skills far exceed any Pro Se attorney.

Harriet Lembeck is a wonderful woman and Sommelier. Harriet Lembeck's Wine and Spirits Program is a first class operation and well respected wine school in Manhattan, NYC. Many so called wine event people in NYC are unqualified and jealous of Harriet Lembeck's world-renowned expertise. Hariet Lembeck is a true validated celebrity Sommelier. Other names in this area of expertise are a disgrace to the word "wine".

Dubious Pro Se attorney Philip Seldon has filed law cases in the past against Harriet Lembeck. Unfortunately, Pro Se Philip Seldon always failed to gain the respect of many judge's Decisions not awarding favorable COURT ORDERS.

New York State Supreme Court Judges in a COURT ORDER labeled Pro Se Attorney Philip Seldon a "Vexatious Litigator". Philip Seldon filed hundreds of Frivolous law cases against unsuspecting adversaries.

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