  • Report:  #1055658

Complaint Review: David De Paul - Toccoca Georgia

Reported By:
Flagship Media - shelby, Michigan,

David De Paul
Toccoca, Georgia, USA
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 Grand Magister Blackwood answers the Brotherhood of Satan Lie Festival This information provided as commentary. Is the Brotherhood of Satan (BOS) just a website or egroup? No! The BOS is first and foremost an offline organization, which was chartered as a new semi-public portion of a much older secret society simply called the brotherhood. We leverage and utilize today's internet technologies to connect and network with our members, other Satanists and Left Hand Path Occultists from around the world. We have regularly scheduled Gatherings, Rituals, Meetings held throughout the country for our Members. We also hold several annual major Festivals which we cordially invite non-members to attend. COMMENTARY: The Brotherhood of Satan is not a legal Church and without validity as an actual Church I would say how well are they representing Satan? One failed festival after another, and allegations of Criminal Actions including Sexual Assault have all been reported by previous membership. What is the BOS perspective on sacrifice of animals and children? The BOS does not condone animal or human sacrifice, many of our members are animal and human rights activists and some are even advocates for children and adults. We acknowledge in traditional Satanism sacrifice exists, however today that sacrifice consists of a few drops of your own blood if you choose to make a covenant with Satanas and the BOS. COMMENTARY: As a Theistic Satanist for over twenty five years and a real ordained reverend, I can tell you that I used sacrificial rites in the past but after careful historical research I have long abandoned such activities as they are not a positive or historically accurate practice in Satanism. What is the BOS position on a person's sexuality? The BOS welcomes people of any sexual orientation and feel what consenting adults do between themselves in the privacy of their own bedrooms is their own business. COMMENTARY: It is a known fact, by personal friends and interviews in the past that David De Paul has expressed his overall dislike for gay and lesbians, he however has welcomed them in the past, however this action was to increase his base of sexual ritual participants there are also allegations that have surfaced regarding Criminal Sexual Abuse. Why does the BOS charge a $106.66 one time lifetime registration fee? There are actually several reasons for this fee: 1). The BOS as a real offline Satanic organization does have real offline expenses to continue the existance and growth of the organization. 2). This fee helps to separate the serious seeker from the curious. 3). The price was chosen to be at such a low reasonable, and Satanic rate as we did not want to exclude anyone from membership. Due to these times of economic challenges it was set so anyone could come up with the funds within a short period of time if it was their will to do so. The value received over a lifetime of membership is easily one hundred times what we charge. COMMENTARY: The Brotherhood of Satan located in Georgia is ran by a convicted criminal David De Paul who was charged with delivery of drugs, and has been known to sell as interviews with neighbors have revealed, David has also traveled to members and used sophisticated con artist tactics to bilk unsuspecting membership out of further fees and meeting fees above and beyond standard membership. I also wonder what is a SATANIC RATE and how is that interpreted and established by someone like David who has very little occult knowledge (something he admitted to several former members). What is a real Satanist? A real Satanist, is a person whom is a Satanist who follows their own free will, and respects others to allow them to follow their own free will. We as Brotherhood Satanist believe it is Satan's will that we each have the free will to make our own informed decisions as responsible human beings. COMMENTARY: David DePaul enjoys a “con game” which he portrays himself as a leader, when in fact he has barely ever been employed and is a convicted criminal, as we have investigated his past we find nothing shows any example of leadership and most of his teachings are taken from Freemasonry which has nothing to do with Satanism, while Occult Secrets are present in Freemasonry they are linked to historical facts that are NOT SECRET. What is the BOS perspective on "the devil made me do it!" This is complete and utter nonsense! Satan empowers people to follow their own free will and does not force anyone to do anything. It is our suggestion that people who make this claim, should seriously seek mental health assistance from professionals and learn about self accountability! COMMENTARY: I would agree on this fact, but one must live as an example to provide judgment. Does the BOS recruit new members? Because we believe someone must follow their own free will, we do not try to convince, convert or coerce anyone to join or do anything that is against their own free will! If people wish to learn about the BOS all they need do is ask. COMMENTARY: This statement can be challenged as one of the other founders of the Brotherhood of Satan has been active in contacting previous membership offering FAUX titles and positions in a NON CHURCH running a form of title trade, it is also known that the co founder has traded titles for sexual favors. Does the BOS bestow titles upon people, willy nilly? While the BOS does bestow titles upon members, however as all our clergy can all attest to, this is only after dedicated studies, proven testing and being found worthy over an extended period of time. This is in keeping with the ancient Brotherhoods traditions and landmarks. COMMENTARY : The former membership director, who joined my LEGAL CHURCH explained things very different as she was offered a title for sexual favors, and David De Paul gives away titles to those he feels are loyal despite his organization NOT BEING LEGAL, so such titles are inventions, and hold ZERO relevance to those in the REAL SATANIC COMMUNITY! Is Satanism an inversion of christianity? This is an often asked question, the answer is simply no. The reason being is that the Brotherhood as well as other Demonic cultures, cults, and pagan cultures existed long before xtianity existed. We had our beliefs prior to the first formation of the christian church, hence we have no need to change or invert them. We do not even acknowledge the christian church, faith or bible except for the atrocities they have committed against mankind. COMMENTARY: This is true as a REAL SATANIST knows that Satan comes from Mesopotamia but it does not connect to Templars or Freemasonry directly something David De Paul fails to understand, I personally have not ever seen any documents that David has wrote himself, most of the site he is using was designed and written by people who were less than knowledgeable as evident to my rebuttals here. Does the BOS view Satan as an entity or an archetype or energy? The BOS is a Generational, Traditional, Theistic Satanic Organization, as such we do believe Satan is an entity, as taught to us by our ancestors. We however feel it is ones Satanic right to believe in Satan however they wish as a member at large. COMMENTARY: The founder claims to have connections to Knights of Templar (fake claim) and Freemasonry (also a false claim) he was exposed in front of actual Freemasons and was embarrassed running off without answering questions posed, I would ask as an actual ordained reverend to Satan why does my projects including a LEGAL CHURCH keep themselves direction as Theistic? Will I become Wealthy, Powerful or Famous by Joining the BOS? The BOS is a Generational, Traditional, Theistic Satanic Organization, as such we do believe Satan is capable of anything in our Lives. We Also believe that the universe is one of abundance and plenty. However We make No guarantees of Income, Power or fame!! Those things while possible, require action on the part of the individual and legally will never be guaranteed. We are only offering you, Truths and Knowledge which are form of wealth, but not what most come to us seeking. Can I Sell my Soul to Satan? This is a frequently asked question. The Short answer is Yes. COMMENTARY: This is a dangerous claim, as it can be used by the founder David as a wedge to control membership and recall in the past there have been many females who have left because they refused to serve as an altar and or have sex with David or his co-founder, which is sexual extortion. THE TRUTH www.voiceoftheisticsatanism.com

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1 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Citation of Identity?

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 26, 2020

I see that it has been many years since complaints were filed against David DePaul, but I am still disturbed by what I read.

As I read, my brain alerted me to a potential flaw regarding the accusations made against David DePaul.

Although his identity was brought into question, there was a suggestion of some kind of background check which supposedly reported that Mr. DePaul is a known criminal, and some serious allegations were made.

Understand? You say you checked up on Mr. DePaul. But for some reason, you question if that is his real name.

So therefore any information gathered using that name is highly questionable. Today's law lesson.

Oh! By the way, I know the real David DePaul and have known him since the early 1970s. So if anybody out there has any validated information on this person, by all means, feel free to post in the rip-off report. Up to you to figure out if this is him or not.

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