  • Report:  #68552

Complaint Review: Dell Computer - Round Rock Texas

Reported By:
- Mansfield, Texas,

Dell Computer
One Dell Way Round Rock, 78682 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Our Company purchased (4) Dell Computers several months ago and we have recently reported a warranty issue on 9/25/03 which we were promised a technician to visit our business since we purchased an extended in-house warranty for our computers.

We have made numerous phone calls and to date (10/8/03)

we have had no one show up to repair or replace our computer as stated in our written warranty. The last complaint we had took us over 100 hours of phone calls and written complaints on various websites to get it satisfactorily handled.

I would not recommend Dell Computers at this point in my experiences.


Mansfield, Texas

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