  • Report:  #67732

Complaint Review: Direct Long Distance Direct One - Beverly Hills California

Reported By:
- Carrboro, North Carolina,

Direct Long Distance Direct One
9663 Santa Monica Blvd #124 Beverly Hills, 90210-4303 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Similar to ALL the other complaints on this website...

The week of 9/1/03 I received a call from Direct Long Distance offering a free 5000 minute phone card as a 30 day 'risk free trial'. The telemarketer already had my name, address and phone number. She said I would be charged NOTHING for the trial. I verified that I ONLY agreed to a FREE card and there would be NO charges.

Two weeks later, I received a welcome letter' from them. To my surprise, my September Visa statement showed a $63.96 charge by Direct Long Distance on 9/3. When I called Visa, another $63.96 was charged 2 weeks later. I cancelled my credit card immediately. I tried calling Direct Long Distance to cancel my risk-free trial' and obtain a refund for unauthorized charges, and found that all phone numbers (1-800-665-5276 & 650-426-8200 per Visa) are unavailable. I'm filling out fraud and police reports. I NEVER gave Direct Long Distance my Visa number or authorization to use it.

To bad that not many people would think to look up the company until they've been duped.


Carrboro, North Carolina

1 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,
Phone call update ..for those suffering the same frustrations....

#2Author of original report

Mon, September 29, 2003

Just wanted to update you - for those suffering the same frustrations.... I did get through on the customer service line to a woman who talked circularly for about 20 minutes. The whole thing is quite obviously a scam, and she answered none of my questions directly. Supposedly my 'account' (that I never really signed up for) is now closed and they won't be putting any more charges through. Of course, they can't put any more charges through because I cancelled my credit card. SO, in her words, I have to work out "Special Arrangements" with my credit card company to get a refund. What this entails is the following - Report the charges to my Visa as fraudulent and fill out the necessary paperwork. At that point, Visa will not hold me responsible and can choose whether or not to attempt to collect the money from Direct Long Distance. Unfortunately, this more often than not probably results in Direct Long Distance keeping their money, because Visa may not decide to pursue my fraud charges, as they're less than $200. Anyway, just as importantly, I am researching how exactly Direct Long Distance got my information. Thus far, I have determined that is probably 95% likely that they got it from my purchase of the Handi-Stitch. However, the trickery here is that I don't know who did it - HandiStitch, IdeaVillage, or the 'teleservice' company who takes the orders over the phone. But, I'm currently on a path to talk to a woman at corporate headquarters of IdeaVillage to get this figured out. Will update when/if I figure anything out. Just for kicks, if you'd like to laugh at excerpts from my conversation with Direct Long Distance, the situation goes like this (taken from an e-mail I sent to a friend).... I was on their 800 number for about 20 minutes, and the woman totally talked in circles - obviously they do this all the time. I posed questions such as "How does it feel to work for a company with no morales and completely fraudulent sales tactics?" and "Give me a yes or no answer - is it or is it not illegal to share credit card information?". They never answered any of my questions, but rather kept repeating the same sentences, regardless of my frustration. Supposedly now my 'account' is cancelled. And they'll be issuing a refund. Of course, they CAN'T issue a refund because I cancelled my credit card, which I pointed out numerous times. So, I told them I'd like a check (knowingly full well that will NEVER happen, despite my references to my reports filed with the Better Business Bureau, Rip Off Reports, Federal Trade Commission, and Federal Communications Commission). They "don't accept payments by check". And I said "Yes, I realize that. Instead you take them fraudulently through credit card information you've stolen. I'm not asking about payments. I want a refund per check". It then turned into this circular conversation where I laughed at this woman for sucking so bad. So then I said, "You know, I'd like to speak with someone who CAN issue a check." And she said "I'm sorry. I'm the only person working this shift.". And I said, "Oh really, what's that talking I hear in the background?" And she said "Oh, that is another department - Accounting". And I said "Fabulous! I work in Accounting too, and I KNOW they can issue checks." And to that she said, "Oh, I'm so sorry ma'am. They're very busy". It was seriously amazing. SO basically, they charge you the money and you report it fraudulent to your bank/credit card. Then, the individual (me) is not held responsible, and the bank/Visa may or may not go after Direct Long Distance. Even if the credit card does get the money back, Direct Long Distance STILL has had the money earning interest for a few months before the refund it (if ever). SO, I told that (my theory) to the woman. I said, "So - let me get this straight - is this what happens?". She said "oh, Okay ma'am, okay". It was incredibly frustrating, but at least I was completely prepared for it and not expecting to get anywhere. And I didn't, except that now I've 'technically' cancelled my account and even though it didn't do any good, I vented. I will be sending Visa ALL the info, as well as a synopsis of my conversation, especially about the "special arrangements" that will be made with Visa in order to get the money refunded. HIGHLY unlikely. Unbelievable.

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