  • Report:  #67790

Complaint Review: Direct One Communications - Beverly Hills California

Reported By:
- Overbrook, Kansas,

Direct One Communications
9663 Santa Monica Beverly Hills, 90210-4303 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Well, I am another victim of Direct One, My story is the same as others have reported. They stole my debit visa account number, billed my card twice for 61.02 each time, lie to me when I call them. I have called at least 15 times. Won't let me talk to a supervisor, put me on hold for as long as 20 min. Have hung up on me, have told me they are working on my problem and yada yada yada. This all happened on June 24th and here it is Sept.29th. Still nothing.

I have filed commplaints with the Better Business B. A consumer website and now here. Hope someone somewhere can get somthing done. I am out more that what they took from me, I allso had 2 overdraft charges at 22.50 each. I am so upset about this! This is totally wrong!!!!!


Overbrook, Kansas

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